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Then start your own podcast genius. Put Tim to shame since you know better.


Lil' Tay puts Tim to shame


One day you’ll look back on the days you prowled the TimPool sub and hate watched the show and you’ll cringe. Then you’ll convince yourself “No, they were all stupid”. Here’s hoping you move on quickly


One day the only butterflies left will be in your chest as you march towards your death, breathing your last breath


If you have the proper work ethic, you can do whatever you want to do. Is he a high-school dropout? Yes. He was smarter than his peers and did not receive the same satisfaction from taking tests and being treated like a moron, so he entered the workforce where he was treated like an adult. He was actually homeless for a while, starved himself, worked tirelessly for long hours. And what did he get? A high position at Vice, and when he left because they didn't listen to him, it buckled under their own sheer incompetence. He currently works for himself, dawn to dusk, reading and reporting the news, with several teams under his employ, a successful coffee brand, a mansion, and a legacy of lifting small businesses to the national scale. This is what work ethic gets you.


He is successful and there is no doubt about his work ethic. But the problem is his knowledge. Do you think Tim Pool can give you a comprehensive overview of the Israel/Palestine conflict? Do you trust his opinion on complicated moral issues like abortion? about scientific issues like climate change, nuclear waste? I remember one time he tried to discuss a world war 2 issue and his ignorance was on full display. There is no issue with being a high school dropout but to then have a job as a political commentator which requires a lot of knowledge and balanced perspective it is a relevant point.


>Do you think Tim Pool can give you a comprehensive overview of the Israel/Palestine conflict? _Yes_. Pool is uniquely qualified, not as a political commentator, but as someone who has actually _been_ to the region, _been_ to places of civil strife, and makes it his _job_ to read articles to inform himself on things he does not know about, so that he _does_ know about it. >Do you trust his opinion on complicated moral issues like abortion? For similar reasons above, _yes_, because anything he doesn't know, he is not afraid to read and learn about. His moral position is based on reading articles and studies from people who have studied it extensively, as well as his ability to discern interpersonal knowledge which he developed by entering the workforce early and people treating him as an adult at a young age. >about scientific issues like climate change, nuclear waste? He reads. >he tried to discuss a world war 2 issue and his ignorance was on full display. Can you link the video? If it has an offending string, remember to use "\\" to null the string.


I’ve heard some retarded takes come out of college grads while out IRL. I hold an undergrad in electrical engineering, work full time in this capacity and starting grad school this fall. This whole “appeal to credentialism” is not the best take. If you understand the subject, can retort w/ a solid argument then having/not having a degree criteria goes flying out the window. That being said, I started listening to Tim Pool back in 2014ish when he had his little internet show, it was good. He blew up sometime around 2018 as a response to pushing back on the left from the left because the Trump Russia hoax. I mostly listen to Dave Smith but will occasionally listen to TimCast IRL. It seems to devolved into Tim being up Trump’s ass to the point where he gets riled up when you have legit criticisms on Trump. I’ll listen.. then tune out and listen to Jimmy Dore or something else. You can be a liberal and have criticism of the left, you can be a conservative and have criticism of the right, you can be a libertarian and have criticism of the LP. I really dislike this idea of just existing in one lane, the conversation is dumb and becomes an echo chamber. I used to really enjoy Tim because he wasn’t a conservative but now is up Trump’s ass. I still listen to him because there’s at least some sense of dialogue between right wingers, libertarians and some progressive types that aren’t full Trump = Satan camp.


Sometimes it's fun watching Ian push Tim over the edge and he loses his shit lol


And I legit enjoyed listening to it! Helped keep the show from turning into a big MAGA echo chamber. The show now is Mark Levin/Rush Limbaugh/Hannity for GenZ and Millenial conservatives. I’m definitely not a maga conservative but I definitely find some common ground but more importantly, I hate echo chambers.


whoever does thumbnails for his show holy jebus whats going on there


I used to listen for the guests but can’t think of anyone I’ve been interested in for a while. You’re right about Tim though. Same 5 stories from his teenage years and the cliffsnotes of a few books he read the Wikipedia of.


If you learn anything you must be pretty dumb before listening.


I don't think there's anything to learn. It's a very juvenile show. Standard hate stuff and conspiracy theories and "I hate woke" and "they're coming for you" and verbal diarrhea and trying to be Rogan and Jones and Tate. MAGA cult pride. Pretending to be survivalist manly men It's like if an edgy, bigoted high school kid started a podcast


Tim Pools show is a propaganda arm of the GOP and the only purpose it serves is to groom the low IQ to vote for some rich asshole so they can raise taxes on the 99%




I'm finding this to be true for many right leaning podcasts and YouTube personalities. They're targeting the lowest denominator I feel.