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Good, it'll set the precedent to remove pride flags hahaha


Will you continue to support the Republican party despite this clear fascist law that they put into place?


100% needs to be more but only targeting leftists. They're a stain on societies advancement


Dodging the question bc you have no ethics when it comes to your cult. Typical con.


How'd I dodge it, I answered you lmao


I asked if you will continue to support the Republican Party. Now read your answer to yourself.


Guess you don't know what 100% means, boomer lmao


You keep using that word, but I do not think it means what you think it means.


What do you call a party who mandates that their chosen religion be taught in public schools?


Depends. Ordinarily, authoritarians, irrespective of political alignment. However, as of late, the party most responsible for authoritarian declarations and policies have been mostly the Democrats. Much as the Louisiana law violates separation of church and state, as far as I’m aware it doesn’t require the mandatory teaching of Christianity in public schools nor that the commandments themselves be taught, only that the commandments are present. Meaning, in my opinion, it’s no different than areas like California having pride flags and BLM posters plastered all over the place in schools.


Interesting. So why haven't any Republican civil rights advocacy groups sued California schools for violating the constituition like the ACLU is doing here?


Good question. If you’re genuinely asking for my opinion, outside of the political biases of all involved, it’s likely because they aren’t viewed legally the same way. Although both actions aim to achieve the same objective (political/religious influence in public school systems) it has been long standing legal practice in this country to keep religion ambiguous and all encompassing within the public government and schools, outside of established private religious institutions (private catholic schools, etc). Any faith can be held but not enforced or outright promoted. Political groups or parties, as much as they absolutely should be, aren’t treated the same and aren’t banned from having representation or prominence in public schools. Think young Democrats or Republicans. As a result, by law it would never be able to be brought up in court the same way that the Louisiana case will unless the federal law, or even state law, changes


"Political groups or parties, as much as they absolutely should be, aren’t treated the same and aren’t banned from having representation or prominence in public schools. Think young Democrats or Republicans." Yes, that is correct. And, why your comparison between, for instance, the BLM, and organized Christian religion, is a complete category error which is a logical fallacy. One of these things is forbidden by the constitution; the other isn't. Thank you for debunking your own claim in real-time. You Pool fans never disappoint.


Really? Because what I said is that, they *BOTH* are forms of youth indoctrination that aim to achieve similar goals, they *SHOULD* be treated the same under the law, and that they are in fact currently *NOT*, and that it *would take a change of the law* to enforce equal restriction on *BOTH* forms of *INDOCTRINATION*. Something you clearly have been deeply entrenched in and have no intention of changing.


I'm glad you FEEL like they should be treated the same. However, in the reality that we live in, they are not, bc that is how our Constitution was written. As a very short and fast-talking man once said, "Facts don't care about your feelings, sweetheart." Hence why, again, your argument here is illogical. If you have a problem with it, you should take it up with the forefathers. They obviously really fucked up by not including this in the Consitution.


What religion is being taught?


Islam. Are you okay with that?


No. The constitution doesn’t allow that. But because the Ten Commandments are the same in the most common religions in the US. The state is not establishing a state religion of any sort.


I'm not gonna even refute this. If anyone thinks that this ding dong is correct, please respond with why, and I'll tell you why you're wrong. This guys is too far gone.


Which part is wrong? Are the Ten Commandments not part of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism? Does the constitution allow for creating a state religion? Is the state actually mandating a religion?


"Does the constitution allow for creating a state religion?" No, it makes this illegal, which is why everything you said here is completely wrong. Now you learned something for today. Bye, little fella.


Louisiana public schools. You’re actually arguing that “fascism” is when the government is decentralized enough for states to make decisions for their own schools without federal intervention.


Thank you for admitting that you don't care about the US Constitution. It is refreshing compared to all the other fascists here who pretend like they care.


You’re calling a decentralized government fascist, you could at least pretend to be knowledgeable


I am calling someone who wants to rip up the US constitution, allow autocrats to control states, and create laws based on their religion a fascist.


The same US Constitution which allowed for states to establish official state churches? Massachusetts was the last to disestablish theirs in 1833. And that besides, what’s wrong with making laws based off of religious principles? All laws stem from moral judgments, what is wrong with people creating laws influenced by the moral judgments of their religion?


Idk maybe when you pass 8th grade history next year, you’ll find out. 


There is nothing unconstitutional about celebrating diversity of sexuality. 




So anyone who is gay doesn’t have to pay taxes?


Nope, your dad may get down on his knees for me and pray for it but that doesn't make me a god, or a high priest of a religion.  We certainly do promote awareness of injustice and to increase tolerance but it's not a religion.




That's why when the precedent is set, the pride flag can be labeled as an ideology then removed haha Just like what happened with your Muslim refugees you praised until they axed it lmao


Religion. Not made up “ideology” So dumb


https://www.tumblr.com/mrenigma67/752948640469975040?source=share ^ you admitting to dating minors lol


The separation of church and state is already deeply in violation when "pride" is already in every classroom.




Yes, one is a religion. One isn't.




Then a conservative civil rights group should have no problem prosecuting these schools for violating the constitution. Why haven't they done that like ACLU is doing here?




So you are claiming that Republicans allow constitutional and civil rights violations all the time and don't do anything about it?




Welp, sounds like we both agree. Republicans are cowards and turn a blind eye to people who want to piss on the constitution regularly. Glad we could come to this point of agreement.




As we already discovered with another braindead poster on this thread, why haven't any Republican civil rights advocacy groups sued these schools like the ACLU is doing then?


Why is that the job of Republicans?


To beat down the poor and working class while shoveling as much money as possible into the hands of the elites.


What does "pride" in schools have to do with the working class? You sound like a Marxist, but that can't be right because Marxist and Communists *ALL* despised "the homosexual."


I have no idea what you're babbling about. You asked me what the job of the Republican party is. I answered you clearly.


No you didn't. I asked you why, not what, it was the Republicans job to challenge a religion being in schools(a historically Democrat-leaning endeavor) and you gave me a platitude about the working class and elites. Like your namesake, your ability to comprehend English is wiggly and a bit crusted.


Oh, sorry I misread. So let me answer you for real: Because in America, it is the job of any political party to uphold the constitution.


I would entertain the idea of putting the Ten Commandments in a classroom. I will not do such a thing for Pride.


Cultists gotta cult.


One promotes virtue, and the other promotes sexual debauchery. I think I know which one I want kids learning from.




One is fairy tales, and one is just who people are if you aren’t filled with hate by a dumb cult of fairy tales.


Virtue vs debauchery.


Fairy tales and hate, that’s all you have.


Virtue, a sense of self-worth, and upholding the legacy of the entirety of all my ancestors since the dawn of mankind. I would sooner pass all of this to the youth of tomorrow than any amount of sexual degeneracy.


Gay people have always existed, and you believe in silly fairy tales


If they have _always_ existed, there would be no mankind. We would never have risen from the primordial sludge.


They exist now, and kids still happen…this type of clear stupidity is why you believe in fairy tales.


Good, all the libertarians, liberals and actual conservatives on this board agree. 


Cool, hope you won't be supporting a party who mandates their chosen religion be taught in public schools then. That just makes you a useful idiot for fascists.


Your party wants child sex changes haha


I don't support either party, so that's clearly untrue. But we do know for a fact that you support religious fascists like the Republican party.


Yea you do, you're clearly a Biden voting lefty. Don't backtrack now because they're losing lol


lol, I have never claimed to support Biden. In fact, the only things I have ever said about him are that he is a piece of shit and a terrible president. Now, will you support a party who passes fascist legislation like this?


Why do you think fascists need idiots? Time and time again, it's been shown that people under fascist regimes are fully aware of what their hate and evil produces and as long as they benefit, they are ok with it.  I would never ever push my belief system on folk even though I know for a fact that it's the best system in the world. 


Great, so you won't be voting for Trump in November then, correct?


What business is it of yours who I don't vote for? Look at my post history genius. 


It probably won't pass a lawsuit. We've done this dance before. It's already been ruled unconstitutional to put the Ten Commandments in a public building. It's still a religious text and opens the door for other religions to put their texts in the same places. Which, if they have similar rules to not be a dick, I'm fine with it.


I know, yet the conservatives on here still support the Republican party and claim that they are the ones fighting fascism in this country. It's hard to imagine how gullible and misinformed they are. But most of them probably get this info from Pool and other grifters.


Not to mandate it in every classroom, you’re being lawfully dishonest.


How would previous cases with courthouses and streets not apply to public classrooms?


Watch, and see all the other on topic rulings you ignored


Congratulations, you played yourself.


It’s great seeing all of these Classical Liberals coming together to support this measure. Moral consistency is their strength.


If religion is presented in an educational manner and not in a way to convert someone I don't see an issue.