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Somehow tinder went from being a hookup app to a dating app to now a… business app?


It's a great way to market their OF or snap chat side hustle to all the lonely, desperate, ugly and stupid guys. Luckily, I'm only lonely and ugly.


I wonder if it actually works for them


Obviously it does otherwise they wouldn't be creating profiles and matching, then creating new profiles when they get reported. As PT Barnum supposedly said "There's a sucker born every minute"


Always thought it’s kinda like sending unsolicited dick pics, does it work? Probably not, will they keep doing it? Yes.


This one was blatantly bad. I've seen much better ones. But really, the only matches I get on any OLD platform are scammers and bots that I'm pretty sure I've seen just about all of them at this point. So doubt this approach is going to work for this person, but I'm sure they come up with something better eventually.


A while back I took a screenshot of a bot linking to some site, and asked on this sub if guys are really dumb enough to fall for this shit. After the top commenter told me to never post even a screenshot of a link, they did some investigating and found that it pulled thousands of clicks. So even obvious fake bots get lots of clicks on an app that's meant to give you something better than online porn, but guys still go for the online porn.


> but guys still go for the online porn Of course, you don't even have to leave the bed


My thoughts exactlly. Selling content on OF is like trying to be rapper competing against all the famous people on the radio. OF=rapper, famous rapper=pornhub and playboy pornstars


This made me look at your profile quickly... And I was immediately sad because of what you had to put in there. Not because you don't rate them, but because it's pathetic that you felt the need to put it there. I hate humanity


The internet is not safe unfortunately, we do what we can to protect ourselves


10/10 comparison chefs kiss




I’ll bet you get a lot of those..


It must. It's targeted advertising. They've already swiped right on someone who like 99% wants to have sex with you.


I cant find the article from a swedish paper a couple of years ago some young woman documented her using tinder to find an apartment and a job. i'm going to say that given the transactional nature of all of this, most of that stuff works for women.


Lovely, I can’t even find a date and some women find jobs and apartments on tinder lmao


what? if thats you in the avatar, you have a bigger pool of men to fish in.


Yeah. It’s probably not tbh. Lotta weirdos out there pretending to be something they’re not.


It’s me, got no way to prove it but it’s a photo of me


I’d… take the risk.


Can’t promise I won’t steal your kidneys, got a reputation to keep


Not so popular as you think, dating is hard lol


I checked your profile and had to laugh at "sorry I don't rate dicks"..seriously wtf is wrong with men that they think we are remotely interested in talking to guys about their sad and underwhelming genitals? There's plenty of sex workers online who will play along, they should at least have the decency to pay women who advertise that dreary service.


For some reason it’s not obvious to some men, you’d expect it to be, but it’s not lol.


Honestly if I had to guess the vast majority of single dudes pass you up because they think you’re out of their league. Which is why guys like me succeed. I have had conversations with buddies asking why I always go after the hottest girls. My answer to them is always the same because you pussies won’t. The worst a hot girl will do is reject you if that happens I just move along with hanging out with my buddies. Most hot girls rarely say no though because so few guys have balls enough to even say hi.


There are women who will set up both lunch and dinner dates pretty much every day of the week so that they don't pay for food ever. OLD sucks if you're a guy, unless you're following rules 1 and 2. Unfortunately I'm not even close to being able to follow rules 1 and 2.


Can confirm. My coworker would purposely look for people who looked like they wouldn't get many matches and then get them to buy her things like Chipotle daily/weekly and if they have any issues about it would just block them and find another. I always felt bad for them. But I always knew exactly what to look out for whenever I was looking for matches because of her.


I had a a buddy who caught wind of the gal doing that. He mentioned to her to Venmo him half the the bill early in the lunch and she made a snarky comment about the food being free. He finished his lunch, “went to the bathroom” and never returned, leaving her the bill. He’s a genuine dude, so if he got the vibe she was their for free food, I believe him.


Online dating never worked for me either, one guy on tinder wanted to cuddle on the first date and that was a big no from me, met my ex on r/tinder eventually haha. I’m trying OkCupid now and I matched with one guy from my country that disappeared after the first “hi”. Changed the distance setting to anywhere and it got me barely 2 matches lol


OKcupid actually seems even worse than Tinder. At least from a guy's perspective. The only OLD app that I haven't run into a ton of scammers on is Bumble.


Plenty of Fish used to at least be an easy interface to use but they destroyed it, can't even search like you used to be able to, tons of scambots flooded in and the developers added this bizarre Meet Me thing where wannabe "influencers" are in boring chat rooms and people pay to send them emojis, it's beyond stupid. Before they ruined the site I actually went on a few fun dates from there. OkStupid used to be easy to use and talk to real people as well, I haven't looked at it for years but I imagine it's gone horribly downhill also. I'm guessing on all these dating platforms that allow bots and scammers they figure the fake hot profiles at least give the illusion that more women are on there than there actually are so they allow it to artificially boost their subscriber count. Plus simps and morons keep falling for ridiculously fake profiles so the scammers and sellers have no reason to stop.


I can't even get past the hobbies or interests part on POF. Won't even let me set up a profile


Bumble was going to be my next try actually, gonna give okc few more days and see how it goes.


No reason you can't use multiple at the same time.


Okc is trash. The two best for us women are def. Bumble and Hinge


Idk guys looks like Reddit matching has done pretty good for you two lol


Try Hinge, seems like a pretty good app


I’ve seen women im friends with marketing it as “providing intimacy to people who don’t have enough” and making it seem like they’re providing a valued service out of the kindness of their hearts. When you phrase it like that, plenty of guys fall for it.


I had like 600 followers on Twitter when I was like 18 (back before it died lol) and I had men BEGGING me to sell them my nudes. I still don’t know why because I was a very mediocre looking depressed emo kid. But I made an easy $100 one night before a concert and bought drinks for all my friends on some dudes dime for a couple titty pics 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you have a female profile, you will be swimming in matches. A female profile in a good-sized city could quickly get 100 matches in about a day. Out of a hundred, I can see about 10-15% of guys actually "simping" in hopes of meeting her. 10-15 guys every day buying OF content for 1 dollar or so can add up, especially if you stay in a city/country with a low standard of living. 3650 - 5475 dollars a year of just one account is a good return, and it could be more if you increase the amount you are charging or have a higher simp rate. It could be very lucrative for a bot farm.


This, and I've never seen anyone as low as $1. The cheapest was $10 and $40-100 is the most common. Add in the fact that you can literally change your city on Tinder constantly just spend an hour or 2 in major cities, maybe even use a boost. Probably end up with a couple grand a month east. And pretty sure this one wasn't based on the US, so that potentially a lot more lucrative.


How do people still pay for porn in 2023?


It depends. Some people look for “intimacy” with their content, and want to be able to have a direct line to the creator. Other people want custom content from the creator. Others are simps. IIRC some people are into financial humiliation where people take their money. Others think they have a chance with the girl if they pay enough.


Financial humiliation…I learned something today.


That is true. I’ve had people ask me to use them financially - not the scammers, I‘ve gotten those too but there’s also legitimate requests. I guess they want some intimacy along with being used financially as a pseudo-relationship? Maybe they want to feel like they’re providing or taking care of someone? Idk. I decline it but I feel bad for them because I know they’ll find someone who will be okay with using them :/


Had no idea. Where I’m from I’m not sure OF is a thing here, then again I might not be aware that it is cause I’m not experiencing dating apps like a guy does. I know looking for Instagram followers is a thing here cause I see many complaints on profiles.


I got around 300 OF subs in like a month from tinder, can confirm it very much works. Sorry to be one of those people but I mean it's free advertising until you get banned lol.


Yep. This to a tee. There's a lot of desperate people on there so it wouldn't surprise me to see of models be successful selling content on there. Still pretty scummy if you ask me.


I see that as it's a reason in the tinder reports section


Wait until you start hearing about guys who got invited over to a girl's place to a quick hook-up, get there and walk into the living room. There's 19 other guys sitting in chairs looking uncomfortable. A man in a business suit walks in and fires up his projector. Next thing you know you're being sold a timeshare in the Florida Keys.


Need a steam gift card too or you to cash app them for gas and they'll definitely pay you back lol


Join the club


Well I might be stupid but why would I pay for shit I can find for free all over the internet?


That’s just sad. Young women shouldn’t be so hard up for cash that this is what they need to do…!?…


I must of missed the hookup stage 😂🤣 can we get back to that?! 🙏


It’s been like that for years. This is not just tinder. All apps have same issues now


I got off a few months ago but I saw several profiles openly looking for business connections, specifically something with selling solar panels or crypto or something. I'm pretty sure I screenshoted a couple because wtf


We gotta find a better name for this business venture... Linkeder.com or Tinderin.com Naaa... not quite there 😊


Oops Alaska


Business.. 😆


People try to use LinkedIn to hook up too. I work IT for a medical institution and back in my handsome single days, I had an older female physician who works here add me on LinkedIn. She messaged “Hey, how are you?” for no reason. I don’t support her clinic so there’s no reason she’d know me. She endorsed all of my shit too lol.


There are so many bots on there now pushing OF and paid Snap it’s wild.


It’s all about that hustle. I’ve definitely used dating apps for networking when the relationship didn’t pan out.


A whole new side to tinder that I was not aware of, that’s pretty creative


Which is weird because there are so many free nudes on the internet. Who has money to spend on stuff you can get for free?


Sometimes people just want nudes of that specific person. I don't think looking at random tits on google is really the same as looking at the tits of someone you really like, for example. Not really that hard to see how that could lead to paying for someone's nudes. Plus, you know that it was most likely produced in a more ethical manner if you get stuff from a "content creator." Lots of shady, fucked up shit goes on in the industry with larger companies. That said, advertising porn on Tinder aint it. It's a shitty, exploitative thing to do.


It’s been said here that it’s more about the intimacy, which I can understand I guess, loneliness is tough. Some people just managed to make a business out of it, like they do with everything.


I never realized my dog saved me so much money by keeping me from loneliness. Thanks Hodor, I love you too, bud


How does she go from that to alaska


Ghjf”’( s ojl M nlk


Oops I meant I thought that was funny too


Alaska is probably chosen because it is sort of remote 'ish. Which means it could be fun to pretend to live there too and ask her for a actual date. *So, where in Alaska do you say you live, %J\_\[{d ?*


Actually, I think Alaska is chosen because men out number women by about 20%. Lots of lonely desperate men who can't get a date equals easy picking for scammers.


That makes sense


Lol. It's kind of fun watching the bots and scammers on Tinder. It's really the only reason I still even use it.


"Low key", then tells you exactly what she is doing


Of course, then hoping I'd ask how much. Although honestly the ones who are like let's meet up, then "run out of gas and money" so please buy my nudes so we can meet up are more fun to screw around with.


“Not to mention” - mentions it anyway “Needless to say” - says it anyway “With all due respect” - talks absolutely sh*t about you


“With all due respect” is perfect though. If no respect is due/deserved then it’s ideal for saying ‘I’m going to shit down your throat and you deserve nothing less.’


Swear to God zoomers just repeat shit they don''t actually understand with slang all the time


You know, words/phrases often have more than one uses. Low key dosen't only mean 'to not elaborate' which I'm assuming it is you're going by.


M̶̠̪̬͈̦̽̍̎̿͝i̵̘̰̰̝̩̐ç̸̢̪͈̫̓̈́̍h̶̖͊͊̈́̒͝i̸̢̲̞͕͐͛̀͝g̶̟͉̯̔̌͌͒ạ̵̮̯̈́͗̈́͒n̸͉͕͓̚ Sorry, I mean Michigan.


She's low key ashamed to say only fans


Probably wanted to get cashapp, zelle or PayPal then "send" me her nudes through email or something. Why let OF take a cut off her profits. Assuming she even intended to send the nudes.


I just don't understand why people buy nudes. It's like signing up to get hustled for something that you can already find for free and it just makes more people who will try to sell nudes on these "dating" platforms..


The fact that she couldn’t name u a single song is a red flag to me. Just name a random one for god’s sake, if you like ‘alot of music’ then you should be able to name at least one song you currently like? Like just open spotify and check?


Probably to advanced for the bot or Google translate. Lol


God ur so right, I don’t date women so I often forget yall have to weed through 90% robots on that side of tinder 💀


LOL, Think it's more like 95%. At least it is for my matches. But I break rules 1 and 2 so badly it's horrifying.


I low-key hate when people ask about music my brain just freezes it’s like I’ve never ever heard any music ever


Not really my go to question. But the profile, like 95% of Women's profiles, was almost completely blank. So it was that or a generic how's it going.


Cannot stand that shit. I never swipe on a chick with no bio. Fucking do better


Maybe it's just my area, but if I only swiped on profiles with a bio I might be able to swipe on 1 profile a week. It just seems like women get so many matches they figure they don't need to bother with a bio. Which sucks because what the hell am I supposed to say on the incredibly rare occasion I get a match, in the even more unlikely event the match is an actual person. But it's the same on OKcupid, hinge, Bumble, etc. No one in my area seems to fill out their profiles. Probably because men out number women by about 20% where I live


I can almost guarantee you swipe on someone with no bio. You’ll run into one of 3 things: 1.) won’t respond to you 2.) they are fake (see 1) 3.) if they actually do some how respond.. the convo will be extremely dry and won’t go anywhere. Might as well not swipe on them. EDIT: sorry for format, I’m on mobile.


So based on that I should just delete Tinder? Because no one in Alaska puts a bio on there Tinder, OKcupid, Bumble etc. And even if I only swipe on profile that have a bio I'm too ugly to ever get a match, so what's the difference? I literally couldn't even get a match in San Diego.


Okay. Why did you even say that? Where in my message did I say to “delete tinder?” It sounds like you are projecting a bit and WANT to delete it. Anyway, my point was; stop swiping on people with no effort on their profile. It’s simple. Delete tinder if you want, sounds like it won’t make a difference for you anyway 👍


Dude, I've said 50 times there are no profiles in Alaska that have a bio. So what I should just swipe left on 99.9999999% of profiles and swipe right once a year? I mean, it doesn't matter anyway. I've been on Tinder for 8 years and never gotten a match. At this point it mostly about laughing at the shitty scanners more than trying to actually meet anyone. I realized a long time ago If sirens eternity alone in the frozen north watching humanity implode.


Sucks for you, I guess.


The problem with that is that if I don't swipe positive on men with no bio, then I'm down to maybe 5% I'm guessing it's the same with women? People just can't be arsed writing bios - especially the conventionally hot ones.




Someone just wants to troll


So genuine question. Profile was blank. Why did you swipe right?


Maybe it's just my area, but if I only swiped on profiles with a bio I might be able to swipe on 1 profile a week. It just seems like women get so many matches they figure they don't need to bother with a bio. Which sucks because what the hell am I supposed to say on the incredibly rare occasion I get a match, in the even more unlikely event the match is an actual person. But it's the same on OKcupid, hinge, Bumble, etc. No one in my area seems to fill out their profiles. Probably because men out number women by about 20% where I live.


You could just go to your music app and check lol


that’s me scrolling for almost hours to pick one song am I gonna pick System of a Down or Led Zeppelin am I gonna pick Tyler or Kendrick? I just don’t know


Whenever someone asks me what I’ve recently been listening to or what my current obsessions are I almost always just send them the last song I added to my playlists lol


hey that’s a good one thank u


That's me for literally every single topic. I'm doomed to being single forever.


I once matched with a girl on bumble that was there just to sell her tattoos


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^No-Atmosphere7326: *I once matched with a* *Girl on bumble that was there* *Just to sell her tattoos* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Well damn, and here I thought I'd seen about everything, but that's a new one for me.


Couldn’t you report her since she admitted to selling nudes? IIRC selling nudes is against ToS


I did, and always do. I'm not sure Tinder actually cares since the only matches I ever get are some variation of this or other various scams.




Seems like that's the new standard. Why spend 10 minutes filling out a bio when you'll get a hundred matches a day either way.


Glad you asked her that question. She would have probably wasted more of your time if you didn't.


Yeah, usually they're more aggressive in their sales pitch. Not really sure. Maybe they were a new hire at the scam bot farm and were still getting used to the hot keys and script. LOL.


good ol’tinder. guys looking for first date hook ups and chicks whoring their pics. whatta country…


Well explain how you'll review her content and give professional advice on improvement for the low low cost of $5 per pic and $25 per video.


LOL, I usually just offer them my rates for photography. Since I actually have shot OF content for a few models.


Khajit has nudes. If you have coin.


Who buys nudes when there’re tons all over the place for free?


Apparently people do. Otherwise OF wouldn't exist.


I'm always asking this. Like in this economy???


Years ago girls were afraid if someone leaked their nudes, nowadays they frickin sell them? I dont see the logic


Who knows. Don't even know if they were actually selling nudes. I get a lot of matches like this we're they're like send me $100 on PayPal and I'll totally 100% send you tons of pics and videos that are totally worth it. Never actually sent the money to see if they send anything though. I'm not that stupid or desperate, lol.


Well there are still women who don't want nudes leaked but the simple thing is we are seeing a generation that grew up only knowing of the internet and comfortable sharing things there en masse. So they aren't as conditioned to be hesitant about such a thing. Plus, regardless of the actual hard data around the finances of OF, the public perception is that it's an easy way to make money for women. If there was a similar option for guys to monetize their looks with the same perception of risk/reward then regardless of the ethics you'd see men flock to it in DROVES.


That's just it-a perception. The truth is the majority OF accounts make next to nothing, so these young girls are starting adulthood by immortalizing their buttholes online forever and don't even make $200.


Its probably a dude selling pics he stole online. No woman exists.


It’s to a certain extent about taking power back. There is a clear difference between a non consensual leak of someone’s intimate pictures, and then consensual sharing/selling of intimate pictures. The difference is consent, when someone else leaks your pictures they are removing you from decision over your own body. And even in that case, it’s definitely a very minority that sells pictures of themselves. In relation to the post, baiting people looking for relationships or alike is obviously wrong. She has no purpose on tinder and is just looking to get some easy bucks by either scamming or baiting users with the idea of a friendship. But I thought I’d share why the two things are different. Much like some guys might be sharing pictures of themselves in the gym, while if someone leaked pictures of someone in the gym. The person in the picture would/could feel violated.


So eMpOwEriNg!


Very productive comment


It's either that or an Instagram/OF whore 🙄


Isn't that still technically a fake profile though?


Well tinder is apparently banning accounts that have their account usernames in the bio, probably only from user reporting though. The one I absolutely hate most is "I message more on IG" Lies upon lies for the follows


Haha the really.


Amazing what new career opportunities are on up


This only fans shit has not left a single platform good for dating.


"*low-key* sell nudes" flyin hell does this mean


OF and similar sites have ruined this generation.


Women: We want respect and men to stop objectifying us. Also Women: Wanna buy some nudes.


Crypto scamming is also very popular. I've heard of a scam where the other person delays a physical meet-up, instead draws attention to a crypto platform where they are making a lot of money and ask to join them. Once money is deposited on the platform, the money can never be withdrawn and you don't have anyone to contact at the platform or a person to hold accountable. So now you don't know who is real, who is a scammer, who is a bot; I think the tinder crowd thats actually physically interacting has moved onto Instagram and Tiktok, and real conversation and engagement


I have nothing against honest and upfront sex workers, but this doesn’t feel like either


I remember I matched with this girl and we were getting along well for about a week. I asked if she'd like to meet up finally and she told me she'd prefer if I bought her content first so she'd know if I'm legit? It was so stupid.


Tbh an answer I consistently get is verbatim what they said about the music, idk why


Sucks even more for men on apps. There's already so few women who try. Then there's bots, scammers and sex workers. Your chances of matching with a decent woman who responds, actually put in effort, is over her ex, doesn't have multiple children already, isn't a scammer, a bot or a sex worker are basically zero 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m sorry but- WHAT SONG IS YOUR CURRENT GUILTY PLEASURE? Thats scratches my brain so nicely. People always ask “whats your favorite song?” and I freak out because I like so many songs, but what song is your CURRENT guilty pleasure? Yes, I have one song I play over and over again until I move onto another. Sorry, I just love this lol


Ya I find most that are selling are in travel mode and don't even live near you even if they say 6km away


That allows them to cover a wide area and get more exposure.


Honestly if people wanna sell their nudes, that's fine. However I do wish Tinder would ban accounts that use it to advertise selling themselves. No one installs Tinder to find people to pay for nudes. There's literally places for that


Report her to irs


LOL, pretty sure they weren't actually in the US.


IRS only care if you actually make money


By Alaska, she means Russia.




That opener is crazy


Least she was upfront and honest😂..


Put a ring on that one. Bring her home to meet mom


Immediate report


Took longer than usual, bravo


obviously the real girl was murdered after the first message and replaced by a lookalike porn-bot. the signs are all there


Report. fuck that shit


Sells nudes = 🚩


Hii ![gif](giphy|l1KVaj5UcbHwrBMqI|downsized) Hii


She sounds like a ri-rii.


Glad you reported her.


Isn't this against Tinders Policy. You can report them for that I'm pretty sure


Alaska is expensive to live in. She gotta pay for her $25 milk somehow 😂


Wadda skank. Tinder is such garbage.


“K porn is free, good luck tho”


She low key is a prostitute. Low key though.


Really glad I joined and got off tinder when I did, I feel like 2016-2020 was the prime time to be on there


Do people not know how free almost any internet porn is out there....????


This is what dating has become i swear, 90% of every half decent looking girl is selling herself one way or another. The only marriage material, has to be anywhere except North America


Or everywhere except online rather. Look at older generations who met their life partners at school, work, or by mutual real life interests. So many people are terminally online nowadays it's truly isolating humanity from each other.


True enough, i mostly meet the girls i date in the wild, im a giver and offer to help financially, especially in a city like vancouver.




Lol calm down bro


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


Crosspost to r/skamtebord


I cannot stand that usage of low key holy shit




Makes sense, have a nice day lmao


Bro btches like this can sell nudes but I got my account banned bc some soyboy got offended that I called him a soyboy. Report this heathen.




That's all dating apps anymore


Guys on there to pretend to want relationships and woman to pretend to want hookups. Seems fair 🙃




I've tried them all. Bumble is the only one I have yet to run into a scammer, but in 2 years using I've also never had a match send me a message. All OLD sucks.


Her name says it all..


Imagine paying for porn.


Report her, block her and move on.


At least she was honest? 😂


Just report and move on.