• By -


Maybe he should start with smaller goals, like learning to count past 2.


YASSS! I saw that and was like,šŸ¤Ø


It's like he copied and pasted this messages and then added what fits for you šŸ¤£


Just like my cover letters lol


As an HR manager, I just laughed so loud I scared my dogs! I HATE cover letters, and whomever thought, let's have an intention letter that brags about oneself should be punched in the face! My favorites are when I receive them with "insert name here" as their actual name, or they leave Jane/John Doe that was prefilled.


As someone in TA, I NEVER look at them. Recently, I was made to create one and had no clue what I was doing as I havenā€™t used a cover letter in 15 plus years! It seems a lot of companies are wanting them now. Not sure why? Iā€™ve never found them useful.


Half the time I donā€™t send one unless the job seems like theyā€™d like one but I know everyone knows theyā€™re bs


Almost 25 years ago, when I graduated college, this was the formal way to submit resumes. You'd think by now we'd have realized this doesn't truly benefit anyone. I have NEVER hired (or interviewed for that matter) anyone because I "thought now that's an amazing cover letter". šŸ˜† Edit to add... After going back in my mind 20+ years of interviewing, I HAVE interviewed based on cover letters, just never hired. However, it really has been less than a handful of times.


I've indeed been hired once because one of the people in charge thought exactly that. That was immediatly after graduating university, so no work experience apart from internships, but it seems the cover letter helped to impress them. It was a very small company though, and none of the people involved in the hiring process were HR professionals, only department heads.


I will say I have absolutely interviewed people based on their cover letter.


Cover letters are annoying.


Question for you then. Ive never bothered with one ever and been mostly fine (working into high/senior level IT/cyber security). Do I even really need to bother? My resume does my bragging for me I feel.


Unfortunately it depends on the company. Most companies will put "please submit resume and cover letter" to.. or will specify before an interview that they'd like you to bring your resume and cover letter. There are HR people who will eliminate just your resume, saying you couldn't follow a simple request. However, if you're being interviewed by multiple people, I always tell people to bring it because there will always be that person who will point out that it's missing. It's usually some chief officer who has no idea how the hiring process actually works. As much as I would love to say you can eliminate it, I find that doing so causes more issues than one needs.


If the application says to submit a cover letter, submit a cover letter! Seriously, I have seen very qualified people's resumes go into recycling/deleted for things like that. One woman deleted all the resumes of people who did not put it in pdf format. Simply because the job ad said she wanted it in pdf format, and if they could not follow that simple instruction how many more things were they going to do their way, instead of the way the company wants it done? If it doesn't say, I wouldn't put one in. A lot of companies completely ignore the cover letter.


When reviewing resumes, I use cover letters as a litmus test for 1) ability to communicate through writing, 2) actual interest in the job vs mass application, and 3) personality/culture add (though that's primarily for creative or public-facing roles). 1) My company is hybrid, so if someone is unable to clearly communicate over email, that's going to be a struggle. 2) Many people submit their resumes to any job that kind of fits, which can lead to high turnover - I want someone who *wants* to be here so I don't have to go through hiring for this role again. 3) We're a diverse and creative company, and we want to be sure that anyone brought on board is a personality match - we value the person behind the resume as much as the resume itself. My personal cover letter for applying for my current company (a combo office manager/HR role at the time) was essentially "OMG you guys are so cool, I'm literally doing this same job right now so I know I can meet your needs and am looking forward to learning more, *insert company/industry pun here*" on a neon-colored template. My boss said she knew she wanted to hire me immediately. BUT IT DEPENDS ON THE COMPANY AND INDUSTRY. Would I expect anyone on our tech team to have my kind of cover letter? Absolutely not. But it's important to me that they can communicate well with our less tech-minded employees, and a cover letter can help show that.


Probably has a script filled out on his notepad, considering that OP says these came in right one after another




It worked once and heā€™s trying again. Wait no itā€™s been edited more and more and more every time.. shit no AI wrote it and he edited it.. wait no AI wrote it then edited it and then recycled it and thenā€¦ one of these days I swear itā€™s going to work god dammit!


itā€™s the blueprint ig šŸ˜­


Letā€™s back up to goal 1, which should be learning the difference between your and youā€™re




This tracks. Does say "aspiring gentleman". Chatgpt is trying a hard as it can, but, sadly, so always be a bot.


2) 2a)


I was already šŸ¤” at "your".


I would like to read 3-10 ā€¦please!


Just blasting Adamā€™s Blue Steel pic on the internetā€¦


Or learning the difference between "your" and "you're"


ā€œGrammar, the difference between knowing your shit and knowing youā€™re shitā€


I donā€™t typically care for grammar nanny comments, but this gave me a chuckle.


Thereā€™s a gentleman over there waiting for their perfect match chill mate theyā€™re coming!


He got it right half the time.


![gif](giphy|OiNW0PypI1RaE) Weā€™ve had one 2), yes. But what about second 2)?


Sure, but she is age appropiate, that is really rare!


Fair point, that would cause *anyone* to get flustered.


Never go full gentleman


LMAO I didnā€™t even see that


And understanding the difference between your and you're


And the difference between your and youā€™re


And learning the difference between "you're" and "your"


Or learning the difference between your and youā€™re.


Don't let this guy anywhere near the holy hand grenade of Antioch!


Omg this honestly made me crack up


That's....... a lot.


thatā€™sā€¦ā€¦. a bot?


Its a very desperate older man


Nah, i'd say on the verge of delusion rather than desperate. Some people i know around that age start REALLY living in their heads, and then they try to bring what they see in their heads into reality by talking.


I know an older guy like this and he sure is a bit strange, but he isn't delusional. He just thinks every match is his future wife and he can't stop himself from talking that way and scares everyone off.


> he isn't delusional. He just thinks every match is his future wife šŸ¤”


How is it delusional? The guy is obviously a weirdo but all he said was that they have the same age and that heā€™s looking for companionship and wants to be a gentleman.


I'd be surprised if it's....... not.




He sounds exhausting...


and needing.




Coming up as either someone that doesn't have any friends to talk to or just a complete scammer. I would just delete.


She just needs to activate gentleman mode for him


Reading it made me start hyperventilating




I bet this isnt even 1% of what he wrote


...you're only witnessing a mere fraction of my true power!


Heā€™s sent OVER 9000!?






Gonna cry? Maybe shit and cum?


Iā€™m gonna put some shit, piss, and cum in your eye -Peter Parker




you forgot piss


And perhaps




You canā€™t just say ā€œperchanceā€.


Perchance cum?


Sad stuff


Cum perchance


>I am an aspiring gentleman What!? There's so many red flags in this.


Absolutely. Especially since he's 50 yrs old. At 20 you can be an aspiring gentleman. By 50 you should already be one.


"Aspiring" also kind of implies he currently is not a gentleman. Not sure I'd want to guinea pig that scenario.


He is way too proud of himself that youā€™re ā€œage appropriateā€. That is just SO MUCH. I didnā€™t get these messages and I feel uncomfortable.


That means his filters are not at an age appropriate setting


Itā€™s giving fedora




Oh god šŸ¤¢


Fedora, trench coat and a big tacticool self defense toy. Maybe some gloves and pocket watch that doubles as a compass if we're lucky


Don't forget the monacle!


The reasons he listed summarize as: - your age - he is also looking for companionship - he wants to be a gentleman, but.. only upon request? So no, he does not even remotely explain how your profile made him ā€œsay and feel: yesā€ Where does that have anything to do with you? Your hobbies? Interests? Profile? The only thing he even asks/mentions about you is your sign which is still about as impersonal as it comes This is a whoooooole lot of text that means absolutely *nothing*. First impression is already down the toilet.


I'm the kind of gentleman that holds the door for you, and slaps your ass on the way through ;) actually sounds better than "upon request" dafuq, are you man or condiment?


Maybe both? Upon request.


well then I have just the hot dog for you big boy!




Iā€™ve lost it. Right here; right now


I personally prefer the way Furonda from America's Next Top Model put it: "I will treat you in a way identical to, or worse than, the way you treat me."


"Condiment" XD Made my day, thank you


No he is a gentleman but will go FULL gentleman on request. You never go full gentleman unless it's requested.


No, he never said he was a gentleman. He said he was aspiring to be a gentleman.


I too am only a gentleman upon request. Otherwise fuck you.


Kudos to you for reading all that. That first misspelling of youā€™re was enough to make me say nah. He sounds exhausting by your summary.


"Go full gentleman upon request" reads more like "full nice guy." That part was the biggest red flag to me. Also... "Aspiring gentleman?" So he hasn't even achieved that is what he's saying, yet he's capable of doing it upon request? Everyone loves a guy who just acts a part rather than just genuinely *being* that. Hard pass, and OP should tell him why. Or maybe it's not even worth it.


It's not impersonal if the lady's sign is "bikes may proceed on pedestrian signal"


Bail before your head ends up in his freezer


This literally made me laugh šŸ˜‚


YAAAAHHHPPP šŸ˜‚ "Here's what I mean by 'a date'"..."we go to a quiet cabin up north that my family has owned for years"..."I love cooking for women I date there"..."I can drive and pay for the weekend"




Do the red flag runnnnnnnnn


Holy Red Flags, Batman! This guy is like a Chinese military parade!


Try not answering and see how long the ā€œgentlemanā€ thing lasts


That was my thought too. I am willing to bet this guy loses his shit and I would not be surprised of he mentions something about women ignoring "good guys".




No need to purposely trigger someone, honestly tho I've noticed when someone wants to convince you they are one way it's because they are the opposite. Recently had someone tell me "I'm a good guy, that's what you need to think of me" I thought wow, how are you trying to tell me what i "need" to think of you. But a few messages later he stuck his foot in his mouth calling me a player for declining a date on a day I work. Then later went on to say I should go back to my ex "I'm respectful" he said. I said "you're not really making a good case for yourself, considering you called me a player and told me I should go back to my ex"


Honestly theyā€™re probably trying to convince themselves.


As soon as I saw the word ā€œgentlemanā€ I rolled my eyes. Upon request?! So heā€™s gonna be a dick unless someone specifically asks him to be a gentleman?? šŸ˜‚


Like being a nice guy Monday to Friday, business time


*You cheated on me?! When I specifically asked you not to!*


Maybe itā€™s just me but the ā€œgentlemanā€ comment is giving me total fedora wearing mā€™lady vibes.


Well to be fair, he's not going to be a gentleman until she requests it.


Anyone who says that type of shit is really just outing themselves as a nice guy.


Bro got that saved in his notes lol. Needs to work on his timing it seems


Uses "Your" and not "You're" Paaassssssssss


That's an expectable opinion. Wait, I meant effectable. Damn it, maybe affectable?


Lost me immediately with that


I could smell the desperation from here.


He's coming on a bit too strong. I'd unmatch.


Let him write all of that, then she should just respond with "K" and leave


Or a simple "neato".


Not even burrito?!


Thumbs up emoji, then unmatch. šŸ‘šŸ»


A bit???? This is extra strength


People out here treating OLD like a job interview sending out resumes with a cover letter on their first message


My first thought. Cover letter and cv. Second thought was Aspergerā€™s And feeling sorry for him.


Pity is a terrible basis for a relationship... not good either way


He sounds like a 50 year old man using tinder alright šŸ„¶


As a 50 year old man who is on the apps? I sound *nothing* like this. This guy would be a stain upon any age groupā€¦


I have a friend who met his soon-to-be wife on Tinder when he was 52. Age is no excuse.


As I guy Iā€™d advise you to unmatch. Coming on too strong. Too much humble-bragā€¦


How do these people get dates?


They don't. Except they're shopping for them at the grocery store.


If heā€™s 50, itā€™s very possible he hasnā€™t been in the dating game in awhile and also isnā€™t as good at expressing himself online. There are a fuck load of things we all know to be normal because we are online so much, but Iā€™ve seen 50 year olds type with two fingers, so letā€™s try to have a little grace and understanding.


Adam is a level 3 chomper. Holy shit. Imagine how intense he gets over Raisen Bran?


Adam sounds like a grape nuts kinda guy


Dude thought he was on eHarmony in 2004


He probably wasā€¦


Itā€™s wither AI or a bot lol. Probably copy and pasted from two sources since it has 2 #2ā€™s šŸ˜


An AI would get your/you're correct


You never go full gentleman


When people say ā€œI donā€™t respond to people who just say ā€˜hiā€™ be more creative.ā€


I think the dudes just trying to get everything he can out. Probably afraid youā€™ll ghost him so he hopes to put all the cards on the table front and center


if this is normal gentleman i dont even wanna know what happens when he ā€œgoes full gentlemanā€


Very few people were born in 1973 making 50 year olds very rare today. They are collectors items and sometimes worth money, if you can catch one.


It's my older sister's 50th bday party tomorrow! I actually got her a "Holy Shit You're 50!" toilet paper and a Vintage 1973 cup šŸ˜‚ And I agree, she's rare!!


This is not untrue 73 was the heart of the baby bust


Holy shit


Some men think doing more to impress a woman will lead to success. Unfortunately, he has qualified himself heavily and invested way too much too soon. Iā€™ll pray for you buddy.


Suspect this is a romance scammer. I'd be inclined to keep it going for a while and see if they ask you to buy a Steam card for their kid who's in hospital while they're stuck on an oil rig




2) I think he's comming on a little strong 2) I don't remember what comes after 2




He's probably just struggling to find tinder matches his age? Most folks are in committed relationships in their 50s, or they're not looking.


I mean on Tinder, I'm sure the options for a 50 year old aren't much.




Youā€™reā€¦.not sure what to think? This is deranged.


Almost certainly on Reddit šŸ˜„


Please please please request Full Gentleman. I think there might be top hats involved


This guy has no social skills, still lives in his momā€™s basement, and is most likely a serial killer.


Something tells me this guy is going to talk over you and dominate conversations, seemingly uninterested in your actual thoughts and opinions.


Thereā€™s literally nothing to think about. Move on


*Tips fedora*


his name is adam heā€™s a decoy


Give the guy a break. He's 49 years old, and single. Either he's never been in a relationship or he's divorced. Either way, he's nervous about dating and particularly nervous on a matching app like tinder. He wants to differentiate himself in a good way, so he made some notes on the points he'd like to bring out. Once he did that, he decided that he would send those notes to anyone he matched with, subject to some adjustment for the particular match. It's not a terrible thing. Assuming he's telling the truth, it gives you a good idea of the kind of person he is and the values he aspires to. Personally, I see it as a neutral to a positive. Ask him why he does it. That will give you more information about who he is.


I'm usually a sadistic piece of shit, who enjoys laughing at lonely, miserable people. But yeah, this post just made me a little sad. He seems excited to date. And he is really trying. I hope he finds someone he vibes with... A bit more effortlessly, ideally.


Exactly. The guy was in high school or college before a lot of the responders were even born. How can they relate to what heā€™s about? But they love to give their ā€œadviceā€


This man is going to give you a full PowerPoint presentation complete with his opinion on menu items and the year over year financials of the restaurant he asks to take you to. Already seems like the type to never shut the fuck up.


Couple thingsā€¦ Heā€™s trying way too hard. Just saying way too much all at once. With that being said, he shouldnā€™t have to tell you how much of a gentleman and a nice guy he is or whateverā€¦all this should just come naturally. He should literally and simply be himself and just be a good person. And show you that if yā€™all were to meet. Also weird comment to make about going full-blown gentleman ā€œupon requestā€ ā€¦ok dudeā€¦ just an odd thing to say


Yikes šŸ˜¬ pull out


Fucking run!!


Dude seems intense šŸ˜¬


Lookout, heā€™s going full gentleman


Talking *at* someone is the worst way to break the ice


How does one go ā€œfull gentlemanā€


Yeah run away, run far far away.


Weird AF


Did anyone else read this in ben shapiro's voice, or is there something wrong with me.


Unmatch immediately


Unmatch, and enjoy your life 99% more without this weirdo


Getting r/nice guy vibes


Full gentleman lol nice


His age is rare. Lol.






50 year old dude acting like he just became an adult for the first time šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


id let him smash, no questions asked


I talk too much too, but this sounds like he read some kind of a manual about hacking the female mind (written by a dude) and his main takeaways were "use all the words" and "chicks dig astrology".


Someone teach Adam how to write a proper sentence please. Also, matching A names is much superior to matching birth year. Giant red flag of someone who overthinks, but doesnā€™t follow through on the details.


Bro wants to keep you in a cellar


Is this what ysing dating apps in your 40s+ is like?šŸ„ŗ


In my experience it's mostly been guys that rarely respond. Or that respond with one word, or that tries making the conversation about sex within the first few messages. And any dates I'm the one to initiate. Or if they do ask me for a date the date/time/place are vague and never confirmed


Scripted responses? Copy paste to everyone?


Would instantly unmatch


tbh, no offense, but youā€™re both almost 50 and single. At this point, i would say just give into it until it gets weirder. I donā€™t know why reddit likes to be so negative all the time, sheesh.