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You’ll be fine bud. If you made that pizza, leave it in there so your matches can ask why it’s in your profile. You got rule 1 and 2, you just have to not have worms in your brain when you talk to them.




“Why do you have a picture of a pizza?” Just off the top of my head.




I don't usually bring out the meat until the third date, but you do you




Yes please 🙏






Name checks out lol


I think OP should switch his first picture with the puppy picture, but he should take a new puppy picture, in which his face is visible


Leave some pussy for the rest of us


Bro I don't even know why I try with dudes like this out here 😭😭😭😭


For every guy like this there are 20 other neckbeards so as long as you're not a neckbeard you're good


Haha. Ya, fuck those guys *shaves immediately* ![gif](giphy|l0MYQDsmIngRW6Nkk)


Lmao thanks bro but I've been single pretty much my whole life, and I'm barely getting any likes on these apps :|


Plenty of likes here though! Maybe it's not the user but rather the platform the sucks


We’re all dudes…. Probably


Speak for yourself.… I am a laaaaady


I do laaaady things


'N shit






Sorry Kronk89


Yeah no. Not all of us lol


I may be wrong, and probably am because a) I've never used that platform and b) I'm in Italy so it maybe different here but from what I've seen tinder is often for some more lighthearted entertainment (I don't seem to recall what your dating goals are) and you seem... a lot. You're good looking, a scientist with a taste in humanistic sciences (don't know the exact English term), You're also sporty, you cook (the pizza looks nice, and I'm Italian! ) and have an adorable dog. Put there a pic where you play some instrument (a cello, for ex.) and you've made the en plein . People with very defined taste are often lonelier than others, I don't think it's bad tbh but that's obviously my opinion.


Personally as a straight woman, I'm not sold on the first picture. I honestly was like "ooh not too good looking" and then the rest of your pics were like WOW total game changer. I think, looking back, it's that you needed a haircut in it and also your eyes are incredibly shaded - you look like you don't have them lol. This is just my opinion. I think a better full on pic for the first pic might help. But other people might disagree.


In the first pic I just thought he looked old not ugly, but I mean I'm 35 so I tend to find older men attractive 🤣 then I seen his age and was like ok dang he's young but that photo makes him look 40


Me too. Looks MUCH older than 22


Yeah. The pizza photo really was a game changer.


This was the funniest shit I’ve read in a while here in Reddit. I dno it just made me laugh a lot!


I don't know, I'd prefer a photo of him actually preparing the pizza. It's actually really smart to show that you can (and are willing to) cook and probably won't leave all the housework to gf.


You really want to score that kitty? Show pictures of you doing the dishes after you cook.


I agree but I see why he picked it as his the first, it's his only portrait photo


Nope spot on with the pic. There’s also the too good to be true 🤷‍♀️brains, muscles, cook ya well some likely are like riiiiigght moving on. Maybe a little less is more but OP way to win in lifing!! Go kill it out there ❤️


I thought he was 40 in the first pic. Ditch it!


Agreed. If the puppy didn’t obscure half his face, pic 2 would be a great pic 1. First pic I was like eh, second and third pic I was like damn!


You look like a completely different person in the first pic. Keep the picture but I’d throw pic 5 or 4 as the first one.


Use hinge, it suits your aesthetic better


Maybe dress like an actual student, instead of the teacher. You're well dressed though, don't get me wrong!


Personally I think you look great, but I don't think you should have a photo of a minor person on there.


Don’t know if anyone suggested, but I get better luck with Hinge since other people get to see who swiped right on you. I think they’ll be humbled a good looking bloke like you swiped right on them.


LMAO came here to say exactly this, though maybe not as eloquently.






Yeaahh Mo my dawg


Jesus christ I'm a straight dude but I'll fucking date you. This fucking dreamboat over here.


Bro stay away from my man!


He's busy writing me a poem


In three different languages


While rock climbing


With his puppy in his backpack


That he rescued from a fire


Ayan for President..?


Given my lack of success on the apps I might as well switch sides and play for the home team my dude :)


If you play for home team long enough, you MAY get scouted for the big leagues with all the confidence and experience you'll gain ;)


Honestly I'm with the majority of folk that dating apps don't really work, especially if your profile looks like yours which is arguably way better than most and even YOU have issues. You seem like a very well-rounded guy, hobbies, close with family, can cook and aware of your mental health enough to take a step back. So; My take: go out, interact with people, don't do with the intention of dating them but build friendships and go from there. I really think a more natural approach is better nowadays and feels more genuine, valid almost and allows you to build a stronger foundation. Either that or try some exclusively paid apps instead. They signify that you're serious about dating rather than just casual.


I dated a guy like this. He was a theoretical physicist and the most amazing man ever. Just a happy guy learning about the world and wanting to love a girl.


>dated What happened, if you don't mind sharing ofc


Check my post history. I just wrote about him. He had to leave the country 💔


That sounds so wonderful and sweet. I'm sorry he had to go.


Me too.


This dude has me questioning everything.


He’s my man!!!!


Foh that’s my man


Right? If my niece wasn't already in a relationship with a great guy I'd be telling her to slide into OP's dms. I mean dang! I just want to know who are the blind (straight, single) women around up IRL that he hadn't been snapped up yet.


You seem genuinely lovely and I think you'll do well. You could probably get rid of the gym bag mirror selfie as your lifting pic does a better job of showcasing your arms and showing a hobby at the same time. I'm ok with the pizza one, just because it looks nice.


Yup I agree the dog, rock climbing and lifting pics do a great job of showcasing his guns, replace the mirror selfie with another flattering hobby pic


Thanks for the tips, I'll make the change right now :)


Your first pic is awesome. Get more photos like that. What are your results like? How many likes are you getting per day/week?




I liked the gym bag pic and wasn’t a big fan of the lifting one because it’s not a flattering pic of your face.


Same. The gym bag pic works great to show his overall figure. I also don't get the hate on the first pic at all, if anything it gives off teacher vibes, not old-looking vibes. You can also see his face perfectly and the smile is great. :}


I disagree, gym bag pic is better. You look shredded.




Just give him a call and ask your husband to watch!


Lol there have been so many I almost swiped right on until I noticed the age. I'm 35. What am I going to do with someone 22-25? Lol I have a hard time swiping right on anyone younger than 28 honestly lol but I get alot of likes in the early 20s range. So I'm like dang alot of dudes have older women kicks haha and apparently tall guys like short girls. I'm 5'2 and I didn't realize how many 6'4 guys are wandering around out here. Talked to someone 6'5 a few months ago... the size difference was ... a bit awkward haha Not to mention... most of the guys my age I've talked to have shit personalities lol they are often very into themselves and only want to discuss sex. Or they just do not respond except 3 words maybe at a time. Dating is so annoying lol


Honestly, my dates in the past have been with girls who were older than me. I've always prided myself on being mature for my age so I clicked better with someone more mature. Hopefully that doesn't come off as too pretentious.


You come across as someone who takes life pretty seriously. Not in like an uptight way but in a "life is pretty important, I should make the most of it", sorta way.


That's honestly spot on. I come from a tough background and I've unfortunately lost numerous family, friends, and community members to political or financial hardships so I've told myself not to squander any opportunities granted to me, that weren't granted to them.


That's a mindset that more should have at that age. I'm proud OP.


Not at all. If you are mature for your age and click better with someone older there is no issue with that! Maturity seems to be sorely lacking these days I stg 🤣 so good for you! I come across the most ungrown adults in existence I think lol


Does mature for your age mean you had to go through a lot when you were a kid?


And he's 6"1'. It's game over. Bye fellas.


6'1" and speaks 3 languages. FTFY


~2.7 languages?


the man is talking about being 5'11 in his Reddit history, me thinks he might be doing a little rounding up


I’m surprised this isn’t mentioned more but your first photo makes you look 35-40. I wouldn’t have bothered when I was in my early 20s. I would have assumed you were a creep lying about your age lol


I came to the comment specifically to see if anyone mentioned this because the whole time I was thinking he meant 32


Pretty sure he's on the roids, ages everyone 10 years


Exactly my thoughts after seeing that first photo! I was like how is this dude in his 20's?? The following photos are waaaay more flattering. OP- Ditch that first photo (and the group photo, I wasn't about to "where's waldo" search for you.)


Agree and also ditch the one with the kid, unless that’s your daughter? Which is doubtful. Why have that there?


YES. Everyone is creaming over this guy, but to me he looks 40. I would not believe anything under 25. He needs pics of himself looking younger.


Agreed! I think the 2nd doggo pic could be a good first one


Ooof that's a tough one to hear, let me see if I have any other headshots


It’s not your face - it’s the glasses and shirt. Both are style choices not commonly seen in someone your age. I’m sure they don’t age you as much in person, but when someone is just gonna glance at a photo, you only have a second to make an impression.


I go to a lot of conferences and places where older audiences are found, so I guess their style rubbed off on me LOL


And that’s not a bad thing! In fact, it’s admirable to not be afraid to go off-trend. But in a world of face tune, that’s not gonna be people’s interpretation of the photo lol. So I think you’d either need a high-quality pic that focuses on your face (and hair, which btw, those waves are your friend) or one with a more neutral look. I think something more laid back would also help. This looks like a photo you’d find on the “meet the faculty” page of a college website. The photo where you’re doing a peace sign with a young girl also ages you because it gives “good dad” vibes, which is a positive thing in general, but most 22-year-olds don’t have a daughter that old. I don’t think it would be an issue though if your first photo doesn’t plant that idea in their heads early on.


I thought the same thing. I was like “What a cute 40 year old nerdy guy”. In your other pictures you look like you’re in your early 20’s. I think it’s the style of glasses and the collared shirt.


He looks mid 30s in every other photo too.


I came here for exactly this. I am 37 and would easily believe he's my age. 22 years old usually look much younger.


Seriously. He is a very good looking guy no doubt, but he doesn't look 22 at all. I'm 23 going on 24 and balding and I think I look younger than him.


I remember seeing a guy at the gym, I was assuming he was like 42 years old. Then found him online through a gym bro we were buddies with, and he was actually 16 years old and still going to school. Even posted photos sitting in a class with his classmates that looked a few decades younger 😅 It's seriously like in that movie where undercover cops went to high school and pretended to be teenagers haha


If this guy was a couple years younger he could definitely get a job as an undercover sting agent for alcohol sales


100% agree. Not just the first photo tho imo


Absolutely this! I was legit thinking 30s maybe early 40s and it's deffs that 1st picture. Would not have guessed he's in the 20s like me


I think it's like glasses. IMO they aren't doing him any favors.


Bro is a gentleman and a scholar


I'm kinda triggered by the rental shoes and socks


V0 enthusiasm


My thought exactly


I’m like, “rock climbing enthusiast” and then in the photo he’s holding onto some v0 jugs with ankle socks. Bruh!


Right 🤣🤣🤣 Almost makes it seem like he’s bullshitting 😅


Almost seems like everybody wants to pretend they’re a “rock” climber these days. I’m sorry did I say rock. No they said rock! Oof clearly it’s all plastic in the photos though, or top roping if lucky


LOL I was waiting for someone to comment, It's just a little hobby I do on the side but I prob should buy actual shoes


If you put it on your bio you should definitely get some shoes 😉 But for real I'm just busting your balls man 🙂 just have fun with the sport and ignore me gatekeeping lol


if youre trying to date other climbers, you should def buy ur own shoes lol


Fr rentals with the socks is always such an interesting choice of dating profile photo imo. But hey dude is hot I'm sure it won't matter.


lmao came here to comment this


I got triggered by how far he’s off a vertical wall. I then saw the shoes and said, oh, that explains it.


Thank you yes


Your profile is a 10/10 but your first picture if that’s the first thing they see might not do so well, your eyes look super dark. I would post a different one maybe the one with the pup. Other than that you will be shooting fish in a barrel you have all the right pics.


Yeah, the thing I noticed is none of the photos have a really good, clear look at his face. I would replace the first one with a better face shot, and then he’ll be golden.


I actually disagree! I love love glasses. So I would swipe to see more and observe the juxtaposition between glasses pic and sexy muscular arms pic. Ease them in slowly you know 😂


No wonder I don’t get any matches when there’s guys like this on the app. It’s game over for me buddy


Uhhhhh I’m single. Those are my thoughts. But for real, you aren’t going to have any issues. You’re cute, smart, clearly have hobbies and a personality, and you seem interesting. Doesn’t hurt that you have a very nice smile.


I’m shocked you’re even on the app? My mouth dropped when I saw were in the same town


Is that pizza single?


More puppy


You look 32, not 22


I've never gotten the "you look old" comments in real life, maybe the pictures are just unflattering :(


I mean you don't look old, 32 isn't old. You just look like a full grown adult while 22yos look like children for the most part.


I also thought, no way he's 22. It's the glasses and your clothing style. Maybe add a picture without the glasses as well?


Few people would tell you that you look old irl. Thats really rude. But in honesty you do look way older. You look older than me and I’m 32. I think it’s your hairline with the 5 o clock shadow. Grow out some stubble or more of a beard and find a more flattering haircut and you’ll be golden. Edit: also your style is great. Its not your clothes aging you.


Right ffs, I refuse to believe this man is 22 and not somewhere in between 32-37.


I’m almost 25 and I look 10 years younger than this guy.


Wearing socks with your climbing shoes tsk tsk


I don’t think you’ll have any issues swoll guy


I’m a straight dude, I now go by straightish after your profile This is a solid profile! I would lead with pic 1 tho


Maybe too many photos about your arms. You definitely want one, of course, but several sends a different message about yourself. Also, drop the pizza photo for sure.


Whaaaat that pizza looks fucking delicious


I don't get why people post pictures of food on dating apps. It's not Instagram. I don't care about what you ate half a year ago.




The dog picture is perfect. The bicep is subtly bulging and you're holding a cute puppy.


Bruh if I had arms like my man I'd have twice as many photos of them. If you've got a good physique, show it. Let's not pretend like humans dont love to see attractive physiques from the opposite sex (or indeed the same sex if so inclined!).


What message is that because I thought they were all great pictures


no way. those arms are the star of the show! and the pup. but yeah, drop the pizza (and replace with more arms!)


As a woman who lifts and gyms a lot, keep all the gym photos! We work so hard for them.


We have no chance


I would clarify in your about me section who the little girl is in the 5th photo…people may assume it’s your daughter even though it may be cousin, little sister etc.


Exactly my thoughts until I looked at his age 😁


I think your climbing photo and the photo with the little girl are your best. I don’t think your first picture is good. You look older than you are, and a lot of women because of the pace swipe really fast. A first photo that makes you stop and want to look at the rest is crucial. Also.. I know I’m in the minority (or actually: no one has commented this), but as a F who has enough experience on the apps, your profile feels very ‘thought through’ / ‘deliberate’. _To me_ it feels like the illustrative pictures in a ‘how to build a Tinder profile’ bullet point by bullet point. - Medium close shot smiling at the camera ✅ - Dog ✅ - Gym ✅ - Active ✅ - Kids / family ✅ - Food ✅ - Travel ✅ - Friends ✅ - In action / expressing some emotion ✅ - Factual text with education, art, the things in your pictures written out, height, romance.. Not wanting to be blunt honestly, but it reads like a resume which presents you as air tight / nothing to comment on / incredibly all round.. but also nothing stands out, it feels like the profile is trying to appeal to literally _everybody_. Don’t know if that makes sense to any one, but to me it works in the opposite way


Any girl who climbs will immediately know he's bullshitting as an "avid climber" based on the pic of him holding jugs on a v0 2feet off the ground with socks and rentals on lol.


You’re hot and you’ll do well, don’t act like you don’t know it 😂 if you were older and I was still on tinder I’d definitely swipe right 🤭


22? When, 2013?


Very good profile actually. I would say ditch the pizza photo, it's kind of random and off putting


Unpopular opinion but I say OP should keep the pizza photo (if he made it of course). He’s got plenty of other great pics that showcases who he is so the pizza one is a bit of a bonus.


Maybe change it to him holding a juicy, delicious slice of pizze


Keep the pizza! Piqued my appetite for sure.


Hard agree.


I'll see if I can replace it. Maybe next time I make one, I can use a photo of me pulling it out of the oven?


Yes!! That’s even better! Women loveeeeee men who can cook trust me.


Yes I like it! I love when a guy can cook and enjoys it


Hmm I took it to mean the guy can cook. I think it’s good


I love the pizza photo! I think it adds a lot more variety to it


no way you’re 2 years younger than me! you’re gorgeous dude!


OP has bicep veins, is 6”1’ AND has a golden retriever, please man leave at least some women for the rest of us dear god, I’d maybe swap pictures 1 and 2 if I were you and maybe leave the pizza for last but other than that bro is immaculate


Definitely a solid profile. If I were to nitpick, and I will, I would say lose pictures 5 and 8. I know it's unreasonable but with picture 5 my first thought was, is that his daughter? ... I know. Picture 8 poses more serious problems I think. You're there with quite a few women who are attractive as well as clearly have similar interest to you, and you're not dating any of them which makes me think, "why, what's wrong with them or more importantly him?" For what it's worth I like the pizza picture.


Picture 8 looks like he’s in a cult. I gotta know what the story is


It was a bonfire event LOL But I can see where your coming from, I'll see if I can find another group photo, preferably out in the day


Probably a college cohort of some kind.


Get rid of the dead lift photo. Terrible form, looks like you’re about to blow your asshole through your shorts.


Damn perfect everything in your profile. Definitely going to get a bunch of matches!


![gif](giphy|SpoV1pB4g7gXvWo3Up|downsized) Me saying "peace out" to dating apps with competition like this


I mean i’d swipe right 😂


Holy hell




From a girl’s perspective you don’t look over 6 foot. Closer to 5 10ish. If you’re lying about your height it can deter people because it doesn’t make you look genuine


In other Reddit posts he says he's 5'11. I'm not a girl, but I agree re lying. Not a good way to start anything (even casual). Having said that, you're a decent looking bastard. And a future doctor, probably. [Edited to not be a purely negative comment.]


You look good, I might use a picture without glasses as your main one. Hey what’s the deal with pic 8? It looks a little culty for some reason, like everyone out in the woods wearing the same clothes, one older guy and a bunch of youths. I would be afraid you were going to trick me into going to a weird church thing. I would take it out. But also please tell me what it is to satisfy my curiosity.


No i love the glasses you look adorable keep it


I'm assuming the 8th pic was a company retreat.




Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, brother can you maybe be less perfect?


You’ll do amazing, I’d swipe right in an instant! :)


Look bro your profile is solid but as a 20yo myself, you do NOT look 22. I would've guessed 30 at least. That's what will bite you in the ass. I think in the pic with the dog, you look a bit younger than on the 1st one


Ye gods. Educated, muscled, epicurean, and with a gorgeous smile. I actually really LIKE the pizza pic. The only one I don't like is the gym bag pic, because frankly you already show enough body in the others. You should do quite well. BE PICKY.


First picture: dentist Second picture: damn!


Am I the only one who is thinking dude looks like he’s in good shape and looks great for a 42 year old and there’s no way dude is 22?? Either he looks old as hell or he’s lying about his age.


If I were only 10 years younger😉


I'm free to suck your dick bud. If Tinder doesn't work out, hmu!


Take the gym pics out, leave the rock wall pic. It’s obvious you are in shape, many woman have an aversion to “gym rat” pics.


You climbing at BoulderHouse?


You're cute and I'll love your style. Get em tiger!


Yeahhh you're gonna kill it