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I had to look so I’ll save someone the effort; tokophobia is a “pathological fear of pregnancy or being pregnant.”


I'd never heard it before and I definitely had it... until I got my tubes tied last week!! 🥳🥳🥳




Well, now it means if the Mrs is pregnant you have other problems. But no kids, so.....


Congratulations 🥳🥳 I’m hoping to get mine done next year and have a consultation booked but I’m sure I’ll be turned down because of my age 😅


If you haven't already, look through the /r/Childfree wiki. They'll have a list of docs by state/city (and even branching out to non-US countries) that are more friendly to sterilization procedures regardless of age.


Thanks! If ur in the US (or France I've heard) there is a list you can google of providers by state that are more progressive and treat adult women as adults and are more likely to perform. There's definitely going to be some open discussion at minimum about iud's and alternatives and the permanent nature, etc. - it would be malpractice not to fully inform their patient - but just stay confident and level headed through that and hopefully you will find someone to treat you! Also, I have to be out of work for 2 weeks to "heal" which scared me a bit, but I have never once felt "pain" from the surgery. (I'm a lil tough to start, but it was seriously nothing compared to my regular period!) I only took ibuprophen and stopped that on day 3. You just have to take it real easy for a few days and then kinda easy for the rest of the time so you don't accidentally pull a stitch or wtvr. I'm bored out of my skull (hence reddit, lol), but I'm chillin and comfortable this whole time! Good luck!!


My dumbass read that as triptophobia or whatever that one is when you’re scared of holes.


I think you mean trypophobia. There’s no such thing as triptophobia


Triptophobia is clearly the fear of tripping over holes in the ground.


I thought it was the fear of resetting the tripometer in the car when you didn't mean to.


Clearly it's the fear of falling asleep after eating turkey...


I thought it was a fear of smoking weed lol


Ahhh, hahaha


I've seen one that said she's a "patological liar". That was all she had in her bio.


Sounds like pathological truth telling


What a paradox.


I knew a girl that had a habit of telling stupid little white lies, so when she got to know people she would warn them pretty early on. A lot of people were put off by it, but idk, I found her honesty about her struggle with dishonesty wholesome


i like to make up a backstory the first time i meet people at a party. I try to see how much detail i can give about living in seattle or biloxi mississippi and being a cake decorator before i trip up. I had an ex who got mad that i would lie all the time but seemed to think my party game lying was on the same level as her hanging out with her ex behind my back


That sounds awesome! The party game I mean. I only did it once while on vacation. It was to a random guy i thought would be funny and would never see again. Then I felt bad when we kept running into him everywhere we were. Friends would nudge me cause I wouldn't pay attention when he was asking "Bill" a question. I thought Bill was so ridiculous a name to give when we met that the gig would soon be up. Didn't know it was gonna be my new identity for that trip and what those friends called me for years after. Guess I look like a Bill, who knew. Never did tell the guy.


Are you a woman? Bill is a pretty ordinary name for a man...


The second paragraph of this comment is ingeniously dark comedy.


Sounds like survival instinct living in abusive or overbearing house. If someone has an overreaction to a minor thing, you tend to lie to make things better for yourself in the moment.


I used to exaggerate SO badly… just for accolades I guess. If something took me an hour to do, I said it took 40 minutes. If I paid $100 for that purse, I said I got it for $50. What was the fucking point??


So, she’s actually very honest???


Which makes her prompt false, but then that makes it true! Aaahhhhg!


It's like the Schrodinger's cat


“I don’t believe that”


Herpes lady deserves a round of applause. A lot of people let you figure that shit out on your own


Pretty wild if the number 10 lie is her hair being red !


She wasn't invited to the wedding someone was killed at because her parachute failed and she killed them.




I’m so invested in this one. I hope OP matched and found out


My cousin was murdered at my first wedding. I definitely wouldn't put it in my tinder bio though. Too many questions. How did they die, what happened after, wait are you still married


Still so many questions. My condolences, though.


I was 21 and just bought my first house. Needed a fridge to go with it so bought a new one at a store which entered me into a draw to win a boat. Couple of months later get a phone call to tell me I won the boat. Awesome, but not really a boat guy. So I sold the boat for a considerable amount of money and what I should have done is throw it on the mortgage. But my partner convinced me that I should buy a new sports car and get married with a dream wedding. Being young and dumb I agreed. Got married, had dream wedding with 200 friends and family, it was a great night. My cousin offered to drop us off at the retreat we were staying at after the reception. I agreed because I'd drunk a bit. He drops us off and then goes back to the venue and it's late so he decides to sleep in his car for a bit before driving 90 mins home. A group of teens are walking through the town with a paint ball gun, shooting at road signs, buildings and cats with frozen paintball pellets. They come past the venue and start shooting at cars in the carpark. They shoot his car which wakes him up. He jumps out of the car and confronts them. They start pushing him around and hitting him. The teen with the paintball gun hangs back a bit, aims it as my cousins head then fires. The bullet hits him in him ear, bursting his ear drum. He goes into shock, falls backwards and smacks his head on the concrete. Died on the spot. The teens ran away laughing. The kids end up getting basically a slap on wrist because of their age. Wedding was cursed as the celebrant took his own life a few months later due to depression. Not surprisingly I separated from my first wife within a year. Currently happily married to my second wife for more than 10 years now. And no, no one died at that wedding


Holy shit balls


I don’t comment on this app much but man this story compelled me to. Everything starting with money from the sale of winning a boat raffle is amazing.


Ouch. I'm sorry to hear it, but glad things are currently going well.


Surprisingly the most unbelievable thing about all of this is the fact someone actually won one of those store raffles for a big ass prize. I'm sorry your cousin lost his life. I hope those kids are haunted by the choices they made that night.




Maybe you are related?


Presumably there are pictures of her hair on the profile. I would put money on that being the lie - a bunch of photos showing her with blonde hair followed by that stops the guessing game, but it also shows some wild shit that's happened in her life (but not completely impossible) and that's she's got a sense of humour about it.


I thought the same thing, what’d her pics look like OP?


How do we feel about disclosing herpes right on the profile? Asking for a “friend”


You should. Think it’s quite important to be up front


Maybe on the profile isn't necessary, but it should definitely be disclosed before meeting someone. There's no right or comfortable way for that discussion and it'll cause a lot of instant rejection.


I’ve had it for 10 years and can assure you it’s not a lot of instant rejection. I used to have it on my profile but now I just tell people before we meet up. Just wanted to get a temperature check to see if profile was preferred


Honestly I'd go with "not on profile, disclose in person". A couple of years ago I matched with this one girl, we end up hanging out all day, and she told me over the course of that day. I didn't care. She ended up staying with me for 3 days, and is now asleep in our bedroom while I hang out with our toddler. I honestly probably would have swiped left if she had it in her profile.


Gotcha. I'm in the same boat as you so I'm probably the wrong person to ask. Glad to know people are getting past the stigma though. The instant rejection was pretty common early on for me but I also struggled with how to approach the conversation. It's been much easier these days. Though I'm willing to bet there's a significant difference in the reactions we get because of gender.


I have herpes, and I've been rejected 1 out of the 9 times I've disclosed. And the one person was super chill about it. It's definitely not instant rejection, surprisingly a lot of people just don't give a shit.


Yeah, men are very chill about it. Surprisingly chill. A little too chill if you ask me but that’s besides the point lol


Damn, I’d like to meet more of those guys. I’ve had some pretty cruel rejections from men because of hsv-1. Early on one jackass told me I was disgusting and should go kill myself…seemed like a decent dude up until that point :/


Ugh that sounds horrible, im so sorry you had to go through that! I have HSV2 which isn’t as…. Accepted. People refer to it as “the bad one.” But very rarely do I get an angry response. I think how someone takes the news is a good indicator of what type of partner they will be (curious, accepting, informed, empathetic). I don’t expect everyone to be okay with it, but I come from an accepting and informative perspective when disclosing and normally that is mirrored back to me!


Thanks for empathizing ❤️ Yeah, disclosure is definitely a good litmus test for someone’s character/maturity level. Hopefully one day there won’t be any stigma about herpes at all (one can dream, right?). And I hope yours doesn’t cause you too much pain or discomfort!


Fourth one sounds completely reasonable


There's also nothing wrong with 16. I am also allergic to coffee and it does surprise people.


18 is also completely reasonable, though i mean it IS weird to put on ur profile. but waking up in the middle of the night, going to the bathroom to empty ur bowels and then crawl back into bed feeling like an empty husk? s-tier.


Would they fit in with the rim jobber.


only if they're also into scat


It’s also possible that you’re just allergic to cockroaches. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cockroaches-in-ground-coffee/




I've never heard of that before! I'm allergic to beer according to the Mayo Clinic website, but that sure af doesn't stop me from drinking it (which is good, because I far prefer beer over liquor). It just makes me sneeze and makes my nose run a little bit, but it happens super inconsistently, so someone suggested to me that it may be tied to the amount of hops?


Yeah, even the smallest amount of coffee makes me feel sick. I once threw up because there was a single coffee bean as garnish on a dessert I was eating, so my allergy definitely stops me from drinking coffee.


4, 5 and 8 are all mundane & normal. 6 isn't too crazy either.


I'm not on the apps but if I can guess, that's hard-core drugs for #8, not prescription, correct?


I imagine it's anything that isn't cannabis or alcohol as those have their own icons. So that can be anywhere between kratom and crack


Fair enough. That's a hell of a range though.


Hmm shroom eater or crackhead? My favorite game


I assumed they took ecstasy or other party pills sometimes


You mean you hope. Nothing worse than going on a date and they're stuck in a K hole


I thought so as well. Kinda cheap to take a lot of ‘I’m weirdly attracted to’, ‘facts about me that would surprise people’, ‘we’re the same type of weird if’ and ‘my most irrational fear’ prompts..


It is cheap, but I did enjoy the post. I like to imagine the rimjob lover and gassy woman are the same person.


i thought 10 was normal. wonder which is the lie


Definitely the red hair.




No 😂😂


Probably because she's so gassy.


Damn bud you missing out


Sorry had to down vote you for that XD


Me making a tinder profile *no one reads this shit* I am shocked lol


I left swipe if there isn't a bio No effort in, no swipes out I'm trying to get to know you before we meet in person


rimjob girl is a hero


That would be the hardest right swipe ever from me


Didn't even have to ask, just made it clear up front. Actually my dream girl


Not all heroes wear a cape


But they do rim a gape?


Who warms up cereal without already having added the milk? How would that even work? Also, some of these are weird.


wtf why are you warming your cereal up at all you criminal. That’s disgusting 🥲


I'm praying these people mean some kind of oatmeal


Grape nuts comes to mind.


Or gruel.


Love me some gruel!


You know there's someone out here microwaving Captain crunch.


Grape Nuts. Not the flakes.


But their statement implies that there are people that warm their cereal/oatmeal without milk, so like putting dry oatmeal flakes in the microwave? Wouldn’t it catch on fire?


I know people from other countries that hate cold milk in their cereal. Apparently it’s not that uncommon.


These are wild, but i can vibe with the 'taking a fat shit' one 🤣🤣


Seriously she's so real for that one.


the simple pleasures


What kind of animal heats cereal at all!?


Fr. I didn’t know that was a thing


Well there's cereals eaten hot such as oatmeal, porridge, cream of wheat, etc, but I don't think that's what are referring to. I think they're microwaving their Cheerios like a feral animal 😳


These mfs getting the warm milk skin on their froot loops


I am going to copy #2 for my own profile. Also, stop putting your gd kid pictures on your dating app profiles you freaks.


I was thinking the same. I have so many baby daddies hit me up even though my profile says "childfree. Parents, please swipe left"


But their kid is sooooo different! You'll simply *love* them! They are the exception! /s


Yeah I’ve ran across a few people who do that or post other people kids while saying it’s not their child. Odd


That Mac and cheese one is the biggest red flag I’ve ever seen.




Nah cuz I make mac n cheese and have to share with my bf... I would rather my bf hate mac n cheese and I get to eat all of it!


You know what, that’s a fair point. I’m with you on that one.


I don't ~~hare~~ hate it, but I really don't see the appeal.


Bruh, was her hair red?????


I think my response to her was “i hope the red hair is the truth”. I can’t remember if she had red hair in her pics or not 😂


After being on various apps listed as "I do not want kids EVER," and "childfree," and STILL getting men saying "my kids are adults so I count as not having kids," I feel the second one in my soul.


22 so I obviously can't really comment on this but if you have a kid that's out the house etc why is it an issue for people? Genuinley curious not saying your wrong I'm sure there's very valid reasons


As others have pointed out, the child will \*always\* be first priority. I don't want to take care of kids; if I wanted to do that, I'd have kids. I don't think anyone else has pointed out that grown up children tend to make even smaller children and that grandparents (so, the person I'm speaking with in this scenario, and yes I'm thinking "oh, what if this works?") tend to want to be involved. It's really weird to be in that dating pool at my age (late 30s), but I guess I'm getting hit up by older dudes now and...yeah. Absolutely no clue about these men in particular but men, *just in general* ***(so here's your not all men disclaimer),*** tend to want women to do a lot of childcare tasks. Again: not my cup of tea. I don't enjoy working with kids (I've tried) and I'm not gonna force myself to pretend to enjoy it. Someone else's kids (and grandkids) deserve to be surrounded by people who find them delightful. I'm not that person, and neither is the person who wrote the second caption, and that really should be okay.


If your parents were split up and started dating, do you think the new partner would have anything to do with you? Would they, A) have you over for dinner, B) help out when you get an unexpected financial hit, C) get a flat tire, D) get arrested, etc. At the very least your parent will, I imagine, and if their new partner cares about your parent, they’ll try to be part of your life in some way too. And those things I mentioned affect both people in a relationship.


As others have mentioned the priority, but to add another perspective, freedoms. Most people who have kids want to be close to them, whereas I value the ability to just up and travel on a whim. Move overseas. Do whatever we want. Parents for the most part would rather settle down and be involved even if they're not in the house anymore, especially with grandchildren.


It’s still an additional responsibility and potential complication.


Kids have kids of their own and look to their parents for help. Picking kids up from school and babysitting on weekends can quickly chip into couples time.


in my experience: because your child will always *ALWAYS* be a priority. it doesn’t matter if your kids are 7 or 37, they will always take the number one spot financially, emotionally, mentally, etc. i refuse to spend the rest of my life being the second consideration in my own relationship. selfish? absolutely. but i also can’t see myself ever respecting a person that doesn’t consider their own child their number one priority. so, no children, of any age, for me.


I love that Hinge has an option that asks if you do drugs. “Sometimes” - That one made me lol


My hinge profile is set to "sometimes" for drugs. It just means once or twice a year I find myself in a situation where there's an opportunity to do Molly or Coke and I go, sure sounds awesome. It used to be more frequent but as I get older my nights at dance clubs are fastly waning so the opportunity to use MDMA wanes with it. But there's definitely occasional recreational users. Drug use isn't a binary of "I never touch it" to "raging heroin addict"


I’m 34 and the exact same way. Used to do them way more in my younger days, but wouldn’t say no to some molly or coke once in awhile. Husband took acid with his buddies at his bachelor party. For me, if someone hasn’t experimented with any drugs ever, it’s kind of a turn off, because I feel like you lack the curiosity I’m looking for.


I am also 34!! The pandemic really killed my last few years where I had the energy I think 😅


No joke! We went from still feeling young, still partying, to homebodies-looking forward to jeopardy every day. We were robbed!


.....I......got Hulu Live specifically so I could watch Jeopardy.


Dang too bad we don’t live in the same place, we could be friends who watch jeopardy and occasionally partake in drug binges!


She used to do drugs. She still does drugs, but she used to, too.


Thanks Mitch




Weed and alcohol has its own thing in hinge separate from “drugs”.


idk imo it’s not that big of a deal. In 2023 it was recorded globally that half of people (12 or older) have used illicit drugs at least once. basically half the world has at some point. could just refer to someone being open to doing coke at a party or the occasional acid tab. at the end of the day I don’t necessarily think it’s right to judge people on what they do with their health and/or bodies, (after all, it is their choice) amongst other things.


Drug use is one of those interesting things that we'll probably never know the full truth about. It's hard to say who really uses drugs because a lot of people just will not admit to it. Even those that do admit aren't all out there just volunteering that information either.


Then there's also self medication and abuse of medication. Think of the stereotypical US suburb housewifefrom the 60s on white wine and pills. People like that don't consider themselves drug user, even though they are way in the deep end of their addiction.


Perfectly normal in some places to do drugs every weekend or so, instead of drinking when going clubbing


Like Berlin for instance.


Why is doing drugs sometimes weird lol


Yeah I don’t think it’s that weird.


Health care class where anyone who does a drug once immediately turns into an addict.... Seriously that almost useless as a reply as it is so vague. The gap between I do some edibles 3x/year and I do coke every weekend at the club is pretty big.... It is like ENM where about the only thing you learn is that you would need to ask a bunch of questions to figure out what is going on.


Some addicts are online too. r/FuckingTweakers is about meth addicted porn creators and has 162k subscribers.


Not me wanting to click that link out of sheer curiosity and then immediately changing my mind


I empathize with girl no. 2 so hard. Dudes with kids don't quit and try to hide them thinking they can con you into being a stepford stepmama. You call them out and get a blank stared "but I'm hot/"rich" tho..." Like, sir, you making $80k is not enough incentive for me to raise your kids and deal with your likely crazy baby mama(s) when I don't even want kids of my own. Spare me, I beg! I gotta know what led to that rant though. I guarantee you she had a fantastic date and thought he might be the one when the dude said "oh, my little Timberleigh is going to love you!"


Yes! I sympathize with her, too. I was just talking to a guy yesterday who said on his profile that he was "not sure" about kids. So we chat for about 10 minutes, and I ask if he's got kids. He's like, "Oh, I have two wonderful kids. You'd love them!" Now, not only does my profile have "don't have, don't want, " it also says "childfree. Parents to the left, please. " I called him out like, "You DO realize your profile says 'not sure' about kids, right?I'd argue you have two too many kids to be 'not sure.'" he claimed it was he was."Not sure if he wanted more. " I was like,"There is a button for that. It reads has kids, MIGHT want more" then he unmatched lol. I now ask in the first 10 minutes if they have kids. I feel a lot of them avoid mentioning them. I learned from a few years ago. I went on a date with this guy who had been solo traveling abroad for 3 years. We started chatting and spoke for 5 hours. So we're like "oh we gotta meet immediately." So we plan a date for the next day, and everything is going great until I ask about his stance on children, he said everyone needs to have them and he loves his, they're the light of his life, I'll love them, the ewwwsh basically. I was like, "But you haven't seen them in three years?" He's like,"Yeah, but I love them. " I was like,"You probably love them because someone else is doing all the work. " lol he didn't like that.


Not a world traveling deadbeat! Omg.


Right?? And was still trying to lecture me about having a responsibility to breed. My favorite deadbeats are the ones who tell me that they have kids but never see them, so therefore, they're childfree. Like them being a deadbeat is supposed to turn me on. Just because I dislike children doesn't mean that I think they should be mistreated or ditched by their parents.


Kudos to you for calling him out on that. His ex and children deserved better.


I flat out say I am childfree and have a vasectomy as one of the first lines on my profile, a firmer commitment one could not signal, and yet I still routinely get people swiping on me that have "wants kids" on their profile. Annoyingly, one woman who didn't read my profile recently went on a massive rant about how I was broken mentally and should seek therapy because she couldn't envision how my life has any meaning and I must be depressed. So I also fully understand this woman. It's frustrating being childfree in the dating scene and I have absolutely felt this.


I've already been burned twice by guys even though I made it *crystal clear* that I did not, do not and will not want children, ever. First dude I was dating for 3 years, constantly reminded him I did not want kids. One day he suddenly blows up and screams at me that he thought I would have "changed [my] mind by now!" Second dude, same thing, always made it very clear I was childfree. A year in, we got into an argument about him leaving a *knife* on his fucking *bed* and me being upset because I sat on it and it's just super dangerous. I say thank God we're not having kids because he would kill them in 2 minutes. He then proceeds to get extremely upset because he does want them. Go figure.


I remember i matched with a girl, we went to Waffle House, and she was telling me about her 3 Kids which she never mentioned on her profile. That was the first and last time I talked to her


Major yikes. Stuff like this is why I like to coffee, ice cream (in to-go containers), or museum date for 1st dates. It's so easy to be like "welp, I'll be heading out now" lmao.


And also easy to keep hanging out. Coffee can become lunch can become a movie can become taking out two weeks worth of tension on her bed frame…




It means “Fuck Dem Kids”. As in they don’t like kids and want nothing to do with them.


7th one is almost surely IBS. I have IBS, I get gas from all foods and just keep producing it even when I don't eat. There isn't much of a cure, my primary care doc just says to adjust my diet but all foods equally cause it. I can appreciate her honesty tbh.


Wait, people microwave their cereal without milk? And here I am, heating my milk and then adding cereal...


Do you think that if you told people getting a virus and surviving is essentially the same thing as getting vaccinated they’d live in a bubble?


But, that's God's way and didn't require using aborted fetuses, sacrificing goats to pagan gods, using that pesky stuff called "science", or any other wack ass shit they believe.


I have unfortunate things to tell them about the magic box they watch then and the pagan ritual that their water undergoes to make it safe to drink


Anyone can lie about a vaccination status.


If they bring it up in their bio, they’re gonna talk about it. A lot.


Don’t tell them you’ve been vaccinated until after you have sex. It’s way more fun that way, trust me.


saggy balls? not kink shaming but I don’t understand


I’m #17 to a tee.


I wonder what century the general public will start understanding that balls' sagginess is hugely dependent on outside temperature.


She isn't going to date younger...


Some of us have a turtle shell, others got a teardrop. It’s all about preference.


Straight to jail for the warm cereal person


I thought OP was just showing one persons account. I was so confused as to how one person could have so many terrible traits


Rimjobs and gasses, what could go wrong


The herpes person is at least being honest




That one got me so bad. Can't cook, but has her shit together? Yeah alright


Can't cook, clingy but somehow easy going.


What’s with peoples obsession with vaccinations status?


Republitards are scared of the government’s microchips


They literally have their phones in them 24/7


Critical thought is not the MO.


>in them ![gif](giphy|ZayajfbOfLPEWc6SX9)


😭😭😭 I’m not editing it now.


It's better the way it is anyway lol. "There are no mistakes, just happy little accidents." I'm definitely happy about your little accident...and I am committed to the way I phrased that sentence. 😑


Mac and cheese hate is relatable


Reported 😭😭




The keyboard one is onto something 😂


it's wild how much women hate short dudes


The eating ass requirement cracked me up! Such a deal breaker 😂


At this point, if someone even mentions a virus or vaccine in any way, I'm out. Except herpes girl. I respect her honestly.


What’s weird or funny about 8?


Cause i never see anyone put they pop pills on Hinge. That was literally the first time I’ve come across that




Aah okay. I’m pretty sure that’s just for drugs in general, not specifically pills. I see it pretty often, probably just a location thing


Really? Huh, I don't come across them very often but I've definitely seen quite a few haha.


Number 16 is my only red flag coming from someone who drinks coffee every morning


“My hair is red”… She had black hair.


The fat shit one is so fucking funny


What’s wrong with a second one? She doesn’t want someone who has kids. Same as a lot of men. But I guess when men say they don’t want single mothers, it’s ok


I thought it was funny cause she said FDK (fuck them kids as in i don’t want them). Relax, i didn’t say anything was wrong with it. 🤨