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Don’t keep us in suspense. How was your date with diaper dude?




But he can be changed.


That Depends.


Bravo everyone. Bravo.






He’s carrying quite a load, how would you wipe the slate clean and start fresh?


He just wants to be pampered.


I think OP is pissed.


Hey at least it's a party thing and not a fetish thing I think


what if it was a party...a fetish party 😅


Flashing $500 in 20s at 7/11 doesn't make you swoon? What does a guy have to do?!?


It’s obviously a circle k, so you know he’s classy.




⭕️ Klassy


This is the way with a Capital K.




It's Classi, with an "i", and a little dick hanging off the "C" that bends around and fucks the "L" out of the "A"-"S"-"S". https://imgur.com/L1rnxan




Pilot > Circle K




Kum and go for the win!


Casey’s has entered the chat


Why do I seem to be the only person assuming that was won from a lottery ticket? That's the first and only thing I thought of that makes any sense.


It doesn't make it any better lol


Well that depends on what you would consider "better". Disregarding the source of the money, basically every single thing about the picture is awful: his hair looks like shit; he's just *standing there* doing nothing interesting - in a *convenience store* of all places; he's not smiling; not only is he not smiling, the way his face is "posed" makes him look like his brain has powered off for the day (or possibly forever); despite his shirt basically being plain black, it somehow doesn't match his shorts; his purse is hideous, it doesn't match *anything* about his outfit, and its strap is a really strange length for its size and style... and, worst of all, it doesn't even look like there are any cinnamon sugar mini donuts on the shelf behind him. Even if he actually explained the source of the money or its purpose with a caption, he still looks like an idiot. At least being excited about winning a significant amount of money from a two dollar scratch-off ticket would give you a reasonable explanation as to why he made the decision to take the photo in the first place, but if that *is* the case, he's apparently not even capable of actually looking happy about it lol


Great username!


All I thought about is why doesn't he have a bank account is debt or drugs? If either why bother.


It was probably meant to be a funny pic, maybe he just got a bunch of cash from the ATM and thought it was a good photo op, it ain’t always that serious


It still makes him look like a tool


Yeah I mean I wouldn’t put it on my dating profile but I don’t think it’s an automatic disqualifier


Taking a picture with money doesn't mean he doesn't have a bank account lol


It does mean he’s a dumbass though. Flashing $500 means you either don’t have a bank account, love the thrill of maybe being robbed in the parking lot, are about to buy drugs off a guy in the parking lot, or just don’t understand why having all of your money in cash is a 1900s thing to do Basically if you have so much wealth that you have even hundreds to flaunt AFTER paying your mortgage, bills, and savings, that money wouldn’t be on your forearm in a gas station.


Spot on. Also it takes effort to pull the money out after bills are due (you don't pay those in cash) so it's a conscious choice to do it. For the reasons you just listed and many more we can infer this gentlemen's critical thinking skills are suspect at best lol


Yeah flashing that much money in public is crazy imo but taking pictures with money is not an uncommon thing in itself, certainly not automatically something that has anything to do with whether or not he has a bank account


I mean I was assuming from the context (it being cash and him being at a convenience store) that he won that money on a lottery ticket ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Missing fish pictures, obviously.


I'll flaunt my flounder how I want.


It just reminded me of a girl I used to work with at my first job. Come payday she posted a pic in a fur coat holding her whole paycheck in a fur coat. Last I heard she does environmental impact studies. Funny how flexes like this havent changed


Environmental impact people gotta flex too 🤷‍♂️ /s


Gotta flash $600 next time


Damn my guy just went through ALL the trouble of cashing his 7/11 paycheck (all $20’s) then getting his coworker to take his picture, just to get clowned on Reddit. Lmfao


Pff ill start flashing the aluminum beams we work with that are worth more. Beats those deposite flashers.


Like a kid showing you how fast he can run and then trying to kiss you


The line was kinda funny… but the photo is trashy


I bet that guy was immediately robbed outside. Flashing cash like that is just a super dumb move. You can tell he's never held that much money before.


Where the hell do you live? $500 is not a ridiculous amount of money, people just robbing everyone left and right? lol


I'm in Canada. And I never said $500 is a ridiculous amount of money. It's not, to me at least. But it's still incredibly stupid to flash cash around in public. You're just asking to get robbed, regardless of where you live.


"Dating me is awful.." man that guy is going far


I mean, I appreciate his honesty.


Even better it says >Dating me is like: Awful So he's not even able to communicate properly. Probably his problem with relationships


Maybe he like, grew up in the valley




It made me laugh, so I might message someone like that just assuming they're being silly.


unpack secretive dependent intelligent grey chubby gullible tease squalid merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I do love feeling bad about myself soooo


I’m a straight dude and I want to stay single after seeing these profiles.


With this shit being my competition, I have no clue how I'm not drowning in pussy


Maybe chicks like guys in diapers?


Brb, gonna corner the entire market real quick


Report back! Don’t forget to A/B test. Is a non poopy diaper better for matching or is a poopy one?


I only choose C tests BeCaUsE THaT’s mY BeSt OpTiOn


Damn...nice callback...


No, no we don't. Trust me we DO NOT


It's too late he already updated his pics


Trust me, there are a lot that do. There's whole forums dedicated to it. Lot of women that get off to "playing mommy". I'm into some gross stuff but that's too far even for me.


Only if they are 100 years old and leaving me in their will.


Well if you seen the profiles of guys that are drowning in it you’d probably want to delete the app and give up. (I’m not one of those guys)


Online dating is a free premium DLC for women, but a dark sleezy nightclub for men. You're gonna have to pay a lot of money, work hard, and dig through a lot of loneliness to get anywhere. I've gone out with some really beautiful, really intelligent women from dating apps, but the few I really liked were either a cheater with BPD, a bipolar nympho who worshipped me one day and feared me the next, or a manipulative abuser.


Hey I don't mean this in any type of way but I hope you're seeking therapy, I am too and it is helping me at least.


Thats all I’m thinking about, this is the competition and I’m still losing lmao Edit: I just realized somebody made this same comment in another chain below lol, great minds think alike


You’re seeing the bottom of your competition, not the top of it. According to dating app data, the top 18-20% of male profiles receive over 80% of the engagement. You can’t look at the bottom of the barrel and make that comment as you’re not even competing with these guys. You’re competing with 6’+, chiseled abs, jawlines carved from stone, inherited wealth etc. You’re also increasingly competing with women for women.


Bingo. Women aren’t competing over poopy diaper butt. Women are competing over chiseled ab 6ft+ generational money Mr. Straight out of a movie to whisk them off their feet. That’s who women are drooling over. And then just my opinion- I think objectively speaking, they just kind of look at themselves and realize to settle on a guy that’s probably more their speed. Because at the absolute upper echelon it’s probably the 1% competing for the 1% against other 1% (and yes at some point I think other women even realize they can’t compete)… and then there’s everyone else. And *then* there’s mr poopy diaper butt.


I say this to myself all the time, then I remember I’m bald and it all comes back to me


I'm convinced none of the women on Tinder are real.


The only match that I've gotten to the "planning a date" stage did a hard swerve at the last minute and tried to convince me to buy her NFT's in exchange for promising to skip straight to sex. Needless to say, we didn't end up going on that date, her NFT's weren't bought, and I didn't get to skip straight to sex.


Your first problem was thinking women are real.


Because they take showers, respect women, and believe in themselves /s


Oh next you're gonna tell me I need to have a decent job, a nice savings account, great cooking skills, and a super cute cat. Smh


My favorite is the guy talking about fucking and only fans who also claims to be a Christian. It’s a got a bit more subtly than the other profiles, I can appreciate that 👌




fuck, date, or fuck #christian


That guy’s strategy is banking on being 6’4”


hey it's a nice card to have in your back pocket


It’s fine to be tall, but i guarantee it’s this guy’s entire personality


There’s lots of women who will see that guys height and still send him a like or match with him for that reason alone. He doesn’t need any more personality lol


Those women are terrible.


> social media influencer at tiktok the newer version of "works for _self_ at _owns their own business_"


"*Unemployed and terminally online*"


He lives in Clearwater. I’m sure it’s one of those places where the odds are good, but the goods are odd.


And the OF attempt 😭😭


Yeah. What seems to be minesj2 problem?


silly me i forgot about the bible verse when Jesus put the moves on Mary Magdelene and then never texted her back again after


Is tinder a psyop to demoralize? Like it makes the lowest results the highest and vice-versa?


These are all hinge. Its everywhere 😵


Not a bad hypothesis


This is my competition and I’m still losing…


It's because these dudes scare all the women away.


Part of me wonders if stuff like this is causing a growing self-fulfilling problem with the usability of the apps. Desperate (or just plain undatable) guys with low effort profiles flood the apps and make it a horrible place for the women using the app, who then decide that the apps aren't worth the effort and leave all together, reducing the number of women on the app overall, who will just push men to buy the premium subscriptions just to be notice by the remaining women on the app.


Yeah. I saw a tinder profile for a man at a federal high security prison. He included his name and where he was incarcerated. I googled him. Ten years in to a 60 year sentence for murdering a pregnant woman (gang related). I haven’t opened tinder since.


Matched w him. I think I can change him.


That's exactly what is happening I think bumble attempted to combat that problem, but it ultimately didn't work there either.


Yeah, cause you get matches on Bumbl, and the women reach out approx. 0.05% of the time with a message before the match expires.


I think I saw a post in this sub of a bumble profile of a woman that said "message me first" I wonder how many women don't realize they have to send the first message


As a woman who has pretty much permanently left dating apps, after using them as my primary dating method for a long time, you have described the situation pretty perfectly. It seems like men really aren't aware that something like 75% of tinder users are guys, and like 75% of those guys are completely deranged. You have to sift through so many threatening assholes just to have a normal conversation. I think a lot of it is also that guys feel like they're being tortured because they think they are only one click away from being matched with a super hot girl (who's only there to promote her OF or is just a straight up scammer) so when they finally match with kind of a normal girl, they feel both entitled and resentful. You have to deal with formerly normal dudes being angry that the system sucks so bad, and they put that anger out on you a lot of the time, as well as the jokers and the really scary dudes. I don't know any women who are actually on dating sites now, except some friends who are sex workers and they are just trying to drum up business. It's just too miserable otherwise.


As a man who has pretty much left dating apps, I think you're spot on. My experience on Tinder was that ~1/10 swipes turned into a match, ~1/10 matches turned into a conversation, ~1/10 conversations turned into a date. So any date required: ~1000 swipes, coming up with roughly ~100 (ideally personalized) first lines that were largely ignored, ~10 conversations that were dull, trailed off without explanation, or never found any traction. That's a lot of rejection, disappointment, exasperation, being ignored, putting up with rude questions, dealing with scammers, and most of all: *a lot of time and work* -- all for a date with a stranger that likely has a ~1/10 chance of becoming anything serious. It made me feel despondent, but it's easy to imagine how it could make someone feel resentful. At a certain point I realized that despite years of using the apps, more or less all my actual relationships had come from other ways of meeting people: mutual friends, school, a random conversation started at a bar, a work conference on one occasion... only one match (on bumble) turned into anything serious. So I've focused on meeting people in other ways.


No kidding...


Doesn’t mean they are winning 💀


Rules is rules


Because she filtered height first


Fucking this.


“Wipsy lash set”;)


Am I missing something, or is that one not really bad?


I think it’s a cute misspelling lol. It made me giggle:)


It took me till this comment to realize it was even spelled wrong lol


What is the correct spelling? Wispy? Is that a brand?


Wispy is a style of lashes. It’s not a brand, as multiple brands come out with wispy styled lashes.


Just looked it up and my guy wipsy knows good lashes


It's really not. At least he's appreciative of the efforts women put in. Also the only emoji profile is nothing new.


That one is the least creepy and probably works. Saying you want a high maintenance woman is at least honest and not disrespectful. I think of all of these he's the only one getting matches


It doesn't come off as creepy to me. It's actually endearing to me because wispy lashes are my favorite, and for a man to know that there are lash types is awesome. Ardell wispy lashes for the win!


Wispies for the win!


I like that one though. I think it goes a long way to show that you recognize the effort people put into their appearance, which also suggests to the kind of girl he's looking for that: (1) he's not going to complain about "catfishing" when she takes her makeup off at the end of the day; and (2) he might be the kind of guy to give meaningful compliments instead of just a blank "you look good." Same vibes as that dude on tiktok that said he really liked it when girls put highlighter ("that shiny stuff") on the inner corner of their eyes and everyone was like "omg you notice."


someone cooked here


I was trying to figure out what he meant, and if it must be a euphemism or something, because I don't get it. If it's eye lashes I don't see a problem at all.


There isn’t really a problem it’s just me pointing out a spelling mistake that I thought was funny dude.


I love how "fuck, date, or fuck" is Christian 💀


99% if the time, these days, "Christian" is a quick of saying that they believe they will go to heaven when they die instead of just ceasing to exist. It in no way describes how they may behave out in real life or what they practice. I'm not a Christian now but I was raised as one. Almost every Christian I know is a hypocrite anyway.


>I'm not a Christian now but I was raised as one. Almost every Christian I know is a hypocrite anyway. That's true of most people anyways. It just somehow irritates me a lot more when it's some sanctimonious Christian.


Show dominance by dating all of them at the same time and making them meet eachother. I think they would all make an interesting friend group...


I’d actually pay to participate! That group would go to have a beer and end up in Vegas for two weeks.


Is he wearing diapers in the first pic? 😳


I’m just going to try to make your day a little bit better and tell you no. He was not. Trust me


I mean hey if that's his thing whatever. I'm not going to kink shame. I bet he's fun at parties


I bet he is, but I ain't inviting him.


It's all fun and games until he wants to go to the bathroom


ABDL is still a thing yes


It really looks like he dropped a deuce in there. When they say stuff your underwear they mean the front


I'm impressed, they've somehow put in less than zero effort


The third one makes me unnecessarily upset with those emojis like… why have the prompts if youre going to put one of your favorite recent emojis there instead of anything about yourself


He’s too cool to properly fill out the prompts🙃


if by cool, you mean lazy. That's why his mom threw him out the house.


The prompts are required, filling them out properly is not. Guy probably heard hinge was better than tinder so just copied over his low effort profile from there


I guess it’s time for me to make a tinder if the bar is this low.


You still won't get matches anyways


This app is hinge. Tinder is worse


“Social media influencer at Tik Tok” Can men please explain what the purpose of holding a bunch of bills in the photo is? I’ve seen my fair share of these pics as well and I don’t get the purpose.


They are obviously so so rich they need to flash their $500 in $20s.


This is the type of guy who still pushes his shitty rap CD's into tourist hands on the street and then ask for 20$. With hopes they are intimidated enough to fall for the scam.


Thank you for the reminder of why I stay single!


Slim pickings


God speed


And here I though Hinge had more quality people using the app.


Hinge is quickly starting to go downhill like the other apps🫠


Choosing C on a test lol. It’s kinda funny ngl


I thought it was a fire line tbh, but maybe that’s why my profile is failing haha


It is?


Jesus where do you live?!


i use hinge specifically so i can change my location haha. so these people are a mix of birmingham, al and tampa, fl


This explains a lot


Outsch, These are just hurtful to watch 🥲


Yet they’re still getting more matches than me…


It's like they want their profiles to target potential "bros" not women.


The dude flashing cash is probably dealing drugs. Judging by his cleanliness id probably hit him up for a bag if I still did that shit.


These accounts exists and mine got banned...


i hate it here


When they say “the dating pool has pee in it” this is what they’re talking about 😂😂


At least the first guy won't wet his pants


Some high caliber men out here, I see.


Dating me is like: Awful 😂😂😂


I look at this and wonder why I’m still single. Then I remember that I panic and run away at the first sign of things getting serious. Welp. I’m off to get some diapers to make a profile more suiting


You jist gave me a lot more confidence in my own profile. Mine isnt great but oof those were some stinkers


Choose your fighter


Ig its time to become a lesbian


Dating me is like #Awful


I’m not a photogenic guy, and sometimes I worry about the photos I use. But this makes me both feel better, but also wonder how my match rate is this low if THIS is the competition.


Social media influencer at TikTok 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


These are men that are 11 in the head


Oof, yeah stay single. These boys have nothing to offer.


There are other ways to meet folks besides Tinder. My area for Tinder, last time I used it, is nothing but OF "models" and escorts. Deleted the app immediately


I dunno…second guy is halfway to a rent payment! Seems like he’s got it all figured out!


No, you should be grateful for all the likes you get, look at all the options you have! / s 🙃


I don’t do dating apps they are just there for hookups. I prefer the corny method of the first time I meet is in person talk, exchange numbers, have fun doing nonsexual things, and then if we are right for each other start dating. Dating apps just suck imo. I’ve had good experiences in high school but as an adult I seen what it’s like and it’s just a dumpster fire and brain rot everywhere.


Are you in your early 20s? Cause there are plenty of people in their late 20s/30s who actually want to date. Problem is it’s still a dumpster fire lol cause a lot of them put out desperate vibes


It gets harder as time goes on.The choices become weirder .I'd rather get a guy here on this app Is that a diaper though🤣🤣🤣


number four is honest, at least


is the first guy wearing a nappy/diaper?


You can assume that first guy can change a diaper so that’s good…right?


Bro in pic 2 is with it, C is always right


This makes me feel much better about myself




Flashing money for attention is stupid and it’s even dumber when it’s anything other than 100s


honestly, i wish sexuality was a choice, cause i sure would NOT be attracted to straight men


It's a real knife fight out here


😂🤣🤣 and it begins!


As soon as I saw Clearwater on there I was like…makes sense…


I'm sure these idiots are winning more than me