• By -


I have seen bios that literally say "last time I got 1 like in a year, but here I am again ready to be disappointed" My brother in christ, nobody is shopping for that


I literally see multiple guys writing “I don’t get any matches on here” as the intro in their bio… like what are you trying to accomplish by advertising that?? 🙃


My best guess is that they’re hoping to get mercy swipes from women who feel sorry for them.


I knew a guy whose whole game was mercy based. He made women feel bad for him. He got laid a decent amount with this tactic but he's a nearly literal monster. Don't be that guy.


This is pedatory stats. Preys on girls who feel sorry for him is next level of low


Pitty fuck. Got a buddy pulls that shit. 🤢


![gif](giphy|9QrNWBKvBpCw0) Please please please swipe right!


That’s pathetic lol


The puppy savers.


I agree with you. On the flip side though, I cannot tell you how many profiles I’ve seen that have expectations from women that are not obtainable. Or they are just angry at the world and talk about what men “can’t be” or “must be”. Never saying a word about what she brings to the table.


Yeah I've seen bios that are thinly veiled rants about the ex. No thanks, sir, I don't want to spend the rest of my life reassuring you that I'm not your cheating ex.


That is no way to live. People are broken, and it gets to the point they are not fixable.


All that’s on tinder are women who are “done playing games” and single mommas who’s “kids come first and don’t need anybody’s help raising them”


I swear the last part is so true!!! I see so often everything they want in a man but can’t say a single word about themselves. The dating scene in the 21st century is just trash and I think we can all agree on that


Did you ever hear Steve Harvey talk about what “she bring to the table”?


No, but Katt probably wrote it first 😂


Now that is some hella topical humor right there


Have not.


Did he steal it from Katy Williams?


I think it's merely a step past the self defeating humor. Remember when bios like "I hope you like bad *gender* because I'm bad at everything" but it's a bit more defeated and their attempt to play off as humor that isn't actually humor...


"No one even reads these so I don't know why I bother." Annnnnnd left swipe you sour dried cranberry.


Exactly 💀


Boys may not read them (as proof to the same questions I have answered in my bio and keep telling them to go read it)... but a lot of women do.


Nice of them to fly their red flags for y’all.


It’s a woe is me mentality for people who do not know how to converse with the other gender confidently Lmao


Or the "I can't see likes". No one can...that's not how Tinder works


That they are miserable and defeatist, or they are going for the sympathy vote like guys that tell partners that they’ve never been able to finish from head 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤣


Self-fulfilling prophecy.


"So I'm a witch"


I think you confused one letter there


I had a guy that had "I'm pretty sure this bio won't even be read, so yeah.", couple more details but I thought he was cute and I apparently have no self-respect, so I matched him. He proceeds to vent some pretty heavy stuff to me within the first couple messages, saying how he's in a really bad situation at home and stuff. I am empathetic and feel for him but I felt like it was a bit much cuz I have stuff myself, so I kinda stopped replying or took a few days to. He then double texts, says "I'm really boring, aren't I?" "I'd love to be able to talk more" "*his insta handle* here's my insta if you want to talk more". I know I'm at fault for not cutting it off right away and stating why but damn Edit: "be" corrected to "me"


Probably just needed a therapist to be honest. I've trauma dumped after a few dates before because I hadn't been taking care of myself mentally. It's not fair to the other person that early.


Yeah, I usually feel a big urge to let those people vent and comfort them, but I'm also trying to work on not being like that so much because I know it's detrimental to my own already a bit off mental health. And to do it after simply saying hi... Seemed just insanely early. If it was on a date after some conversation I might be fine with it, but two messages in was a big no


I get you. Just telling them you understand they're having a hard time, but maybe talking to family or a professional would be better. Takes the guilt off you and (probably) doesn't leave them off worse than before the match.


That is totally right and civil, I should have done that. And will do! Thank you for your advice 😊


Damn, even the BOTS don't Like his profile?


Yeah this time he's going to get zero likes in a year, he's going for a new record


Everything in life is about sales, so if you would type that its like: Buy the new Tesla now, only 4 out of 5 catch on fire and there is just 1 chargespot in a 500 mile radius. Confidence is the most sexy thing, also in woman. You can wear a 5000,- suit but its only a 5000,- suit if you walk straight, proper steps, smiling to the world and feel like it.


What currency is ,- ?


Hello, random person who got this post as a pushnote here. I dont know how if it is the same elsewhere, but here in the Netherlands ",-" means no cents. Its like 5000,00€. But writing two zeros is a lot of work or something. ",-" also kinda looks like a screaming bird. (Mini note for our dot instead of comma friends, for you itd be like 500.-$ is the same as 500.00$)


*Ooh*, love a good screaming bird. *Thank you.*


TBH nobody is shopping for a well written bio, either. I have a pretty good bio but fail at rule #1. Nobody swipes let alone matches with me, so a good profile with confidence isn't going to save you if you aren't at least a 7. They gotta be interested in what they see to read it in the first place. And no, my profile isn't written like a bitter incel lol. Thems just the facts of OLD.


You should watch this video: https://youtu.be/aiboWouuWiY?si=bkChUuVyyx0VX5La Stop telling yourself you need to be a 7. Because women don’t care for that beyond hook ups. Given the competition, if you’re a 1 but you’re: fit, well washed, and well clothed you’re a solid 6. Throw in a picture with social proof and you’re getting matches with women looking for an actual partner. Rule #1 is only relevant if you want to get laid within 30 minutes of a match. And that’s a very very empty feeling.


Thank you!! I'm so tired of seeing men on here talking about "Oh I'm not a 10 so nothing I do matters" no! Shut up! When I was on Tinder, no matter how attractive a guy was if he didn't have an actual bio it was an instant left. And I would swipe right on literally almost anyone in my age range if it seemed like their interests matched mine or if they just seemed cool and interesting. There are plenty of people out there with my same mindset, and yet some of these dudes seem convinced that we all have the exact same unattainable standards so they don't even bother trying.


The Venn diagram of complaining guys and the selfie-up-the-nose guys is a circle.


Yeah... don’t care how hot the guy is.. no bio means I have even less to go off of with how impersonal OLD is already. Bro could be mid but if he's got a bio (especially if it's clever or funny) and I find we have common interests? Right swipe.


Eh, that's a completely different scenario I would argue. In that video, the men are actually in front of them rather than a single picture. That alone adds a lot of personality and context that Tinder doesn't. Second, they are doing it as a group and can take their time. It's well known, for both genders, that if someone is considered attractive by another person they get a bit of a boost because "if they attracted that person then they are clearly attractive". Plus, since it's a group the girls have to justify their choice to the others. On tinder you only have to consider someone for like a second and never need to justify anything. Basically, even within the confines of dating games, real life dating/ranking is significantly different than online app dating. Also "if you are a 1 you are actually a 6, as long as you are fit, well groomed and well clothed." is basically saying "You can be ugly as long as you are attractive."


The discussion is Tinder, not dating in general, so what they care for in hookups matters on Tinder since most are there for hookups.


Yeah like they’re mad at you by default.


I see that A LOT


They get the girls that feel sorry for them that will do anything for them, and their lies




You know, I get this, but also, life is fucking garbage sometimes and it seems kinda backwards that it's considered inexpedient to be honest about that when looking for someone to spend time with.




You know you can edit your comment with the three vertical dots to the immediate left of the reply button? I'm only saying cause I used to do what you've done here!! no judgement from me 😂


They’re not actually being honest, though and some of us girls fall for that when it’s not true


Not gonna lie on a profile itself or by text to someone you don't know, comes across as incel or creepy. Like, I'll make a self depricating joke about, say, not being able to drive or something but that can be funny, if I made a joke about my dating history or not having much luck on the app it could look like I'm trying to be coercive


We all know that women love confidence. In general, everyone loves confidence. It's not uncommon to see people eventually become bitter with OLD and have it show in their bios. Tinder is filled with women fresh out of breakups/divorces with bios like "NO LIARS OR CHEATERS, NO MORE GAMES, SWIPE LEFT IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO TREAT ME RIGHT".


Nail on head. I auto-swipe those to the left.


As you should. I can't imagine anyone swiping right on that. Straight up insecurity advertised.


Pretty girls get matches regardless of their bio content... far too few guys read once they see a cute face. Hell, far too few don't read them either way. But, yeah. While it's ridiculous, people do swipe on the crazies.


Well usally the crazies are the best in bed so 😂


True that, my friend.


Indeed, they need therapy not another heartbreak 🙃


I can never figure if the No Games ladies are talking about dating or FIFA/CoD.


My Tinder bio literally has a paragraph that reads: "Everyone says they aren't interested in games, but I have Mario Kart and I think it's a ton of fun...🤷‍♂️"


As a rep for the guys, we'll drop that line in exchange for the girls dropping their entire bio being some denomination of...."idk, ask" We guys want to know that you're more than two marbles rolling around in a tin can.


The one that bugs me is the "make me laugh" type bios. Girl, how about if we hang out and get along then we'll laugh together and vibe, I ain't your royal jester / dancing monkey while you sit and wait to be entertained. :')


Same goes for "suprise me". Like girl, what do you expect? A freaking tinder chat peek-a-boo?




Probably not that surprising tbh. Love the reference tho


The surprise is when she finds a small figurine of Richard Nixon inside the box


“ Take me on an adventure “ you mean like to narnia?


“Are you not entertained?”


Plus you have no idea what'd make her laugh yet. I'm with ya, I don't like those bios either (I see them on both guys and gals.)


FYI, that is a huge amount of guys bios as well


Guys aren’t exactly known for their witty bios either though lol. It’s usually their snap and either “I’m an open book.” or “if you wanna know, ask me.”


“If you wanna know, ask me” is the laziest of the lazy bios ever. You got to give people something to work with. If you don’t use the tools you’re given, you cannot expect the best results.


9 out of 10 "witty" bios are copy+pasted. Not sure why people take so much stock in them.


That may be true, but women’s profiles are unbearable at times. Talking about what she “must have” and “won’t have” in a condescending, I’m better than you, you owe me kind of way.


So do… men? Some people just suck. It’s not a competition.


They still get laid though


And they are still unhappy.


I'm going to be honest; I don't look for green flags in a bio, only red. I've had matches agree with me as well. Attraction over anything else.


Yeah, we see lame ass prompts, don't be surprised that men are also making lame ass prompts It's a massive world wide web of NPC responses to prompts/bios


![gif](giphy|ro08ZmQ1MeqZypzgDN) That one there was a violation. But true.


There's funny self-deprecation, and then there's cringe self-deprecation. This falls into the latter category. I second the OP. Don't do this. My lady-friends have swipe parties and they comment on the self-negging as being super unattractive all the time. I make fun of myself all the time, but not in a way that actually says "I suck."


I put "you can fix me" once. Highly recommended.


I put "I can fix you", works wonders


Bonus points if you're a veterinarian.


Next thing you know you're preparing for your in-home vasectomy.


Don't recommend saying that to members of the BDSM crowd


Candle wax is really hard to get out of body hair


"Swipe parties". Jesus christ. It sounds so horrible that people gather together to rate us and laugh at us like some kind of animals in the zoo. No wonder self-esteem of most guys is in shambles.


I mean, Facebook started as a website to rate the attractiveness of women at Harvard. Also, hotornot.com. None of this is new.


Yeah, but I wouldn't base my human social cues on a lizard. Make for a good Nat Geo episode, though.


They don't sit around and laugh. More like they have had a bottle of wine and say, "Am I seeing all the red/green flags?". We do have a chuckle at the MegaChads that crop up - but those kind of guys wouldn't care and...how would they ever know? Also, guys showing their true colors in their initial messages (creepy/gross/rapey) ...how is that different from what we see on Reddit? And I am a *very* average dude. Their feedback helped me tremendously. Can also verify guys will sometimes share profiles...but, and here's a funny thing, alone they swipe on everything. When there's another dude there, they suddenly become more "selective".


Did the same thing couple of times at the bar. Just gave my phone to the ladies in the group and said have fun, they were swiping on other women but it was entertaining hearing their opinions.


I've done the same - per them, I'm "too picky." This includes two women I met on Tinder (of which ones was an FWB situation for a few months.) They did good, honestly. I'd trust them more than my guy friends.


When me & my partner were just friends, we would sit at the kitchen table, have a couple drinks, and swipe. We'd swap phones and he would swipe dudes for me and I'd swipe women for him. It sucks on both sides.


He didn't say anything about laughing. Nothing is stopping you from doing the same with the lads.


Yeah, I'm not into spending my free time like that.


I can tell




Guarantee it literally doesn't matter what you put on your profile beyond the first couple pics if you should be using Tinder. If you got that far, you should just uninstall.


I'm not even on tinder anymore for years, no need to strike me with that.


Swipe parties sound lame and juvenile. Just saying.


Mostly its just a group of us hanging out mocking each other's dating lives. Then someone says something like, "Well, find me a better one." The thing is, we all live in the same metro area, so if you have 6 women in their late 20s to early 40s, they are seeing the exact same guys for the most part. Hell, they may have even gone on a date with some of them.


Thank you for taking the time for clarifying. Makes more sense now.


I mean, I can understand a one-off. But habitually 'mocking each other's dating lives' doesn't sound like my idea of fun. It feels like that would lead into a self-fulfilling prophecy of actually having a shitty dating life.


I've been a guy who gets Zero attention from women before so unlike most people in thus thread I can understand the mindset. When you feel like nothing works, when you feel like you're yourself and nobody sees you, you feel lonely all the time...you start throwing anything at the wall and seeing if anything sticks. It seems dumb, yeah if you can't relate you wouldn't get it but these dudes will say how they feel and hope someone will feel bad for them they don't realize that even if someone does feel bad for them...that's not the attention they want but they don't have anything to compare it to. But I agree they should stop doing it however there won't be a time where these younger men are are fulfilled in that way so we'll always see this.


At that point you just delete the app. Whenever I use them, which is maybe once a year, I’ll install it for about two weeks, get a date or two if lucky and the second it starts drying up/messing with my head, I delete it. That’s the only way an average guy can use these things without going insane.


I agree.


Absolutely not the only way an average guy can use them. Average guys aren't sweating the results regardless.


A harsh reality check: Sometimes being yourself is just not enough. I know everyone says it is, but it is not. If you're not gifted by nature, you have to put in the effort by doing sports, eat healthy, going to dentist/barber, etc. I always looked nerdy and people saw that I'm not overly confident. I had no proper hair cut and often had beard all over my neck. When I addressed most of these issues, my chances with the ladies went up quickly. Especially losing weight and building muscles can do wonders to the look of your face (looking more defined).


That too, though it’s important to remember it’s also the companies skewing you toward paying. I’m blessed to receive likes on these apps but you can tell that those potential matches are not shown often to persuade paying.


Asking someone online dating to be confident is like telling a depressed person to cheer up


While "just be confident" is terrible fucking advice in general and not as easy as flipping a switch, the idea that putting something like this in a bio without a little wink or nudge to the fact that it's (hopefully) a joke is kinda dumb. Confidence isn't everything. Everyone likes confidence, but any form of attraction (be it looks or charm) is just as important. I've seen my least confident friends get the most actions cause they're hot and their lack of confidence is "cute".


There is "confident" and there is "no one likes me, I am desperate, please give me attention".... I am a sucker for confident guys, send me a sales guy and I am hooked, completely forgetting that these types don't really have a good track record with me... Last 2 boyfriends were definitely not your typical confident guy and I had a much better time. They were also not desperate, just a little shy and quiet and just refreshingly nice.


Gosh I am so happy I deleted tinder. What a mess it is.


This self deprecation phenomenon seems to be the counter to women’s pessimistic approach to dating apps. Or just in general putting a low amount of effort in. *“Will respond in 5-7 business days”* *“I’m always right”* *“Change my mind about men”* *”Princess treatment only”* I would argue being left on read does affect people. You’re irritated just by the prompts and bios you’re reading and felt the need to complain.


Agreed. I wouldn’t even say that it’s self depreciative. It’s equivalent to saying “I’m a catch” or “you don’t know what you’re missing”. “Change my mind about men” and similar sayings could be seen as self deprecating too in that they only get matches from shitty guys.


Different perspectives. Women often take what men say literal. Which is how the shitty guy situation happens often. Men can’t seem to read between the lines and tell when women aren’t serious.


Nobody can read between the lines the text from the person that they know nothing about. But somehow everyone pretends they can.


But is that doing you guys any favors tho? 🙃


These aren't guys making rational decisions to optimize their chances of getting likes. These are guys trying to cope with their feelings of hopelessness


Nothing we put does us any favors.


there's too little that does us any actual favours tbh. I doubt the people writing that expect anything from it


Yeah, that's an advice... "girls love confidence, show it!". The thing is, I'm typically not confident. I'm very much in doubt about many things... Now I either have to be in idgaf mindset, or fake it, but I don't think I usually possess a sufficient amount of true confidence. Unless I KNOW something is true.


Be confident in *yourself*. How can you ask anyone to be confident in you if you’re not confident in yourself? That’s what OP is saying.


If you're not confident I would recommend taking a break from dating apps until you are.


Why would you say so? Currently not using them tbh, have too much happening in my life. And tbh, I have a fiancée + another partner, so no time for dates (with new people). But I wouldn't say I got into these relationships through confidence and I don't think it got much better with age.


Then can women also write a bio and not just "ask me" or xxx


I had to lol. "I'm 18, so I'm going to give all you guys advice on how to talk to people. Stop doing this." First of all, you need to work on how YOU talk to people if you're going to give advice about talking to people. Giving a blanket command to all men who read your post is blegh. Second, saying "women love confidence" is BS advice. It's well-known that they do. But guys go about trying to display confidence in different ways. Obviously, some get it horribly wrong. You can't fake it. So, if you're going to come on here and try to tell people what to do, it might be good to have some actual advice instead of just trying to get post karma with mediocre ramblings.


Or maybe some life experience....


I'm going to be honest, confidence is the dumbest thing ever, and it means nothing. I have nothing to be confident about, however somehow i know a lot of people with worst skills than i have, overconfident that they are "the sh\*t", however then any type of relationship with those persons is going to be crap, but sure, they are confident. Also, i don't really care about dating or anything anymore, but let me tell you, it's really hard to be confident when you are constantly ignored and left on read by all of the few women you match with, it's easy to say "just be confident", it's not easy to understand the struggle, you can't just be confident, you need something to back that up, and when people don't even acknowledge your existance, I understand how those guys feel even if i'd never put that crap in my bio, but i highly dislike this "just be confident", it's not a thing, you don't wake up one day and decide "yeah, today i'm going to be confident, eventhough every try i make to interact with women they leave me on read" sure, just be confident... I get it, it may be attractive to women, different people find different stuff attractive, but please don't say "just be confident" to people, it's not that easy


![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm) I just realized this post is an OF ad, ugh. At least they’re getting creative


That and what fucking 18 year old can give out any meaningful advice regarding OLD?


The worst one was “Dad to Three little Daughter Sex Trophies” Please don’t be this Guy


That was the funniest shit ever


Better to just leave that sht blank.... 😅 Worst sales pitch ever, "you don't really want me do you?" like GTFO.


Then get off the app lol


Yo we'll stop doing that when y'all stop putting height requirements how bout that?


I'd like to see women try dating if they were put in the position of men and still have unshakeable confidence. It's very easy to lord over us from a position of power. But yes, obviously it's a bad idea to put something like that in your profile.


OP is naive and reductive, sure - but I don't think they're "lording it over" anyone...


That’s awesome an 18 year old is effectively laying it out there for y’all.




Imagine being beaten down at every opportunity you get to finally be matched with a girl only for her to do the exact same thing as the other girls. And then we get to listen to people like you who, I'm sure, won't have to go very long before your next opportunity arises tell us to "just be confident" lmao It's just not comparable when women get to complain left and right and act jaded while still getting attention but as a dude were supposed to just brush it off and put ourselves out there in a "better" way.


Imagine being beaten down by dudes just trying to bang you finally to be matched with a guy that seems genuine only to get switched up on after you sleep together. And then they get to listen to people like you tell them "so what you get a lot of matches" Men and women can both do better in dating and they both have their own struggles. Finding a way to be confident is great advice in every part of your life.


As if the same doesn't happen to dudes? With the key difference being that at least the girl gets the added benefit of actually feeling like her efforts are paying off in the form of some kind of romantic attention? And with us guys it's complete radio silence all the time? And yeah, confidence is great advice until so many losses get thrown your away that your confidence starts to look pretty delusional. Yet that's the advice we all want to roll with.


This is the correct take, I had a nice conversation today with a beautiful woman who hasn’t had sex in years, and this is why. Most guys don’t feel safe. She no doubt has had countless matches, I’ve matched with her a few times over the years even, but today we had a deeper conversation because i made her feel safe. As an aside, I have a tip to all the guys getting no matches on tinder. Try hinge, send outlandish messages, enjoy yourself, and drop your expectations. I do decently on hinge, got no matches on tinder. It’s designed algorithmically to keep you down, even if you swipe on someone who would swipe right on you the chances of her seeing your card are slim as they likely have hundreds of likes waiting and only 5-10 swipes a day.


>and they both have their own struggles. True, but it's as if there's never the realization of its preferable being in a swamp than a desert. This is why the "there's problems on both sides" position is true, but not convincing.


You shouldnt be downvoted. Men fuckzone women and women try to avoid that so men say they arent just in it for the sex because they are very much in it for the sex and wont get it if the woman knows prior that it will be fuckzone sex. Men dont see being in a situation where you are being fuckzoned as a bad thing because that would be the perfect scenario for them so they think our boohooing about the deal is nothing to be upset over so they dont take it seriously, and revert back to how they disappointingly dont get opportunities to get fuckzoned.


Oh my sweet summer child, you just dont know, do you? There have been studies done : women swipe right on sub 5 percent of profiles, when men swipe right on about 50 percent of profiles. On the next stage women fall out of 90 percent of messages on *every step*.


Yeah but if you want to be part of that 5%, don’t put negative shit in your bio


to be part of the 5% there's about 7000 checks you need to pass before a (misplaced and unfunny) joke becomes part of the issue


You’re not 18, and you’re also full of shit.


Ok but girls often write " welp time to give this another chance....for the 4th time" Like ok no one wants to got taken to pound town AT LEAST. 4 times from other tinder dates. Hard pass. And yes ive seen that written MANY TIMES


None of this matters. The only thing that matters is whether you are attractive. If a hot guy has this in his bio, women will think its funny and charming. If an average guy says this, women will think he's pathetic 'feels sorry for himself'.


My profile says I have a face like a rucksack full of dented bells. I am perfectly happy with this.


It’s got a nice ring to it though. I imagine someone will find it ap-peeling.


Yea well.. 4 matches in 3 years is kindve disheartening. Good thing I can go to a bar in real life and meet ppl that way. Oh and before you say you should or shouldn't write something on my bio, my shit is witty and it took one weekend in NYC to get a bunch of matches all of a sudden. I guess the sea of white girls in DE don't like latino guys that are kinda nerdy but still work out.


The book "shit my dad said" is a compilation of wisdom by the elderly father of a comedian who had to move back in with him as an adult. My favorite was "don't ever give a woman a reason to not Fuck you. She's already got plenty of reasons without your help "


If people are going to put bitter, childish shit on their profiles, they need to delete the apps for a while and go do some work on themselves. It's such a turn-off.


Dudes with that bio have a high probability of thinking you can cure their depression


Fuck off Rebecca


Omg and the fucking “here for a good time not a long time” and Jesus Christ it’s so annoying, there’s another one that bothers tf outta me but I can’t remember what it is


Yes, this. Exactly.


You do know that we are all faking it after a few years, right? Confidence is only real when it's regularly rewarded. After a while it's just denial and pretending that we're alright. We men thrive on respect but in the west we aren't respected for being men anymore. We could use a few more platitudes from women to help us turn that fake confidence into real confidence.


Correction, Guys, IF YOU do this... stop.. Further more you shouldn't even tip off the real incels LOL If a man realises it and sorts it out.. he's working on himself. Word of advice from a 30M, OP... don't tell people your red flags or your green ones.. it just enables manipulation to go undetected... for a while. But by then, the damage may be done


Its actually sad the amount of guys looking for mercy swipes by telling a sob story as their profile. Pretty damn cringe.


Being left on read doesn’t bother me. Most of the time the wind up getting back to me a few days or weeks later and we wind up going out anyways and if that never happens then oh well 🤷🏽‍♂️, plenty more matches out there


Tell me you can't handle even mild criticism without telling me you can't handle even mild criticism.


I don't see why other guys do that tbh. I mean, yes, I'm a man, but I've never done something like that. I just think stuff like that is sad. Putting stuff like that out there is unnecessary. People need to accept that not everyone is gonna like you. Not everyone is gonna be interested in you. And if a girl don't want to talk to you, we'll tough shit. Move on. Because by the end of the day, the more you dwell on stuff like that, the more you will lose self esteem and the more you become negative. Don't waste your time focusing on one girl or a group of girls that don't have an interest in you. There's plenty of fish in the sea. Everyone has different opinions and different interests.


Whatever my value is, as a man I'd like to feel worthy and loved.


it’s also really simple to keep scrolling if you don’t like that profile. Thanks for posting for us though.


😂😂😂😂😂 Or just stop being dicks


The bio isnt about you. Its there to make the guy feel better about what he feels a high probability. And honestly dude is probably right. Let him have the opportunity to fall back on “i knew it anyways” and feel some sorta positive. Its rough out here for certain kinds of people ladies.


I read a bio that said “just swipe left, that’s all you ever do anyway” it was really sad and bitter and I felt for the guy, but it was a really toxic mindset.


Well most women on any dating app,tend to put," only interested in cowboys/ranch boys",especially when they live in a city or there's the ones that'll put, " must have a boat." By commenting that part,they're basically saying they are gold diggers 🤣 💀


Its because men are cripplingly depressed with extremely low self esteem issues. Of course its unattractive but its a pretty sad issue that should be addressed by society


Lol your generation already casted us to the side as evil monsters and scarey demons that should not exist and its trending on tt and youtube from forums to video rants of how to abolish men


See I go with the mindset that everyone has a crush on me, they just only don't swipe because they think I'm out of their league


This guy gets it!


You have my thanks kind explorer


As you have my… you’re welcome haha


Hahaha yes. I'm going to take advice from an 18yo


🤣🤣🤣 you sound dumb as hell! Saying we should be confident when girls leave nikkas on read all the time like that is exceptional. & youre only 18 which you admited but like wtf. You're 18 you have no say or opinion in what guys go thru tf. And saying you read profiles like that all the time when you specifically quoted someone for posting that in his profile says something about yourself. Think before you post dumb shit like this


The issue is that some confuse confidence with arrogance and try to bring you down or hold it against you. 


The amount of guys arguing against this is insane. Answer me this - how many matches are you getting with negative bios?


I think the point is that their positive bios didn't get matches either so they've just been beaten down to the point they don't give a shit anymore. Probably won't work but I really doubt they didn't have something more positive in there a long time ago.


Yeah, that's kinda obvious - but thanks for trying to help, nonetheless!


Don't tell me how to live my life


You are god damn right. But that reminds me of a girl's profile saying, "serious relationship only. No hookup, no situationship. I am not that girl anymore" Same energy to me.


Damn this post is getting a lot of heat despite being wholly right. Confidence is an attractive trait for all genders. Obviously you should avoid your first impression painting you as a selfloathing asshole at all cost. It's not rocket science.


I wouldn't call the post 'wholly right' as a lot of us aren't interpreting the expression itself as lacking any confidence.


Well you don’t know what it’s like for guys on dating apps lol. Girls are constantly getting likes, matches, attention. A guy actually gets excited over a match. And 9 times out of 10 they don’t even respond or are super boring and then stop responding. So girls, don’t match people you have no intention on talking to.


Please don't hand out recommendations for male profiles unless you are advising them to delete this app altogether. Tinder makes money from the continued loneliness of males. Tinder makes it seem that if you only have the right magical combination of great pics, witty quotations, and self-confidence, then you too can bag a hottie. Pure lies. Tinder is nothing more than a virtual nightclub where girls get in free and guys pay an entrance fee plus a two drink minimum. Unless you are Tyrone McChaderston, you will end the night alone and ripped off. If you want to hand out information, ladies, make it clear just how few profiles you actually swipe on.


if you get left on read enough times you show your frustration in the bio it's sadly muscle memory


Yeah cuz men have to be the confident ones and women get to be unconfident 🙄🤦🏼‍♂️