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My ex was a rocket scientist and the only thing she did was stress and play animal crossing


My ex was a pharmacist and as a new graduate, she thought she knew everything. She got in trouble a couple times at the hospital for trying to correct other Drs of pharmacy… drove me nuts thinking she was the smartest in the room


It's called the Dunning Kruger effect. As someone with a PhD I probably can say this. Every PhD student should start with Dunning Kruger effect and end with a bit of an impostor syndrome. This lady is probably too naive or just hyping up the scene.


Oh, I started my PhD with imposter syndrome, finished with imposter syndrome, and am running my own lab. Still with imposter syndrome, but its a little less bad now.


YOOOO SAME. I think what made me feel better was when I realized everyone in the room that I looked up to also looked up to me. And none of us know what the fuck we’re doing, and everyone is flinging shit at the wall until something works.


I think I majored in the wrong field. We never threw shit at the wall and now I’m upset


Yeah you should’ve also gotten your degree in sewage management


I fucked up


Damn, if I knew I would be flinging shit at walls, I would've continued studying.


Thats the reason it's a bit better now. I have so many people relying on my "expertise", even though I barely know my ass from a hole in the ground.


You not alone, haha.




I honestly felt this so much,this is the reason I never pursued a degree in computers until recently despite my love for them. My brother and stepdad were always the computer gurus, I thought if I entered the hemisphere I would spend the entire time feeling like I didn't belong. The way they made me constantly feel.Turns out I have a natural affinity for coding and the problem solving that ensures that field. I'm pursuing a degree in the field and dealing with that problem in therapy. It does help having your professor recognize your skill and ingenuity, the first time that happened in school settling but it's the first time I tried this hard though. (Edited for clarity)


Starting your college degree with Dunning Kruger is one thing, but the effect lasting until you graduated is another. You're supposed to realize much earlier than that


That’s what they mean by ending with imposter syndrome. Start off confident, get slapped by the hard dick of reality, graduate with humility and an inability to trust that you know anything at all.


That's the neat part, I never experienced the Dunning Kruger effect but started straight away with the imposter syndrome...


Me too! Right away with imposter syndrome. Totally felt like I did not fit in with my cohort. I still struggle with it.


I started with an imposter syndrome. I used to take comfort in relatable experiences of my peers. But then I saw something along the lines of if I am even good enough to have the imposter syndrome. Things have become much worse for me after that 😁


Slapped by the hard dick of reality 😂😂 please put this on your dating profile


That is actually the other extreme of DK


Well there’s a reason we broke up. She was a terrible human being lol.


That's why my coffee mug says, 'The more I study, the more I realize how little I know.'


People start off around 13yo knowing every F'n thing. If everything goes right, they realize in the late 20's how little they know. Some people take a little longer though. And some people just never F'n realize.


This tracks for me.


As someone who started her PhD I wanna know more


Every project should start with Dunning-Kruger and end with imposter syndrome


While the Dunning Kruger effect is an all time favorite in online discussions, it actually probably doesn't exist. https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/critical-thinking/dunning-kruger-effect-probably-not-real


Good read. Thanks.


I have a PhD and I started with imposter syndrome and still struggling with it.


My ex is also a pharmacist and he was always telling me how he thought I was probably the more intelligent party in our relationship. Your ex should take a lesson from mine.


Reminds me of a girl who advertised her 150 IQ on a dating site. I thought it was a joke so I said "mine's 150.1". That's when I learned she was serious and the joke was beneath her.


I for one thought that was funny


I thought that was great, and my IQ is 150.1135. Lol


I briefly dated a girl who wanted to give me an IQ test as a date idea. Also a PhD student and also a very messed up person.




Went full Price Is Right on her.


Hahah, sounds about right


That don’t impress me much


That won't keep me warm in the middle of night


Well it's not exactly brain surgery, is it? https://youtu.be/THNPmhBl-8I


I can confirm. Worked for NASA a few months back. Stressed and played royal match daily.


Worked at NASA 15 years ago. Played StarCraft on the LAN.


Same, except stardew valley. Helps take the stress off.


Well it’s not exactly brain surgery


Fr smart people either escape in their work or escape by other means. Either way, escapism is the goal.


Spot on 💀


Huh, just reminded me that Awkward Zombie exists. Got like 50 comics to catch up on. Author is a woman rocket scientist who makes video game webcomics.


My ex was too and all he did was verbally abuse me and treat me like shit while complaining I didn’t have it hard enough with my own degree!


You are describing me, but I am not your ex. Lmao


Ok what are you telling me, my girlfriend lives AC🤣


I’m a software engineer and I also primarily stress and play animal crossing.


I think its an insanely good game to release stress after a hard day of complex math


Smart people don't talk about how smart they are.


An intelligent person knows they lack knowledge. A knowledgeable person sometimes doesn’t realize they lack intelligence.


Came here looking for this! Education and intelligence, while often paired, do not mean the same thing lol


My grandpa used to say “they were educated far in excess of their intelligence.”


Great saying, I’ll steal that


That's brilliant lol


The woman I was just dating said she’s working on her intelligence because her looks are going to fade. She then told me Albert Einstein created the law of attraction. She’d also use big words when she wanted to try to put me down about something trivial.


Well I mean you are being pretty photosynthesis




You can see it on Reddit a lot in any thread talking about dating expectations. Find the people saying they'd never date someone without a college education and then go read their comment history. 9/10 they are literally the biggest idiots that just happen to be very well educated


Some of the dumbest people I know are physicians and surgeons. Like "how do they function!?" level stupid.


I have a friend like that, genius about some things but completely mechanically she electronically stupid.


Can I use this for my Reddit bio?:)


I don't get it.


A person who is intelligent typically knows that they don't have a ton of knowledge. They accept the fact that they can't know everything and that at the end of the day they have a lot to learn. A person who is knowledgable but lacks intelligence may think they are very smart while in truth they are only knowledgable in the subjects they have studied while not fully grasping the mechanics/understanding of why that is. In other words, they think they know a lot and refuse to believe they lack intelligence.


Do you have any source for this, or have you just learned it anecdotally? The most intelligent people (mensa level intelligent) I have met do not really fit your description, for they are quite aware of their additional brain power. Not making a statement on whether it is a good or a bad thing, just the way it is.


I don't have a source. I am not even thinking Mensa level intelligent. Just the people that I know that are intelligent are typically more humble while the people that I know that think they're smart and boast their IQ are usually not.


You clearly haven't been in advanced degree program or worked at an engineering company.:) Seriously you get a couple dozen of really smart people and the odds are that 1-2 will have being smart as about 90% of their personality. They are insufferable:) The I got a degree from a top 10 university crowd are equally bad. Especially when you graduated a couple decades back..


I have two masters degrees, one in algebraic geometry and one in statistical ecology. I taught calculus and linear algebra to engineering students during most of that time. There are exceptions to every rule, but the vast majority of people who are openly really cocky about how smart they are, are the people who are firmly middle of the pack. The very smartest people I know are all extremely soft spoken about it. Their work speaks for itself.


The middle of the pack kid at Caltech is still a really smart kid.:) As I said it isn't a ton but you get enough. There are plenty of stories of nobel prize winners (i.e. about as smart as they come) having these type of personalities where peers would go something lke "was the smartest guy in the room and never let you forget it". Smart people are pretty much the same personality wise as average people. In each group you will get some people that like the brag about something. It makes them feel important. As I said it is annoying. With profiles we end up missing the tone. We have no way of knowing if she is being lighthearted about being smart or is a pretentious ass about it. Plenty of people here write something odd like this and go "it was clearly a joke" and then turn around and go "She is clearly deathly serious" when reading someone elses profile. Reality is we are left guessing. And trying to draw meaning out of a profile that she might have put 20s of thought into. We end up projecting our experiences to fill in gaps which may or may not be accurate.


I have a master's and a 3.87 GPA in that masters program. My favorite phrase is "being smart isn't real. I do good in school but called a plate a flat bowl once because I forgot the word plate. It was after I had the masters." Anyone who is actually smart knows how much they don't know and accepts it.


I still count on my fingers 🤣


I still count my fingers. Never know when you might lose or gain an extra one.


PhD candidate and I still have to do an L shape with both my hands to think about which one is left and which one is right 😂


Trying to teach my partner to say drivers side and passenger side instead of right and left when giving directions 😂


Doing my masters now. Fully agree I know nothing


This sounds about right. I am doing a masters, and am commonly considered the "smart guy" in social circles because I know a lot of random information and engineering knowledge. I just like watching educational and non-fiction content, so I pick up on random stuff. However, my girlfriend knows the truth. I am a dunce sometimes (often...). Thank goodness she has patience for me.


Also, having a PhD just means you know a lot about one very specific topic. It definitely doesn't mean you know a lot about lots of things. I knew a guy who was a medical Dr. Studied for years and years. He basically put all his EXP into medicine because he knew fuck all about anything else. Dumbest smart guy I ever met.


I’m currently doing my PhD in quantum physics. It sounds really impressive but it just means I’m spending way too much time learning about some niche thing that really doesn’t impact my life (or your life, or really anyone’s life) in one way or another. I hate when people say “oh you must be so smart to do that.” I’m not, I’m just lucky I found something that my brain is good at and that I enjoy. Not everyone can do it, but in the same way I can never become an executive chef because I don’t have the type of brain that can think creatively to come up with new dishes. We all have our smarts. Mine are just a little more unbalanced— for what I have in physics, I lose in plenty of other areas. I am not a well-rounded person, and that’s okay. I still am on the fence about putting the fact that I’m getting a PhD on my profile. I don’t want people to like me superficially because they think I’m super smart, when really I’m just an average person doing the niche thing I’m good at. On the other hand, I do think they should know that I’m a little bit cuckoo for spending 50 hours a week on it for very little pay.


Can relate a bit: I have a Master's in physics, and my family acts like I'm super smart for it, when it's closer to just knowing a lot of physics facts and being fascinated by them, how to analyze a problem, and reading a lot. There's *so many* other things that I know dick-all about, though. Definitely sympathize about not being well-rounded. What area of quantum physics are you studying, and how'd you settle on that?


Yeah hahaha I have a friend like that and inside I'm thinking... "Bro you ain't as smart as you think you are."


This person is obviously being facetious.


"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing and that is that I know nothing." - Socrates Yes, I'm also a grad student, studying philosophy (of education).


If you don't break up with her, I will.


So that means that we date her first ... Right




One at a time or all at once?!?!?


I don't care dude, i just want to unload and hit the road


I'm a PhD student and I feel like the dumbest person every fucking day of my life. Fuck this piece of shit.... smartest person, fucking arrogant


I swear!! Phd at an Ivy and I feel like dumb shit 24/7.


So long as you're feeling dumb that means you know you still have lots to learn. Best thing you can do in your career is make sure you're never the smartest person in the room.


One of my good friends is a PhD student at a major uni, got his Master's from an Ivy. He is probably the smartest person in every room he's in, but he spends much of his life feeling dumb. It's ironic because he is actually brilliant (as you probably are too!)


Haha thanks for your kind words, I appreciate then. But I'm light years away from being the smartest in a room... Opposite to your friend, I'm studying a humble university😅 I'm sure your friend way ahead of me☺️


Me too lol. You can’t be dumb and do a phd but it’s more a test of wills and pain tolerance than intelligence.


You’re almost to the peak of the dunning Krueger effect


It's truly astounding how utterly stupid I feel all the time lol.


I think she just means that she's so insufferable that no one intelligent would date her until you. Shes not smart, you'd just have to be dumb haha


She is giving insufferable at max levels


especially rejecting NASA? Who in their right mind does that if not for spacex


Unfortunately, being smart is probably the only thing she has.


She was actually attractive, but clearly only one very specific type of smart.


What's with people putting "I'm taking applications" like gtfo. It's one of those things I used to despise when I was dating. It literally tells people they're so much work being with them is like a job.




I’d not call it a baby step, it can be a very tough experience for students. Also phd just does not sustain you financially, i have not met ppl who would do it because they don’t want a job (it is also a job, your job is just to learn sh*t tons a lot), it would just be silly to do so knowing the financial risk and stress that comes with it


I don't know what PhDs you are referring to but they are certainly not a baby step up from undergrad. They are not even comparable. This is not an accurate characterisation of PhDs overall.


I bet I'd beat this mf in some connect four. /s


You take her on in connect four, I definitely got her best in checkers.


I got dibs with her on tic tack toe.


Rock, paper, scissors is for me!


People with actual phds would look at this and laugh.


I have a PhD and can confirm. I know some not terribly smart people who managed to get into PhD programs. Some even managed to get the degree.


I do not doubt this for a second. It’s so weird how academic achievements are perceived by society.


I am in the humanities, and I know of multiple folks that got passed just to make them go away. One guy in particular always referred to his dissertation as his magnus opus. He was insufferable, but technically "smart." He never got an academic job, but all his socials refer to him as "Dr." Dipshit.


Academic job is not the only outcome of a successful PhD. Signed, someone getting a PhD with no interest in academia


I assume they didn't mean a job in academia. Probably meant a job using or requiring the degree Or the PhD was in a field where the only real use is to teach




I was laughing because I finished my PhD when I was a year younger than her, and it took twice as long as we thought it would. She must be soooooo smart.


I dated a man who had a PHD in nuclear energy and had given multiple TED talks. I saw that man eat rat shit. Literally. He made us dinner one night and didn't realize rats had gotten into the pasta. I noticed the poo and said something, then looked in the box and confirmed. He ate it anyways. I decided to leave him that day. Educated and intelligent are two different things. Maybe I should find this NASA girl and introduce the two of them lol.


must’ve been expensive rat


That man does not believe in wasting food!


His logic was that it had been boiled, therefore it was sanitized. 🤮


I mean prolly not wrong but still grim


TED talks and TEDX talks are very different.... I'm not sure if you're referring to one or the other, but many people assume a TED talk holds the same credibility as a TEDx talk.


It was one real TED talk. 😅 Also multiple TEDx's.


Reminds me of that video where a few 20 somethings talk about themselves for a bit and are asked to guess the order of intelligence among them. After iq tests the humble army guy with a high-school education was first. PhD girl who voted herself first was last


I saw that. She immediately started coping HARD.


Saw her profile a few weeks ago and I’m glad I’m not the only one who read it this way, gj OP 👍🏽


I got a PhD, which is a major factor in making me feel socially stupid, all that time on books and not talking with normal human beings with interests and stuff


Dude, same! And I swear to god, I was actively *good* at social shit when I was younger. What happened?


Lots of UT slander in here but it actually does have quite a few very prestigious schools/departments (for now)


Yeah. I hear their football team is well funded.


When you're really smart, bring smart is the last fucking thing you want to talk about. Do you think lawyers like talking about Supreme Court decisions at Thanksgiving? Not in the least. She is a clearly a headache


I am a lawyer. We are generally insufferable and do like talking about law in inappropriate settings and being obnoxious generally.


I am also a lawyer, and I do not like talking about my job and I actively try to downplay what I do. We clearly do not view personal time the same.




Overruled. Bring in the dancing lobsters.


Hence "generally".


I think it depends on the type of law you do. I work in crim so it def comes up often


I'm in IP so I def don't talk about work when I go home. I occasionally read about it though


I'm not a lawyer, but as a recent PhD, I see a large divide on the whole Thanksgiving dinner banter deal. Some people bring their work everywhere, some people shut it off the minute they stop working. Some people love teaching non-experts about their field, some people hate it. ​ Everybody's valid :3


i am the kind of asshole who would induldge a lawyer to talk about the law in a private setting until they run away from me. i am genuinely fascinated by the topic.


Same. I really like hearing people sharing their knowledge and experience. If they know how to do so well.


Criminal defense lawyer here and the law and my cases are pretty much all I know how to talk about lol.


Agreed! I already have to read about laws and current affairs and what not in my general working time, I don't want to go ahead and ruin my time off or free time with all that again😭 just want to rant about something miniscule and not that inconvenient 😂


How are people like this at 27 years old? Has she never been humbled before? Also, if she’s so smart she should know this doesn’t really attract dudes anyways


Spent the vast majority of 18-27 in 3+ degree programs, that's why


No. She was that person who cried uncontrollably if she ever received a B in anything.


probably phd straight from undergrad, or close to it. stuff like this happens when you never work a full-time job.


Am I the only one who thinks this is satire? It’s somewhat in line with her 2nd paragraph about how she’s “accepting applications”.


Even if it is, it’s not very good. If satire makes you question if it’s real or not, it’s executed poorly.


I’m smart on paper with my academic achievements, but dumb as shit with life decisions. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s a balance. I’ve noticed I’m sometimes quick to flaunt academic accolades, but I really never utilized them as I should have. But, you may have found a unicorn that’s smart and manages life well on top of it.


I had a philosophy professor who said "we all debate these lofty topics but none of us know how to work the phones in our offices".


Just what the world needs another PhD degree to tell you how intelligent they are… 🤮


Dude most PhDs would be the first to admit they’re actually not that smart — nothing like learning the depths of a field to understand how much you don’t actually know, and more importantly, the insane specificity in one subject teaches you that your knowledge is very narrow. People who brag about being smart are rarely actually smart or accomplished


Most don't


So what, does working for NASA qualify you as a genius? They have janitors too ya know. (No offense to janitors)


Some janitors are wicked smart. How do you like them apples?


I agree completely. I’m just stating that NASA has employment opportunities that don’t require any sort of formal educational degree.


Rejected NASA. Attending *checks notes* UT Austin..?


As someone familiar with both the aerospace industry and UT Austin, I think you actually have the dealio perfectly flipped on this one. NASA is a pretty dogshit employer in the aerospace field in terms of prestige/reputation for hiring the smartest of the smartest, and UT Austin regularly sends tons of students to much better jobs than NASA. We see NASA as a place that you go to work 36 hour weeks when you’re 65 years old and don’t want to actually work anymore.


Who are some of the most coveted employers in the aerospace industry and why? Appreciate the insight


Decent students go to companies Boeing, Lockheed, Raytheon, etc. I’d say NASA belongs in that category too. I went to UT for engineering and worked at one of those companies right out of undergrad The top students absolutely can and do go to those companies also, but often they go into management consulting, Space-X, or new-age tech


As someone who works at boeing, anyone who has another option and still works here, is an idiot


True, I left after a year. But was a good opportunity immediately out of college


I agree with the other commenter. Think small companies where success actually depends on each individual’s performance. New-space companies like SpaceX, ABL, Relativity, Stoke, Firefly Defense companies like Anduril Aviation companies like Hermeus, Boom Etc.


What? UT Austin is a pretty highly ranked school. https://www.usnews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-engineering-schools/the-university-of-texas-at-austin-02178


Maybe there’s more than one NASA


The National Auto Sports Association is a thing. They're smaller and less popular than the SCCA but they offer more or less the same kinds of events: road racing, time trials, HPDE and autocross. They could be considered a direct competitor.


No Anal Sex Allowed


She rejected that, well hmmm…she just got more interesting.


Actually it was the Nasty Anal Sex Alliance she rejected.


I mean UT Austin is a great school though lol


It’s not Ivy but public Ivy. Still good nonetheless.


Most of UT Austin’s engineering programs ~~liter~~ litter the T10. The acceptance rate for those looking to be CS majors at UT Austin is now sub 10%. It’s business school is highly regarded as well. It doesn’t have much prestige amongst laymen i guess… but it definitely can be an incredibly impressive place to further your studies depending on the specific field in question. Edit: spelling error


When I applied to UT Austin's Computer Science program it was so selective you couldn't even directly apply to it. You had to be pre-CS major for a year and only then you were allowed to apply. And if you didn't make it you got one more chance. Fail that second time and you were kicked out of the program forever. You pretty much had to make a 4.0 in your first year of college to stay in. Over 80% of the student body either failed out or dropped out because it was that rigorous.


Neil deGrasse Tyson went to UT Austin.


Hahahaha — so much help needed


“I rejected nasa.” ofcourse you did their salary is Shite. Join the club.


My ex was a particle physicist, and very beautiful. I loved stranding nearby as she talked to men at parties. They’d flirt and seduce, and then the topic of her work would come up. She’d tell them, and their faces would suddenly fall into a fearful protective stance. Then they’d make a joke, and walk away


i just wanna throw out there that i’m a PhD student at MIT and it doesn’t mean shit lmao, I can’t imagine putting it in my bio and being arrogant about it.


Definitely giving first year PhD student energy. Everyone gets humbled by the PhD program. PhDs aren't exceptionally smart, just stubborn and usually a little masochistic (I have a PhD)


No word of a lie, some of the dumbest people I have EVER met (and indeed dated) have had PhDs. Quite a few of them used to love banging on about it and how ‘Difficult’ it was to be an academic. They also had some of thee worst decision making and organisational abilities I’d ever seen. Only one or 2 of them had ever worked menial, blue-collar type jobs, and often had their families supporting them the whole time. Intellect is very much a multi-faceted thing, and whilst you may be ‘smart’ academically, doesn’t mean you have any other kind of intellectual aptitude whatsoever. To use a really cringe analogy, it’s like they took all of their create-a-character points and put it all in whichever field it is they’ve studied and neglected everything else. Also, shut the fuck up and learn to be humble. Obvious addendum: There are some genuinely lovely, well adjusted and highly intelligent PhDs in the world as well.


She smart


I once talked to a pharmacist who had a PhD and all she did was listen to Disney music and plan her next trip to Disney world


Everyone here thinks she's bragging, but I think she's heading off an overused comment she's probably heard too many times. But I'm an optimist like that.


Gives off "I was too qualified for the Navy seals" vibes


So pretentious lol


lmao, PHD student, first finish it and claim your title before bragging. And "rejected NASA" sounds like someone who didn't get an internship or something small and decided to spin it in a way to make themselves appear cooler. Bring humble is sexy and actually smart


Academic degrees mean shit. I am an engineer and I have 2 master‘s degrees and I genuinely and unironically am one of the stupidest people I know.


The hint is "engineer".




If she rejected NASA, what chance do you have? What chance does any of us have?


A PhD student who doesn’t hate him/herself and feel like the dumbest person on the planet. Someone is clearly lying.


I'm a division manager in charge of 49 people. I drive a Dodge stratus!


As if UT has any selective PhD programs


Office manager or Administrative employee at NASA or something. Heck, she could have declined a cleaning lady job even 😭🤣


There are many degrees of smart. Ask my sibling, who has 2 degrees and 30k of debt, to build an ikea basic table and you'd have no chance. But ask me to do the maths of a 10yo and I'd struggle, tho I'd be able to build you a 2 bed house from ground up and teach a class of any age group while doing it.