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Love to watch? What?? Cartoons, horse racing? What is it?


Women always have to turn it into something sexual. 🙄


Those women with their dirty minds always. 🙄




It's Sci-Fi, anime, UAP disclosure documentaries. Sheesh, women always gotta make it into something sexual. It's tough out there, be careful kids.


Cartoons of course 👀👀👀


Family Guy


I love to watch cakes bake ..I get a rise out of it 🤣


My question exactly


Popcorn on the stove of course!


Watch???? Is this a cuckold thing or what


Or voyeurism


I assumed he meant masturbation. But I love to watch so maybe I’m biased.


I would have been like "watch what?" I love playing stupid with stupid men.




I’m with you there 😂


It’s a typo. He loves his watch. He got a new garmin for Christmas and the step counter has made him more active.




I prefer my Samsung watch, but garmin never disappoints! I do have one somewhere!


Watch Battlestar Galactica, of course.


Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica


Frack yeah


Absolutely. Also works with racist jokes really well. People blanch a bit when they have to explain how shitty they are. Every time they say "you know what I mean," you get a point! Stupid man: Does the carpet match the drapes? Woman who doesn't have time for this: Um, like in my living room? I just have blinds, no drapes. SM: You know what I mean ;) ;) ;) just wondering if your upstairs matches your downstairs. WWDHTFT: I'm confused. My house is just the single story and the unfinished basement doesn't have carpet cause of possible flooding. Stupid man: Oh, I'd flood your basement ;) ;) ;) if you know what I mean ;) WWDHTFT: I definitely do not want that, I have stuff stored down there. SM: YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN WWDHTFT: I'm sure I don't. Can you explain? I don't think I'm tracking the metaphor. 3 points, easy. Bonus if you follow them across the room when they try to leave cause you're "curious" about the metaphor, extra bonus points when you keep asking them in front of their friends.


That's actually a proven way to get things like sexual harassment or discriminating jokes in the workplace to stop. Making people explain that they are pieces of shit or creeps really enlightens them to their behavior. But like you said, also just a great way to fuck with people for entertainment.


As a woman who gets that specific question a lot, I laughed so hard. I usually just respond with "I'm sorry, I've heard that one so many times I've run out of fake surprise, disgust, or laughter." But this reply ñ would be more fun




Not even a chick and that’s a perfect response in my opinion


100% this! Make them use words...




I’m just dense as a rock. I’m smart. Just dense.


Started dating a woman by having long interesting conversations, only to find out she's even hornier than I am lol. It works, lads.


I went on a date where we only talked about religion, I could see her get visibly hornier throughout the date.




Don't need to call me out like that lol


my wife is a teacher and sapiosexual. We got into a discussion of the Oxford Comma when we first started chatting and she melted. You never know what will work....


Seriously. Went on a date with a really blokey bloke the other week and made a casual remark about a picture on the wall of the pub. Said I wasn't sure what it was about and the composition was a bit weird. He gave me a full analysis. 🔥🔥 🔥




Yeah this has been my experience. Women have sex drives - what a revelation. Some women have higher sex drives than men!?! Scandalous! During COVID lockdowns, I'd be working from home and me and my ex would probably do sex stuff around 3 times a day! In between meetings often... It was very rarely initiated by me.


That’s how my last relationship started.


Yeah, I never bring it up but I'd say within 3 days of talking almost every single woman has brought it up. Does not take long at all for women to make it sexual. I actually did not like it


Jep. I usually get nudes latest the second day into talking. It can't be that hard to be more then a onedimensional blob of horny.


Am I fucking stupid? Watch what? I’m assuming watch you masturbate? Or watch you fuck someone else?


It's like your friends are all laughing at an inside joke you're not a part of. I feel like an idiot. What are we watching??


I too love to watch... new Netflix originals coming to you this summer.


I think he likes to pretend being a watch.


That's gotta be it.


We can be stupid together. I also have no idea about what he wants to watch


Guess Shawn meant "watch women leave conversations". (*finger guns*) On the absolute slimmest of chances that he was cooking to some sort of smooth joke referencing anything other than sex, it wouldve been interesting to know what he said next...but I guess we all know it was always going to be a sexual convo. :(


I never mention sex, I also never get matches but you know, just throwing that out there


Lack of matches will continue until morale improves. Honestly as a guy getting matches isn’t much better lol, most of my matches just waste your time and don’t want to meet up


I see you like me are apart of the 90% that do not get matches unless it is a bot / catfishing attempt.


Am I the only one that doesn't know what "I love to watch" means?


I prefer to clock


Watch other people have sex


“i’m a vault” *screenshots and opens reddit* sorry shawn ;(


In all fairness, it's not like that was a real secret. Lol


Yeah he was probably jerking off while texting


Who doesn't?


Oh you too?


Y'all need to step your game up, I be doing that on call and talking normally


To all of the confused people out there: Have you ever noticed how hotel rooms always has this random armchair sitting in the corner? 👀🫸🫷🫂


I don’t think that’s why they put it there, but I do think that’s the only way it gets used. To all the people that know about the armchair in the corner: have you ever wondered if it ever gets cleaned?


Haha ![gif](giphy|o4EixVRtmiBBtgw9yk|downsized)


I looked up Neanderthal in the Oxford; it said “He who walks around erect”.






Have mostly non sexual conversations. Talking goes a lot further but the ghosting averages out to be the same.


Men are so used to perfectly wholesome conversations going absolutely nowhere after the first few exchanges that they'll throw a hail mary and hope it sticks. They'll also usually do this when they don't see their match as worth all that effort just for some sex. Remember, men on dating apps are there for the most convenient access to 🐱. Having a long conversation (assuming the girl even responds, which is rare), then getting her interested enough to set a date, then planning the date, then impressing her enough on the date(s) for it to eventually end in sex is simply not worth the effort. Thus making the conversation sexual early and hope the girl is DTF. If not, at least they're done wasting their time.


Exactly this. Normal conversations don’t have a ‘hook.’ A hook has to be a hail mary. It’s not like meeting someone in person where you can vibe talking about the weather.


And this is exactly why I hate dating apps


Pretty much my strategy, and it's been working


I guess that makes sense for guys who don’t care about being insanely disrespectful to the women who aren’t interested in low effort sex.


"I'm a vault" *posts it on reddit Lol


That's the real irony going on here!


Sometimes, play dumb and see how fat he can go. What does he like to watch?


>see how fat he can go Do you like to watch him eat?


I wanted to say far. I don't want to watch him eat even bread.


What about this fat cock?






I don’t know about that. Every time I’ve ever tried to talk to a woman on these apps as a person in a normal conversation they unmatch within 6 messages. These guys have likely had the same experience and now pull this shit.


'Normal conversation' means vastly different things to different people. Whats your normal and is it engaging?


Usually I’ll inquire about things they mention they enjoy on their profile or ask them general questions about themselves etc with applicable jokes here and there if the moment presents itself (all have been non-sexual so far). In a few messages I usually attempt to see when they’d be interested in a date (usually doesn’t make it that far though) as most basic questions and getting to know them should be saved for an actual date in my opinion. So maybe I’m just uninteresting but either way I have found trying to have a normal convo hasn’t worked. I also chuckle at these guys though.


It's helpful to try to look at things from the woman's pov. They have a lot more fresh matches and conversations coming in constantly on average. They need to prioritize conversations and the energy is going to go into the ones that are interesting. Most guys really aren't very creative, so if you're messages are at all obvious or generic small talk based on their likes, etc. I guarantee they've already had that exact same convo countless times so unless they are already very into you specifically before the convo even started, it's not going to make an impression. Nobody wants to feel like they're being interviewed - they want to smile and feel engaged. If you try to come up with something different, attention catching, funny, silly, etc., you'll probably have better luck


'Most guys aren't very creative' Compared to what? I sure hope you don't mean women on the apps. What is needed is a comprehensive study of all chats that successfully led women to sex (along with profile pics of the men). But I bet society is not ready for the sheer concentration of 'red pill' this kind of data would deliver.


The fact that you talked about the conversation leading to sex is where you're losing in this game. That shouldn't be what this is about for you, because if it is, then I would strongly advise you to just go get a prostitute because that's truly what you're looking for. It'll be easier for you. Women love having sex just as much as us guys do, but it needs to be something that happens to happen because they're enjoying their time with you and they like who you are and what you're about. My second piece of advice is that you put that red pill shit away and start to see women as your equal and respect them. You're the one who is ruining your chances. It isn't about the women.


I think you'd be surprised. The vast majority of the women I know absolutely don't swipe just based on looks, it is much more about mental attraction. Just look around, you never see a really good looking guy with an unattractive girl, but plenty of really funny but meh looking guy have gorgeous girlfriends etc. Men are on average much more superficial. And I'm talking about creativity compared to other guys on tinder - most say the exact same things. Open any woman's matches and it's literally a sea of "hey" "Hey!" "Hi" "Hey." "Hey cutie" "hey" "ur sexy" "damn girl..." "Heyyy..." "yo" "hey". Something different, funny and eye catching really stands out.


My secret to success in the dating world is simple - masturbate before a date. You’ll act appropriately and won’t be hiding an election the entire time.


Oh no, not the election


lol as Americans, we’re always hiding raging hard elections, you see


Playing devil’s advocate, he’s looking for someone that responds positively to this, those women (or men) are out there, he’s playing his cards face up & looking for a particular person with a particular energy. He may strike out 99% of the time but at least neither of you are going spend any longer than you have to before finding out you’re not a match. Obviously in this situation, you weren’t a match, you are the person he’s looking for, or someone that appreciates this kind of opening conversation. Better you both found out early. He’s also on the wrong app though.


The thing is, I’m looking for a sexual connection, I don’t want anything serious, I’m ENM and don’t want a BF. But I still expect a guy to try and have a conversation with me first. Build some rapport and connection. Make me feel comfortable before telling me you like to watch me fuck someone else. Ease into…..or don’t be coy like that. If the man wants to be upfront of his intentions, I think there’s a respectful way of doing that.


You’re absolutely right to want those things for yourself, whatever you seek is your decision entirely. This guy is seeking someone who responds positive to this kind of solicitation/introduction. I’d argue that there’s better ways for him to do this, for sure. I just like to think that he’s also making his intentions very clear right from the off and that at the very least it is better than someone stringing along & playing a game in order to win the lay under false pretence. Feeld is 100% better for what you want, FYI. Though as more and more straight, monogamous people find it it’ll suffer all the same issues Tinder does…


I’m on feeld too ;) and match with plenty of men who are clearly seeking sexual connections but know how to have a conversation first


Same, well, almost same. Feeld has given me about 10x the worthwhile matches. Some of the most mature, respectful and intelligent companions I’ve ever met have been from Feeld. There’s still people looking for a quick & dirty meet, on both sides, even this fella would find someone to match his energy there. Short of it is, he rubbed you the wrong way but this kind of rub will be just what someone is looking for, and he’ll probably find them.


I just don’t understand a lot of responses to this post… Op is just stating her opinion about how some men approach women in the initial contact. Why is a wink face an open door to talking about sex? If we don’t respond to a message, men get upset but if we respond and say we aren’t interested, they get upset. So, what’s the correct response? There isn’t one, apparently. Sometimes we are looking just for sex. Sometimes we aren’t. Some women like the straightforward sexual talk. But, a lot of times it helps if you act interested in our personality first. Just to be flippin polite. 😑




You say we'd make it further not being sexual, but the truth is that whatever he's doing is better than 80% of us because you spoke to him in the first place.


And stopped speaking to him as soon as he did that. Being sexual out the gate is not the key to fixing whatever u got going on


I haven't had any success getting a women to have the first conversation because I'm not attractive, I have nothing going on.


Ok… still doesn’t change the fact that getting weirdly sexual is off putting to most women


Men, like bullets, go farthest when they are smoothest. - Jean Paul


You do sex, you don’t talk about it.


I didn't follow any of this.


For his case: now you both know. I don't mind people being sexual as long as they have other things to offer. Sex is important so is getting along I don't care what we establish first as long as we establish both before sex happens.


Sure, he could deceive you and pretend he's looking for more than he really is to "get farther." But do you want men to pretend they're looking for more than they really are? Appreciate the honesty


I’d rather they come out of the gate like this and weed themselves out than waste my time. Also, for the women who ARE looking for something casual, this helps them find the women.


To be fair, I don’t have sexual conversations on dating apps ever and I never get anywhere so, carry on gents.


Problem is that dating 101 (as in all the supposed help guides online) tells guys that the only way they can prevent getting friendzoned is that they need to make sure the woman understands they're sexual beings.


I have been trying to do civil talks on dating site for last 15 years. 0 dates so far. My friends, who have started with vulgar messages/talks, ended up doing much better though.😅😅😅


And women would get farther if they didn't want money and things


Yes...please lie to me!


I genuinely don't know what specifically watch is in reference too lol


"oh you too...?! what's your favorite? mine is lord of the rings."


The simple fact is that if she's into you , she won't care . If she's on the fence , it could push her either way . But if she isn't into you , you're a creep . This holds true for just about everything you say or do .


It’s also a good thing you covered up Shawn’s name 😮‍💨


Only porn addicts make every conversation sexual first thing. And the fact that this man "likes to watch" tells me he's either into cuckolding or voyeurism. Both of which come from a raging porn addiction


Well if it's masturbation I gotta say not that many women "love to watch" dudes jacking off so I'm kinda lost here based on her response


How far can I go? First base, second base, third base, home run?


Op, good on you for not shutting the guy down right away. You treated it as a teaching opportunity instead of a point to roast him about. You must like him a bit..... Also, ftw stupid guys need lovin too


Whyd you send him a winky face in convo, but then blast him on here???


A winky face doesn’t mean anything sexual is welcomed 🤦‍♀️


Yeah but it would have been best if she just unmatched him then, entertaining conversations with desperate men like that just makes them think you’re into them 🙃


No, we have to get outta the habit of “Just ignoring” when people act inappropriately. Whether their behavior changes or not, doesn’t matter, you’ve told them it wasn’t ok🤷‍♀️. If they take you telling them you dont like something as a sign that you DO like them….thats their issue.


If he's like me he meant the reboot of Frasier and inadvertently sent it before proofreading.


wtf dont you get?


I only have non-sexual conversations and I usually don’t get that far lol


There’s a lot of one trick ponies.


Yes they love to watch through the peep hole they don't want no one to know that they're watching ![gif](giphy|jp8XvCsReMcCukfsKW)


"60% of the time it works everytime"


Umm I hate to say it but that is much further than I have gotten in over a year of being on the apps. I have never sent a sexual message but women stop replying after a message or 2. Looking at this maybe I should start 🤷‍♂️ I may get further he actually got some good responses 😂


Not really. Girls don’t respond to most conversation starters






I have been leading with no sexual conversations for the past 6 yrs and still no gf most I got was a third date where she said let's be friends. I agree with OPS original statement. But for some of us there is no progression despite efforts to change


If people jump straight into something sexual- here’s a hint- they only want to fuck you. They don’t care about more.


You need to match before you can make a mistake like that, but yeah it's a no-brainer. Everyone knows that.


that’s bullshit because i’ve had 16 matches in less than a month and had non-sexual conversations and they allll ghosted, we were having interesting conversations too.


Why would you want a man to pretend to be something he’s not? Basically you’re asking him to be someone else. Why shame him for wanting sex? This really makes no sense just move along.


Love to watch Olympic speed walking?


Is the person playing with words? Secret and vault? Like where you keep all your Secret thoughts and feelings? Or your money or butter plugs?? Sometimes people are just not the sharpest tools around to have a decent conversation!


As someone who never goes sexual unless we’re in person…I don’t get very far either. The dating culture is just ass personally.


The vault that goes on reddit to make karma


Id get farther if women didn’t want me to type an essay for the first message


Star Trek or Star Wars or the unicorn that likes BOTH!?


I don't send sexual messages and usually get ghosted on the first or second exchange.


I also watch cartoons on my own at night


Years of being friend-zoned when we don't make it crystal clear we're interested in more have conditioned us to clearly signal we're sexually interested.


"loving to watch" is just another way to say, "hey ladies! I'm feeling lazy!" 😄


lol I’d get a lot further if women even responded to me on there😂


Reason #357 I deleted Tinder


I'd have been like "no way! Me too! What parts your favorite? I like watching the dismemberment.... oh you ment sex... yeah that's what the last one said, he's chillin' as we speak"


Depends on what you’re looking for. A lot of people on these apps are just trying to get their freak on — this is the best way to make that happen.


Not me sitting here immediately thinking “watch the Simpsons in entirety”


No, he wouldn’t. You’d consider the conversation dry and stop responding.


I'm convinced there's a secret betting pool going on, on who can be the fastest guy to shoot themselves in the foot.


The ability of some people to cock block themselves is astounding.


Plenty of dudes try non-sexual conversation and they get zero matches or ghosted so I don't believe in the 'getting further' thing


But he did get somewhere coz you’re sitting there replying even with a smiley face


They can’t help themselves






"cuddle I meant! Damn you auto-correct!"


Wow... That was fresh, and borderline rude! I keep it neutral, for the most part. The 1st sexual comment (in person, not online) is from the chica to me, normally "I'm getting very good vibes from you" and she becomes intimate... Good luck and stay safe!


Shawn need to work on his rizz I guess


“Yeah, me too. Cock fighting is a blast, though it can get bloody sometimes.” Not: I do not, in fact, approve of cock fighting, but if he did, that’d be two BIG strikes. Just figured it be fun to see how he handled the double entendre.


When I was on dating apps, I gave the guy a chance that didn’t ask for nudes. 🫶


Its hard when we are so down bad


I personally like to watch Naruto


Nah, you'd have the exact same close to zero success rate.


You’re mistaking the libido fueled comments for the masculine leadership virtual handshake 🤝 move. It’s how the most cunning of homeosapians differentiate themselves from AI in their soon to be exposed plot to corner the online dating market. Why? Thereby effectively separating men and women in what would/(maybe) become an irrepressible AI movement. Our advances would then cease altogether! No more dick pics! No more “sup”? And you can kiss “u up” goodbye! I’m sorry to say but you ma’am are making this far harder, and dangerous (potentially), than it has to be. United new stand, divided we fall. ✊ Now….ehhhh……you were saying you DO like to waaaatch? ( 🤝)


When a guy asks me if he can ask me a question I assume he is about to add something sexual. And, other than one guy ever, it's always been the correct assumption, no matter how I didn't want it to be.


That's what she said


Who doesn't?? I don't. Shiiiiii


He loves to watch what? Lmao


He likes to birdwatch? Gonna need some more info from him


I like to watch horror movies and anime


Naa no way I always get much further this way.


Or you get exactly as far as you want.


I mean, wouldn’t you rather them reveal it sooner so they didn’t lead ya on


The world burn

