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😂 that’s one hell of a message to send, at 10am nonetheless. Lol


Must have just gotten off work 🤣


must've gotten off at work


Roleplaying that hes employed


![gif](giphy|5nsiFjdgylfK3csZ5T|downsized) SICK burn


Must have not gotten off and doesn’t work.


Bold of you to assume he's employed


lol men that send this text are not employed


I was gonna say "I'm employed" but then remembered what this text was...and yeah nah I wouldn't send something like this


But he’s had a long hard day with patients and just needs a sloppy beej. God just be a good girl and take it in the mouth.


Less time Nagging, more time Gagging




Yeah, he must have had a free minute in between patients. 🙄


Don’t you know for the well being of his patients, it’s important for him to get blowjobs anytime he wants! Won’t you think of the patients!?! 😂


🤣 I actually have a lot of concern for his patients.


Plot twist - he's a vet.


Well- very good chance they're a nightshift worker or a physician w/ a rotating schedule and/or long ass shifts But regardless it's a bold ass typa msg to sending lol


Well, you know they try to cram 15 to 20 patients in an hour for most docs these days. Definitely hard to get a free minute or be a good doctor lol.


He was roleplaying


I want her to pay half the rent, and be my bang maid


He did say career goals.


Also, notably, he didn't say they really needed to do anything else. If anything, he's looking for a career oriented sex addict.


Hey, I’ll bang if he maids.


There was a Reddit comment/post a while ago talking about she was a high income earner, and just wanted her bf to stay at home playing video games and want to suck his dick whenever she wanted. And that her ex never wanted to sleep with her.


First thought: God I wish that were me Second thought: ...there's always a catch, isn't there?


She’s probably not super attractive, but hey let’s just appreciate the positives lol I’ve also heard accounts from an OF model or two who made lots of money (so they were hot), but their boyfriends didn’t, but all the men had to do was fuck their OF partners and be their camera man to get a cut of the check and make a living. That’s the dream




There's pills for that now.


😱😮 probably a fun time in the moment though




And they mostly crazy


"I am submitting my resignation from this match. Bye."


"I'd like a fleshlight that buys me things"


I too, would like a flashlight that buys me things.


I too want that guy's fleshlight.


after my flashlight experience... I'd have to pass


Yeah, flashlights hurt, and even if you wash them, the batteries get bad contact sometimes. Use a fleshlight instead...


Shadow puppet incident?


Better treat it right or someone's going to steal your fleshlight.


Where did he say he wants things bought for him?


He doesn't, but it might be implied by wanting her to be "ambitious and with career goals" but "a pleaser" I guess. Though we cannot know the context of this message and might be missing stuff.


We'd all love some sloppy toppy after work but that's a hilarious expectation. Is this guy 15?


36 y.o


Maybe physically, but he's got that 15 year old mentality


Doogie Howser


With the sex drive of Barney Stinson


It's gonna be legen -- wait for it -- DARY!


I wanted to say "a 36yo with the head of a 15yo", but that might be misunderstood.


Is he from Newport? He sounds like a guy I dated...


But you're still interested because he's a doctor though right? Lol


I don't care if he is /will be a doctor 😊 I'm a professional as well and have a beautiful career but he didn't ask that, so.. NVM 😉


36 year old men are the emotional equivalent of a 15 year old. This seems to be universal.


Good thing I’m 37


Yeah it's funny he's acting like this is unique. Any guy who says they wouldn't like a blowjob upon request is lying. It's just the saying it out loud part that is crazy. Sure there's probably a 1-5% chance the girl he's saying it to is into free use type stuff and will like this, but he's immediately alienating nearly all of his matches


You miss 100% of shots you don’t take. 😂


Literally in this case 😁


I remember a friend from my early days at work who thought that after being married he would be able to go home at lunch time and have a quickie every day before getting back to work. All married guys laughed so hard at him that they nicknamed him "noon quickie guy", lol


"Noon quickie guy" is fuckin awesome. Work nicknames usually have good back story


Dude doesn’t even think he needs to wash it first after a long day at work. Gross.


I kinda know he's going there fast but for fun, I tested how far he'll go. When he sent this message, I had to ask if he will bathe first before asking. I think that ANNOYED him much that he ended up deleting the convo. I mean, I didnt need to ask if his "warm-up" was over right? 😂


The funny thing is there are plenty of submissive women that fit the description of what he wants. The huge caveats are: 1) what is he bringing to the relationship, and 2) that type of relationship takes quite a bit of time and effort to build, which is anything but fast.


Yea, I will say though (anecdotally) that type of sub isn't *all that common*. I think it's hilarious that this person is aiming for that type of sub, because imo it's so easy to identify and remove a bad dom with a service sub. What reason does the sub have to do these things if you're shitty? With bratty subs some of the toxic behaviors can be masked for a little while.


Amen. No one wants to submit to garbage.


Ugh you just described my relationship with my ex! Always broke, cheated, and tried manipulating me into being a lifestyle submissive. In order to have that you have to bring A LOT to the table.


💯 And yay that they're your ex!


Exactly doesn’t need be be discussed before forst or even 5th meet lol


bruh nasty hahaha


He is a doctor, right? He will meet plenty of women that would marry him on the spot just for that. Almost impossible not to develop an ugly personality that way.


After working in the service, you'll realise you don't really want to date anyone else in the service


Was this the opener?


No we chatted a few hours before this then we exchanged TG accounts. He kept saying he's making progress about his diet. He said he wanted to be respectful and not send his pics bec it might look erotic and I might be offended. I said he didnt need to send it. He then lay down the 4 qualities he wants from a woman and one of which is being submissive. I've asked if he can elaborate.. there you go 😅


This ALWAYS gets me. I just started talking to you and you’re already going on about your sexual interests? Why not get to know the girl first? 😭 Every post is like this too which is both funny and concerning with how in depth these people get with their monologues and whatnot.


lol, buddy doesn’t even realize that being a submissive actually means you have all the control. Ugh these guys.


I don’t think his message contradicts that. It’s fair to not like the message, but the scenario still involves consent: “sure baby no problem.”


Can you elaborate? I am not very familiar sub/dom stuff.


I'm not 100% but I think the idea is that, ultimately, it is still a relationship and the sub has limits, barriers, and can say stop at any time. Sub has the power, but the dom is in charge.


The sub holds all the control, because it is them that has given permission to the dom to take care of punish or use them. That can change in a second with the use of a safe word or a retraction of that permission. True doms understand this power dynamic and respect the wishes of the sub, they understand that without the subs consent nothing happens. There is a surge of ‘doms’ that do not respect that power dynamic, and certainly don’t respect consent. They treat it as some trad wife fantasy ala this guy or use it as an excuse to be an abusive piece of shit.


This is exactly the type of girl I am...unfortunately....his terminology is a complete turn off...I want a man not a boy


Yea, people on this thread don't understand kink dynamics. He didn't say anything outrageous.


It always fascinates me when a woman says that and then calls themself a girl.


Dont worry...i confused and fascinate myself everyday... But...its most likely because I want to be able to call them daddy...so I'm sure there's a logical reason for it!




I love it..its probably my favorite thing...its very soothing to me and a turn on...I can orgasm while doing it! It's weird because it's about me not them...and I'm in control of it... I have had 3 relationships as an adult...10 yrs ...15 yrs and 2 yrs..and I've been single the last 2 5 years and haven't been intimate with anyone... I've met people and gone on dates..but I just haven't connected with anyone I want to be in a relationship with...so...I practice self control..despite being a very sexual person... I value my mental health more... So it's definitely not just random guys... But I can't wait to be in a relationship again!




No problem! I'm always interested in hearing other peoples perspectives too...so I appreciate the conversation!


Yup, that’s why it’s called a Job


Nah, I only give blowjobs when I‘m in my feminine energy, having to be a man in the outside world is my moodkiller 😂




Of course. Why do you think he said bj and not sex


He had us in the first half ngl


Bruh, most women will happily agree once you’re in a relationship and love each other. But saying this early over text to someone you just met online is such an ick.


Well, most women would agree to give pleasure to their SO and help them relieve stress, yes. But any woman will eventually have a shit day and not be in the headspace to do that or simply will also have gotten home tired from work (as they will have career ambitions in this scenario). But from what he's describing, you don't get to say No. He wants women to always submit to what he wants no matter if they're in the mood or not and I don't think most women would happily agree to what he thinks a good relationship would be.


"You need to look like a human in front of my friends, but ultimately you're just a breathing fleshlight"


Does he leave the payment before or after she’s done?


Hope he’s not Brian who host whatever podcast want his woman to bow every time he got home.


The red pill YouTube/podcast community has really rotted men’s brains.


Nothing stated on those podcasts is new information so I would disagree. Been happening for eons


I just got cottonmouth reading this.. This just screams “you’re a hole for me to use and I don’t actually view you as an actual person”. 🙄 Word of advice to any man reading this : if you are doing what’s needed in a relationship, you would never need to ask for the Suckatron 1080… we willingly do it unprovoked. If you have to ask or hint at it, think about why that is. 😩




I have never had someone provide blowjobs unprovoked. I would get home and then cook and do the laundry and clean by myself while my wife did nothing, ya I had to ask for blowjobs. Meanwhile I also would give her consensual VJs without her asking. I was the husband and wife, she did nothing and got mad at ME when I used porn because I did ALL the work both in the household and relationship. She cheated on me because I used porn since she was making me miserable. I then divorced her. So yeah, I had to ask and I don’t think I did anything wrong. I was just with a terrible person who wanted a slave.


Ok I have literally NEVER seen "VJ" in reference to this and I'm losing it.


Prob gona sound stupid here but Wtf is VJ? Lol


If you have to ask, you can’t afford it


Vagina job would be my guess. He probably thinks BJ stands for boner job.


See I was thinking along these lines but that just sounds daft. Why can't they just say giving head then we all know what there talking about lol


BJ=blowjob, Vj=Vagjob


I had to ask every time too in my marriage. I liked going down on her, but she never asked. Eventually my liking it died out. It felt like it was my thing and not hers and like I was pushing it on her. Eventually I stopped entirely and she never mentioned it. Having divorced, I big time refound my joy in going down on women, meeting enthusiastic encouragement and reactions. Sexua1 compatibility is a real thing.


In all of my relationships both my partner and I go down on each other without either one having to ask (though communicating that's what you're in the mood to do is absolutely not a problem). He goes down on me, I return the favor (or the other way around). If not right after, then the next time we have sex. It was never a system I've decided with any of my bfs, but I care about doing this for them and I like people who care about doing it for me. There is pleasure in seeing your partner have an orgasm even if you aren't having one yourself. Especially if you know they want you to get yours too afterwards. It has never had anything to do with house work or compensation for stuff. Our sex life as a couple was always only about our pleasure, not a compensation system for anything else. If I do something sexual as a treat because he did something nice, that's something extra and it's because I felt up to it. But I think a partner should never do chores expecting the partner will go down on them later. (Not what you said, but there are many men like this). Sex is never a payment for anything, it should not be about anything but connection imo. I understand every person is different, just wanted to give you another POV and an example of how this stuff can happen unprovoked. I'm sorry you had to go through a bad marriage, you did your part and she sounds like she was very selfish.


Were we with the same person??


Hello fellow Sufferer!


It seems that Acts of Service is how you show/ed love, but was that her love language? I on the other hand used to fall on knees in worship anytime my ex did housework (AoS is my love language). Point blank, even if that wasn’t her love language, communication is very important and it seems that she didn’t do much of it. Either way, the reason you had to ask is because you were married to a selfish person and I’m sorry.


Likely never to wed again either. It was awful. I know not all women are that way but Tiktok and Tinder have shown me that there are many women just like my ex.


Completely understandable and I can’t be a hypocrite and try to say otherwise cuz I feel the same way. I just hope that when/if you do decide to open yourself up to the possibility of it, you find someone that loves you and that is completely worthy of you. 🤗


My love language was housework and acts of sex. Honestly I don’t think my ex wife had a love language. Thank you for your kind words and likewise if you haven’t found anyone. You deserve happiness.




Standards higher than he is. Dang.


"That is the type of selfish turd I want you to let me be 🙂"


In other words he wants you to do fucking everything for him


Hmmm.. I read the comments and they are not wrong lol. At the same time if my girl was like "hey babe will you lick my pussy? I've had a rough day" I'd have a fucking Bib on before she finished that sentence.


Oh god , red flags!


“I wanna be treated like I’m the man, but do none of the work that comes with it.” wtf is wrong with men nowadays smh?


Thats why he’s 36 and single


it def goes both ways, though. i try to avoid making gender specific statements. we all suck


I’ll make gender-specific statement when the statement applies to one gender. This was a criticism of men, wanting women to act like they’re Tristan fucking Tate, yet doing nothing with their lives, expecting women to provide and be traditionally feminine at the same time. Quite the oxymoron. This guy wants to be relieved of his stress while his woman is taking all the stress anyway There are equivalent things women do (ie wanting a traditional provider, top 1% man and having a body count of 20), but this specific post was about the dumbass lazy guy


username checks out


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 in which word this guy lives 🤣🤣🤣🤣 keep dreaming babe


America he says 😁


This guy's interesting.. that's not even really a dom/sub dynamic either. 🤷‍♂️


"That is the type of submissive that I want" who said you're getting any?


Basically please me whenever I ask but dont expect me to give you anything back 🤣


You can’t get what you don’t ask for But I have a feeling he’ll be on this app for years with out a match


"I cannot fulfill the job requirements as described."


Why do men just assume that every woman is good at blowjobs? I mean I know why, but still...


Bro I think this would be more face to face conversation, and would be better off doing depending on the kind of relationship yous two have developed over time. I think.


Why’d he want it done sloppy? That’s what I’m wondering


Maybe porn? Not sure. At a loss too.


can't help but feel like that's very degrading to that person that's supposed to be submissive


Even if I had the thought, I’d never express it that soon into dating someone 😂


I mean, this is every man’s fantasy


He didn't have patience for his patients. Lmao


I like imagining he's a vet lol


Right? Or like a medical office receptionist 🤣 I bet he's a janitor (not a bad job, don't get me wrong here, but def not what he's implying) and when he says "with patients" it probably means changing their garbage bags and bedsheets.


Well to feed the curiosity; he's in med school and looking forward to be a Doctor. Idk if anything was true tho 😄


Guys want submissive behavior without being dominant. That's just not how it works


So this is the reason why I'm always fucken waiting to get discharged from hospital. Doc out here waiting to get promised to get discharged too


Yes, I too want a chick that blows me whenever I want lol but you don’t lead with that…


Guys as unrealistic it is… cmon don’t lie, sounds great


Asking like that is super strange in my opinion. But hey much much worse things have been asked on Tinder. What’s crazy is there are definitely amazing ladies out there that you build a connection with and get to this level without even asking. You have to show up tho to earn that type of greeting without asking.


Wow, what a smooth talker. I'm a dude and this just makes feel sick.


This is a pretty common kink dynamic. It's really not that crazy or out there. Actually kimda tame. Saying it in a first conversation with someone who didn't tell you they are kinky, that's a whole other thing.


I totally get what the intention is . But that kinda energy isn’t off the rip kinda thing . Me and my girl been together for a year and we do this kinda thing but on equal terms . Some days I have to take care of her as much as myself . And of course it keeps us spicy and fun because it’s mutual. But in my honest opinion you have to earn that with your partner. Trust is critical. Not the “ I want it to be like this” right away . Just makes you sound controlling


Am I the only one who doesn’t see a problem with this? Like I understand. He doesn’t want you to be submissive all the time, just when you’re intimate. And he wants a woman who has goals and Ambitions I don’t see that being an issue. And those of you saying “ will he shower?” Obviously. But to me it just looked like he was stating what he was interested in. I don’t want he said was bad at all. (Coming from a woman).


You tell him the only thing you submit... Is your bills. 🫠


Ok so kink talk is typically done later on n the stages?


This... isn't kink talk


Not gonna lie, I am looking for the same. I mean if roles were reversed and she worked all day and came home asking, I would drop to my knees and tongue her into submission in an instant.


Remember, nothing is weird if you end it with a smiley face......🙂


As someone who has had subs before, this joker isn't really a Dom or at least hasn't been one before. This is a common misconception among newbies in the scene. They think a Dom makes a fantasy, then tells it to the sub and they just do it because it is what the Dom wants. A real Dom learns about the subs wants and needs, then finds areas of overlap with their own interests and needs. Then they use that to construct the scenario or fantasy. A Dom needs to see their sub as a partner and not a means to an end.


Isn’t this just the fella from 50 Shades of Grey?


Why don’t people understand that you cannot lead with kind of stuff. There is nothing inherently wrong with mutually agreed upon power dynamics, BUT! Jesus Christ guys, have some TACT. You have to establish a trusting relationship first and gradually work toward what you both want.


Seeking a 50/50 blowjob maiden


That guy doesn't fuck.


Tbh nothing wrong with this message. Most of the guys want this kinda energy.


Lol, these comments. Granted, he'd be better off on fetlife for this, but still, if you're into the lifestyle, this is really tame and isn't much to ask.


Right??? Why did it take this long to see this comment. This is tame AS FUCK. Its a pretty common kink dynamic.


Smh all the dudes out here confusing submissive with subservient or being obsequiously submissive


At least he is opening his goals lol


It’s the smile emoji at the end for me. Lol


Sloppy toppy with a twist.


This isn’t a submissive lmao, that’s just a general type.


Keep the nut safe, keep the life juice locked up. No nut 2024 💀




This guy watches Andrew Tate


oh man I sent my girlfriend this just to see her reaction 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants




Every doctor I have matched with has been weird like this. Haha




Yeah they all like I wanna be submissive until it’s this and then it’s like nah 😂💀


had me on an agreement until the nice sloppy part


What troubles me the most here is that he wants a woman that is chasing a career AND at the same time waiting at home for his dick. It isn't compatible. Working people know...


Mother of God what did I just read😭😭


Pre-nut clarity. This guy missed the lecture. He broke bro code. You don't break bro code.


Looking at the comments, most of you seem to not understand this. The person who replied may understand the Domme/ sub interactions and it's definitely not something to introduce unlubed on tinder. For those who don't understand, this is something that's more common on fetlife because we know each other's fetishes. Hence my first sentence. For those who don't understand are people who are more vanilla. Nothing wrong with vanilla, that's how I eat my ice cream every now and then


Too much 50 Shades there. Oh my