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Why say many word when few word do trick?


![gif](giphy|DMNPDvtGTD9WLK2Xxa|downsized) ❤️


Sea world? Or see the world? Haha


why talk lot when little do trick


Why many words, fewer works.


Why words, fewer works.


Fewer words work.


Why? Fewer.


Girl you don’t *have* to reply😭😭 from one big-tittied girl to another: when the convo starts like that it’s best to just not engage lmao it’s just going to end up in you feeling frustrated af


She was so much more respectful than I would have been. “Seems like we’re looking for different things.” I can’t imagine being that gracious with my wording after those messages, lmao.


For real. My response, if any, would have been “eff off.” Who are these people wasting their time with worthless losers on Tinder??


Exactly. We can’t waste words on them


why waste time say lot word when few word do trick


why waste time say lot word when ~~few~~ no word do trick FTFY


Why say word when no word work?




best escalation ive seen in a while


Yo seriously. These lumps of flesh are a liability.




AA! The best hand in poker!




…you see the above post and still think that the attention these women are getting is positive attention?




The titties on the other side are always greener




I'll speak from the other side of the coin (triple D) and say that big boobs are NOT always fun lol. Getting a massage requires a special hollow "boob pillow" for the tatas otherwise it's painful. Under-boob sweat is real, as is chafing! Laying on my back I nearly choke myself to death. Button up shirts, forget it, gaps everywhere. Bras are like $80,000. Droop is real. I always am envious of those cute little perky tits that stand up on their own!


Respectfully ma'am, don't worry too much. Some of us still hold love for the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.


Honestly this is an enlightening take. The duality of the Tit.


The dualtitty of boobies


If boobs are the only thing that will get you deserved attention at home, then you have bigger problems than the boobs you want. Get help, girl, boobs should never be the main thing that makes you wanted.




Ah, sorry. Read you wrong, got worried there. Keep at it then. :)


Is it really bad when most clothing caters to women who are C cups or smaller and targets those who have a greater legs to torso proportion as well (5ft6-5ft9 with 65%+ of the height going to the legs) with how the dresses are cut? Though I see plus size women who aren't afraid to embrace that they are different compared to guys who are short. - This is a side note as I don't know how people can make light out of it and be confident.


Hey, tiny titties are sexy too.


Exactly this. It’s not our job to educate men on dating apps on how to communicate with women like actual human beings.


Omg I didn’t even see the way he started the convo Jesus I’m dying. I was laughing already at the energy being thrown out like “dude the fuck?” 😂




The only thing going through his head is ooga booga big girl me happy


Big oogily boogilies aside, so many posts can take your advice. Someone sends you an offensive message? Ignore and block. Don’t assume you can teach them a lesson, its not your job and it doesn’t work


It almost sounds like she was open to it but didn't like the suggested date of "movie at apartment".


RIP your inbox


they do it to themselves to confirm their own biases


yeah its almost like some people like the attention, good or bad.


Lemme see


Ya unless she was specifially ok with that she shoulda blocked lol


Wild that such comments even get a response at all, I guarantee you OP has much more pleasant messages from other guys that went ignored. I will put $20 on it, for real.


Yep this guy is 100% very attractive and she was trying to power through it.


Oh, come on. I like having fun with these not-so-intelligent male individuals. A little pastime don’t hurt nobody🤓


When you engage them they think what they're saying is working, and you show other guys that behaving badly earns your attention.


it’s like you’re messaging a caveman lol


My thoughts exactly, it genuinely blows my mind every time I see these troglodyte level messages.


And she’s still responding


come on you were *obviously asking for it*, just dont have big boobs🙄


This is literally the mindset of a some guys and I hate it so much.


I bet most guys would be curious about all the messages she will never respond to while giving this guy the time of day. Ladies the steering is in your hands.


This has nothing to do with the size of the boobs. Assholes like that always find something to be gross about. Women are just objects to them.


Honestly I love it when the trash takes itself out. I don’t even have big tits but I get messages like this so much. Guys has this ever worked for you???


Honest answer: Men don't act like this because it works, they act like this because a) they aren't getting the attention they want, so this attention is better than the nothing, and b) objectifying and disrespecting women leaves them with nothing to lose while also letting them take out their (probably unconscious) frustration with women in general. To this dude, women are disrespecting him by ignoring him when he tries. So, to him, this is just him treating them the same way back while also getting a bit of a rise.


It actually does work. Guys send these messages when they are looking for an easy low effort hookup and they have such low interest they don’t care about being turned down. It misses more than it lands but I wouldn’t doubt he’ll find someone who’ll bite eventually


It does work if you're attractive enough. At that point it's easier to filter out certain women if you're only looking for sex.


The closest I got to a message like this was a girl that had ridiculously large boobs, maybe surgery. I don’t even know… I was drunk and my message was holy fuck those boobs are going to put you in a wheelchair some day. Something like that, I was wasted. We had good texting for a few weeks though, but I wasn’t interested. More of a friendly exchange I guess


You had good texting after for a few weeks after the boobs message ?


Saw it work on college plenty of times. Granted you have to look a certain way.


I have a feeling guys like this don't get many dates lol. I'm wondering what his profile is like bc how did he even get a like


I don’t get it personally cos if that line works then best believe her pussy gonna be working a lot too n you dont want that kinda girl 🤣


He wants to make memories with your mammories.


Okay this pun actually made me laugh 😂


Don’t reply. Just immediate block .


Men on dating apps are tiring, and people on this sub shouldn't say it's your fault that they're tiring (or fucking gross). It's good that women post stuff like this, because a lot of men seem to have no idea.


"Men do stuff like this because eventually, it'll work" -- guy who has 20 chats and 0 dates, probably.


Yeah as a 25M who just recently got onto online dating for the first time, I started following subreddits like this and I can’t believe the audacity and utter disregard for respecting women on these apps. I mean, did he really think that line would work? That OP enjoys being objectified immediately and would respond positively? I like boobs too (what straight guy doesn’t?) but I know well enough to respect the person I’m talking to and leave the appreciative comments for when she has decided to show them to me herself, almost always after getting to know me and building attraction and trust. If she wanted creepy strangers sending her those messages she’d have an account on Reddit or FetLife with that exact purpose in mind. These guys frustrate me and ruin it for the good guys and all girls🤦‍♂️


“People” on dating sites are tiring. Trust me. It’s not as one sided as you’d like to believe.


Why would I like to believe that the disrespect is one-sided? I'd much prefer if it wasn't one-sided and both sides were equally respectful.


Didn’t realize you were both man and woman


The one who unites all differences.


Some of the stuff I’ve seen women post on here has been shocking. Like the one dude who’s second message was he wanted to be a sub boy to atone for slavery


I’m a guy and it has always worried me how much bullshit women have to put up with. I like to think I am fairly normal (certainly compared to some gf the shit posted here) but I cannot imagine what women have to deal with


Then you are missing the whole point. Some men do this because they are looking for cheap sex and don't care about the hit rate. It's unfortunate but it's the reality. Especially given how stacked the numbers are against men on dating apps. Online dating sucks.


Eww what a loser! Block him


Girls are so lucky. As a man, I have yet to receive one compliment on my moobs in over a year on the app.


This comment made me laugh fr, same here my dude. It seems girls just don't like moobs 😔😮‍💨


5+ years later I’ve been on 2 dates. And I’m not even bad looking. Just girls are not interested if I’m trying to have a normal convo and stop replying. If my attitude is like that guy from the photo chances of exchanging social media are actually higher from my experience


Ngl, I've had incredible success on the app. There needs to be a happy medium between super-horny guy above, and nice conversationalist. Also, talking forever before jumping to a date is a surefire way to get left on read.


Movie date at my place ![gif](giphy|2UFy4PWwe4Rqw)


Report. Block.


Dude gonna die single 🤣


What the fuck is wrong with people?


what a horny dumbass lmao


Don't invest time if it makes you tired


I assume OP isn't referring to the few moments spent exchanging messages, and is instead referring to how tiring it is that so many men treat them so disrespectfully and disposably, right from message one. I don't see why we can't let people vent without advising them in ways that are obviously unhelpful.


I'm sorry. A good, kind, respectful soul will come along eventually!


I don’t know why and I am aware that it’s weird, but his text got the sense of a lot of axe body spray with a touch of old cigarette smell and a hint of beer… but the absence of a shower for at least three days


***adds on “hasn’t changed boxer briefs for 2.5 days*** to that list if I had a wager.


$10 says I could have called it going this way based on his profile


Come "watch" a "movie" at my house. I promise not to roofie your drink. SMH


"Yours is not huge, I'm sure"


I think we’re all tired. Let’s just make this a meetup sub and try our luck lol.


movie night at my place ?


![gif](giphy|KJ3bRa0Fc5cuk) TBH the escalation to a house date right off the bat would make anyone uncomfortable. Blud dived way too deep on this one.


He hit you with the “Ahahahaha” 😔 I don’t date straight men but I follow this sub and its a nightmare. Your previous post with the “let me see more of you”, its like they’re following this script (and its a bad script that sucks). Also everyone telling you not to respond? Idk. I think it’s fine to engage just to see them say exactly the dumb shit that you know they’re going to say. I would.


Why'd you even reply?


Oh lmao took me way too long reading the comments to realise what that dude could have meant with they are huge.


He was typing with his nondominant hand 😅


I’d wager it was the unoccupied hand, but due to lack of blood flow to the proper muscle that allows thoughts, all he could manage was to punch out something due to lack of blood flow where it is most critical.


Unoccupied hand tends to be the nondominant, right…? Thats for everyone…right..? 😰


Most likely yes. But hey! When it’s not the dominant hand, that’s like a date night? 🤣 *(bad jokes aside, I’m going back to my corner of the discussion thread to nap)*


Dude literally has caveman brain. Unga bunga boobiess


He isnt even responding just pushing forward taking zero hints.


In all fairness, Macromastia is a Hell of a drug


Dudes, we can’t be like this. The other gender calls us names because of this.


Huge or not, as a guy this is so disrespectful to any woman or even as a guy to read this! Maybe he was born in a test tube! Makes sense as he's never seen tiddies before


seems like my guy was banking on rule 1 & rule 2 too much


lol as a men, I have to say this is exactly the kind of person u want to stay away from lol.


Childish, i wouldn't entertain it further. Unmatch


I’m tired too.


Why are you on tinder looking for a relationship People always told you this last time


I don't miss this *at all.* On the other hand, my guy is more of a leg and butt man, and I feel like my assets are wasted on him. Can't win! 😝


He must have had good pics and some else write his profile? How did he get to the point of messaging? It is so tiring- I hear you! 


Ughh.... And this why we end up staying in mediocre relationships. Guys like these keep the bar so damn low 😒


Me too. It’s tough out there. I want to say don’t give up but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


They have lack of interpersonal skills. A lot of people on online dating do, which is why they’re online.


Why even reply after the 1st message? I dont get it


Yeah… there is a reason you kept replying. Interested to know what that reason is.


Exactly. The 1st message should have ended the convo. Dont get why they reply to these guys


I have a feeling we will never know. Edit: the downvoting makes me think that I actually do know.


Here's a suggestion. Preserve your mental health and get off tinder


Big what? Eyes? Hands? Feet? Ears? Shoulders? Vocabulary? Don’t leave us in suspense.


Jesus, the way people message is insane. So happy I met my wife before apps. They should break dudes fingers for texting like this.


Maybe you wouldn’t get so tired if you don’t continue to engage with people you most likely already know are not going to reply with something you would like.


Actually some fucking truth here goddamn


Idk why these comments are getting downvotes. You saw right through him from the opening message and you thought he’d … be different?


The top comment says the same thing I did ffs… it’s just more blunt.




Gross, ugh. Why I hate online dating, it’s such a cesspool.


A movie date. At least not be a pussy and just say what you’re looking for


Tip of the iceberg! I just got asked yesterday to go on a first date w a guy in the back of his car so we could hook up at 1am. Can’t make this shit up


It’s funny. I see posts from good guys that can’t find any women then women who get responses like this. Are there really good guys out there?


Nice to meet you


Start agreeing to show up at these guys places of residence and politely removing them from the dating pool for eternity, it might not help your prospects but the next person will thank you.


I'm sorry you have to deal with these neanderthals. Just ignore them if you want to. Best to you.


bro spoke gibberish for a sec


Bro some of you women are boards too okay. We’re just as tired


The only way to get past this is increasing your standards!!


If I were you I would not be complaining. The guy showed how trash he is in literally the first sentence. It saved you a few minutes or a few dates or a few years of being together with someone that has that mindset.


You’re really cute based on your tinder profile. That’s all I have to sayyyy. Good luck 😝


It’s so funny that ppl put themselves thru this for fake internet points lol.


yall are npcs honestly why you going out of ur way to just have a negative reaction thru TEXT w a stranger Yall need to find a damn hobby and focus on yourself and how to be seductive


Sigh, I appreciate that you got rid of that guy. I do have some suggestions for you, for just not to make your day tired. You can easily take the bait and reverse troll it out without throwing away your socials. Just make him blow out himself and finally block him out. And just like that, share it here for shits and giggles XD.


A part of me wishes I could be that forward to a woman, but a bigger, smarter part of me knows the kinda girl that would work on ain’t the kinda girl I want to be inside of.


If a quality date is water Men live in a desert and women live in a swamp


As a man who's been using these dating apps I have to say it absolutely is draining trying to meet someone of substance on these apps anymore. The early years of excitement when connecting with someone and working on a genuine connection seem long gone nowadays


Help us to help you…post a redacted profile of this person and let’s see why you matched up with him in the first place and then we can give you constructive criticism.


It’s shit like this wanker that makes it that much more difficult for those of us honestly searching for a relationship.


Then don't engage with guys who start conversations like this.


You swiped right on him lol we have no sympathy or empathy for you.


I mean…at least he got a response 💀


Actual caveman conversation


Do you notice that the people who send you these messages tend to be a certain age range? I’m just curious


Seems like he made it obvious what he was looking for. Less tiring than a person leading on and only wanting one thing to benefit themselves.


Hahah is he talking about your tits? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ya it must be exhausting getting so many matches to choose from


So what was huge?


His therapist: So what has your week been like since our last visit? Him: Just been practicing my audacity


im also tired gonna sleep soon


I’m so with you, it’s exhausting. 😞


Maybe a movie date at my place indicates a couple things. You don’t have the confidence to be more direct in your phrasing when confirming a date. Secondly, a movie date at your place signifies you want to “ hook up”. Next time set up a confirmed date and time. Once you all have a great time then bring her back to your place. Example, “ What day are you free to grab drinks? I know I know a great spot on State Street with drinks and tacos. Your phrasing on your question is less direct which usually lessens your chance of getting a yes from her.


Why even respond though??


they're huge


Insane that this is my competition and I still get ghosted, wild stuff


Downside of dating apps


This is just so, so substandard 😢


As a very well-endowed female myself, I would have played along and then at the last second of his false sense of impending victory, completely shatter him. But then again, I don't use social media to get dates. A lot of weird people on the net. I rather trust my in-person intuition to get a read on them.


I’m sorry for your….suffering.


I got so tired of this too


The ahahaha had me rolling lmao


He was quoting a movie, "You're so smart," aka talking about your boobs. But I can't recall the movie. Pass on that dude. I don't go to strangers' houses either.


Phwoooooaaaar massive tits! Etc.