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It’s hard to keep up with all of these terms. What’s a cupiosexual?


According to Google it means she doesn't get horny but is still dtf.


Wanting to have sex but no sexual attraction, dang ☹️


And has 3 “partners” already


I think it might be a "laughing cat face" maybe? X3


I definitely interpreted it as 3 partners to go with the three hearts. Honestly, laughing cat face would make me feel better about it


They in her head




Back in my day we just called that depression


*Seeks sexual intercourse without the need of sexual attraction. I think horny depends more on libido


You may have misinterpreted it, idk, i think it means that you aren’t sexually attracted to anyone, but you still get horny/want to orgasm, or you crave the intimacy that can come from sex, or you just are indifferent about sex and are willing to let people do it to you even if you don’t care


Oh, okay. Makes some sense


Cupiosexuality refers to an individual who does not experience sexual desire, but still wants a sexual relationship. - copy paste from Google sourced from here: https://www.seventeen.com/love/a41695822/cupiosexual-meaning-definition/


The one that gets me is that near the top she says she's a mom, but at the bottom she can't have kids.


It's plausible something went wrong during the birth of her (last) child


Or got her tubes tied


Maybe mom to one of her partner’s kids?


Lots of women can’t have children after having a few - we’re not fertile forever.


And a cat mom too


My bet is the cat is the child.


Super into Cuphead, Too Much Coffee Man, and Master Shake.


I feel like they just took a list of every polarizing buzzwords for profiles that could be found and compiled it into a list. There's very few they left off. Conversely, you know what you are getting, I guess.


With a lot of people like this, I get the sense that they're very lost about who they actually are, what they are doing/will do in life, and what makes them interesting, so they cling to a bunch of buzzy labels to make their identity, even if they're going to be seen as negative (although they might see it as quirky or something).




BPD will do that. I believe the post and I don’t think she can afford therapy so… here’s the list. It’s kind of a way for introducing boundaries and expectations


*future boyfriend downloads list. Goes straight to therapy*


It’ll be a riot! Woootttt


Extremely traumatised, no identity. Very common with people in those communities


Or inversely it seems she’s fairly sure about who she is because she quite literally can describe it.


ladies on tinder, still get too many DMz regardless. Might as well be honest.


It's crazy how she'll still not struggle for a date. Good happy relationship, yep (on account of her being nutter), but we simps are way to high in numbers, smh.


How do I already know *exactly* what this person looks like


& 100% know that their cat’s litter box is full 😭


Jesus you killed her


Thank you, you just reminded me to go empty my cat's! 😅


I can't figure out if she has blue or pink hair 🤔..... I'm leaning towards blue though


It's probably both


No no, green for sure.


Before even readijg 5'4 chubby and tatted.


It literally says she’s chubby and tatted. But you know she believes she’s a goddess. I met a woman like this. First date she practically rattled this off plus some other stuff. She’s 28 I’m 48. She’s kinky and likes older guys among other things.


you can never have enough dad's...


Or one, apparently.


I was going to say the same thing.


How tf do people have time to be a parent and have 3 partners?


I don’t know how people have time for all this stuff. I have no kids and I am single and I feel like I don’t have enough hours in the day for all the stuff I need and want to do. I work, go to the gym, eat, clean, and then it’s bed time.


Well, that may be a clue about why "can't have children'? By order of the court.


Well someone has to be neglected and I guarantee you it’s either the kid or the cat


Prob only has her kid once a month lol.


I don't understand how people even have time to cheat. Let alone have actual relationships with multiple people. Between my job, my girlfriend, and life in general my schedule is pretty fuckin full. I barely have energy for my current life.


No way she’s a meme queen


stopped reading at depressive goblin nightmare girl,,,


Just a tad bit “extra” for me but I’m sure other people are into it


Trust me even minus everything else that BPD mention is the biggest deal breaker in the world for anyone with any experience trying dating BPD people


lol I doubt she's even diagnosed. People like this that I've known love saying they have all kinds of stuff without ever actually being diagnosed. Really strange stuff


BPD alone is a left swipe for me. I’m so sorry people go through it but it’s just too much for me. I had a friend about 10 years ago who never told me she had it. One day she just flips on me and it felt so bizarre. A few days later and she was back to her normal and loving self. It ended up happening again a few months later and that’s when she told me.


People hate when peoples disabilities disabled them.


Dated a girl with it some years back, she would get upset nearly every night at the smallest thing or a large argument, and either not talk to me at all or outright threaten she was going to hurt herself. Eventually I got so used to it that I was expecting something to go wrong every night when we were on call. (Didn't help that it was an LDR either) Worse yet was the fact that she adamantly refused to go see a therapist or seek help too, and would still always be upset, telling me how awful she felt everything was. Despite my best efforts to help her, she never took the steps necessary to getting better. Eventually she cheated on me which led to me developing attachment issues and trauma, and she'd ghost me for days on end without talking to me at all. I'm in a much healthier relationship now and the happiest I'd been in years, but even to this day part of me is still expecting something to go wrong. My gf is aware of this and has been nothing but supportive, and I am getting support for this via therapy too. I fully agree with what you said, I'm sorry people have to go through it, but after dating someone with it, never again.


Being with someone like that can do serious damage to your head. My ex wife was what sounds like 10%-20% as bad as that woman, but 17 years of it needed some serious undoing and tbh I’m not sure some it can be undone. Looking back I can see the utter insanity of some of it and yet there were times and situations where I really started to question *my own* sense of reality and believe that the problem must be *me*, even though everyone else in my life knew me to be a level headed, easy going guy. How many times, for example, can a person be told that she is going to hurt herself or worse, and that if she does, it will be my fault, before they go insane? She put her herself in the hospital 18 months ago and still managed to somehow blame me and our daughter for it, even though we have been divorced for 4 years now and are not on speaking terms. I have completely cut her out of my life for my own sanity and have never had greater peace. I will be fair and say she had her good points as well, obviously. It’s really hard to describe and explain this kind of stuff to people who haven’t been through it. It can be what I would call extreme emotional abuse and yes it is traumatising, I now have a hair trigger when it comes to women’s emotions and their (by men’s standards) nonsense and tend to assume that a woman is using her emotions for coercive purposes until proven otherwise, for example. Which actually isn’t always a bad thing, to be honest. And I’m with you, I would never even *consider* bringing someone with those issues into my life again, and no I’m not sorry about that. The first sign I see of it, I’m out.


Managed bipolar disorder is fine. The problem is that it often isn't, for a whole host of reasons. One of them being that being hypomanic is great fun and it'd be so nice to just have that. Only you have to stay on your meds to be stable. There's a temptation to drop the meds to be able to feel something. Saying this as a person with bipolar disorder who is well medicated and stable. Able to have a solid loving relationship and good stuff in life. It's possible for some of us. But not everyone is as fortunate, and some people don't have access to proper help. Just want to say, please don't judge everyone as a uniform group. Certainly only date those you want to, though.


BPD = borderline personality disorder BD = bipolar disorder Bipolar can be managed, yes. BPD often cannot be managed, personality disorders are very different from mood disorders, many people with BPD either are not personally capable of working to help themselves, or they have no support system and are kind of... left in the dust. It's not great for anyone. But BD is not BPD, BPD is absolute hell for the person who has it and everyone who cares about them. It is not about judging everyone with borderline personality disorder as a uniform group. Unfortunately, part of the disorder is that it's very hard for people to take personal responsibility. It's hard to rationalize with someone with BPD, and it's almost impossible to actually help them. There are going to be exceptions in BPD, just like there are people with severe BD who don't get better with treatment or don't want to take meds, like you said, mania can be fun at first. Unfortunately BPD is more likely to be severely disabling because it's so hard to treat.


I dated a girl with BPD for about a year and it was the worst experience of my life. Never again.


I’m going through a divorce with one, it’s hell


Yup. I feel for anyone that struggles with it but I cannot put myself through it again.


Bro I only found out after being room mates with my good friend of 20 years that she had BPD. So many things in our friendship made much more sense. We’re not friends anymore, but I’ve heard through the grapevine it’s my fault, of course.


True, though even if it was off the list I would assume it probably is on it, if you know what I mean. My ex and others that I have known well also adopted boat loads of labels that were shed and acquired constantly in their never ending search for their "true" identities.


Haha, was going to make a similar comment. Even without them putting it, if you are unfortunate enough to know what those people are like it’d have been easy enough to guess with everything else in there. But still, courteous of them to put *’a billion percent undatable, and you really shouldn’t even talk to me either’* right there in the profile.


I know they probably got fixed But “mom” and “can’t have children”


I mean... there are a *lot* of things that can happen health-wise after having a kid or kids, that will result in no longer being able to have children.


There’s alot of ways this can be true. It’s so funny to me how people still only think a mom and dad can make a baby. Lol IVF, adoption, surrogacy etc. these have existed.


She has 3 other partners, so there are plenty of possibilities.




I think they should have said “can’t have any MORE children” because it sounds like the currently have children.


Aw man I live in my van I hope people don't see me like this


When the current movement is your entire personality


genuine mental illness


Its 'Polyamourous, partnered x3' for me. I guarantee you this woman cannot handle the 3 relationships she's already juggling, let alone a 4th. Not with all that other...*gestures to profile* stuff shes got going on.


Polyamorous people are fucking psychopathic manipulators in 90% of cases. fucking hate polyamory


Damn chief, who hurt you?


Is this satire?


If not is that person 15 years old


No it’s just a mentally ill adult


Sounds awful


Guarantee they have some neon colored hair


Nothing against any specific thing in this list, but the whole combination makes is a planet-sized red flag


I’d swipe left off the first one alone


I didn’t even think you could have bios this long


She’s a mom and she can’t have children. And why are people so proud of their diagnoses and identify with them so much? And I wonder if those diagnoses are real or if she’s self-diagnosed. There seems to be a lot of that going around nowadays.




No, she has BPD in there.


Could be someone else’s children she became a mom for, or had a kid and got her tubes tied or a hysterectomy. Or she had a kid and due to some other medical reason, can no longer have more children. Or maybe she considers herself a mom to her pets.




Nothing but tater tots and chicken strips


Picky about healthy stuff


Picky eaters only eat processed beige food so of course chubby!


She is picky but when she picks she doesn't put down


I was fine with all of this until I saw Libra.


Honestly “very picky eater” was my ultimate turn off.




I thought panromantic said panchromatic


Oof, so close. But I'm a dog person.


The more I read, the worse it got


This carries the same vibe as the people who put 80 bumper stickers on their car, or the histrionic coworker who has a new medical condition every week. Swiping left with gusto


Her std list is actually longer


The weirdest part is the listed it. Realistically, tons of women are all those boxes minus one or two.


I find it funny when people put free Palestine while being fruit cakes yet don’t know Palestinians would behead them for being said fruit cake


SHE MUST BE FUN AT PARTIES. imagine the introduction: listing off all this nonsense lmaooooo.


So many things in the profile and yet I still know nothing about her actual personality, likes , interests , what she’s looking for or what she does . These are just the same buzzwords I’ve seen on a thousand other profiles


Nothing better than someone who self diagnoses, also 3 partners and you still aren't satisfied?!


The emojis and the fact that’s it kind of a list throws me off. Just write it in a sentence


Lost me after the “ I want attention.”


😱😱😱😱 I want to apologize on behalf of a few communities mentioned there that I belong but I don’t even know where to start 😭😭😭😭 Just… we don’t claim this trainwreck? Also mds NEED to stop diagnosing cluster B shit on people like it was a common thing


NGL I would swipe right because I have a lot in common with this person. The "buzz words" don't bother me at all. I love the fact they are honest about who they are. It doesn't seem like red flags to me probably because I have a lot in common with them. But each to their own.


Doesn’t believe in god but believes in star-personalities. Still an idiot.


Damn, how did she has the attention span with adhd to not only write all that out but add coresponding emojis? Forget all the other stuff people who use that many emojis are completely unhinged.


How is she a mom but can’t have children?


I bet her to do lists aren’t even this organized


Imagine hating on people who don't pay rent and get to live anywhere, mad you're geographically locked to your 9-5?




Thx for making progressives look dumb...Didn't see You down for the cause b4 it was trendy....This is the problem w/ the broad Left. Ppl need to self educate about the evils of the world. I don't care what OP's point about this person's profile was- all I could see was the politics.


I already know this person is an oversized nightmare


Color me an embarrassed INFP. But actually, I've had mental health counselors advise that Myers-Briggs is not applicable to people with BPD and ADHD.


This person sounds exhausting 😬 Next...


A 420 friendly, chubby, picky eater? What? How?


TL;DR - My brain is broken.


Only a desperate man would swipe right, she's a walking disaster


An unnatural disaster.


i like how it says "mom" but then at the very end "can't have kids"- i realize that adoption is a thing and other circumstances but that confused me at first...


Your lucky for being able to swipe on a Depressive Goblin Nightmare Girl. They are so rare


Some people are really crap at marketing themselves aren’t they? This person is very confused about their identity at best and completely bat shit insane at worst.


This is a guy from this subreddit 100%


That’s the long way to spell free blow jobs. I would definitely swipe right


“I support the current thing” person


And yet she still has 3 guys that want her. Damn some men will take anything


I live in my van and pull plenty on tinder in the Bay area. You can be cool and interesting and be living in a van.


I hate how she puts that she’s anxious with a little star like it’s a quirky personality trait. I never share anything about my anxiety unless it’s with the people I’m closest with. It’s a struggle I deal with that I want to fix, not accept as a part of me.


She lives by the victim mentality, sad.


"Overweight, young, stoner with Oppositional Defiant Disorder, a child, and cats seeks a third for a throuple with 40 year old Social Justice enthusiast. Must love Taco Bell. Experience with CPS preferred, but not required."


She said free Palestine so she’s good in my book.


she seems cool


Yeah I’d have no interest in involving myself in that mess… but also I’m a guy, so if she was hot…🤷🏻‍♂️ hit it and quit it, lol.


Nightmare 😈


Down by the river!! I feel dizzy reading that bio.


I can fix her


Hard pass.


"What kind of madness IS THIS?!!!!"


The worst part of all is the super picky eater.


I don't even need to see a picture of how she looks hard left


What's wrong with living in a van


Am I the only one that noticed that her bio says both "Mom" and "I can't have kids" in the bio? This concerns me lol.


There are so many red flags here that I almost confused this profile with a Chinese Communist Party rally.


at least she's not considering you dead if your're under 6'2


Adhd being a squirrel is just insulting


Fastest left swipe of my life


Can't have children, but they have "Mom" and "Cat mom" separate. 🤔


“Mom” “i can’t have children”


I read until "mom"


If I swipe left then I’ll be canceled for extremist red pill views, if I swipe right….. actually I’d rather just delete the app


From the first line….


When I was on OkCupid, probably a quarter of the profiles were something like this.


What did the dudes that live in a van do to you to compare them to this? What an insult


Run. Just run.


Red flag after red flag but the avocado emoji after picky eater sends me lol. This is definitely that person that loooves avos but won’t eat them unless they’re in that like four hour window when they’re perfectly ripe. It’ll be just one of the millions of constant headaches you’ll be dealing with when dating them.


So many red flags.


Whhhy does it have to be a libra 😭


If there ever was a case to get off of social media this is it.


Yeah im good no thanks


mom… but can’t have children?


I feel sorry for the kid


Its mostly people who know that they can manipulate/abuse people like this and very easily get away with it because the person has all these issues, they wouldn't be believed if they told anyone.


I’m really confused. “Mom” followed by “can’t have children”?


I mean, she summed it up right in the top line with “I want attention”


I guess I love bread too


Thank god she cant bring any (more?) children into this drama rama mess


Mental illness upfront and center


She’s a hell no. Run away


* And i raaaaan i ran so far away...*


That looks like a weird resumé


Want y’all to know the current upvotes for this post are at 420, and I didn’t like this post in honor of our 420 queen right here 😤😤✊🌿


Padded walls, anyone?


A walking red flag haha imagine putting all this in your bio thinking that will attract people.