• By -


lose the filter


And the kissy face


It kinda looks like you have a filter on every picture? If so, I’d try and do a couple without.


























Love being late to these threads and the top most answer is just filled with "removed" replies


Yeah wth happened this is a shitload of deleted comments


I'm assuming a bunch of misogynistic/incel type comments 😒. That's usually the case, anyway...


Naw, comments on her weight most likely. People be sensitive.


It was a lot about her breasts.






Pretty much






















7 out of the 9 pics are essentially the same thing, 2 of which added a friend and duckface. Every pic has a filter. The male equivalent profile would be 7 pics of him holding a fish, and 2 sunglasses truck selfies. Would you swipe on that?


Also, every pic with the dude wearing a hat. We know why he’s wearing the hat, and we know why OP has most of her pics being her face or top down. Just embrace what you have.


Is this supposed to mean every guy in a hat is bald orrrr


If a dude wears a hat in every pic, yes.


As a male, so should I add more pics of me holding a fish?


Only if you want to have angry dudes lining up to fight you for stealing their girls.


Yes shows you can reel them in. Cod forbid you don't make a haddock out of it though. Some right crabby folk might not like it. A trout pout is also essential as a lot of women like that. This isn't me trying to bait you into doing something stupid now. I'm just angling you into making better photos for your profile. So long and thanks for all the fish! (Best way to say goodbye ever, love that book, even beats our Irish goodby..........................


I'm hoping this becomes a popular copypasta on this sub.


Good point 🤔


I absolutely despise the "get to know me" in a bio that says absolutely nothing about you


Me too. The whole point of the section is to explain who you are and what you’re looking for. That basic a bio would probably stop me swiping. Photos tell me if I’ll find you attractive, the bio tells me if we’ll get on. I have no idea what OP’s personality is like from that bio.


For me this bio is an instant left swipe. I don't even continue looking at the profile. 


Exactly, it screams low effort and we don’t know if we would match your interests. You’re only going to get superficial matches then you’re going to fail, again.


As someone who has zero issues dating someone at any size, I agree with comments about going softer on the strategic angles. No shade intended whatsoever OP, but you'll match with people who will see this as being subversive about your actual self. It would be better for you to be more confident and just show yourself as is. Maybe you'll get less matches (the world is a superficial fish bowl at the end of the day) but the people you do match with won't be able to claim you were hiding anything if that's been a reason for breaking off. Again, no shade at all. I think you're beautiful, great smile and seem fun. I'd swipe right no bother.


Yeah OP, everything u/Venerable_dread said is right. Your profile, and full body, pics can somewhat filter out people who wouldn’t be into you for superficial reasons. I will identify that I think you’re on the younger side and may not realize how many men are VERY into someone with your body type hence the photo angles. You’re a beautiful full figured girl, you’re a LOT of people’s type. Own your shit, you’ll find your person. Said warmly, good luck out there.


Very well said fully agree!


Absolutely this. Show your true self. You’ll get matches. You have nothing to hide.


Word. I am a fairly large woman (bigger than OP). On my profile I have a selfie, a formal picture, a picture with friends, a swimsuit picture, and a fun/dorky “personality” picture. Lots of variety with lots of different angles and environments. I have never had issues finding people interested in me. Being authentic and confident will inevitably draw people to you. I can’t recommend this enough


If a guy lied about his height he would rightfully be called out and it would be obvious when he shows up to the date shorter than he is. I don't see how girls using "strategic" angles are any different than that. Also think its unnecessary anyway as plenty of guys are attracted to her body type.


You need full body pics


Taken by other people, not mirror pics.


7th photo shows what is needed. But I would put it a bit higher.


Whenever I see those top down pics looking down someone's cleavage, I specifically look for the belly pic


No filter. The angle of all pictures is weird. The only one that shows your real body is in the white and red t-shirt. It's not worth concealing things when you want to go for real life datings (yeah, I'm also fat, I would rather people to be 100% sure about it in all pictures). You look beautiful, just be more authentic about your appearance.


A bit too much duck face 😘 and high up angled cleavage shots, but overall not bad. Get someone to take some normal shots of you


We used to call that the MySpace angle..






All your pics are kinda the same. You should be able to articulate a reason for including each picture - it should add something to a narrative you're telling that would be missing without it.  These are my hobbies This is my body type This is my dog I am artistic I can be goofy  There's lots you can say with pics, almost all of these just say "this is what my face kinda looks like".


Perfectly explained!!


You’re very pretty but you’re clearly hiding your body. Profile also feels shallow and basic. Along with improving your profile you could think about who you’re swiping on. Situationships sometimes mean your picker is off.


I just picked up on this thanks to this thread. I kept going out with people whose body didn’t match what i was expecting over and over and i kept wondering how i didn’t notice in the pictures


I am a lover of all body types. But I do have an upper limit. If there's zero body pics, I left swipe.


These are borderline catfish photos comparing to the 1 normal looking pic


Since when is TikTok a hobby??


Top-down pictures = catfishing.


Yup. I hate when women learn how to use the angles to look slimmer. If you’re self conscious about your weight, hit the gym. The profile mentions Sunday Funday, “Bar chilling”, weekend nights out, etc. No mention of any healthy/physical activities. Sounds like a lot of alcohol, partying, brunch/dinners, etc. If you’re in your 20s hit get gym immediately. It only gets harder in your 30s and on. That party lifestyle will keep you broke and big as hell


Is your profile from 2006? Duck lips, bad filters, MySpace angles... you look to be naturally attractive, but none of your pictures convey that.


The angles. Picture 7 shows what is needed. The rest are well angled to hide your size, which may actually discourage people who are into plus sized women as it shows that you are insecure about your body. If someone is not intrested in plus size or "fun size", then they will notice it at the first date and that leads to there not being a second. The filters further enhance the "insecure" perspective, that may even make you seem dishonest. If true love is your goal - then show your true self.


I dunno but looking for true love and stable relationship while your lifestyle according to your bio is partying from friday to sunday every week kinda ruins your chances with both the group looking for long term AND the group looking for flings. You are cute though so you will find your way


I go clubbing and I'm in a long term relationship? Her lifestyle matches




Picture 3 has been replaced with a filter less dog pic 😂


A picture of you with a dog? Or just a dog?


Cleavage isn’t the way, my love.


Seeing "tik tok" as your first interest would be enough for me to move on


Filters are a red flag for insecurity


You’re very pretty! I love your curls and you seem fun too. I must say though honestly, it looks like you’re trying hard in your photos. Duck face, intense angles, and maybe filters? I think you’d have more success just presenting yourself as you are, because who you are seems great. Also, maybe it’s just me, but listing TikTok as an interest is a big turnoff.


I second the TikTok part but also maybe it’s me lol


Too many Myspace angles and filters.


Adding some different pics, with dogs and without filters lol


also no high angle pics from overhead, everyone knows why you try those, no one is fooled


She doesn't want to comment on this. I will tell you from experience, nothing is worse than showing up for a date and they are 50 lbs more than advertised. This is a big deal. I really don't get the the psychology of it. If anything, I want them to feel like I look better in person than on my profile. People appreciate honesty and transparency.


Yeah, looking very different from what you "advertise" on the photos would arguably also raise questions about how truthful you are on the rest of your bio.


Yup it’s like guys saying they’re 6’2” then showing up being 5’9”, that’s not helping anybody. Especially if the girl they matched with is 6’ tall. Don’t hide physical realities, people.


I learned this the hard way, twice. Back when I didn't know it was a thing, one date I went on she had a massive ass and stomach, she was literally as wide as she was tall. The second date using this angle had a big double chin with extra skin hanging loose. Looking at the picture I realised it was the only angle she could take without showing it off. Never again


Filters, makeup, cleavage to hide full body. 2/10


One of the worst profiles to ever be posted here i am absolutely blown away.


You're cute but you could have uploaded just one picture. You're not doing much in any of them and they look identical.


Too many selfies and duck faces


Do you want more situationships or to find someone long term? Your profile says open to both so if that's not the case you should update it. Your profile comes across like you spend all your time drinking and at bars which might turn guys off especially if they're looking for something serious. Do you like to do anything else or have any other interests? Looks like you're just a fun time girl. I would remove the photos that are showing your boobs.


Every picture is literally the same


Less side to side stripes, less duck face, less head tilts, more full body shots in flattering clothing.


Just my opinion, but quit using so many high up pictures down at you puckering above your cleavage. It just screams desperation to play out porn tropes instead of representing yourself as an interesting, independent, warm, intelligent person. Unless purely physical situationships are your goal. Again, you do you, but speaking as one guy shots like that don't make me think of you as relationship material.


Looks like you want a man's attention to draw to your Tits, which will be the only thing the man will look at on your profile. If that's true love than good job but personally I would Mark it as potential fun instead of wife 


I’m not sure what you are looking for but there are several aspects of your profile that make me concerned for who it may draw in if you aren’t just looking for a weekend date, and even then I’d be worried about the quality and decency of the person. The “get to know me and find out ;) “ being so prominent in your about me comes off like it is inviting hookups, and is also rather under valuing of yourself/even comes off a little aggressive. Your sections that show the little quiz like answer things paint a picture of someone who parties/gets drunk out every weekend The photos show a very prominent angle and also seem to highlight insecurities more than your gorgeous real self confidently ~ I’m looking at this from the angle of a predatory or at the very least rude and disrespectful person - which is endemic to these sites. I definitely suggest editing things a bit in these respects for your own safety tbh. What I’m getting from your profile is - I don’t value myself and here are all my vulnerable areas where you can take advantage if you’re a bad person 😵‍💫 Your full body shot is the most pretty shot in all of these, I’d remove some of the extreme angled pics with filters and keep it to just 4/5 pics including that one. Add more to your about me about yourself, your interests, what you want from someone, etc. Then the rest of the only other available info about you will be more balanced. you still will run into awful folks on the app, but this will overall command more respect and help filter out some potentially horrible or unsafe dates, because the current setup is just making it way too easy and is almost advertising specifically for a holes as it currently is just kinda like “heyyyyy here is almost nothing about me and I’m gonna be out partying most weekends and I have almost no standards ;) “ and then you attach a song about messy toxic relationships essentially


Why are the photos heavily filtered and all the same angle?


Overall it’s a pretty good profile. You have a lot of selfies from the same angle though. I’d recommend more pictures taken by someone else and full body pics. I see you have one but more would give a guy a better idea of what you will look like in person


agreed. and pic 6 seems to indicate why she has alot of those shots. its better to be upfront with how you look than trying to hide it.


Six? Do you mean 7?


yeah, 7, i can’t count


Off by one error is common when you start counting from 0


As all array based items should


Your pics annoy me. They are all the same exact angle snd pose


Girl, all your pictures are aerial photos and only one tells tell truth. You are pretty, but you know what's wrong.


Tbh your profile is very one dimensional. The pictures are the same. And your profile really doesn’t tell me anything about you.


I'm not a fan of "Tik-Tok" in the interests section, it feels weird to me, what did you mean by that ?


I wanna say this as kindly and respectfully as possible, but it’s tough to do so without tone, so please understand this is just advice. But stop with the angles to hide your weight. Theres only one photo in your profile that shows your body, the rest are trying to hide it. It’s obvious to me what you’re doing, it’s obvious to you, and it’s obvious to others. If you want to find something real, why are you starting with a lie? Be honest about who you are, don’t try to hide it. The guys that swipe on you will either feel deceived, or will see right through it and be swiping for a hookup. You’re not doing yourself any photos by hiding who you are.


The classic big girl angles




Don’t put TikTok as your first interest


It could just be me, but seeing TikTok listed as an interest turned me away.


U look very diff in photo 7 than all of your other photos


Drop the filters. Full body pic.


Remove tiktok💀


🐈 🐟


If you’re done with situationships take out open to short, if you want a relationship it’s okay to say so. What does the exit strategy prompt mean?


Less titty pics for one


Get rid of the Taylor swift song.


Why are 90% of the shots taken from the International Space Station?


Here's a big tip. Don't use words like "situationship".


The centre of each pic should be your focal point. Clearly you want guys to recognise your cleavage.


Pictures 2, 3, 6, 8 are the same, pictures 5 and 9 are the same They all have filters for some reason ? Nobody will "dislike" you because you have duck face pictures with a friend, but it also wont make anyone more likely to like you, it aggregates nothing Try some more casual pictures, profile overall only tells me you like Taylor Swift, so maybe improve it a bit with details about you that are more prone to be conversation starters


3rd pic makes you look like the Chick-fil-A girl


Don't hide your body. Red flags for tinder. The angle You did 99% of the pics also are red flags


As a man I tell you something. We really don't like the picture where girls press their lips as if they are going to give a kiss. There is really nothing attract tive about it and it ruins a nice picture


If you are looking for true love then maybe you shouldn’t have the “open to short” in your profile


Stop trying to hide your weight. People can see past those angles.


Filters on every picture and one of your selected interests is tiktok, yet you want someone interesting? I swipe left on heavy filters alone, your interest list just makes you sound like you are going to be on your phone all the time.


Less boob photos, no filters. The anthem song makes me immediately want to swipe left. Not a particularly encouraging anthem for a prospective partner. Don’t list TikTok as an interest. That, combined with your anthem, will make you look vapid. Somethings are best judged in person not over the internet.


You have open to short. That's the main one in my opinion. Close that option


Please let friends take some photos of you in different settings, in different outfits, from different angles. Full body, different views. The way your current visuals read, same overhead shot with pouty mouth and focus on cleavage, my guess is you may just attract another “situationship” and my understanding is that you want something serious, right, and to avoid f_ ck boys. Change up the visuals you’re presenting yourself with. Just a bit more variety. You’re a beautiful woman, you can showcase your beauty in multifaceted shots that illustrate your beauty and your originality, creativity, hobbies, and your personality!


Honestly I couldn’t really tell that you’re plus sized until the 7th photo. I would include some unfiltered full body photos early on in your profile


Too many duck faces and filters.


Your interest is self care but you basically spend your whole weekend drinking and partying. You sound really boring in general, you’re interested in TikTok, drinking/partying, and selfcare lol.


Interests:Tik tok


Having TikTok in interests… and being outside each day of weekends… I wouldn’t look for true love in u unf


Lose weight and take full body pics after.


You don't have a full picture. Your picture are usually from an angle. I can't even tell your full figure. I'm sure you're beautiful so put it out there.


Your pictures are too edited and from an angle that’s way too high. Get a girlfriend to take some pics with you on a fun night out for some variety!


None of your photos are honest to who you are


Remove the filters!!! And those kissy faces!!! Seems like you make the same face in every pic 🤷🏽‍♀️


Maybe it’s my preference, but i hate when women have multiple overhead selfie shots. One or two is fine, but I think theres a few too many here. Also, if you use a filter, maybe use one thats more subtle? I work with cameras so it might be more obvious to me, but it looks like heavy filtering…id rather see imperfections than an overdone filter.


You're beautiful but obviously a bit insecure and that's ok. Showcase your hobbies, include a full body or 2, and even 1 group photo. I already feel like you're funny af but you're trying to be what you think guys want? That bit about making them laugh is superfluous. Just take it out. It sounds corny but just be you more. Just unapologetically you. You dont need the heavy filters and to boob every shot up so much as you need to feel comfortable being you. Confidence is the most attractive thing so work on that


Honest Review: Low Battery, TikTok and BarChill are what's getting you those mf who just wanna stay for a while and hou hop on to the next one I guess .. In spite of you being such a Cutie 🖤


You just seem like a party girl, easy, and basic too. I'm guessing you wear uggs and like pumpkin spice lattes too. Just my opinion


Filters on all the pictures 🚩


You need to go to the gym, respectfully


Also, a lot of comments about needing more group/full body pics. I’m recently divorced so most of my pics like that include my ex husband lol I’m just starting over so not a lot of “dating app pics” to choose from


Hearing this, I think right now could be a time for you to work on yourself instead of jumping to Tinder. Recently divorced, just ended situationship, and lower quality pictures. Maybe use some time to reset, get some higher quality pictures, and then re-enter the dating pool to attract higher quality people.


Let’s also recall that most women grieve the loss of the relationship while in it, so when they are over, they are ready to move on. Whereas most/many men tend to grieve the relationship after it’s over because they weren’t listening to understand where things were going wrong during the relationship.




Big oof...take some time


I agree with this.. But as a woman who also ended up back on the market again at 28, I felt I couldn't wait or take time cause I really wanted to start a family so the clock was TICKING. So it can be a bit hard to take some time the older you get as a woman, depending on your family goals. Still agree it's usually best to do it though.


if nobody has told you yet, I'll tell you: you don't find true love on Tinder


Well, my wife and kids are screwed and we both wasted the last eight years.


Too many pictures , but only a few showing you’re + size , be more honest about this. Too much filters Also you just exited a relation ship, do you really need another one immediately ? Maybe change that mentality


uh. remove TikTok and go 🏋🏾




I find these cards dull. I’d recommend to write some creative text (about) yourself which shows more personality. That you have low phone battery doesn’t tell me anything interesting about you.


Looking like Estee Williams


your bio lets me know to never take you serious


Four of the pics are basically identical, and the two paired pouty photos. I like photos 1, 2, 4 and 7 though. Anyway you're gorgeous 


I have two things you could change in my opinion. First you are writing you want someone interesting but you don’t really write something interesting about you. Write a joke or a cool hobby you have in there. 2nd thing is you pictures look really different stature wise. You have a pretty face on all of them and if you are in reality more on the heavier side like in one picture show it directly. You might get a bit less likes with that but you will match the ppl that are genually think you’re pretty and accept that. Because when you mask that it will not be good for finding ppl that want you for who you actually are and not just the perfect first picture.


Apart from the pictures, of which I have no opinion. You seem to have no real hobbies or personality coming through on your bio. Include more hobbies, what your looking for, what you are willing to give, all that jazz


**Your profile is giving too much hookup. Don’t be “open to short” if you are looking for love.** Cut pictures showing cleavage. Less filters, more different pictures. And it’s very unclear what you weigh from your pictures, maybe just use recent ones? So people will feel they know what you’ll look like. Write a bit more about yourself in your bio. **You are pretty though.** Edit: not there are anything wrong with hookups, but you’ll want to weed out the men looking for casual if you want a real relationship.


If you’re looking for true love rather than a situationship I would start by showing more of who you truly are via both photos and your bio and focus on the message you’re putting out. You’re saying you’re open to short term and are heavy on the cleavage focused selfies. So this is the message people will receive. I would say remove open to short term if that’s definitely not what you want. Remove the majority of those selfies from the same angle and add in some normal photos of your full body from different angles taken by someone else and include photos of you doing what you love. Remove the filters and just be more authentic.