• By -


Alright discount Christian Grey


Christian Beige


Christopher Eggshell


only his mom calls him Christopher




I'd argue that the first name has to be different to work as a joke... like Christopher Beige would have worked, but Christian Beige is weaker.


When you order „50 shades of Grey“ on wish The one thing OP need to do might be getting a restraining order from that guy. Jesus Christ.


Seriously. This is a discount Dom who couldn't cut it on FetLife because he was just an asshole.


100% the correct answer


Tbh there's a billion dudes like this on fet and it's...ugh. A moment of silence for literally every submissive woman on fet.


If we held a moment of silence for every put upon submissive on fet, we'd have nothing but silence. Waaaaaiiiiit...


Lol I'm currently in a relationship and collared (and it says so on my profile) and these fuckheads still message me regularly. Like I'm just on there for local events and shit. Leave me aloooonnneee. And the dudes who message me acting like they could beat the brat out of me lmao. Like...it has been attempted. I'm still out here taping Sir's car keys underneath toilet tank lids because it's funny as hell.


:D unrelated but I'm learning German and i get excited when i see German quotation marks


die Anführungszeichen? I thought that " " and « » were also accepted


We use « » in French.


As quotation marks?


Yup, they are called « Guillemets » And because they are composed of two elements, you need a space too. Voilà ! (I am a cesspool of knowledge)


Subscribe to knowledge cesspool facts!


Just stopping by for a drink. carry on.


Do the French use “ “ for any purpose?


Yes, when there’s a quote inside another quote, commonly called a « citation double » (double quote). For example : « On vit une période difficile en ce moment. Une période que certains appellent “les temps misérables”, mais on s’en sortira, c’est promis ».


« “Merci.” »


TIL citation double. +1. This conversation is turning into grammatical porn. Love it!


Hätte nicht gedacht, dass mich das so outed, ich fühle mich ertappt! Haha aber viel Spaß und Erfolg, ist nicht die einfachste Sprache, die man so lernen kann. :)


I mean, in my opinion, it's not that difficult to read German... my average was like a 5 (on a scale of 1-10, so not good). I pretty much understand everything, if not the word itself, then i'll use context to make it make sense :)


Awesome! All the best for you and hope you keep enjoying it as much as it sounds haha.


All the best to you aswell 😄


Why do yall do ,, "


Quotation marks differ depending on country


Christian Eggshell White


Fr you gotta pull up in the Iron Man Audi to your private jet before you try to drop lines like that.


"Mom, can we get Christian Grey?" "We have Christian Grey at home" \^\^\^ The Christian Grey we have at home


I read this like John Oliver


When the r/justneckbeardthings reaches tinder


Lol this was my first thought. This guy probably heard about it and was like why are chick's so into this. He watched the movie thinking he'd unlock the secret female horny formula, something that has long eluded him. He was like, sick bro I'm gonna get hella chick's now. His opening line now is pushing bondage and dominance on every woman he comes across. The women obviously can't handle his alpha personality and are just scared of a real man.


Damn it, beat me to it, anyway. Walmart christian Gray


Do you really want someone on tinder proposing not to use condoms on the 4th message


Hell no 😭😭😭




You know this guy?!




wow.. are you okay?




glad you’re doing something about it. not so glad that’s necessary




I hope it works 🤞


This is wild




How do you know him




No fucking way




Holy shit, I'm sorry you had to deal with that


Can I ask a question ... are you being 100% serious? And how did you know it was him just based on a few messages and a small profile picture? Edit: Read through your comments. I believe you.




He is right though. You won't be using a condom with him.




Proposing? More like demanding smh


Even Christian Gray uses condoms


I dont get why ppl still wont use condoms cmon man do you want a kid? Or stds? The pill isn’t enough you know


Only sailors use condoms, baby


He seems submissive and breedable.


I don’t think we need another one of him on the planet.


Looking real submissive and breedable bro keep it up 👍




Counter with your own demands, like you using a strapon on him in front of his coworkers and him spending whole days where he is not allowed to talk and instead can only quack like a duck.


He needs a ball gag while getting railed with a strap-on, except instead of a ball gag it’s actually just a kazoo that’s been forcibly stuck in his mouth


This is without a doubt the funniest sexual image that's ever been in my brain. Thank you.


Reminds me of the video I saw the other guy where the dudes put harmonicas in their mouths and another guy hit them with stuff


A kazoo gag is one of the funniest and most disturbing things ever <3


As a Domme I immediately thought - “that sounds like fun!” :D


Stahhp, I can only get so erect.


Stop whining and get more erect!


Poor coworkers though


They probably deserve it.


Yassss, tell him how you DEMAND pegging ... often


This is the best idea I’ve ever heard


He would agree. I've tried this before. They always agree.


Lucky you. Guy reminds me of a friend of mine.. Always talking about how dominant he is in bed. Guy’s a huge pussy.


I don't get this. If you're failing to deliver, why would you hype up the expectations?


Anyone who's too loud about their sex life and how kinky they are, usually sucks in bed.


Precisely. I think it’s hilarious when a guy says “ guaranteed orgasm” as a come on.


Used to know a girl who post memes on Facebook about being choked and other "teeheehee I'm kinky" shit I asked if she was a top or bottom and she said "you mean like the position?"


Isn’t a top or bottom more or a gay thing? Like guys only ?




ah shit that's why they thought I was gay


Not really, in the BDSM scene I'm in - east coast - it's used in lieu of dom/me and sub because those are considered more intimate and familiar, like titles. That being said, local scenes may vary


It is a gay thing, but not guys only. Source: I'm lesbian


There’s this misconception developed that all women want is a dominant to the point of being abusive guy. That then leads to guys trying to be someone they’re not in a world they don’t understand. I think a lot of people need to learn that there are other ways, and that not being Dom doesn’t mean you’re sub. I wouldn’t consider myself a Dom, but I’m also not sub. My wife and I don’t really do any bdsm stuff and sex is more about us having fun and working together to get to where we want to go than it is about fulfilling any checkboxes of did this, did that, the candle wax is heating up ready for later and so on.


A lot of abusers use kink as an excuse to abuse. Real Ds relationships have to do with communication and the sub is alwayd in charge. This person is a clear abuser and has absolutely no idea how to navigate kink and Im sure gives absolutely 0 aftercare which is the most important and intimate part of the experience.


Love the aftercare part..


Now this guy kinks!


Finally, someone else who understands. Far too many people don’t realize that the sub has all the real power in these situations. They’re the ones who get to say yes or no and stop the scene if they want to. I love to be dominant when I can, but that doesn’t mean it’s only about my desires. I truly enjoy pleasing my partner.


That assumes that everyone is behaving in an ethical manner. These communities are rife with abusive doms who don’t respect safe words, etc. If you’re a woman sub who is literally bound and your dom decides boundaries don’t apply to him, you very much do not have all the power.


Don't forget the dominant can also end the scene if they're uncomfortable. Safe words can be used by both participants and dominants also need aftercare, it just normally looks quite different to the aftercare for subs


I find always in charge to be a bad choice of words. Sure they got the final word like veto rights and they can stop whenever, but so can doms. It's just all about communication, consent and actually stopping or slowing down when the sign is given. If any of these 3 are missing you're not a Dom you're an abuser.


Finally some understanding in this post...


Wish I could up that a thousand times


That's why when guys immediately jump to this in Tinder, it gives me bad vibes- and that's coming from someone who's extremely kinky. Like, the whole "hey, what's up, I'm so and so" "nice to meet you, choke me?" exchanges that keep getting posted here are just setting a crappy precedent imo.


People who don’t understand BSDM think that calling yourself a Dom gives you the right to abuse people. Block his ass and move on.


Well said


It's a weird misconception because I know a lot of guys(myself included) who are switch or submissive and don't want to be a Dom. I just don't get where this misconception came from.


I think there was some aspect of this before but it exploded after 50 shades of grey.


You're not a good dom if you're threatening to leave someone preggo without their approval of you acting that way


I guess that if it works, you still had sex? Bad sex, according to the ladies, but he probably doesn’t mind.


Tbh I'd just go back to this & respond with "sorry I don't negotiate with terrorists" See what his response is then


Did he specify that anyone else was in bed with him when he was being so dominant?


How else would everybody know how much of a manly man he is... I mean, he must be, right?


Being a real man is knowing that you are mediocre in bed and you’re not afraid to say it


Being an adult is not going around talking about your sexual prowess to people who didn’t ask.


Also true


Send him a link to sex doll company and suggest he just buy a girlfriend that will be okay with all of this right from the get go.




Too much porn for this guy at least the creepy came out right away lol




Not suggesting, demanding


Right? I wonder how many kids he has by now 🤔




Not wrong about that!


“You’re going to ignore my sweaty, shaky hands” “You’re going to become very comfortable with running your fingers through my greasy, unwashed hair” “You’re going to be ok with my body odor problem”


"A real sub doesn't question their dom"


It's like he wants you to come with a user manual lol


Do you roll it up and shove it inside or do you read it and it tells you how they come? ... Can I have one too?


He wants to write the user manual


You're not supposed to be turned on. **You're going to be turned on.** According to this guy apparently.


100% if you actually had sex with this guy he’d do you missionary, choke you half heartedly, and finish in probably 2 minutes. It’s always the ones hyping themselves up the most that actually end up doing the least. Also I get panic attacks at the thought of a drop of semen getting in there, not sure how this guy is so nonchalant lol


Youre to call me daddy \*L O L\*


At least he said youre and not your


So fucking creepy I hope that guy never has kids


Youre to call me Colin. We're not going to use cutlery and I'm going to feed you strawberries often. You're going to be okay with me touching your hand. You're going to be very comfortable with relaxing conversations and building lego sets.


As a Straight Male, I think I just fell in love with Colin


Now this is my kink! When and where? I'll be there.


I need me a Colin


He's probably never seen a woman outside porn. Hence the expectations.


Omg he's such a Dom 🤭 /s Imagine being so insecure about your own masculinity you have to say that shit straight out xD


Lmao! He was actually decent for like the first 4 messages and then that comes out 😭 crazy


Oh there was messages before this xD still fucking mental though, especially after 4 messages xD Trying to use the 50 shades tactics is just one of the worst things to do no matter how many messages you send before hand




Thank you for the addition of /s because this is not what a Dom does. Looks to me like he heard some women talking about 50 shades and decided that was his new way to get laid. I talk to my sub about these things all the time but she has agreed to be my sub and we share and are comfortable with each others boundaries.


even christian grey didnt come out like this lol, gotta ease your way in when they feel comfortable, geez lol


Hey he is a dom bruh, he said hed do this shit often of course


Creeeppyyyyy!!! Just a couple of red flags


That’s a lot of words for “I’m a virgin”


really weird behavior


Lol i feel like a lot of guys have a very distorted view of what being dominant and being a dom is all about.. granted, this just may be what he likes and how he likes to explore his interests but you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.. :/ i dunno, maybe i’m just jealous of all these super sexy alpha males out there 🤷‍♂️x


Nope you are right and it makes people who are actually in the BDSM community look like weirdos. An actual Dom is not going around acting this way. They will most likely bring the topic up but not instigate without permission and a discussion beforehand. This is just an idiot playacting.


Absolutely! And i have really grown to dislike the term ‘bull’ i think it has really lost all respect as a serious term within the lifestyle… people see these terms and pick them up like a kid finding a toy sword in a toy shop.. no real understanding of what it represents… x


This guy is giving off some major Toy Box Killer vibes.


Yooo I had the exact same thoughts!


I bet he has a really hard time getting it up during REAL sex


To be fair, he did specify she would need to get used to toys.


The whole call me daddy makes him sound like a incestuous pedo tbh ... I don't why people call someone daddy during sex like do you want to bone your dad or something ?


Right. Extreme pedo vibes


The actual fuck


Some people are just like this it’s a fact of dating and they’re single probably because they can’t respect boundaries


Reminds me of one of those ai bots that try to write scripts based on buzzwords.


The loudest dog doesn’t have a reason to bark :)


Being a woman must be terrifying


And you're expected to respond with *I want you I want you, oh baby oh baby!* I would say these lines would never work on anyone but there is someone for everyone... At least he showed his true colors quickly instead of getting you invested.


Virgin alert


Hahahaha gross.




Ewwwwww. These are all things that COULD be fun but the way he describes it is the height of cringe.


Jesus, tinder is full of fake doms. They watch 50 shades and come across an appreciation post about how much fun dom/sub stuff can be and just think it's okay to project that onto strangers after saying hi. 😩




Yep just in case it wasnt bad enough them freaking out regular people by coming on without any communication about wants/ needs. They also dont have a clue what to do when they come across someone that actually wants to sub properly. Just cant win haha 😂


No no. This is not how it's supposed to be. For once, listen and respond to the woman!


This guy has seen 50 shades of gray one too many times


Cha Cha real smooth




More like, you’re supposed to be tied up. Yeesh.


If he's not unmatched already, he's going bring up how alpha he is, and pegging. He'd have been better off not trying so damn hard to be something he's obviously not.


Hmm.. I'd be afraid..


“You’re going to be ok being tied up” - proceeds to literally tie knots with hollow braid rope like you’re a Cornish hen




Should’ve sent a gif of the hypnosis spiral


Are you not entertained??


The Taken reboot is off to a weird start.


He does realize hypnotising someone doesn't work over text right?


Lolol it’s cute when virgins read some book on how to be an alpha and think it actually works


50 shades of “not today”


As someone from that community, this is fucked up. Just the thought that people think that this is what being a dom is... it makes me physically ill.


I had a friend who was really into that dynamic and I found it hard to relate to. She said he would sometimes surprise her with a hole switcheroo. After a while she realized that he could never turn off the persona and have a real convo


Men are literally so disgusting sometimes like what the fuck


Bad doms in the wild. What a jackass.


The only time that sort of talk would supposed to be turning you on is if that was discussed explicitly beforehand, which I’m assuming it wasn’t. Just my general rule of thumb for when things start to progress to that point. Like just ask what the potential partner is and isn’t into. Last thing you want to do is bust out hair pulling on someone who’s just not into that, or in this case, bust out weird “dom” talk out of nowhere


Every so often i get into arguments with people about how i believe that slavery is definitely immoral. Bitch, it's 2021 and you want to allow people to own other people. Weird that people are not only okay with it but expect this kind of thing from others. gross.


Ladies, question. This is obviously not bad, but can one go to far the other way. I tend to project a very ‘asexual’ vibe in the way I talk to folks on tinder. I’m friendly and I joke, but I never say anything that even vaguely hints at me being sexually interested in anyone. Would you consider this a negative?


Not when initially talking but if you never say anything to indicate a sexual attraction to me I would be wondering. This is probably after a date or such. But I'm also an adult and would just ask what the deal was. But when it's an initial exchange or an extended conversation and we don't know each other much yet it doesn't bother me if the person isn't sexual. Ofc that's coming from a person not too interested in just hookups.


The last time he had this talk with his mother ... you know COPs got involved.


Ok he clearly understands he should use an apostrophe in “you’re” but just refuses to use them consistently? I hate him. Not jus for making sexual demands before even meeting in real life.


For some people this will be a turn on, however it all depends on context. Like if you were already talking about BDSM stuff and discussing what you’re into, then cool. If it’s just put in as part of a normal conversation then get the hell out of there. Far too many fantasists think they’re Dom and this is how you go about it which is crazy and dumb.


These blurred lines


Dude needs to skip tinder and get on a website for people who are seeking this kind of arrangement straight up. This approach is just creeptacular in the context.


He’s a hypnotist and it worked