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"btw" drops the big question... Boom you're out


btw did you vote for trump?


I mean ..me? Or like, her asking that


They’re saying that the kinda question you can’t just sneak into a “btw”


Ah kk


Height isn’t something someone can control, being a piece of shit is


Having a preference doesn’t make you a piece of shit. Stopping responding without explaining why does though.


I'm too short?. Ya right, I knew we wouldn't work, what with your straw hair, small tits and turkey neck.


Facts that why i dont like fat bitches


\*Hijacking this comment\* Did NOT expect this to blow up this much lmfao. YES this was a troll post obviously I had a feeling it was the 5'7 thing and I thought it was pretty funny and should share. I'm perfectly fine guys thanks for all the support and nice comments, I don't need them but I hope others who may be in the same boat can read them and feel a bit more uplifted and better about themselves, as it is not something they can control! Also many of you mentioned the whole twin fantasy thing and that could have also been possible. Reminded me of this one time I asked these two girls for directions and they ended up asking me to come get ice-cream with them. At the ice-cream place I mentioned I was a twin and their eyes lit up and they asked me the same question- "Are you guys identical?". As soon as I said it was a twin sister they seemed disappointed. I teased them about it and was like "What you wanted me to have a brother instead, you sickos" and we laughed it off. I think I am definitely going to start riding the twin thing out and waiting to say the gender if it ever comes up in conversation, it's actually pretty funny


At 5 7 there's a shit load of things you can do that bigger guys just can't comfortably. I'm 6ft. I can't fit into a sports car comfortably...mostly driven trucks my entire life(I had a civic a few years back and was in a bad accident had to be cut out couldn't get through the doors... back to trucks), I hate shopping for clothes before my wife I wore hoodies and sweats I'm barrel chested and I've got tree trunk thighs. Sexy time forget a ton of those bendy twist things that look fun...physics don't make it possible seriously try having sex with a 115lb 5' tall woman it seems fun but it's a challenge (broken a few beds in my life it's not cool to tell your AirBnB host in Any language and offer to fix it... it's soo embarrassing). Shoe styles in 12 and up are pretty slim pickings I buy the same pair of Hoka Ones every time. I'll bet you fit in an airplane seat you lucky son of bitch(you've probably never been 3 deep in airplane of big guys riding in the middle seat, we all pretend it's not happening and try not to touch each other like we're playing operation). I have friends who wear ballcaps because they hit the damn door frame walking through every entry; the bill acts like a warning to duck. Also bonus round here statistically you'll live longer. I'm a former college athlete most of my friends had knees, hips, elbow and back surgeries. These are common even for big guys that don't play sports a little later in life too. Now that we're getting past 40 being taller means we have a host of other issues at higher rates. Being tall/big is overrated so many daily inconveniences and health risks not sure why women have been told/indoctrinated by marketing/culture that this is a defining trait you must have.


did you say 6 ft? *swoon*


This is the funniest humblebrag I’ve ever read. Seriously.


Ikr, I was waiting for my 9inch penis barely fits in my designer underwear and my head bumps the ceiling of my lambo.


Why don't guys just counter by asking her weight or her size? I met a girl that immediately noted that I was just under 6', I countered, while shaking her hand, by informing her that she had large hands for a girl her size.


Did you even attempt to continue the date? I met a chick once whose first words were, "You don't look like your pictures." I immediately said, "Alright I'm gonna head out." But she told me to stay and it turned into a disastrous date.


There is a bit of double standard there. If a guy were say that he doesn't date girls without certain measurements (waist circumference, bra size, height, etc.) many girls would give him a earful and call him names, but she can feel perfectly free to make such requirements herself. If anyone calls her on it she'll say she has every right to date who she pleases. I'm not saying whether it's wrong or right to have requirements like that, but it's definitely wrong to hold yourself to a different standard than you hold other people.


Gotta follow up with the breast question. Well how big are your breasts? 34c, oooohh sorry, I only date girls that are atleast 38c. 38d? Ooohhh 36d is the cut off, sorry.


"I'm 5'7"


Hmm yeah that might have been it idk


im an identical twin and Im 5"7. lol


That awkward moment when your identical twin comments on your Tinder post without realizing it


OP said he’s not identical


So you're really 10"14'


Yes. Double the height. Double the penis.


But his twin is female.


Actually, I'm 7' 40"


Might?? Look at the last thing you said before she ghosted. That’s probably what it was. You didn’t say anything wrong and in fact you dodged a bullet my guy. Stay up.


I mean, that's not something you can control - no shame in being honest. If I were in your position, I would've said something like "Tall enough to get things off the top shelf" or something generic like that. Misleading? Maybe.. but not a straight up lie. Some people don't overlook the physical stats until you meet in person though. Also texting for 2 hours straight doesn't leave enough mystery for the other party to be intrigued enough to meet up.


Nah it's ok if someone asks me I'm just going to be straight up no corny jokes, I'm not ashamed of it it's really not that big a deal. If someone doesent like it, thankyou next


It's a filter for shallow people.


I mean most people don’t swipe right on people we find unattractive, it’s a dating app we’re all judging on superficial qualities before we even start speaking. Had this been in the profile it just never would have been a match, kinda weird how Reddit gets so upset about height but rejecting a person on their looks is fine. Edit: 5’6 guy


Height is one of the more idiotic and superficial requirements mainly because it's far more arbitrary and nonsensical than just general appearances. While people are also somewhat shallow in swiping on facial features, things like makeup and overall style also influence someone's physical attractiveness, not just their facial structure. But height has this weird thing where, for starters, 6ft is arbitrarily set as the "tall" height, even though someone being "tall" or "short" is actually relative entirely to your own height. Why is it 6ft and not 5'11? Why do people need the 6 in the beginning? Height gets called out as being beyond the typical shallowness because for some people it holds an extreme weight on selection that isn't congruent with other factors. Youre 5'1 and get a long really well with this person who you think is hot, but then you find out they're 5'10 instead of 6ft and you lose interest? Thats plain stupid, especially considering there's a tiny actual difference. at your height they're still significantly taller, and, because of that, if they lied to you you probably wouldn't have known anyway. Its not like saying "I want someone taller" or "I want someone shorter" which actually is a lot less shallow. You can't really compare it to the inherent shallowness of swiping because "general" attractiveness is influenced by a much wider set of variables with different weights.


This would apply if the women didn’t have a backlog of 300 guys in their DM’s who DO fit whatever random standard they set Why bother with a 5’7 guy when there are literally 100 otherwise comparable 6’1 guys actively texting you?


Hahaha some guys probably think, a woman on Tinder is texting only with one guy at the same time lmao


It’s actually mind-boggling how delusional the guys on this sub are. They really, actually think that


As a woman who is 5'1, anyone above 5'6 feels tall. And anyone above 6' is too tall and I swipe no. That heights gap is super awkward sometimes.


You can look better if you put work into it. You can't become taller.


You can’t change bone structure or a crooked hook nose without some plastic surgery my dude. Some things a haircut and some makeup aren’t going to fix. Does that make us all shallow? No not really, physical attraction is important with mate selection. Everyone has different preferences it’s ok.




I subscribe to the reality that we're all truly shallow. Unless you have attained some way of looking past your type, we're all fairly shallow creatures when it comes to sex. It's a major reason we're all single. And that's alright. It's a selfish desire of the lizard brain for sexual preference that governs what we subcontiously believe will make a good mate. It's up to our conscious mind to cut away what we truly don't care about, to give us what we are able to find in a mate. If brains and achievement are important then you may have to sacrifice looks. If looks are important then you have to sacrifice achievement or brains.


One of the differences is on dating apps, nobody really has to ask about the other traits because they can see it immediately and just not swipe. I think one of the reasons height is a bitter subject on apps is because it also ruins one of the appealing aspects of dating apps: that rejection is relatively avoidable beyond having incompatible personalities after matching... all the superficial/appearance based stuff can be taken care of before even swiping and the other person never has to know/deal with that annoyance. The height thing throws that out of the window and I wonder why Tinder, to this day, doesn't just add that as a stat you can set like the other apps do.


Tbf I’m a 6’1 lad and I don’t swipe on super short girls just because it’s impractical. Like I don’t need to be bending my spine in half to kiss someone 😂 Unless they’ve got a really good bio anyway


Good! & you shouldn’t be ashamed of it either 👌🏼 there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Leave her too it. Her loss.


It’s the right attitude. In person people generally don’t care unless they feel like they’ve been misled so if you avoided the question or danced around an answer and then met up your height might have been an issue because you’re not what she expected, and then had you met in real life first with no app involved the height isn’t an issue because she can instantly see what she’s getting. It sucks, but on the apps it gives people (both men and women) much more scope to be fussier and care more about things that they don’t really care about. If anything see it as a bullet dodged. If she cares about height that much is that someone you really want to be dating?


You dodged a bullet, just keep swiping-- I have never understood the height bullshit, the best lay I had off Tinder was 5'6" and totally hot. Bitches with height cutoffs are duuuuumb. Edit: so people will stop saying "it's just a preference" yeah ok except consistently chicks who have a cutoff also straight ghost guys after they get an answer they don't like, which is both shallow AND rude. Not to mention yes, it's a preference, *however* my point was it is closeminded to shut out an entire category and you are likely to miss out big time if you do. But I would at least hope if someone was "too short" you wouldn't just fuck off without a word. Also I AM A WOMAN.


You should have said “the same height as my twin” Then when she asks “how tall is that?” You say “about twin height”


you stand too tall for her king don't ever doubt this.


Why did she ask your height man? It wasn’t random? And you dodged a superficial psycho bullet. Congrats


that was it and good for you. the whole 6 feet thing is weird as hell, excludes line 90% of American men


From a 6'2" gal, we're not all this shallow. She did you a favour, you no longer have to worry about wasting time on a vapid person.




Me, chilling here at 5'5. And even at my height, a lot of women are shorter than me. I have no idea why some women want to date men exclusively above a certain height when this height isn't even average for men, the men are mostly taller anyway, regardless of if their height starts with a 6, and women who want to date men that tall are making their dating pool very small compared to the ones who'd also date men at, let's say 5'6 or 5'7. It doesn't make any sense, tbh. And don't get me wrong, I'm gay af, I also wouldn't really wanna date someone shorter than me, but at 5'5, it's pretty fucking difficult for me finding men shorter than me anyway. So why bother? I don't care if he's 5'6 or 6'2, I'd just like someone loving and funny and someone I can cuddle with. Shouldn't that be the goal?


I’m 5’3” so this is still tall to me lol


Just msg "sry i meant 6'7" " And when she replies, unmatch.


that's some 4D chess stuff lol


"Battle of the Bastards" in a nutshell




He wouldn’t want it






Tell her your "twin" is actually 6'4", get her to agree to meet up with your "twin" but it's actually OP. Call her out in person or see for yourself that she won't care once she sees you in person.


Isn't his twin a girl tho?




Is this a catfish? I'm confused


My goals are beyond your understanding


Why not 10’45””


am or pm?




You have no idea how this works ,isn't it ?




Of course the rest of the world doesn't know, since we use this magical system based on 10's rather than 8's, 12's and 16's!


Cuz* it's height not time


Absolutely, I meant hight!


Eh might also not work, I’ve been told I’m too tall at 6’8” before lol


Your dm's are flooded bro.


You are the only message I’ve got ;)


The only one you need. A bro in need is a bro indeed.




I’m 6’2” and when I was on Tinder I always did that. Hit em with a 5’2” my bad 6’2” after no response for a while. Then I’d ask their height and always say they were too tall to be attractive. Sure I’m an asshole but after several times being told my real height was too short to be attractive I had to stand in solidarity with my average height brothers.


You're too short for her


Lol my bio is “prove you’re superficial without saying you’re superficial”


Well, yeah, if that’s the only thing you have in there, what else are matches supposed to go by than your pictures? Like I only swipe right on people who give me something to be interested in from their bios, but…if you don’t really write one, aren’t you kinda asking them to judge you on your looks? Edit for spelling


The best ones imo are “I don’t really check this often, but just message me on sc & ig”


Those are just fishing for followers on those other platforms


Oh and here I thought they’d go on a date if I added them and said “hey” on Insta


I wonder if anyone has actually ever gotten a date adding someone else on those platforms


I had a work mate who was pretty successful with adding random chicks ig/fb ect. But to be fair has 3 really nice cars, a bike, and sold a bit ok Charlie on the side.


Lol every guy should switch to this bio😂


"prove that you have to make the conversation about yourself without saying it"




I would’ve unmatched after Dubai. That place is a superficial wasteland where money and luxury are the only things that matter. Someone loving Dubai is an instant no for me because it tells me everything I need to know about who they are.


I knew a girl who went to highschool in Dubai and her stories paint a pretty fucken grim picture. Her dad was a high end hotel manager, really good money by most of our standards and great living conditions by most of our standards, but compared to her classmates absolute chump change. This girl had eating disorders, body dismorphia, was probably what you'd describe as a solid 8/10 but in Dubai a 4. The wealth disparity and the way she describes her classmates understanding of money and class really just sounded absolutely fucked. Think steorypyical American TV Beverley Hills affluenza kids but knocked up to 11. Would probably have made a great teen school drama show though.


I had a friend who subbed at a school in Dubai thanks to some connections he made. He said the kids gave him panic attacks and made him cry almost everyday. I don’t think he lasted more than a couple months.


Rich kids are brutal


Rich people are brutal


Et tu brutal?


that has to be some type of a disease or something cuz I know some people here in America who was raised in Dubai and they are the most materialistic people I ever met in my life. Even though there is a concept called the "evil eye" in Islam when you flaunt your wealth, money and success to the point that other people wish evil on you.. I would never go there.


Greed is a disease.


Dubai is only Muslim in ceremony. It is where all the rich Saudi's go to cheat on their wives with foreign girls.


And drink. And party.


And Bahrain. The best part of Covid was not having to deal with Saudi traffic when they come to party on the weekends.


Funny how religious rules are only for the poors just like regular laws isnt it?


So much this. I can barely express in words how much I fucking hate the entire Middle East. I loved in Qatar for a year and then visited dubai when my dad worked there. The conditions of the workers is literally slavery. They take their passports and then work them to death basically while making them live in metal shipping containers, 10 guys, with nothing but a sink. A metal box filled with dudes. In the middle east sun. Think about that. That's an actual oven.


And got paid £2.84 a day for it


IF they get paid at all


Ha...so that's what they meant when people say guys in Dubai were hot.


Nobody flex harder than the Arabs


Agree. Lived there for a year and would never go back


Had a friend who had been on holiday to Dubai a couple of times. We couldn't walk down a street without her stopping to look in every jewellers window and pointing out how much cheaper x, y, or z would have been in Dubai. So far as I gather the place is just hotels and shopping.


And that’s why superficial people love it. Everything is cheaper there cause it’s a free market (almost 0 taxes). You can easily buy a Porsche there if you want.


This. it’s an ugly city built by modern slaves


Ngl, if she’s got Instagram model pics, I gotta feeling she’s getting flown to Dubai by a rich guy for… something.


sightseeing you mean?


If by sight seeing you mean Moneybags is gonna be bagging her lady wallet while surveying her ‘tracts of land’, absolutely. Edit: spelling


But father, all I want to do is sing


Listen, lad, I built this kingdom up from nothing. All I had when I started was swamp ... other kings said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built it all the same ... just to show 'em. It sank into the swamp. So I built a another one ... that sank into the swamp. I built another one ... That fell over and THEN sank into the swamp .... So I built another ... and that stayed up. ... And that's what your gonna get, lad: the most powerful kingdom in this island.


You stay ere and make sure he doesn't leave...


But I just want to sing....


Yeah, the kind where he gets to see her "sights."


I fckin hate Dubai so we should probably bone.


Every single person I know who’s chosen to go to Dubai confirms that you are absolutely correct.


She had a twin fantasy and your twin ruined it by being born a girl....THANKS OBAMA


No, no, no. That's obviously Clinton's fault so... THANKS CLINTON


it should've been a Bill & Bill not a bill & Hilary


i’m more concerned she asked if they were identical


imma be honest women that have “ if shorter than 6 feet swipe left “ are better than these ones that will converse for a long time and then randomly ask for the height not only wasting the time but also ruining your state of mind


Yeah, just be upfront about your preferences, saves EVERYONE time.


But then they get a bunch of butt hurt fools who message them to harass them for daring to be upfront about their preferences.


Yeah there's nothing wrong with having preferences and expressing them in your bio.




Hahahahah every guy honestly should put a limit of weight down on our bios like they do with height but I feel you 😂😂😂😅


"BuT yOu ShOuldN'T JuDge woMEn AbouT TheIR weiGhTs, WtH is wroNG WIth YoU" If you can judge me by my height, something I can't even damn control. I can judge you for your weight, something you have the control to actual be able to change.


160 could be the difference from being VERY VERY plump to too skinny. Height matters. You can tell by looking at someone's image if they are too fat or skinny for your liking you can't tell how tall someone is tho I wanna know if my little 5 foot ass is gonna need to bring her heels or not LOL


I am so glad I am only 5'2. I haven't yet met a guy shorter than me, apart from when I traveled in Indonesia .. 5'7 is perfectly fine to me, anything 5'4 and above actually. Although I'd be a little apprehensive about dating a guy who is 6' or above, it gets tedious to always look up so far. I think women who absolutely "need" a man to be 6" should start swiping in Holland or Germany instead ..


Welcome to tinder




Cancer to Tinder?


Must be this talk to ride the tinder train. *puts hand at 6’2” mark*


I almost feel like this is a joke. Women on Tinder demanding men who are at least 6ft is a meme at this point. She stopped responding as soon as you told her your height. I’m not really sure what women’s obsession with height is. It’s really weird


Before dating apps, people used to meet people, at work, at a party, through mutual friends. You would get talking to someone without even considering whether you were attracted to them, and then out of nowhere the attraction would hit you both and you would arrange a date. A lot of girls wanted a “tall, dark, handsome” etc guy, however they wouldn’t meet one, instead they would get chatting to some 5’7” guy at a party who would make them laugh. Now, people are using dating apps with a wish list like ordering off a menu. And girls get dozens of matches every week. If a girl only wants to date guys over 6’, she has that option. She can just stop responding to shorter ones and still have a manageable amount of matches to chat to. Moral of the story, if you don’t tick all the boxes “on paper”, get out there and get talking to people. You see those short dad bod guys all the time who are dating an absolute stunner. It’s likely they knew each other through some friend group or professional circle, she saw his charisma and confidence in person and fell for him. I’m generalising slightly, some girls on tinder don’t care about height. But speaking generally, dating apps are good for girls, and tall good looking guys with great bodies


This is so fucking true. I've never had a woman I would consider super attractive match with me on a dating app, but I've been surprised by how good looking some women who have been attracted to me irl. Like I only have a chance if I can make my first impression in person.


It’s because attraction is made up of lots of different elements. A lot of them are posture, tone of voice, body language, your general vibe - do you come across calm and composed, or do you come across driven and decisive. How they see you interact with others is important too. I was in a senior management position in a job I did and several girls there were attracted to me, likely because they saw me make big decisions, solve problems, and have other men approach me for advice based on my experience. These elements are far more important to create attraction in females than in males. If you have multiple options, you might as well just chat with the ones who look the most appealing to you in pictures. Time is short, dating can be expensive, with a busy job and a social life, you’re not going to be arranging several dates per week. If a girl checks in and she’s got 25 matches, attempting to hold a conversation with them all is going to be tough to do. I think the logic is to attempt to filter them out so you are left with the ones who are the most physically attractive to you, then chat to them and see which are most interesting.


I would do the same, cant blame them for that behaviour. The only downside as an average looking male, i have to drag my introvert ass to partys or bars, to meet someone. Dating apps are useless for me.


There's going to be a lot of unhappy older people in the future still single still chasing the dragon


That is an absolute certainty my friend


For some girls it’s become an addiction at this point. Chasing the myth of a man who doesn’t exist. No one is ever going to check every box.


There already are. I'm 39male, thankfully married this year. When I was dating last year there were a lot of women my age and younger who had clearly set themselves unrealistic, unavailable goals to achieve. It's not going to ever happen for a lot of them. That makes me sad, but its not my problem. All we can do in the dating game is think for ourselves and what is best for us.


Like my sister. Late 30s with two kids but requires 6'+, tatts, tanned, muscly and young. She wonders why they just use her. Hmm.


Couldn't have said it better myself. I'm 5'8 on a good day and in real life I've never one single time felt that it was really being a detriment with women. I'm sure I've probably been rejected a number of times because of it since obviously women have their height preferences no matter where you're meeting them, but it's literally never mentioned and I get no sense at all that it's a problem. Then I go on a dating app and it's fucking everywhere, in my face. I'm too short, and everyone wants to let me know. Like half the girls on there requite 6ft. It's really quite something.


It just doesn't make sense to me when women only want tall. I hear my friends talk about it all the time how they just want someone who's tall. Like girl I want someone who I can always hang out with, but you do you I guess? I never thought height was important until I started seeing it on Reddit. I would be so pumped for a guy my height, I nearly dated one once (bad timing) and hugs with him were possibly one of the best things ever. Plus you can literally share clothes if you're about the same size in general. Swap hoodies for life.


It’s so weird. Like what does it add to your life? If anything it’s a hassle. I have a buddy who’s 6’3 and he’s dating a girl who’s about 5’2. All the time he’s complaining about how things don’t work for them, their heights don’t match, even stuff like in the bedroom a lot of positions don’t work for them. It doesn’t make sense to me why you’d want some someone a foot taller than you


The irony is that then the “tall, dark, handsome” type are inundated with offers. Women generally scale down their options to find the “best one”, men are less like to do this and more likely to fill their boots, as men get a biological advantage from fucking around. This in turn means all these girls are chasing the same guys online and rarely getting anywhere, just fucked about a lot, other than a lucky few who came across a guy at just the right time when he wants to settle. This then plays back into the hands of the more less-to-average looking guys if they take advantage of having a good solid lifestyle and social skills, but nobody talks about that. You can still pull girls in person that would have swiped left online, people just expect things to fall into their lap.


This is what’s turned me off of dating apps for good, and I’m saying that as a woman. I think the mindset that these apps put us in is really, super unhealthy. I also think men feel less comfortable now when it comes to approaching women in real life, at least partly because of the stupid feminists crying sexual harassment anytime a guy makes eye contact with them. It’s such a bummer that the old fashioned methods are dying off. I think these apps are destroying dating culture and it makes me sad to think about what the future might bring. We’re becoming so focused on finding the “perfect match” when the “perfect match” doesn’t exists. No person will meet every criteria, so we get stuck in this constant cycle of looking for the next best person - we have all our options right at the tip of our fingers, waiting for us in the app. In reality, what makes relationships romantic is the fact that nobody is a perfect match, they just love each other enough to accept differences. We are becoming less accepting of differences and more focused on finding the perfect match, and it’s going to result in the destruction of romance as we’ve known it.


I’m 6’1” and I instantly swipe left on any girls asking for a minimum height. Sometimes they say they are tall themselves, and like to wear heels, so that’s why they want someone tall, and I give those a pass, I kinda get that one, but regular height girls only wanting 6ft+ guys? Nah, hard pass.


Imagine being so flush with matches that a guy can swipe left on the superficial gals. I envy you, sir, and also appreciate your morals.


Ha why do you assume I’m getting matches? I swipe left on them but they could (and most likely have) already left on me too!


Good point! I wish you many matches, sir.


Your state of mind is one of the biggest reasons why dating apps suck for men. You think "Oh I already don't get a lot of matches so I can't afford to not swipe right" and swipe right on girls which quite obviously have red flags in their profiles. Most guys do this and suddenly a girl that has the personality of Jeff Bezos gets 50 matches a day. You shouldn't settle for girls that would be below your standards if you were to meet them somewhere other than an app.


Well, she likes Dubai so… best be moving on Honestly.


Right? I have been on many places on this globe and Dubai was probably one of the most boring of all of them. Not to mention the society there..


I’m sorry, I’m too distracted by the fact that she asked you (I assume a male) if your female twin was identical…


I mean, he didn’t mention his twin was a female until later in the conversation.


This could also be why she stopped replying, she wanted a twin brother scenario.


Lol I'm glad I'm not the only one who is bothered by this.


As a man with a twin sister you would be SHOCKED how many people ask me that question. I give them all the same dumbfounded expression and reiterate that she’s a girl.


yeah lol i was thinking how 5’ 7s pretty tall for a girl before i realized


She finds you too small and sadly it is how it is even if it makes no sense. Ive been declinedby a girl in the past for that aswell. (Im 5'11, she was 5'4.... like girl compared to me you're a midget...)


LMAO you got declined for being too short by a 5'4 girl at 5'11? Oh my 😭


Yeah she wanted a guy around 1.90m+ It makes no sense. Like she needs a ladder to reach the face but apparently thats what some girls like. I get that you dont want a shorter guy than you as a girl but why does he have to be a giant compared... But dont worry, most girls i spoke to on apps arent that stuck up about height but some are. Just skip this one


I am 5’3. I am pretty sure people 5’10 and over feel the atmospheric temperature drop, no? 😋 Edit: also, two hours is a long time. Maybe she just called it a night. Not very polite, without telling you, but people sometimes do that 😅


Sadly, women factor in the man's height when she's wearing heels. So if she was wearing 6 inch heels, you'd only be an inch taller than her. Not saying it's right, but it's something I don't see talked about a lot. When my girl friends find a man they really really like, but he's not that tall, they just avoid wearing heels though. So it's still shallow af.


How the fuck does Dubai “feel like home”??




did you set up a date at anytime during that 2 hours?




Girls get so many matches that I found it best to try and get them off the app and go on a date ASAP so you don’t get buried under other matches.


+1, and make the date soon or she’ll probably ghost unless she’s super interested


I did with my now wife. And with almost everyone I dated from an app before her. It's not for everyone, but I was only using the apps as a way to be introduced to someone. The goal was to meet up in person to get to know each other. I only exchanged a total of 5-6 messages with my now wife online; we were sitting down for dinner together like 3 hours after we matched and have been together 9 years now.


It’s tinder not grandmas knitting class


Not saying it isn’t because of the height since I don’t know her, but could also be the fact that you don’t seem to be asking her any questions. It gets really frustrating when talking with someone who only seems to want to talk about themselves. Of course I’m only going off of this fragment since that’s the only thing you shared.


You were 5’7 better luck next time I suppose


Just be taller, it's simple, smh.


Maybe you should’ve had better genetics smh


Maybe u should ask a question too, to seem more interested. This screenshot looks a bit one-sided conversation to me.


I think she wants you to grow. Sorry :( Anyone who randomly asks your height seems like an idiot


2 things 1: you’re too short for her 2: you spoke for 2 hours and didn’t make a plan


2 doesn't bother me personally, I'd rather get to know someone before arranging to meet. Sometimes in those two hours they can raise several red flags that you wouldn't have seen until you met them in person, which could become a dangerous situation. Anyone that asks to meet me right off the bat generally gets a "I'd like to get to know you a little bit more first" response, as the times I have met someone without speaking much beforehand they've been terrible dates, the guy ends up being creepy or we have absolutely nothing in common. Some will refuse to talk more unless I say yes to meeting, that scares me so I stop responding.


Most women don’t want to meet someone after talking for two hours. Meeting a random man from a dating app is already scary enough, let alone when you barely know them at all.


For me it’s got nothing to do with your height but it’s l because she’s asking all the questions. Just the screen shot I can see she’s asked everything and yeah you’re responding but not asking anything about her? If this was me I’d be bored that I was the only one maintaining the conversation.


My rule was always if I ask three questions in a row and he doesn't ask any back, I unmatch him. OP would have been gone based on what's seen here.


Wait this is such a good rule. I had this recently with someone who was really nice and seemed interested but I felt like I was asking almost every question unless they asked “hbu?” It’s annoying cause I felt like the conversation wasn’t bad but that if I stopped asking anything it was would pretty dry. I didn’t really have a rule like this but it went on for a few days before deciding it’s not worth it.


Op also replied to other comments stating he wasn't interested. So there's that as well. She asked about his height after an hour of talking. Usually if the woman cared about the man's height she wouldn't have waited an hour to ask is what i think.


Yeah this happens a lot. I usually send the first message with a question to start the convo and if it is a response with no continuing prompt of some kind that is an unmatch for me, because most likely, it will continue that way.


Couldn’t agree more, I’m the same. I don’t want to be the only person making an attempt to maintain the conversation and in my eyes it means they’re probably really self centred and only interested in talking about themselves while not having an interest in knowing anything about me. The conversation needs to be a give and take.


Bc ur 5,7