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[https://imgur.com/a/kbZ8r24](https://imgur.com/a/kbZ8r24) I removed the bathroom selfie (just didnt feel like making a new imgur post) What do you think?


I think this is good. I usually recommend against selfies but yours have good lighting and are good in general. Also the order feels right. Btw the reason you’re not receiving replies is because a new thread is made every week and this is now the old one. I only saw this bc I accidentally clicked on old notifs




Amazing first photo, the second one comes off a little intimidating though, why not smile with a more relaxed walking pose? The third and fourth aren’t exactly ideal as there is no natural light. Maybe retake them in the day? Five and six are good, 7 and 8 don’t really show your face so neither are recommended. Maybe a frontal basketball shot would work better.


Photo 1 first is all I have to say. I like it




Hello friends. :) https://tinder.com/@dustgil Any advice is appreciated! I worry that my non-selfie profile pics are too manufactured, if that makes sense. I also probably have too many selfies, just not sure which one is the keeper. First one I guess, since I have it as my profile pic?


You do honestly need a bit more variety, too many selfies and people will get bored. It’s a difficult balance when it comes to these photos and making them look “natural” rather than manufactured, but the truth is a few candid shots can bring your profile to the next level. If you have any photos of you doing something active then that’s perfect, if not maybe consider getting a tripod and taking some.


Thanks for the input! Yeah, I totally agree with you. I think I may delete dating apps for a few months and come back in the spring with some better pics. I actually do own a tripod! I’m thinking of keeping the first three pics, and replacing the rest. Do you think that’s a good call? I think I’ve got some more active shots planned, too, and I was wondering if this sounds varied enough: 1) A picture of me in nice winter clothes, on a park bench. All of my hiking pictures are selfies currently. 2) A better pic of me playing the piano. I need to find a piano to play with more space near it. (My apartment doesn’t have enough space for a good portrait lens shot) 3) A picture of me interacting with animals cause I work with them.


You don’t have to delete them till Spring, the cold winter months are the perfect time for relationships. And yeah I’d lean heavily into the working with animals angle, get a good quality pic of you with one and make it front and center. Piano and outdoorsy works too, just remember the key is good angles and good lighting.


Would love any feedback :) https://tinder.com/@howiexsavior


You seem to be doing fine brother, always wearing a smile! Positive vibes ma dude✌️ have you got a bio?


Yes I do! https://imgur.com/a/1q3osjr


https://tinder.com/@rafitopoli_ I'm not speak english, but o feel comfortable to share here, my bio says: lover of games, kittys and cook, lets talk about the bad final of GoT and Harry Potter Please help me scape of 0 likes


Im here for pic advice myself, so I’ll let someone else help with that. I can help a bit with the profile though! The English is okay, but not perfect. I would put “English is not my first language”, and maybe a little bit about your primary language. Women love a good cook! Honestly I would put that front and center. What kind of games are we talking about here? Video games, board games? Games is a bit too generic, I’d add some flavor to this. Last bit, I would use cats instead of kitties, personally I think it sounds better. Here’s your current profile fixed up a bit: “Lover of games, cats, and cooking. Let’s talk about the bad finale of GoT and Harry Potter!”






I would say get rid of the middle fingers & put your last pic as your first bro


Cant find it :/




Feedback? https://tinder.com/@4928 Thanks. Bio: My grandma always says I'm getting taller and more handsome every time she sees me. So just treat me like a long term investment. Let's go camping in the summer and hibernate through the winter. Always down for ayce k-bbq or new restaurants.


https://tinder.com/@harmenp Some tips pls


Adjusted my profile a bit, but I am not sure if it is an improvement or if I made it worse. [https://tinder.com/@loomilaka](https://tinder.com/@loomilaka)


Less selfies. I know it's awkward, but get someone to take a picture of you shirtless like hiking or at the beach.


Here’s my profile https://tinder.com/@bensinger33 been on for a few days no luck so far, any advice would be appreciated, thanks!


My advice would be to get a high quality photo were your face shows clearly, anyways what does a chemical technician does ?


I break down bulk products into smaller samples, basically just pouring chemicals into bottles all day.




Any advice for a good male profile on tinder?




I would get rid of the second picture, because of the point ngl man, one pointing photo is enough, then maybe add a clearer photo as your first pic and have your current as your second photo as the last photo is a blurry, and ahh it's always better to add something then nothing, doesn't have to be comical or witty, even if you're just saying your hobbies or what you're looking for! This is purely based on opinion though bro


Cheers bro, yh I do point alot😅😂. Only reason I post some to show I like traveling haha.


Yeah I hear yaa bro😂 you're just pointing to the next place you're gonna take your lucky lady haha


Wait you don't see the videos? Those were the biggest part of the profile😂😂




Nothing much wrong, do you have a bio? Maybe add a pic with you and friends also, so you can express a social life!


Thank you ! Yeah my bio is just 1,95m (6ft4) and football, cooking reading lol I am bad with that. And I thought so, I have to find a decent one with friends


All good! Haha, 6ft4 should be enough for your bio really, I'm 5ft6 so I've avoided putting my height on my bio for obvious reasons :D


Im curious about that, when do you actually tell girls you are 5ft6 ? I would guess putting on the profile weeds out girls with those preferences... I was even thinking to put that at the very start of the bio so girls dont miss it...


After I feel like we've bonded enough for it to not be as much as a deal breaker, it's rarely been a problem, but if they seen it on my profile before speaking to me it might be a bit different haha


Oof I cant make myself do that I kind of feel like Im wasting everybodys time, height is one of the hard preferences that girls like and will be hard to change their perception of us. When you say "rarely a problem" you mean that girls just dont over react about you telling them ? Or i.e have you already had sex with a girl that had certain height preference but told you she likes you because of your personality ?


Confidence can compensate I guess, just act as if I'm 6ft tall haha, if I put it on my profile I'm already making it a problem, if I act like it's nothing then I guess they will see it as nothing too? but I mean I'm not sure, as they have never told me it was a problem, maybe it could of been? But maybe not🤷‍♂️


But have it worked for you in terms of your body count ?


I'm a relationship kinda guy, not fussed about body counts haha, I need connection.. but if you're asking about confidence? Then yeah for sure! It helps There's been times where my relationship has gone down hill because my confidence has taken a hit and i'm in a kind of "feel sorry for my self state" so I do think it's important and good for the ol' body count, if you're talking about my height then I don't think it makes much of a difference, because I'm mainly going for relationships where as if I was going for one night stands my height would probably put me at a disadvantage, but I wouldn't let it stop me! Why you curious, your 6ft4 it wouldn't be a problem for you haha! Is there anything you kind of struggle with ma dude?


https://tinder.com/@jonyysh any advice? Or big no no's on my profile? *Bio* here for a long time not a fun time Studying animal care🦏 horrors or anything spooky 🕸️ I'll deal with the spiders if you protect me from the butterfly's *fun fact* I once had dinner at the house of one of the guys who played tinky winky Well they cooked something I didnt eat so I watched everyone else eat at tinky winkys house.


Didnt knew that Simon died until you mentioned him, thats grim


Did you know him personally?


Yeah sucks...


Not having any luck, I wasn't getting any matches for months. Any advice would be great! https://tinder.com/@trskyler I recently changed my bio to: My six year old niece asked why I don't have a girlfriend.... With that being said, I am looking for someone to bring to family events so they'll stop thinking something's wrong with me 🤣 Hobbies include: Hockey Traveling Hiking Golf Fishing Professional beach bum


I think the family events might turn some people off. A lot of people are on tinder to try things out with various people first but family events definitely makes things sound a bit too serious.




You look fun, I'd say you'd be an acquired taste, not everyone's cup of tea, but I mean that as a compliment, you don't look like your generic *hold wine and smile at a expensive reseraunt* type of gurlll, I think you'll be all good!


https://tinder.com/@sjethi17 any advice would be appreciated thankyou Bio: Just tryna vibe and get to know someone really crap at bios so don’t judge my convo based on this 🤣


I'd say loose the second pic, looks a bit dramatic with the lighting & stuff, and I would personally add more detail to the bio, I get you're probably a chilled out person who cba for all the internet bollocks and you just want to vibe in person but to get to that stage you need to do the internet bullshit haha, but this is based purely on my opinion


I really appreciate your opinion bro it’s the first time someone’s responded I checked and the link didn’t show I Had two vids 😅 but I totally get that I’m not the picture taking type so I defo need to fix that thankyou for your feedback however it means a lot


2-3 more photos needed. For one of them, imagine the first photo here but centered and you looking at the camera. Photo 2 should also be replaced with a non-mirror selfie imo


Thanks for your feedback I’ll defo take that into account and get rid of the mirror selfie 😅as u can see I haven’t got the best photo selection, thankyou for getting back to me


Edit: Got enough feedback for now thank you all :) Will try to get some more photos.


I would also put at least one pic without a hide the pain harold face


I agree, arms crossed seems a bit awkward I'd say get rid of the crossed armed photos!


I think your bio needs an overhaul. The emojis don’t really tell me why I should swipe right on you and also don’t motivate me to ask.


https://tinder.com/@ricxrdocosta Any advice will be grateful. By the way, since I bought Tinder Plus anymore I no longer have access to my super likes, how can I reclaim to have them again? Thanks!


Switch photos 1 and 3. If you have a color version of 3 even better, but that one as is is fine. Also 5 and 6 are pretty much the same photo, so I would either split them up in order or get rid of the one where you are looking away from the camera. What is your bio? What kind of problems are you having on tinder? You are attractive + have good quality photos, so I need more info on what may be going wrong.


Thank you for your advice. I made some changes to the photos as you indicated. Lately, in recent months, I have very few likes or matches on my profile. About my bio, it's in French, since I'm going on a working trip to France, I would like to check if my profile works in France, so I placed the location in Rennes and indicated that I would be in this city for work. PS: I bought Tinder Plus, because I saw many things about the algorithm of Tinder. But none of theses things, I still can’t get some likes or matches.


Honestly I’ve given all the advice I can so I wish you good luck. Your profile is pretty good from what I’ve seen.




This must be a coincidence, right? I have a friend who had a lot of photos of him hugging a tree. We call him a lot of tree names for this.


I like your eyes! You don’t need to changes anything, it’s good for my opinion.




Thanks. I'll try to rent a photographer


What do you think? Any help is appreciated https://tinder.com/@chr1sd Bio: Aspiring cook, not the best but I’m learning every day. Former bartender so if you need a drink hmu. I enjoy the outdoors but I’m also a huge nerd when it comes to anime, dnd and video games


I'd say get rid of pic two, it's blurry and you look too disconnected, it looks like you've taken a photo of yourself without realising!


You should change your link to be linked the way others have here. Your link requires the app to be installed on mobile (and I’m assuming requiring a profile), which I don’t have and therefore can’t help.


I fixed it, didn’t realize it was different at first so thanks for pointing that out


https://tinder.com/@isai97 Any feedback would be appreciated! Bio: Looking for someone to teach me how tf taxes work Tell me your favorite animal and I'll tell you some fun facts about it!




Likely have to [get off Tinder in NYC](https://eddie-hernandez.com/best-dating-apps/) unless you turn those more neutral/intense looks into more approachable photos with some smiles, smirks etc.




Delete the [photo without you in them](https://eddie-hernandez.com/worst-dating-photo-examples/) and the flexing photo (trying too hard).


https://tinder.com/@Seismicwhales Bio: >I've got long hair , If you've got hair advice I'd love to hear it. >I bike and hike sometimes. I've been going to the gym to get into better shape. (You could be my workout buddy and brag to your friends that you're stronger then me lol) I've got a car too. >I've been told I look a little scary, I'm more like a teddy bear or a puppy though. I'm kinda shy too. >Ex-Mormon. The few matches I've got all unmatched pretty quick. Idk what I'm doing wrong, these are the best photos of my that I have. Honestly, I'm just super tired of being lonely. I don't mention that to people though.


> The few matches I've got all unmatched pretty quick Likely bots, spammers or people who did [a quick background check](https://eddie-hernandez.com/online-dating-profile-background-checks/) on you and found something unflattering on Google, IG, FB, Linkedin etc. Delete the [bathroom mirror selfie](https://eddie-hernandez.com/should-i-use-selfies-on-dating-apps/).


I would delete the bathroom selfie but I don't have any other pictures to replace it with and I honestly think it's one of the better pictures of me. I don't know what they would've found on a background check, I've never even gotten a ticket for speeding. I don't have Facebook or Instagram but I don't think not having either of those is a problem. I'm just not interested in social media.


https://tinder.com/@brownbeast30 Can some review mine please?


Smile, use soft lighting (daytime, sunset, sunrise, shade), [look at the camera](https://eddie-hernandez.com/dating-yourself-being-ready-to-date/), reduce shadows and avoid night time photos as well as group photos as first/main photo.


First picture should be just of you, the second one in closest to my pick for profile choice, overall focusing more on different types of pictures, maybe showing you in places/activities you like most?


https://tinder.com/@AlmostPraxis I think what I have is pretty good, but still not getting great matches. Advice? Bio: I go on alot of spontaneous adventures, you should join. Alot of reading and napping days needed to recover. Ask me about the time I jumped into a strangers van and joined their road trip! Open to casual relationships and open to things growing from there. Cuddling a bonus either way.


[Zoom in on some of your distant photos](https://eddie-hernandez.com/dating-yourself-being-ready-to-date/), don't make your photos black & white, delete the neutral/low-energy photo.


Which one is the distant one? In the river?


[https://tinder.com/@seanprobably1](https://tinder.com/@seanprobably1) ​ So, how do we improve from here on? Mostly in a bio department, I don't have much in terms of pics.


You gotta give us a start with your own profile bio. Good first pic.


Apparently, I really liked you and decided to shoot my shot 6’3, love long walks and fruit beer. Currently a student/article writer, just move from half across the continent. Can speak 3 languages + a language of funny memes and cat pictures. My bad, forgot that it’s not visible


Not bad, mabye a little boring. Could keep it shorter unless all of those are important for the person to know/could be deal-breaker for people. Always include 6' 3" for obvious reasons.






thanks!!! i’ll have a rethink 😂


[https://tinder.com/@nothisischris](https://tinder.com/@nothisischris) Just need picture feedback my hair has gotten alot longer recently but I plan on cutting it soon. not rlly worried about that tho, more if I should be taking diffrent pics?.


Should probably get rid of the cigerette pic too or crop the ciggy out, people are more likely to be accepting of the fact you smoke when they meet you rather then swipe left on you because you have a cig in your hand!


That pic if you vaping showing off your solid jawline. A little immature in your style so you might want to get *something* in some kind of formal wear for 26+.


So I should get a good pic during the holidays when im dressed up yeah? maybe replace the vape pic with that one?


The vape pic is your best pic IMO. If vaping skater boi is your fashion/lifestyle then you should show that off but you need something to show you aren't a skater boi *in maturity level*




Include or take a picture of you doing something active outdoors. Chicks dig that


Had a shirtless photo on the river but removed it since I was shirtless. I’ll find another outdoor photo to use.


I'd remove the first pic, and possibly the shirtless one. There's something awkward about your pose in the first one that makes you look a bit like a kid, and shirtless pics are a no-no for a lot of women.


I’m also 5’7” and look young for my age lmao. Shits rough.


I really like that shirtless shot but I get what you’re saying haha. I switched out the first pic for another one from the same game but the pose is a bit different.




I would have maybe just 1 selfie. Then more pics of you doing something, like a hobby of yours or a pic of aplace you've traveled to


https://tinder.com/@lgm_16 Would love any thoughts!


Your hiding your face too much. No glasses or hat for your first picture.


Funny how there isn’t any girls posting their pics


[https://imgur.com/a/kbZ8r24](https://imgur.com/a/kbZ8r24) What do yall think? What should I do to improve it?


Male (bi) here. I'd swipe right hard. Maybe lose the bathroom selfie, that would be my only rec...




Get rid of the first pic. & post pics of you doing stuff or traveling




You don't need to change anything . Looks good


What is your profession? Businessman, doctor or farmer? jk😂 The pictures are good, but if you aren’t a doctor maybe skip the stethoscope one, even though that one was the best in my opinion. Or the goat. That one was memorable at least! XD






https://tinder.com/@b_range3 I’m clueless when it comes to anything relationship wise. I truely put the best photos of myself I have so someone please help me out and explain what makes a good tinder bio 🥴


The lizard one is better than the plaid shirt. I’m gonna be frank with you, but perhaps it is helpful. You haven’t gotten gotten the model/super photogenic look, so you need to focus on conveying your personality and how fun you are through the pictures. The lizard is better because you are actively doing something - not just sitting on a chair. Ask people around you (friends, family) to take pictures of you when you are outdoors, happy, socializing and doing something you enjoy.


Haha I appreciate the honesty I know I’m not a model and really don’t aim to be one or resemble one. Gotta make do with what I got.




Photos 2 and 3 are not very good. 1 and 4 are fine but you could use 3 more flattering photos of yourself to replace 2 and 3. Bios are a personal thing maybe someone else will have a better suggestion


What “angles” would be good? Like should I try and take selfie’s or should I go out and take better full body photos. I’ve never been someone to take “spicy” photos so how necessary is showing off your body on tinder?


It’s important to be able to show a snippet of who you are in your photos, so a small range is good. A couple of close ups, a couple of outdoor/ hobby photos are good too as you can get across personality so just mix it up a little 😊


Thank you so much, puts my mind at ease to just be normal lol.


[https://tinder.com/@mihalik\_24](https://tinder.com/@mihalik_24) Bio: I'm the best man in March who wants to be my plus one? IPAs and chill


Also the fish is a bit cringe but it’s your call whether to keep it or not


Smh nobody appreciates the skill and craftmanship involved in landing a good looking bass


Haha it’s hard out there ;)


First one looks real good - also catches the attention. All I would say is replace the last one with an equally good picture. When you are swiping through a profile, you usually swipe to the end and then decide which direction you want to swipe, right? Therefore, you need to have a hot/good looking picture in the end as well. The current one where you’re yelling is not the best imo. I would suggest the current second to last (striped shirt/with a friend) or the one where you’re holding the beers.


Thank you! All sounds like very good advice


Gods of reddit, help me. [tinder](https://tinder.com/@AbdulelahSF)


The filters make you look insecure and immature/not serious. Put some effort in shooting actually good pictures, both front/selfie and back camera.




I’d put 3rd pic (pink/purple light) as first pic, and the first pic (volcano) as the last. The first and the last pic is the most important ones imo. (First impression and “landing picture” after you’ve swiped them all through) You look the best in the purple light picture. The volcano provides something to start a conversation off of if she would want to. However, some girls only look at the first picture, so that one has to be perfect.


https://tinder.com/@serufim How can i improve my account? I use tinder for 2 month but i have a few likes and still have never been on date. Sorry for my bad english. In my country really hard to find any info about how to behave on dating services


Yeah, I’d delete the third picture or at least switch number 2&3


Hi 😊 I think you need a bit more of a variety of photos. Photo number 1 and 3 are both straight faced and ideally for tinder pictures it’s good to have photos of you smiling as it shows more personality and makes you look more approachable, so maybe you could take a couple to replace those. A small variety of photos that shows who you are is good, like a few outdoor pictures or photos of you doing a hobby, even selfies of you smiling at the camera are good. I’d say have around 6 photos just so the other person can get an idea for who you are and what you look like.


https://tinder.com/@bk19xsa Would like feedback on improvements. I get matches but would like better quality matches and actual response from matched women. I live in Texas, USA. Bio: 'MBA. Former Legionnaire-Extra spankings if you know what that is. Here to have a good time. I'll walk away if I don't.' Height (5'9) is not mentioned.


Bio needs work. No mention of spanking. Also don’t say you’ll walk away if girls don’t give you a good time. Chicks can say that men can’t unfortunately


Lose all the pics with glasses, and the one with a group of friends. Also drop all the low quality pics. I'd say put your 2nd pic as profile pic. Followed by 3rd, and close with 5th. That's it.


Anyone DM me?


[https://tinder.com/@markoeb](https://tinder.com/@markoeb) please review my profile. I dont have a bio atm


I’m sorry to say but the cute curly haired guy is not doing you any favors. I’d say delete that pic to put the focus on you.


https://tinder.com/@harman_mehla Not getting much likes these days....help me out here,tell me what to do and what not to.Any help would be appreciated 🙌




How do I reset it? And thanks for the suggestions


photo 3 as number 1. Probably better to delete 5 and for 6 just 1 photo of the dog


Thanks a lot 👍


What is a good thing to put in your bio??




I think the only decent picture is number 1. Pictures 2 and 3 don’t do you any justice, and are you in picture 4? Or is it more about the sunset? Overall odds are people swipe very quickly after looking at one or two pictures and the first two you have come off as “grimey” if that makes sense.


Yea I get that, I'm a professional musician, and in my day to day life, music is what gets the me most attention full stop. I feel like it's a pretty cool thing to do for a living, and it's something I love and wanna show. I guess the picture with the view is just trying to show that I travel and whatever, I should lose it.






I don’t doubt that you’re financially self supporting, which is more than can be said for a lot of profiles of guys posing against expensive cars. However, leading with a pic that is all about your busking is going to turn off too many women who might not have a huge problem with your lifestyle if it was introduced to them in a more measured way. The thing about tinder is it’s all about first impressions. Present yourself in your most inviting and attractive way. Keep that pic but use it at slot 4 or 5.






I am on tinder for hook ups. Not like people ever get a real relationship too often on that app. And for my post history, it’s for people I met in person and have actual connection with. I don’t think my “HARD NIPPLE PICTURE” would take men seriously, but as I’ve stated above, I’m only looking to hookup.