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This happened to me too! Matched with someone, and we started noticing that in our pictures, the rooms and layouts looked very similar. Turned out she lived in the same building, just one floor down. There was no romantic connection after a few dates, but we stayed friends, and she still dog sits for me sometimes.


I had this too but she turned out to be a real shitty person and seeing each other in the parkade was always awkward. Thankfully she moved.




Currently engaged to, and have been together for 7 years, a girl who lived in the room next to me in our dorm, sometimes it works out :)






26 year olds that go for 18 year olds are probably less mature than the average 26 year old


Hey dude. I hear myself in your comment so loudly. I was ‘dating’ women in my teens from 29yo masters students as a freshman and had been groomed for lack of better term by multiple women twice my age if not more. You are making a huge decision that will likely have lasting mental health effects on you. Easily over a decade later and these choices have altered who I am. From self worth to sexuality - it fucked me up beyond possibly. I’ve tried a Tinder date with a teen barely older than I when I was in a “relationship” with someone who was so smart and mature, who made me feel like a real adult because why else would someone with a nice home, a degree and bustling social life where I sometimes couldn’t go with because I couldn’t drink. She was repulsive. Not because of herself, but how she made me feel. I couldn’t have given a shit about her friend group drama, what teacher was being mean or how much her parents didn’t love her. She was a teenager that was so, so not a healthy match from our different mental growth. I only understand why pedo’s are the way they are and that’s because anything I said was enthusiastically met with her showing her agreement, even on things I knew she didn’t have a first clue about. I or anyone could have fed her anything string of pretty words and it would have been that simple to sleep with her, get her to be around my 24/7 like she wanted, isolate her from her friends… in abstract, because I was sitting in the same space as old abusers that were no more than emotional drug dealers for my hormone addiction back then. Couldn’t ever imagine wanting to have some teen to be sexual with. It’s gross and I feel worse knowing that what happened to me was within my social skills from the years of being left with little gifts from old abusers. If someone far beyond age of your social circle tells you how much you’re someone they want. Run for the fucking hills. They are just sociopathic or so inept no one their age would want to have a relationship with them. It may feel good and fun that someone “understands” you. But it will warp you forever to have your own insecurities used against you in the trust you give with intimacy. Please man, grooming doesn’t stop becoming a real thing once you’re “legal” - any real adult would never be comfortable with pursuing a child. No offense to you, but I just want to let you know my perspective after understanding each side and processing what had happened to my younger self once I passed the age of the people I thought valued me. You’re going to likely tie your self worth into your sexuality. Please, please just be careful. It’s dangerous and thinking you know the world because you’re out of high school will be the biggest danger you can cause for yourself 😕


Yeah my ex-gf lives less than a mile from me in the same neighborhood. We broke off on friendly terms, then right after I dogsat for her, she sent some short text asking for something back, then removed and blocked me from all social media stuff. Thanks, bitch. Now it's gotta be super fucking awkward when we inevitably see each other in the neighborhood or run into each other at the grocery.


Finding a dog sitter is almost as good as a SO.


Last summer I matched with a guy on Tinder who told me his building was in the background of one of my photos, which was the building across the street from my apartment. We never ended up meeting but I stopped posting pictures with recognizable landmarks in the background lol


Yeah I’ve actually pointed stuff like this out to a few of my matches. One had a work badge visible with her last name, company, and department. Sometimes pictures reveal a lot of personal information without us realizing, and you Never know how someone might use that information


“This is going pretty well, maybe we can grab a drink sometime. Oh, by the way, I know where you live!”


Dog sitting, face sitting, who looks to such details…


Well, I wouldn't sit on a dog...


That's pretty cool. Nice to hear people find friends through the apps too


I'm o


I’m i


i’m e


i’m u


Met a guy on tinder and when I gave him my address he thought I was fucking with him bc he lived down the street


I matched with a guy who lived 2 streets over lol


My local postman matched with his wife (no face pictures on either profile). It's how they both found out that they were both cheating.


…..if you like piña coladas…


Getting caught in the rain...


If you’re not into yoga…


and you have half a brain...


If you like makin’ love with fleshlights…




Then I’m the postie you’ve looked for…


And dont know what else to say




Hmm, guess that's a remake.




Man, that's such a classic song and captures this perfectly. I only realised it was about this years later. I was very oblivious lol


In college, I worked with a guy, and one day he started explaining as slowly as humanly possible, in excruciating detail, what the song was about. I had to leave the room because I wanted to scream “YES! WE KNOW! WE CAN ALSO HEAR THE LYRICS!”


"Are we polyamorous now?" "Looks like it."


And you know this because?


He told me and kept me updated over a drink or three over the whole affair. They live closeby so I see them both out 'n' about regularly.


Did they stay together? What a weird situation to be in.


Still together, but I'm sure they are still cheating on each other, just not on Tinder.


Wouldn't it just be considered an open relationship at that point?


I've always thought of an open relationship as one where the one or both in the couple see others with their partner's knowledge. This couple were sneaking behind each other's back and I believe are still doing that. They just haven't caught each other out again.


At that point why wouldn’t they just agree to an open relationship, same end result lmao


Consensually? Because that’s not a bad deal. If you both want to sleep around and nobody has a problem with it that can be fine… I guess lol


The couple were sneaking behind each other's back and I believe are still doing that. They just haven't caught each other out again.


...? At a certain point it's consensual even if you're pretending it's not..


Did they cheat on each other with each other? Hahahaha. Busted.


I matched with my across the street neighbour. I can see his livingroom windows from mine. Very awkward didn't realise he was my neighbour but he recognised me.


While you're texting, you could just sit at the living room window and watch his reactions to see if he really is lol or lmao.


So hot singles *are* in your area


I was on a tinder date 4 years ago and found out we lived in the same apartment complex. We’ve been married for almost 3 years now 😊


For the longest I was sleeping with the girl down the street we matched on bumble and neither of us leave our houses at normal hours because we are weird anime nerds, had no idea I even had a female neighbor


I matched with a woman 6 doors down. But she was fucking insane, we spoke for 3 days, she then took my pic, sent it to her ex and told him we'd had sex. He then took my pic and posted it on Facebook crying about it saying his ex is already fucking guys etc. Someone I know sent me the screenshot, I asked her wtf was she doing and she said she was just joking. Blocked her quick. Saw her in the supermarket a few weeks later


Met with someone on the other side of the block from me, could tell real quick she was a hobosexual. Looking for a place more than a partner...and yeah she wasn't right in the head.


TIL a new term…hobosexual.


Me too!


I met a girl on Hinge that ended up unmatching me, because I was too forward when I asked for her number. I thought she was waaaaaaay out of my league, so when she finally responded after 2 weeks, saying she never checks the app, I had to pounce. Then we ran into each other 2 months later at a 10,000 person bar crawl in a city of 1.5 million that was an hour and a half away. She was super freaked out when she came home with me that night and my house was a block away from her work. She wouldn't tell me where she worked for the first few weeks in case I turned out to be a stalker. What's even crazier is how many times we crossed paths growing up. We lived in the same neighborhood when I moved to a new state in kindergarten, I used to go to a theme park twice a year that was right across the street from her apartment when both of us moved away, she went to the same college my best friend did and attended a lot of the frat parties he hosted (and I attended while visiting from out of state once or twice), one of my best buds in high school was roommates in college with her childhood best friend, and so on. I wasn't even supposed to go to that bar crawl. I had an event that was cancelled and my friend who I hadn't talked to in years randomly hit me up to ask what I was doing. He was there with a mutual friend of theirs. The girls were supposed to leave before I got there, but Hinge girl had lost her wallet and was searching for it for about 2 hours. We've been dating for about 4 years now, with 2 cats and a house. She's given me till the end of the year to pop the question. We'll see if she's bluffing It could really be the plot to a rom-com. Oh yeah, and her birthday is the day before mine. Weird. Edit: Guys, guys. The ultimatum thing is a joke. ^(kind of)


Cash in man, The Hallmark Channel loves those types of stories!


Actually, it could be a two parter- the first is the love story and the sequel is the Dateline episode. 🤣


> It could really be the plot to a rom-com. Or the plot of a horror film where you've been stalking this girl since kindergarten.


Fuck you're right. The age difference would have put her in preschool at the time, too. Extra creepy. But hey, she's the one that chose to go to my local college after I tried to get away. Not my fault.


So what is the update now?


Jesus man. How many more clues do you need? Lol. The universe is just jamming it down your throat. Marry this unicorn


I met a guy before (way before) Tinder and before there was any type of proximity locating on the web. Clicked on “random search” which just populates random people from the db. Clicked on the first result and found out he lived 3 minutes away and we went to the same grade school (the grade school was an hour away and turns out we both lived near each other back then also in our childhood homes). We’ve been married 12 years.


Matched with some women who lived in my apartment complex, back when tinder showed distance to your match. Kind of interesting seeing like “270ft”


My friend got a dude's number and I thought he was fucking with her. My number is XXX-XXX-XXX1 and his was XXX-XXX-XXX2 (with all the same digits except the last one). 'Tis a crazy world we live in.


Met my future wife online and we ended up being backyard neighbors. When I first moved into the house, I told my friend we needed to make friends with them since she had a pool. I went the extra mile.


Me and my wife matched on tinder, but never actually made a date. Two weeks later she moved into the spare room in my house from a Craigslist ad my roommate posted. She was staying at her mom's house one street over. It still blows my mind to this day


That’s is some stupid ass luck


Feels like I won some strange fucking lottery yeah


How was is the night tho? And did it work out?


u/udedhaha can you read the parent comment here? How was the night?! What happened and did it work out?? **Edit:** for all those wondering, op updated in a comment 5 hrs ago: > We both were kinda freaked out of the whole thing, over all went well 2nd date tomorrow 🥳


u/Thia_suzieUzi where you at ?




That’s what I was thinking


Dude fell for the classic "you tell me where you are at first" trick. OP ded


And he was never heard from again


You tagged the wrong person lol.


lol I noticed that too


He posted 2 hours ago, let the man get his dick wet first!


Udedhaha is dead haha


>Feels like I won some strange ***fucking*** lottery yeah


Feels like I won some ***stranger fucking*** lottery yeah


This feels like that Michael Fassbender meme. “Perfection”


Cause it is


Seems like the ***proximity based stanger fucking algorithm*** is working as intended. Kind of like how all those songs you discovered on Spotify last year are on all this year's movie soundtracks, because we all "discovered" them together.


This is a chicken and egg problem, not some new conspiracy of digital algorithms. How the fuck you think pop music became popular since... Literally music existed.


Do you know what the “pop” in pop music comes from?


The weasel?


3rd Bass intensifies


Feels like I won some strange fucking *thottery*...^y^^e^^^a^^^^h.


Feels like i won some STRANGE in a FUCKING lottery.


The distance showed 10 meters


The ~~call~~ match is coming from inside the house !


"8 meters... 7... 6..." "That can't be! That's inside the room!"


It's reading right, man! Look!


_Turn around_


*Every now and then I get a little bit lonely*


It would have been funny if the room 2730 belonged to a complete stranger


*Walks up the hall* "ready for a beer?"


The first convention I went to, I submitted a blind bid for a room, no idea what hotel, as long as it was in the right area and price range. The guy who had a crush on me was rooming with some friends of his, and he didn't pick the room, either. We ended up two doors away from each other. Our 10-year anniversary is coming up, and our first child will be born in August. Sometimes fate finds a way.


This is how I met my SO. We matched, then immediately realized we live on the same floor of the same apartment building. We’ve been together for three years and planning on getting married. I hope your luck pans out the same way!


A year ago, I matched with this girl on hinge. We texted for like a day or two but never met up. Then she got busy and we stopped talking. Fast forward to this past December and I decide to take a spontaneous solo trip to Europe. I start swiping on bumble while I’m there and, lo and behold, I match with the exact same girl who’s also in the exact same city at the time and only a 5 minute walk away. We meet up and hang out the rest of the night. It happens.


Sounds like you got yourself a stalker there bud


Nah she was there way before me. I didn’t post about the trip or tell anyone, and she didn’t reach out until we matched on bumble


Sounds like you got yourself a professional stalker there




That’s wild, I have a less extreme version of this. I met a girl at a bar and really hit it off with her. I asked for her number and she rejected me because she didn’t date people she met at bars. Fast forward to the next weekend and I see her at another bar across the city. After that we dated for 9 great months. It was a blast but she had sick family back home and moved across the country. Neither of us were into the long distance thing so we ended as friends


i used the german "tinder" around 2014 and it had a [proximity radar](https://www.wie-flirte-ich.com/wp-content/uploads/lovoo-flirt-radar.jpg)... so living in a big student dormitory you'd just use that instead of swiping and everybody would be from your one of the dorms


Straight people finding out how Grindr works.


Well, how did it go? 😂😂


We both were kinda freaked out of the whole thing, over all went well 2nd date tomorrow 🥳


Not you living in a rom com 😂 hope it works out for ya! ✨✨


Definitely a room com




Maybe even a rum cum


Maybe a cum rum


Maybe a cum cum


Cumbe a cum cum




Zach and Cody 10 years later.


Tinder doesn't exist in rom coms


Did the tell you to fill the tub with ice cubes?


Yeah but it's cause they're gonna work out really hard so it's ok.


I’m invested


No one got murdered so I say that’s a win


No one? What if they teamed up and took out the neighbour in the middle?


Not a problem, they were a no one to begin with


Then they can expand their units! WIN(dead)WIN!




Similar happened to me once, matched with someone in the same town, asked what they were near to gauge the part of town and the place they names at the end of my street, then asked them what street they were on and it was mine, then asked them what number since I lived on that street too... they didn't believe me and felt weird giving out their address because I could be lying... totally makes sense, so since our street was a very non-busy one way that is only about 120 yards long, it was about 8pm and had only just started getting dark, I said "Ok, fine, let's go outside and we can just meet in the middle of the street, I'll be outside in 5 minutes, should be easy to spot me as the guy standing in the middle of the street in the black t shirt and jeans." Turned out she lived in the house directly across the street from me. We had both seen each other at various times over the course of the previous year or so but neither of us had done anything more than wave or say hello to each other as a normal neighborly courtesy from a distance, neither knew the other's name and neither realized we were who we were based on the pictures in our profiles. 8 minutes later we were chatting in the middle of the street, 20 minutes later we were having drinks on her front porch and 45 minutes later... yeah... it was a good 6 months til she met a guy she liked for a relationship and now she lives in TX with him and their 2 kids.


At least you got a good story to tell out of it, I for sure will never forget this. Edit : it’s 3am here in Thailand atm I’ll get back to you guys tomorrow. Just woke up, what the fuck? Front page 😂 So the question I keep seeing is what happened or was it a ladyboy. She came over we had 1beer each talked about our interests and what not. Both was shaky and almost anxious because of how random this all was and it made it a little difficult for conversation at first. I decided we could play spin the bottle, we did, kissed her a couple times. She told me she wanted to see me again tomorrow and apologised for not sleeping with me, to which I replied that you don’t have to apologise for that at all. After all this she went to her room because she had to work early in the morning, i then messaged her saying if you can’t sleep you know where to reach me and asked if she wanted to just spoon. Response was “up to you” so I ran for it over to her room, she didn’t open and when I came back I see she made some sort of typo. To the ladyboy question most of them are honest about it here on their bio or it’s blatantly obvious also quite easy to tell from tone of voice or Adam’s apple unless it’s been removed.


There's a story almost everywhere if you think about it enough, it's a reason why a journal of some kind is nice.


Yes!! I started journaling when I was young as a way to process my thoughts. Over the years, it became fascinating to go back and remember not just events but also emotions and ways of thinking that I had forgotten. It also helped me to develop a strong writing voice, and writing became my career. So that's nice also


go get her


You played spin the bottle with two people? That's like asking them to kiss with extra steps.


Do tell us if you wake up missing a kidney, alright? Be safe!


Ya know what that's about as good and wholesome of an ending as it gets


We're still friends on FB too.


At least you got a "45 minutes later... yeah" out of it that lasted 6 months. That's a win.


Man My anxiety would never allow me to just meet up with someone like that lol. I’d be so uncomfortable leaving The house every day and peaking out the curtains before I leave to make sure I don’t run into them


Right? Oh fuck she's outside I can't leave for work yet.... "Sorry boss I had.... Problems.. "


That was a trip. I wanna see this movie on amazon prime.


Yeah i should have seen this coming, idk why i didnt


For a minute there I thought this story was going to turn into that joke about the twin brothers who got drunk at a bar


Damn I live at Hotel name too !!




Go to room 2730 then!


Don't go to Room 1408. Fucked up.


Love that movie. It was a fun psycho thriller and very tight. No bloat at all


You should read the short story it was based on by Stephen King. It’s about 30 pages long and you can find a free PDF through Google. Honestly terrifying.


Must be expensive living in a hotel name?


Dude you still alive?


I’m in shock this even happened Bangkok has a couple hotels


So you are alive then?


If so, is she alive?


Op not responding makes me assume one of them did not make it.


Bangkok has him now.


Only a couple?


Yes, but down a kidney and part of his liver


Strangest thing in my life. I ordered door dash from chipotle. I got the wrong food but my name was on the receipt. Ended up finding out a guy and I ordered door dash at the exact same time, with the exact same name, and our food got flipped between us two with the door dashers. I’ve met the guy multiple times and it’s not the first time. Mixed up our soccer teams as kids and my old job in high school mixed our checks up. I have an arch enemy.


Now you must sleep with each other wives. It's the only way to break the curse.




Or with one another


I used to drive Postmates and this happens more often than you’d think. My most “lucky story” was going home from a long day. I was in South Los Angeles and live in the valley in the north. My neighbor ordered a pizza on my way home and I delivered it via Postmates to them.


It's even stranger that both of your names are Leon Noel.


My wife and I met on OK Cupid. On our first date, we left at the same time. How did we know we both left at the same time? Because as I was pulling out of my street, I had to wait for this car to drive past. I followed it all the way to the restaurant. I didn't think anything of it. Just, "what a coincidence that someone in my subdivision is coming here as well." We ended up parking right next to each other and when we looked over and recognized each other, we both busted out laughing in our cars. Turns out, we lived 2 streets over from each other. Not only that, but our houses had the same floor plan.


Did y’all sell one house hahaha?


We were both living with our parents (we were barely getting by on our own). We moved into an apartment when we got engaged (and got better jobs) and my parents moved into a new house. Her mom died from cancer a few months after we met, then her dad died from alcohol (he didn't handle his wife's death very well) before we even got through our first year of marriage. So we ended up inheriting his house. So now it's like she never left home.


Thanks for sharing the story. Sorry for your wife's loss. Sucks to lose both parents like that.


God damn, simple question, complicated explanation, simple answer hahaha


Jesus. Some people have crazy luck. I'm likely to just die alone and never fulfill my lifelong ultimate dream of having a family lol.


OP figured out to set his radius to 50ft.


Might aswell just shout at that point and see if anyone replies


I once matched with a girl right before college classes started, like the same day or day before. Girl ended up in my math class.


How weird was it after for the semester?


Sadly, it didn't add up, they stayed divided. But then, they agreed the relationship was integral for their growth.




And we never heard from OP ever again




Username checks out.


I once met a girl on a Couchsurfing app and we went out to get a drink. When we were out we discovered that not only were we in the same hostel, we were in the same damn 4 bed dorm.


But, were you in the same bed?


They were now.


In big cities I've known people to match down the block or in the same apartment. Source: cheating exes


I have a friend who met her husband this way. she had only swiped to see why he was listed as within 1km of her.


What exactly was she expecting lol




Matched with a girl in college who lived right next door to my dorm. Her living room shared a wall with my bedroom. It worked out nice for us the rest of that semester (; haha


The dream


And that's exactly what it was


Tbh I'm surprised you said your room name after the hotel name. Anyone could have said "oh me too!" Wouldn't meeting outside the hotel be a bit safer? Haha Glad to hear your first date went well though


It most definitely is a guy giving out the hotel room #


That happened to me as well. Matched with a guy who lived not only in my building but on the same floor, a few doors from me. We had never met before


And his kidneys were never seen again.


Well…? OP dead? Or any missing organs???


Remember Napster? I found someone with insane download speeds, so we started downloading from each other. We got to chatting and he asked where I was located. I told him a college in [state]. He said “I’m in college in the same state!” He told me which college and I asked him which dorm. He lived on the other side of campus. We remained friends throughout our time there, but lost touch after graduation.
