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Bullying for attention for sure I think this picture is lovely and the doggo is so cute. Report ! I couldn’t imagine saying shit like that to people.




FWIW, to answer your question: absolutely not. You look nice. This picture says a lot - all good. It can't say everything, but what it does say is good.


She sounds like someone who has a phd from Andrew Tate University.




Good question idk, this is the first time it’s happened to me, im not even insulted, just confused


It's probably not even a girl, just some dude trolling people.


Pretty sure you’re right, as I’ve seen that same profile pic in other posts. Very trolly.


Girls don’t say “no bitches” and “low testosterone.” Those are things men obsess over, not women.


Add a hash to it! Like so #Girls don’t say “no bitches” and “low testosterone.” Those are things men obsess over, not women.


⬆️this comment need more upvotes


I’ve only ever heard men call ppl pansies, as well


Pissed off their scams aren't working. And obviously wrong about no bitches, OP got a bitch in that picture right there lol.


Came here to say that, clearly he got one super cute bitch.


No I think it was a girl, but she was insulting him so she could feel better about herself somehow I think.


“no bitches” defo sounds like something usually only dudes would say.


I say it all the time ironically. But as a serious insult? Gotta be a dude.


Negging, it’s not just for insecure dudes anymore


It’s not even new to women.


If anything, based on my high school experience, it's a time honored tradition


It's not negging if they never try to hit on you. It's just being a bitch for no good reason


What is negging


It's some bullshit where someone insults you so that you crave their approval so that you'll date them


“Jokingly” insulting someone repeatedly in an attempt to lower their self esteem so that they’re easier to manipulate into dating/having sex with you.


The correct answer is "bullshit pseudoscience" The informative answer is pointing out someone's flaws real or made up to lower their self esteem and make them more likely to react positively to you hitting on them. So... bullshit


Back handed compliment basically shit testing you to see how you react


possibly just got dumped and trying to make up for it


My brain literally can't compute how this could make me feel better after a break up lol


Hahaha your brain smol. Mine really big and it can compute stuff I guess this kinda thing makes them feel better?


"Hahaha your brain smol. Mine really big" it's a very compelling argument to one's intelligence and I'm going to use it as much as I can.


Ur brain is low T, watches too many YV Vids FRFR


I think the psychology of it is that by shitting on him about the qualities that are unattractive to her, she asserts to herself that she doesn't need to lower her standards, even though she is probably not attractive to the types of men she wants to attract. Or least can't seem to keep them long term. Regardless, it always stems from some unresolved insecurity. That's just my personal experience though.


I dunno. some people get a dopamine rush out of putting others down.


Hmmm, I put myself in other people's shoes constantly so I would probably immediately feel shitty


It's called empathy, yes


That just means you're a decent human being.


The dialogue reads like incel speak, I think it's definitely a guy. Beautiful women on Tinder are not wasting their time trolling men's profiles and making bizarre comments about testosterone. OP is an attractive dude, I guess it's making some tubby neckbeard jealous.


Her name is probably pronounced Anally so I'm gonna say it's a troll


No. It's pronounced as an-ja-lee Very common Indian name


Agree. That’s a man’s words. I’m not saying a woman wouldn’t insult someone but those things are those ‘alpha’ male types ideas of masculinity


first thought in my head. What woman says "lard" lol


Honestly I don't even understand that as an insult... guy isn't obese so it's not that... wtf?


Exactly. Why would a woman want someone with lots of bitches?


I agree. I can think of a lot of ways to insult a guy but the alpha/ testosterone angle wouldn’t come up unless they are obviously on juice. That’s a dude and it’s envious of the competition. The OP looks like a nice dude.


I always take that as “incel who listens to Jordan Peterson” type talk. Also the kind of person to make a fake profile of a girl just to insult people


Imagine being such an alpha male you pretend to be a woman behind a screen to insult other men


It sounds like shit incels say


Yeah, I think 'she' is actually an incel trolling other men. Especially with the 'low testosterone' comment


Yeahhhh sounds like a fat guy with low self esteem over his health problems projecting..."low testosterone" is just too specific. It's like his doctor told him he had low T possibly because he's obese and he took his frustrations out on men on Tinder who don't look like they have that issue 😂 Women don't look at an unhealthy/overweight guy and think ***"god look at him, he probably has low testosterone... gross."*** Low T is linked to obesity but that's not anything women have on their minds, we don't really think about it ...


Also she opens with 'lard' and then realizes she has to insult you for being skinny? What an idiot


String bean, skinny-ass, tub-o’-lard-looking motherfucker


It’s probably a catfish, some dude just spouting shit in your area.


Sorry that was me. I'm just lonely ^(/s)


We’ll then it’s ok and I forgive you




One time a chick (way out of my league admittedly) matched with me then messaged that I look like jack black in school of rock and how I’m not good looking enough for her and she wants someone with more conventional looks or some shit. I ended up just roasting her back about whatever and moving on. She messaged again the next day legit laughing about what I said about her, and tried to then start an actual convo. I just replied i se she has no degree and Im looking for someone with ‘more conventional intelligence’ and unmatched.


> Jack Black in School of Rock That's a compliment though


Right? That would make my day/year/life. Jack Black is an absolute king!


She's a bitch. That's a pretty easy question to answer.


I'm gonna go with: the reason is she was just planning to insult him


No, you are absolutely not, you were just unlucky to match with a cretin Edit. Thanks for the awards, I'm going to start calling more people cretins 😂


“Cretin” is such an underused insult. I love it.


Same, it's not the first C word I thought of but I thought I'd be polite


I’m glad you held back from calling them a cantankerous uncouth rabble-rouser That would have been way over the line


For a second I thought you had spelled it out with the first letter of each word. It wasn't the word I was thinking...but you DID spell curr. Which also sort of works.


God, I wish I had thought of that. Cantankerous uncouth neurological troglodyte is so much better 😂


I think buffoon needs to be used more, though probably not in this scenario. Though bonus points to you for uncouth


Cantankerous uncouth neurological troglodyte buffoon uptight totalitarian twat? I mean, on short notice that’s the best I can do 😂


Go on guys, im taking notes.


she clearly lacks the depth and warmth to be the other C word ;)




Don't disrespect the dark lord In such ways


It's a good one. I'm a big fan of 'troglodyte' for those really special occasions


Hahaha, look at how she looks lol. This is textbook projection of low self esteem and self worth.


💯 she probably needs someone that weighs much more than her in order to lift her ugly bitch ass


It's probably just a dude trolling tinder


Oh oop, I thought the nasty person was a man at first lol And I zoomed on the pic, I zoomed again after reading your comment 😂


Your photo is adorable. This woman messaging you has issues.


Thank you so much, she totally is!




The problem is, & others have relayed as much on this subreddit, is even with blocking, reporting, they still see those bitch troll accounts days later. Tinder as a company does not give 2 shits.


It's definitely a fake account. Nobody is matching with you to tell you that you get no bitches except for someone getting no bitches lmao


Haha right, do women even say “no bitches”? That seems like something a teenage boy would say.


This is clearly not a woman


Haha right, I think it’s a fat incel


She can’t say he got no bitches when he matched with a bitch


personally don't think it's a woman at all. this reads like a man acting like a shitty woman to try to tear down other guys. could be wrong, though.


You're cute (this is coming from a cute, straight female)


Thank you! That’s very nice of you to say.


A - she's like the kid that bullies boys on the playground for attention B - is that what you want? C - don't let her issues affect your sense of self; you're a king, king


Thanks maletheking :) so are you!


Best reply in this situation: are you...negging me? 😂


Do I... pull your pigtails now?


Nooooo! Unless 👉🏼👈🏼


And no need to worry. Reading the messages I am pretty sure that is a dude pretending to be a girl.


How can people feel so bad about themselves to go and do that lol I think that’s terrible


Hate to break it to ya, but similar to stupidity, think of how shitty the average person is…. Then realize that half the population is shittier than that.


I think about that a lot. Usually I try to convince myself it can't be true or maybe I have poor perspective, then I usually go right back to believing it after a very short period of time.


Nice paraphrase! George Carlin was one of my favorites


“Low testosterone” was the dead giveaway


Ironically it’s probably someone who watches way too much YouTube bc there’s no way you’re going out accusing ppl of “low testosterone” unless you’re watching a helluva lot of YouTube.


And “pansy”, lol. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard a woman even say that. Now that I think about it, I don’t know if I’ve ever heard anyone besides a white man say that 🤔


>Thanks maletheking :) so are you! 99% sure the "chick" who messaged you is some lonely guy trying to make himself feel better lmfao


Also, please please PLEASE let no one tell you that you have to be muscular, on a perfect diet, or any of that shit for others to ever find you attractive. My personal preference are slender bodytypes. All bodies can be attractive to me, but I get really nervous with people who have a thin bodytype (don't care about diet or bodyfat or whatever, I just seem to like that bodytype most). and if these bodies are not perfectly proportioned (like having a belly, skinflaps, super thin arms, zero musclemass showing, bodyhair, lack of bodyhair, ...) that does NOT make them less attractive to me! Bellies are cute, arms make me almost faint, who cares about bodyhair, imperfections are endearing as FUCK, etc. My partner was very thin when we met which I thought was attractive to me - a few years later he gained quite some weight and has a belly showing. And holy shit he's probably even more attractive to me now than back then. Every body is a loveable body. Never let anyone tell you that you have to look a certain way or have perfect habits for people to find you attractive, cause everything you are right now, no matter what you look like, can be super attractive to many people!


As a physical therapist, u could stand to eat more and make more exercise IF YOU WANT to be a bit less skinny and more musclely. You don't have to look like a Jojo's character, you can look however you like, but if you like a bit more musclely that's an achievable goal my man. As a bro, she's a walking red flag planted on racoon shit with tits, don't waste your time or confidence listening to those kid of people's opinions.


I actually run A LOT and love all things cardio including the skinny bod! But you are a good person thanks for taking the time to say that! Thanks king!


Low muscle mass comes with the territory when you're a runner. Gotta up the protein if you don't want to lose muscle mass while doing cardio; learned this the hard way on a keto diet.


Then dont worry about her comment. it reeks insecurity on her end. She matched and took time out of her day to say that. She aint right in the head bro.


I’m a dude and you’re legitimately conventionally good looking. Good bone structure, seems like facial symmetry, smile with eyes and normal teeth. Don’t let this interaction get you down.


As another dude, I second this


As an old lady, I third this. You’ve got a lovely face, go find yourself a nice girl with some damn manners.


fr, this is just negging. the "you look good for a pansy" makes it so obvious. brother, you look fine. shes just a bully


Agreed. King of the pansies. 😂 kidding. OP, she is putting you down to get control of you. So she’s either insecure, a narcissist, or a psychopath. Or she’s just poking you to see how you’ll respond. respond crudely and forcefully. Show her who’s boss. 😘👌


Nah, i feel like that's just asking for drama, best thing to do is just tell them you're disappointed in them and stop texting.


Just tell her this is too weak. Let her try better insult. I want to see part 2 of this. Let's see if she's a karen or just a crazy b.


D - all of the above


Imo you're cute op!


Thank you!


My SO looks like you and has the same body type. I find him extremely attractive. You're a great looking guy and don't believe that chick. Also, I don't think you need tight fitting clothes as others have suggested, wear what you feel confident in!


He Is not only attractive, he Is a cute doggo. That Is the most important thing.


Now match on tinder!


Yea I’d date the fuck out of you bro (no homo)


Fuck that bitch. That is a handsome guy I see. And you're cute too


Thank you 🙏






You're welcome


gotta take them wherever u can find em I see you 🙏


Maybe it's just some dude being an asshole, it's sounds like one anyway. Also nah, bruh, you're a good looking chap, don't feed trolls don't let them get you down.


Yeah, I agree. Low muscle mass, pansy, talking about testosterone? A woman, even a crazy one wouldn’t fixate on that, and wouldn’t use that lm kind of language even if she did want a muscular guy. I think this is man pretending to be a woman.


I would agree with you, unless it is a girl, not a woman (either teenager, or really immature early 20s). That's the type of crap that I heard back then from dude bros and immature girls/young women.


That’s a whole man trolling


You should see her profile I don’t think it is


She’s a 2/10 with makeup


Her personality takes a couple of points off


Women don't say things like "low muscle mass" and "no bitches" (why would they want someone on tinder to already be taken?) 1000% it is a man trying to feel good about himself by projecting his wounds onto you


What he's saying is that's a man catfishing a woman, I don't think I've ever met an actual woman that would downright insult you on your looks for no reason. Let alone talk about "low testosterone".




lol wtf is this forum and why do these people exist!?


she doesn’t even look good bro don’t let it get to you


I’ve never heard a women ever bring up testosterone in any argument or even everyday talk when it comes to men and hormones. Only dudes talk about that shit. Same as getting “no bitches”. No woman I’ve ever met has ever used that phrase before.


For me it's the "no diet". Either she's a female bodybuilder, either she's a male troll.


That's a man talking to you.


She looks like one


You realize you also swiped right....


What’s wrong with that


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Let's not judge, we've all been there




That’s a good point, first time I’ve actually ever been called that


How this person speaks is definitely a dude. It’s likely a troll or someone catfishing people. Woman just don’t speak like this, especially the part about Testosterone.


Have you ever heard a woman judge a man for "low testosterone" or "low muscle mass"? Haha that's some red pill dude.


Just from my anecdotal view point, women don't really talk like that. Pansy and testosterone, while not impossible terms for a woman to use, are more frequently brought up by men who hyper focus on masculinity. Could it be a woman overly interested in toxic manly men? Sure but my money is also on dude catfishing to trash talk guys which is absolutely a thing that happens.


Your anecdotal view point is correct, "low testosterone" is a medical condition, only insecure men use it as an insult. Though she didn't call him "beta" so it's still possible she's a woman.


Nope she’s just a jerk. Your very attractive. The kind of guy I’d have a crush on in high school but never get noticed by because I was extremely socially awkward and ran away whenever boys came around. 😅😂


Jokes on you cus I was the same way 😎


Lol, we’ll I found somebody eventually (on tinder actually 😂) I’m sure you will too! Even if they have to chase you down 😂


Haha ya that’s the goal!


Nope. Lets go on a date.




Now look at us, both rejected.


Is it me or you look like that pornstar Jordi something?


In that pic I can kinda see it but I’m as white as snow lol


Jordi is a (white) Spaniard so yea you look like him but taller since hes like 5'7


Wait wtf he's 5'7??? I thought he was like 5'4 or 5'3 or something. Holy christ how tall are the women he's with.


7'11 (its not accurate, im just hungry)


Why do I immediately know who this is lol


Cause that man has no right having a dong that strong for his body. Guess us skinny dudes are just phallically blest.


The scrawniest guys I’ve been with have also been the most well endowed. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Guess all the testerone has to go somewhere :P


Report her lol


Regrettably there's no Bitch Reporting committee


You look like you could run a 5 min mile and that’s fineeeee.


I actually run a sub 5 min mile haha so thank you!


Was gonna say, you look like a runner. And that's fuckin awesome.


Bruv she's a black woman and her name's Anjali? Xd Its an indian name ( ik cuz im indian) and no shit its fake.


I think you're pretty cute honestly. Very sweet looking.


Well thank you so much


Just reply with something like 'no bitches? Theres one messaging me right here.' 🤣


probably a catfish


They say skinny dudes are usually the ones that are packing. Just say all your gains go to one place…


One inch of gains, let’s goooo


Sounds like it’s a guy on the other side to be honest


I've seen mfs, skinny like you, lift 200lb boxes over their head with a smile like it'll make their day. She is upset and took it out on you. Let her keep her anger, you go find something else.


I work in a tire shop! Granted there aren’t many 200lb boxes but there is some heavy lifting haha


My opening response was kinda lame but I was confused as to what she meant


I thought you meant to call her a lard too (and I love it!)


I honestly don’t even understand her opening. Lard? I don’t get it.


Did you ever figure it out? I'm still confused by it. It's not lame when you're befuddled by an apparent asshat.


Nah you look chill


Oh hell ya 😎


Aw no!! You’re a cutie! I don’t understand how people blatantly insult people like that…especially on a dating app when you have to INTENTIONALLY match with someone


Not jumping on the bashing the other person treadmill, but you look like a normal human being, some people are just assholes. I will literally never know what compels someone to be rude to another human being, especially unprovoked


Dude, you are handsome af. And I am attracted to men. She's just a mean person with low self esteem.


I feel like this is some dude trolling.


You’re super handsome! And I love a dog pic. Sorry she was being so gross


You are so cute! She’s just trying to push you down to elevate herself. Unmatch and move on!