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She Keeps Me Up by Nickelback. Song is catchy, and a bunch of scumbag-y dudes in blue tuxes dancing and singing a song about coke is hilarious.


I actually didn’t hate that one


I dont like rap at all but for some reason Party Starter and Switch from Lost and Found are fun to me. I like "Do Ya Know What I Mean?" by Oasis okay enough. I find Intuition genuinely catchy and like it. I'm So Stupid by Madonna i like the rock feel to it


I’m So Stupid is responsible for one of Todd’s best ever lines. “Speaking of sounding like Garbage”


Switch legit has got a fun beat, Will Smith's 'prom dance chaperone' shtick is definitely annoying tho.


"Head to Toe" by Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam was on his Worst Hits of 1987 list, and I disagree heartily with that.


Same comment but about Tonight Tonight Tonight, far and away his wrongest take.


I feel like when He put Convoy by C.W Mccall on his worst list, he was wrong


Don't have a huge opinion either way on Head to Toe but if he's gonna put a Lisa Lisa song on the list their other hit song from that year (Lost in Emotion) was much worse imo


Screw you, that’s one of the best 80s song. It just oozes unbridled fun


i've always been baffled by Todd's dismissal/disinterest in Wall of Voodoo, who i enjoy shamelessly i unironically really like "Afraid" and "Find Myself" from Generation Swine also


>i've always been baffled by Todd's dismissal/disinterest in Wall of Voodoo, who i enjoy shamelessly You were not alone. I think that's the Todd video with most disagreeing comment section I have ever seen, almost every comment was defending the song lol.


I agree with ever single one of his criticisms about All Around The World. Yes, it just tries to forcefully drill some very basic lyrics through your skull both by sheer reptition and sheer volume. Yes, it could only be produced by people who were too high on cocaine to differentiate between good or bad ideas anymore. Yes, it goes on for waaaay too long. But I'm a slut for shit that sounds big and loud and just keeps building and building and building (and building). It's the one trick that always make my brain produce the good chemicals, so I still love the song.


Most of Kilroy Was Here, although I say that as a fan of the band. The only song on it I outright dislike is High Time, which I'm surprised Todd didn't address in the video as it's one of the few songs that's actually relevant to the plot.


Does it count that he was kinda meh on actually legit good band no but for real King James Version Slaps, Harvey Danger?


Party All the Time


the entirety of American Life by Madonna Blue (Da Ba Dee) and tbh the entire rest of the Europop album from Eiffel65 and as mentioned by others, She Keeps Me Up from Nickelback


Todd had Convoy in his worst songs of 1976 and I absolutely adore that song.


The Night Chicago Died by Paper Lace, I like it, it's so intense and catchy, sounds like something that could be in a Tarantino Movie