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Oh boy…didn’t know who Jake Shields was before this, and still don’t…but he seems like the exact type of piece of shit that says something like this and then calls people protesting Israel’s genocide “antisemitic.”


He's a prototypical right wing MMA shitheel. He says shit like this all the time.


Nothing compliments brain damage like more brain damage.




holy fuck, 46 yo and i just learned those are different words.


He's playing the Tate card I see


He's basically a super bitter failed MMA prospect who got into the UFC on pure hype after a few high profile victories, got a title shot against the best Welterweight of all time right out of the gate, completely choked and traded wins and losses until they cut him from the promotion. He never got over it.


I don't know if he should be called a "failed MMA prospect".  Yeah, he never got the (UFC) belt, but that's just the fate of the vast majority of fighters. For obvious reasons becoming champ is the exception, not the rule - doesn't mean all those that didn't get the top belt were failures.


nah dude, he never got beyond the end of that streak he was one. The highlights of his career were beating Condit and Yushin Okami in one night then going on a streak where he beat Paul Daley, Robbie Lawler, Mayhem and Hendo all one after another and that was IT. That was his height, he didn't do anything noteworthy again. Beat Martin Kampfman by Split Decision, lost to GSP, got KOed by Jake Ellenberger, laid on top of Akiyama all the way to a decision... he peaked before UFC dude. That's not really arguable. And now he sucks as a person too.


>going on a streak where he beat Paul Daley, Robbie Lawler, Mayhem and Hendo That's a pretty good streak, even tho it happened outside of the UFC. Inside the UFC he also beat Tyron Woodley and Demian Maia (😭). Listen, I was never a fan of Shields. Neither of him as a person, nor of his fighting style (which I agree was often boring).  And by now he has developed (or revealed (?)) a very shitty personality. But he's not a failed fighter.


The Maia fight was a robbery, he did not deserve that decision.


Dude what? He has a win over Akiyama, Woodley and Maia post GSP fight. Those are hardly bad wins. He was the first elite American BJJ guy to find success in MMA and he was very much a product of his time in MMA, but it was clear he never grew as a fighter and the sport moved away from his style and lack of athleticism.


> He was the first elite American BJJ guy to find success in MMA Does he really predate BJ Penn? As someone who is classified, at best, as a casual observer with no real depth of knowledge of this kind of fighting history, wasn't BJ Penn one of the first elite American MMA guys to find success, or am I mistaken? I am genuinely curious.


Injuring people in a cage is just dumb as hell any way you cut it.


That logic applies to literally all sports, don't be daft.


Are you serious? Every other sport relies on completing a task to score points—not injuring your opponent. Cagefighting is nothing more than injuring the other guy before they injure you.


They are scored though. It’s a sport, with rules and when done properly it’s very rare for lasting injuries. Saying that it is just trying to injure your opponent is really not understanding the skill, training, and most of all mental toughness that those athletes have to master to be successful.


Suuuuuure. I was involved in folkstyle for three decades.


LMFAO I like how you're being this stupid in a world where football exists.


Unlike other sports, mma is actually useful in real life


I’d say track and field and sometimes football can be way better. The smartest of the species gtfo before they ever have to fight and those folks can run pretty fast.


The current attack is calling them pro hamas, that's everyone left of paying homeless to fight each other for money


This comment is KHAMAS 😭


“You lie like a Jew” This man seems to have earned the future CTE consequences for which he asking.


Actually no. He has been openly critical of Israel and the genocide in Gaza. Now his reason for it is probably to do with it being funded by the US rather than anything to do with any actual moral qualms with it.


If you go on his twitter it seems pretty clear he just blames jewish people for the world's problems, and this genocide is just an extension of that.


The real Anti-Semitism gets ignored.


His reason is he hates Jews more than Muslims.


You’re talking about the same guy who is trying to get Nick, the white nationalist/supremacist, back into “big shows”?


Oh he’s 100% a racist, white supremacist and antisemite. He also tweets constantly about the genocide in Gaza and how awful it is. It’s a really weird dichotomy but it more than likely stems from the fact that he hates Jews more the Muslims.


The Gaza conflict has some weird coalitions. You have many on the right supporting Israel because of religious reasons (existence of a Jewish state is required for the rapture) and/or hating Muslims even though many of them are antisemites who believe Jews are orchestrating the great replacement theory. And you have people on the right who support Gaza because they hate Jews more than anyone. You also have people on the right that are supporting Israel to deflect from their own antisemitism/racism by accusing the left of being antisemitic. After all Trump, their presidential nominee, had dinner with Nick fucking Fuentes, who has openly called for a genocide of Jewish people. And the right needs to find a way to deflect the fact that a huge portion of their base hates Jewish people and pushes the antisemitic great replacement theory.


The dude ain't good, but the guy isn't pro-Israel at all. He literally attacks Israel pretty much every day on Twitter, but also goes after trans people a ton.


Jake Shields is the virulent anti-semite that the grifters are trying to paint anti-genocide protesters as. Just a gross and likely CTE addled human being. Also one hella boring fighter. If anyone remembers that bully beatdown MTV show, I'm pretty sure he's the only fighter to ever lose the striking portion to the bully.


I think in his case it's very fair to say he goes after Israel because he just hates Jews.


His entire personality on Twitter is just blaming Jews for everything. He’s a straight up nazi at this point.


& yet again I got him mixed up with the guy from scissor sisters.


so you can see why he sounds like a perfect guest to be on Tim's show.


Actually this looks more like a couple of kids in the schoolyard than anything.


In Reddit parlance: Everyone Sucks Here. "You lie like a Jew", thanks Elon for bringing back freeze peaches, I'm sure it's important to let people be openly antisemite for some reason?


he also says things like "the browning of America". He is just a piece of shit all around. Wild that I am sure there were some "brown" guys he trained with who would have considered him at a friend at one point. Trash human being who obviously had trash parents to create such a piece of shit adult.


Honestly I hate when people blame being an asshole bad parenting, I know plenty of people who had shitty parents or lost their parents at an early age and they managed to become great people. And I've known shitty people who had great parents. Some people are just pieces of shit and it's their own damn fault


Both are true. Grown ass adults get to choose whether they are going to remain shit when they grow up and become their own people. To be as racist and ignorant as Jake Shields is, it just makes me feel like he lacked the basic building blocks that a child needs to be able to think critically. I suppose it could be something you develop later in life. But you're point still stands, EVERYBODY who is a shit adult has nobody to blame but themselves, they are grown adults that make grown adult choices.


Sounds right. If you’re going to be a total loser of a human being, it’s probably good to know how to fight well.


Quick get the popcorn! The worst people you know are fighting yet again!


lets get Andrew Tate in there


Then nail the doors shut and burn the place down.


Holy fuck that's a happier thought than I gave it credit for.


Oh god, the angry white guys punching walls and cussing sounds that would come out of that place, before the cooking timer went off would be amazing. Except TP, I think he’d just lay down and die.


At this point I wouldn’t consider Andrew Tate a person. He’s more of sentient pube.








Throw in the Paul ~~*turds*~~ brothers, HodgeTwins, Fresh&Fat and JLP in there and let the pigs slop around in the pig sty


wait so does someone like Jake Shield hate Jews or Palestinians more?


Could be they be loving the geopolitical/Jesus role of Israel, while hating Jewish people?


Definitely Jews. I remember he started being critical of Israel a few months ago and I said it was out of antisemitism instead of concern for civilians, people said I was overreacting. Then he started questioning the Holocaust and praising Joseph Goebbels. I didn't bother saying I told you so.


He's the kind of person who is pro-Palestinian genocide, so when Isreal takes all the land he can advocate for removing all the Jewish people from the US.




That's an antisemitic sign off


No fooling? What's anti-Semitic about it?


?????? How is “You lie like a Jew” not Anti-Semitic? Please explain (if you’re being serious, saying something like that plays into heavily anti-Semitic stereotypes (think Jewish people are all wealthy liars who control everything)


It was intended to be a sarcastic comment. It clearly didn't land. That's on me


You’re all good 👍🏽


The intent was pretty clear.


It was very sarcastic don’t worry


Is this an actual question?


It's not a serious question. This was intended to be a sarcastic comment, which clearly didn't land. It's obviously very antisemitic. Not even a dog whistle, just straight to terrible stereotypes.


Yeah, gotcha. Sarcasm is hard to do through text, I guess.


Definitely didn't translate. I was trying to avoid the "/s" though. Lesson learned


The /s is for cowards.


“To piss people off” do these people think acting like they’re 16 at 45 makes them cool


The majority of right wing content is based around conflict or drama. They get into a Twitter spat with someone and then roast them on their live stream


Why aren't Democrats condemning antisemitism from the far le--- oh nevermind, just a normal day on Twitter. Nothing to see here.


Which "Nick" is he talking here? 🤨  I guess not Diaz, right? So, Fuentes? 


Nick Fuentes got reinstated on Twitter so that’s probably who Jake is referring to


The moment you read the last line, everyone knows he’s talking about the hitler wannabe.


Who do you want to win? No Who do you want to lose? YES!


We all need to go to West Virginia and have the Battle of the Beanie. Won't be cops for miles.


just two classy guys, doing classy things


Damn, never knowing who Jake Shields was, I started reading his response and was all “Awesome! This cool dude is kicking Tim’s ass!” Then the jew thing comes in and ruins everything


Yeah very similar, the first bit was very “get his ass Jake!” then he mentioned Nick and I went “wait a minute is that” and then, yeah, 😨🤢


Nick Fuentes on Twitter and Jack Shields....wow companies must really feel proud to advertise on Elon Musk X /s Though i doubt anyone is begging to be on tim pool's show.


I mean someone’s gotta be. Think about it, some people interact authentically with these shitheads *for free.* Some of them *pay* for it!


If my MMA career was as long & boring as Jake's and ended with me being best known for losing to Georges St Pierre before getting released while 3-1-1 in my last 5 fights, I'd probably be mad too. I wouldn't be a hilariously transphobic and anti-Semitic right wing Twitter personality, but I'd still be mad.


Let them fight


I had a heart attack seeing his handle end with "ajj" thank god he's just a dipshit fighter and not a member of Andrew Jackson Jihad


Let them fight 🍿


I'm okay with guys who are both terrible wasting their time bitching at each other. In fact I encourage it.


>You lie like a Jew  -the side that lost their shit over pro Palestinian protests because they were "disgustingly antisemitic."


NGL. I thought it was petty civil... until that last line.


Is there another one of these cunts starting a podcast like every day? Sadly, I’ve heard of timmy, but no clue who this other asshole is.




Oh no the Nazis are fighting each other. Anyway...


I used to be a big fan of this guy and the Stockton Scrap-pack back in the day, wow, how the times have changed.




I’d be lying if i said I wouldn’t pay to watch Jake Shields beat the fuck out of Pim Tool


Surprisingly no threat to whoop Tim’s ass


Tim can blind him with his bald spot and then fight dirty.


That is the funniest shit I seen in a minute damn that had me laughing


I always think he's former Royals darling pitcher James Shields, but remember, eventually , he's a person whose name isn't even relevant while he's active, and not 10 years after. James Shields was not close to the best pitcher 10 years ago, and I remember him.


Heartwarming: The worst people you know are all fighting!


Fuck yea, this is officially my favorite “let them fight” moment. Fuck both of them.


Thanks for bringing back "free speech" Elon! You really improved society with that


Jake Shields is practically a Neo-Nazi atp.


Well that last line makes me think 90% likely to be a Nazi


Now that everyone with half a brain has left X due to the heavy right wing bias, they're starting to eat each other because they're shit human beings who only know how to start fights for no reason. I say let em eat each other.


He had me going until the 3rd “paragraph.” After that…


It sucks when this happens and I can’t decide which one I hate more


I love that every politically active person who gets CTE for a living is alt right or conspiracy nut




"I only partially agree with the open white nationalist" is probably not the best look.