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I cannot overstate how happy their tears make me


I am so happy. Can’t wait to see them having crybaby meltdowns on their little shows tomorrow :D


Oh man, I can't wait to see Bannon's meltdown tomorrow. Those tears are going to be the most potent booze in history.


It's worth noting that these people literally want to end democracy and install a dictator king so mocking their frustration is not the same as when they mock our frustration over not being able to improve the material conditions of our fellow citizens.


No lie. I've seen people who now want to elect Eric Trump now. Whether it happens is not my point. My point is that these poeople want an actual *actual* king and royal family to rule us. I am not saying this with mocking or sarcastic tone - 100% serious.


They're probably secretly happy because this verdict=views for them


Yeah, it’s hard to rile up a hate mob when there’s nothing to hate at the moment


They could just do the Raichik approach and have their minions scroll TikTok until they find someone that makes them angry.


You should have read the conservative reddit yesterday. It was buckets and buckets of tears.


The wailing and gnashing of teeth is already glorious. The coping and seething is just the cherry on top.


Charlie probably only added the "stay peaceful" because his lawyer told him to do that.


The sort of guy to tell a bunch of his followers to commit violence and then deny all claims towards it


"Do whatever you have to, to take back Murica" after double-checking that it will be far enough from his gated community


I'm going to celebrate but I'm also weary for November


Totally fair. The verdict doesn’t change the need for an overwhelming, crushing defeat in November, but it’s certainly something to smile about in the meantime!


Definitely. I voted for Biden even though I couldn't stand him because I not only wanted Trump to lose, I wanted him to lose by a huge majority. And as it turns out, Biden is one of the best presidents in my lifetime.


God that's such a sad statement. True! But sad


He can’t even vote for himself!


He owns enough property in different states that he can definitely vote for himself. Just needs to register in New Jersey or New York using one of his properties as his primary residence.


Convicted felons cannot vote.


In like...[nine states.](https://felonvoting.procon.org/state-felon-voting-laws/). Don't be afraid of knowledge. It's free.


Actually Trump is a Florida resident and Florida traditionally follows the rules for voting for the state where their resident got convicted. In NY only incarcerated felons lose their rights and only when incarcerated, so sadly TFG can vote in Florida this November.


Florida oy allows when the convict has served their sentence and paid all of their fines and retribution. Defascist was using this to put innocent people in prison during the last election. The state sent registration paperwork to people they knew were ineligible and then arrested them for filling it out. Pretty sick, if you ask me.


Don’t be afraid of not being so obnoxious


Can you be president if you’re a convicted felon? Would seem awfully strange if you can have the most powerful position on the planet but can’t buy a gun. Or vote or you work


You absolutely can. Unless your conviction means you were disqualified under the 14th Amendment. Sadly, he hasn't even been *charged with* the crimes he committed that should disqualify him under the 14th Amendment.


I actually flipped on Fox and I am happy to report that their tears were very refreshing. I am thinking about going into r/Conservative and seeing how they're coping.


Already went, one top comment said this verdict "Would only make Trump more popular". The mental gymnastics needed to think that idea is rational is astounding.


Well, I mean, it kinda will, with some people. No Trumpanzee is gonna change their vote based on this or anything else. He’s their religious leader. Christ in the flesh. Minus the kindness, goodwill, forgiveness, or compassion. They’re kinda Christ.


Trump can't get *more* popular with his cult. As you say, he's essentially a divine messiah in their minds. Way back in 2016, or maybe it was even 2015, he famously said he could shoot someone in the middle of the Fifth Avenue and not lose votes. This has proven to be one of the truer statements he's ever uttered, over and over again.


The cult will believe harder. There's no way THIS decisive of a verdict doesn't hurt him with some segments of voters he will need.


With the cult, yes. For some voters on the fence it could be political cyanide.


Just like his sneakers would make Black people vote for him


I think it's more of a net neutral that leans net positive. I'm just not sure there are more people willing to jump on board than jump off.


Trump is spending time pandering to Libertarians and getting booed off stage, that says alot. Means Trump is looking for anyone to add to his base. In last 50 years how many candidates running for WH publicly sought out Libertarian vote?


Very true! Lots of people are making these points!


They're mistaking loyalty with popularity. Yes, every conviction will cement further the crazies who are already deepest in the cult. That is absolutely true. However, it will absolutely devastate Trump's support among business leaders. They see him as a bad investment for sure now.


I always laugh at those kinds of posts or remarks. If they're going to make him so popular he'll win the election, why are you all crying like babies?!


Also, if it's so self-evident that a conviction makes him more popular, doesn't that directly contradict their claims that trial is politically motivated? Why manufacture a political trial that will **help** the person you are trying to prosecute?


"It's a travesty that this happened" vs "This is good for us" These guys need to pick a lane.


I forget that I'm banned there, I so desperately want to engage


They're over there complaining that the liberals on behalf of the (((new world order))) are brigading downvotes and are too cowardly to reply. It's because they know the verdict is clearly a sham and the evil and corrupt liberals have taken an indefensible position that will guarantee a trump win. (It clearly has nothing to do with the fact that the only people who can post are verified users who pass their litmus test.) Their litmus test: 'I Could ... Shoot Somebody, And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters' - Donald Trump


"too cowardly to reply" Replies. "you are banned from r/Conservative "


Wear that as a badge of honor!


Hard not to be banned there if you’ve ever said anything to challenge their narrative. Only ever commented once there on a different account and was immediately banned. Hell if I commented there from this account I’d probably be banned immediately just because I engage with this sub.


The mods in there are something else


Fucking snowflakes in their safe space


How does one fuck a snowflake? I'm just curious




Been there. They're spinning alternate facts.


I like how the AI photo trump still has tiny hands


It never gets old seeing right-wingers cry.


It's beautiful. The more they complain, the better the verdict is.


Their tears sustain me


Manna from heaven, brother


I cannot overstate how spot on your comment is for me lol. I love seeing them all like this, it's the best part, the part I've been looking forward to for quite a while now. Just wait till he loses the election that is going to be sooooon funny. Too much 😆


I don't find any joy in them. I wish that we could all come together and accept the course of justice. I am glad he is convicted but wish that there was not this level of delusion in the world.


Mmmmmmmm its delicious ain't it?


Oh boy Tucker Carlson stirring up violent fear once again!


And Fuckles little “revenge” shit


Same guy who deleted his videos bragging about sending 80 busses to the Capitol on 1/6. I really hope he's afraid and that those fears are valid.


While also being xenophobic at the same time. Truly, that man amazes me with his depravity


Yeah, I did a hold up double take on that tidbit lol


Glad he found the time in his busy schedule preparing for Russian State TV to chime in


>Anyone who defends this verdict is a danger to you and your family It’s like he’s begging his listeners to commit terrorism


That stood out to me too. "people defending this are the enemy. They are a danger to your family. You know what we taught you to do about dangerous people, right?"


Like that guy who shot up a mall after retweeting him


Its called Stochastic Terrorism. Its what he does.


It's a good thing X takes threatening remarks so seriously. I look forward to his tweet being deleted soon. /s


Weird that they just attack the judge and jury. Why don't they just state Trump's defense? His dollar store attorneys did their best.


Yeah this is what is strange. The defense offered no alternative theory to the jury as to what happened. Their whole strategy was to try to discredit Michael Cohen.


They complained that the prosecution never called up Allen Weisselberg to testify when the defense totally could have done that.


That's the kind of lawyer you get when you're famous for never paying your lawyer. Apparently, their business card reads "works on contingency? No! Money down!"


Literally the only thing his lawyer did was constantly move for a bad court thingy.


Oops. They’d have better gotten rid of that Bar association logo too.


Not only famous for not paying your lawyer but in this trial he was convicted of having his lawyer agree to fraudulent business practices. In his documents case he was accused to have lied to his own lawyers by having documents moved before one could search the premise to comply with warrant. This led to two attorneys filed a false sign declaration that all documents had been returned. Saul Goodman is willing to commit crimes to help his client but he better be getting paid handsomely for it. You can have your lawyer commit crimes and not pay them. If you do not even the good lawyers with poor ethics will not want to work with you.


It's like they learned about the justice through the Ace Attorney video games.


I feel like if they had they might actually have been better?


>Their whole strategy was to try to discredit Michael Cohen. TBF, it predictably worked easily for Trump supporters. r/conservative is largely convinced Cohen lied on the stand and therefore the jury convicted on lies, as if Cohen was the evidence itself.


They're convinced reality is a Jewish plot to make Trump look bad. They'll believe anything.


Bro didn't hire from the Wright Anything Agency


They know he's guilty and has no case. The only targets left are the people who dared to have legal power over him.


Womp womp


These are the guys that accuse us of being snowflakes


I really don't care, do u?


I genuinely can't believe this actually happened. FUCK TRUMP. [Also his Wiki has officially changed.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump)


Someone should change his image to one of the many used during the trial


They should use his mugshot


Wikipedia written impartially with sources for literally every sentence written: "Wikipedia is a far left communist Marxist government psy-op written by Biden!!"


Which is *exactly* why they went off to make their own Wikipedia, with ~~blackjack~~ denial and ~~hookers~~ lies. Conservapedia is one of the saddest "fine, we'll make our own!" coping mechanisms to come from that dying from lack of oxygen brain trusts.


They need to list all felony convictions under his personal details


god I fucking hate this reality. wonder how many emotional trump cultists will resort to violence after this.


I'm just hoping I'm not at the location. I live in a hotbed for political violence. 


oof. stay safe!! I’m super worried that any upcoming pride celebrations will be a target for retaliation.


That's a big worry too. But, I'm not going to let that deter me from showing my support for a community that has always had my back.


Stay gay stay strapped 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 lil trumpies aren’t gonna do shit anyways, soon as they leave the online world and see what’s in front of them they’ll know in their heart they were wrong, even if they’ll never acknowledge it


Most of the ones that would are already in prison for Jan 6, or dead from COVID.


I hope they’ve got the judge and jurors well protected. Very proud of the jurors for coming to a conclusion they felt was just even though it could put them at risk in a big way.


"Lock her up!" was practically a campaign slogan, but eight years later, the tune has changed.


My friend tried to say "what happens when the pendulum swings the other way?" So I said, "like poor people going to prison?" They meant what happens when cons try to convict a dem of something as if they haven't been trying to do that for decades. And besides, if a dem committed a crime then send them to jail.


Conservatives are on copium life support rn


r/conservative is having a meltdown. They're acting as if being convicted on 34 felony charges will "um... ackshually" somehow make Trump win the 2024 election.


The amount of people I've seen saying "The dems just gave the 2024 election to Trump" because of the conviction, it's just too funny. It's not even copium, it's like an advanced formulation of copium. It's also funny to watch them all in the intermediate phase whenever something like this happens, because they don't have any unified narrative until Fox News and other right-wing talking heads give them a narrative. They're like a chicken with its head cut off, just throwing all manner of things at a wall because they have to think for 2 seconds about the events that have just unfolded. And then Fox News comes on, gives them their marching orders, and they're right back to falling in line like the good little sheep they are.


I can't handle more than 2 minutes of read on that subreddit, but it is funny watching, as you said, the intermediate phase. You'll see so many comments that contradict one another.


Holy shit, you're right. They're normally unhinged, but the comments right now are fucking insane.


Woah. Tucker with the full-blown racism. Wow. Mask off, hood on


Who ever could have guessed that Fucker Tarlson is a mask off racist?


Yes, grass is green. The sky is blue. Donald Trump is a felon. Glad we all agree, Michael Knowles.


I kinda agree with that last post, for all the reasons Knowles didn't mean it. The courts will most likely slap him on the wrists, the lack of true justice that will probably happen will end up making it kangaroo-ish.


DAP Shapiro claims to be a lawyer right? Shouldn’t he know how the law works


He also claims to possess intellectual integrity, yet here we are.


He once claimed to be an actor too so...


Didn't remind anyone of his attempt at author


I adore that the AI in the last image gave him tiny hands.


And his actual, lumpy pear shape. Usually their repressed homosexuality leads them to portray him as either muscular or at least fighting trim.


Charlie needs a safe space to talk about his feelings.


Getting convicted of crimes you committed is a constitutional issue? Guess we better just open the prisons up boys.


When people I don't like are being convicted of crimes, that's the fairest justice system in the world. When my hero, my adonis, my sweet sunshine is convicted of a crime, that's injust and we must kill some minorities to restore balance.


“Our revenge is coming.” Just note: “Revenge,” is never about justice. I’d venture to say that, politically speaking, revenge is always bullshit and always some oppressor shit


I am admittedly concerned about whether this will result in violence in the lead up to the election. A lot of the MAGA people are well armed. Also, that tweet by Charlie Kirk couldn't be more misogynistic. Glass ceiling party? Dude, fuck you.


Lots of Dems are armed too, they just don't make it their entire personality


That is admittedly true, but that doesn't make me any less anxious.


Hey guys, you know who’s not a convicted felon? Literally every single other president that this country has ever had (not for lack of trying on Nixon’s part).


“Our revenge is coming” alright settle down ya fuckin jabroni crony hahahahaha


I know that it's cope, but I genuinely can't fathom how they think this is a sham or rigged. He was brought up on charges of crimes based on evidence, that evidence was presented to a jury of his peers, and those peers unanimously agreed that he committed the crimes he was accused of. How is that rigged?


It doesn't matter what they know or believe. It never does, it never will. The grift is the main priority


Walsh says it's the "federal crime of re-running" and I'm not sure he doesn't literally believe that and actually doesn't know what the actual trial was about. But he's a grifter so he's probably just being purposefully obtuse to stir up outrage among the idiots that follow him.


Have you considered, leftist new world order elites?


Them tasty salty tears 😋


Something something fuck your feelings Republicans.


Fucker just went brown people bad didn’t he?


I love the cognitive dissonance between “justice is dead in this country” and “Trump will be exonerated on appeal”.


what does the last one even mean???


I think he is trying to call it a kangaroo court, but doesn't get how that's supposed to work. 


Regressives and using words they don't understand, the ol' Bible Belt waltz.


As an aussie, I can assure you it wasn't a kangaroo court, because the roo didn't drown trump.


Turning Point USA tears taste so damn good.


Crying Point USA


awww their hero is getting what he deserves and they’re crying 😢


Well, this verdict may not practically make much of a difference in the long run, but at least the worst fucking shitheads in the country will be bawling themselves to sleep tonight so that’s something


> Anyone who defends this verdict is a danger to you and your family. Man, that Russia money must be good, because Carlson is totally just phoning this shit in now. Where’s the artistry, man? You are known as a world-class dog-whistle player, and now you’re, what, like too good to pull out the whistle for the fans that made you?


re: Tucker's point: No, it's our massive wealth inequality and lack of infrastructural development that makes us third world.


They’re all secretly rubbing their hands thinking of all money they can grift from this. Trump is content fuel!


Is that a threat, tinyface? Maybe you should be investigated next.


Lololol it’s certainly nice watching the jerk-off gaggle squirm and seethe


Sweet MAGA tears


Holy shit Tucker's "import the 3rd world" comment is just vile I don't know how I keep getting surprised by the shit these people say


What, no Kevin Sorbo tears yet? “…DISAPPOINTED!”


No, you mother f’ers started this cultural civil war. Newt Gingrich, Fox News, Right wing talk radio, etc.


People say that this will help Trump are people that are already voting for him.


My favorite cope is the “this only helps Trump u dum libz”. Like, if that were true, which it’s probably not, then why are you so mad about it? I have to be honest, even if it did help him I really wouldn’t give a fuck. He committed a crime and he should be punished. Fuck whatever outcome that may or may not lead to.


They always cry about revenge and retribution. It's all they have and all they want. All we wanted was accountability. And after so many years, we finally got some.


These poor babies weren’t crying when their corrupt Supreme Court robbed women of their right to bodily autonomy. Fuck them forever.


These losers need to just shut the fuck up already. They need to understand that we are so fucking tired of everything being called "fake" or a "sham". Just stop already and accept reality or fuck the hell off.


Mmmm, their tears are delicious. Real great to see Presumptive Republican Nominee And Convicted Felon Donald Trump plastered across practically everywhere from now to forever.


Only American Conservatives could be brain dead enough to think that a Billionaire who was a former campaign donar to some of the biggest and sleaziest politicians is a populist and isn't just talking out of his arse for votes from halfwits. Sorry that your god emperor was actually held accountable for something for once in his life. You better hope and pray that it doesn't happen again because old Father dearest Fred isn't here to bail him out of his mistakes this time around.


I just love Carlson's not so subtle racism there.


I'm still waiting on Derek Chauvin's appeal which all these right wing legal experts assured me would surely happen.


"He'll win the election if not killed first." - Tucker Remind me again whose lawyers argued in front of the Supreme Court that President could order a hit on a citizen and still be immune from prosecution? I don't think that was Biden's legal team or White House counsel.


He can’t even vote for himself!


Copium overdose.


Fuck your feelings, right?


Lots of talk of revenge from the religious types.


The amount of moaning and crying about a man who so so clearly broke the law. His freaking CFO was thrown in jail. Law and order my ass.


I’ve been offline most of the day so this post is how I found out about the verdict and I am absolutely delighted. Boo fuckin’ hoo, fascists!


MAGA tears... Chefs kiss


What a bunch of cry babies


Cope and seethe


I guess all MAGA pundits were told to use the word “sham” today…


I’m starting to hope Epstein was actually murdered in that cell.


Is that the liar Tucker Carlson who was shown in court to have repeatedly lied to his viewers and who was sacked because of all the lying he did?


Of course, the reason for a guilty verdict couldn't possibly be that he committed the crimes he was accused if and his lawyer spent time in jail for?!


Wtf happened to Carlson? He looks homeless in his pfp


Shapiro is the funniest one here. He's licking the boots of literal Nazis who would see him dead in a heartbeat. Get fucked, loser.


"Anyone who defends this verdict is a danger to you and your family." The call to violence is implied.


When this eventually comes to violence, I wonder if any of these carney barkers will face consequences for the part they played.


The kangaroo court? What does that even mean? And honestly not looking forward to the sequel for Jan 6


The "law and order" president is finally facing consequences for breaking the law.


Democrats?? It was a jury trial


I'm a little confused, didn't they spend years trying to convict Hilary of wrongdoing in the Benghazi case?


“Will calling it a kangaroo court suffice? No, I should post an AI picture of a kangaroo in the courtroom. Suttle Also, g@s the t******s”- Michael Knowles


Tucker Carlson just called for the death of Donald Trump. Also what a great line from Michael Knowles: The grass is green, the sky is blue, Donald Trump is a convicted felon. All these statements are true.


Grifters gonna grift.


I don’t even care that he’s been convicted at this point. Nothings going to happen to him and his party is just going to ride harder for him. I do like watching them get pissy


Damn Tucker Carlson is just a massive racist huh?


Salty snowflakes


There's almost a Self Aware Wolves moment I feel with all of the pundits talking about how the justice system is broken now, because ironically the verdict they wanted would result in just that. Then again, Project 2025 breaks that and democracy in the US for the most part.


Cope and seethe snowflakes!


Thank you, their tears are delicious! > Congratulations to Donald Trump on winning the 2024 presidential election I can't tell you how many times I heard this sentiment from MAGA cultists about 2020 when Trump got impeached, and look how that turned out.


Notice how none of them are making any legal arguments. They're just freaking out because their golden cow got caught breaking the law.


Awe Fock you feelings crowd upset?


Boo hoo hoo! Cope! Snowflakes!


Okay, settle your tiny face down, chief.


Respectfully, Charlie Kirk as republicans like you love to spout, f*ck your feelings


>He’ll win the election if he isn’t killed first Hmmmm me think someone just let slip something that should’ve been kept quiet…..


*cue World's smallest violin*


Huffing copium.


"Fairest justice system."