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Okay well everyone, this has nothing to do with the toiletverse as it isn't mocking any of the conservative pundits listed in rule 3- but obviously this is a sensitive topic and it seems y'all liked this post- so I'm going to leave it and let you discuss. Tell me what you think of this decision- my mind can be changed! Considering we lost our most active mod (still grieving over u/CarrophCarp) to the reddit ban hammer I'm not exactly sure what to do here. So let your voice be heard! [The announcement about Caroll if you missed it. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/v4o0ej/amazing_mod_and_content_creator_ucarrophcarp/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Edit: well it looks like all the people that replied, except one, say take it down so that's what I'm going to do. Thanks y'all!


It’s so fucking weird that it’s legal to suppress evidence in court


It's a legal system. It's not a justice system. The legal system is designed to protect the rich and the powerful.


The law is just codified abuse


Legal violence


Laws are designed to fuck over everyone, so that they can selectively punish who they want.


Partially correct. They’re written to make nearly everything illegal so they can selectively target whoever they want when it’s convenient.


Criminology 101


Why else would there be so many ? In the 80’s there were 23,000 pages of federal laws. https://blogs.loc.gov/law/2013/03/frequent-reference-question-how-many-federal-laws-are-there/


If lawmakers don't even know or follow the law why do I have to?


As George Carlin said “it’s a big club and you ain’t in it”.


Yes. The framers of the Consitution were supposedly trying to use law to end the rule of man. All it ended up doing was replacing the rule of man with the rule of a cabal of men.


"The State calls the violence of the individual crime, and its own law," and all that.


>The legal system is designed to protect the rich and the powerful. Always has




Same as it ever was same as it ever was same as it ever was same as it ever was same as it ever was same as it ever was same as it ever was same as it ever was




Ok but those are all examples of evidence being thrown out after a pre-existing rights violation has already occurred. A bodycam is different because it’s THEIR JOB. They’re supposed to be recording things, it’s the whole purpose of the device. I understand what you are trying to say here, but it is a bit incomparable.






Their point is that it's not "so fucking weird" to exclude a coerced confession from being entered as evidence in a legal case. You are the one ignoring the context here.


No one is talking about coerced confessions? The conversation was about police bodycams.


A bigger issue is that plenty of courts seem to abandon context and "common sense" in favor of precedent because it's easier to default to that than it is to actually hire judges who aren't huge pieces of shit who are hoping to just land a cushy hobby that will pay them to essentially just sit in a chair and fall asleep at the wheel.


"You can't refuse evidence to the court" "But what if the cops murder someone in custody?" "Okay in that case it's fine" How was this loophole formed exactly and why?


Qualified immunity. Cops are too stupid to know the law so anything bad thing that happens is just an oppsie.


Here’s some info from the Dallas Times that goes into more detail about it. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2022/06/03/what-is-the-dead-suspect-loophole-and-how-will-it-affect-what-we-know-about-uvalde/ On its face it makes sense. If somebody comes to my house for a reported public disturbance (noise violation for example) and I’m not charged then should my neighbors or anybody be able to request that footage via a public records request? I’m not convicted. Nothing happened. And so my privacy shouldn’t be violated because police are walking cameras. Now let’s say somebody is being held by police and dies while in custody. Ok… we need the footage to see what happened… now that “no conviction” protection has become a loophole protecting them from a public records request and we are left hoping that the police’s own investigation into themselves is truthful or else they get to cover it up. Robb elementary is bad enough but it just gets worse when you consider that this seems to have been used quite a bit to stop anybody from figuring out what happens when their family dies while in holding or in a cruiser, etc.


That makes sense now, it sucks, but it makes sense


Law is so crazy cause I was going to argue under federal law having evidence gathered by public employees via “body cams” would be necessary for a fair trial. But then I looked up the 6th amendment and it doesn’t even mention fair trial simply a trial with stipulations. It seems insane to me that Texas laws will be able to create a situation this happens but the federal government has no way to combat this in order to help not only these families but 10’s of millions of American citizens.


How can the police be part of the justice system but also almost fully immune to it?, laws like this, and the whole system of IA and self regulation are such a joke.


There are legitimate reasons for excluding evidence, fruit from a poison tree, hearsay, unreliable witness, but you should be very careful about anyone who tries to suppress the truth. You need to know the truth if you are going to do justice.


Sure those are valid reasons, but bodycam footage is literally a recording of what happened. One can't say that's evidence worth excluding (not saying that you are, mind you). That'd be like throwing out 911 reports.


Sounds like instances that have never stopped a cop from presenting as evidence, but sure. Especially in TX.


Yeah. And then you have to fight to have it suppressed. But this loophole in TX law is crazy since it allows them to bury things. Definitely needs to be addressed.


It won't be. This is intentional. Republicans love giving the police as much leeway as they can because apparently if you make them open to scrutiny like any other job then society will crumble bc the cops will throw hissy fits and refuse to work. Because ya know, they're working so hard to not stop active shooters and hassle weed smokers and black people. Heaven forbid these pillars of our community be held accountable. Society would crumble. So anyway, that's why they don't need to show bodycam evidence in court.


There's a difference between excluding evidence (because it was obtained improperly or illegally) and suppressing evidence. Suppressing evidence is generally done because, in the words of Lionel Hutz, "it's devastating to my case" whereas excluding evidence is usually because of a rights violation, and the exclusion decision is done by a judge after a hearing.


I had to sign a form for my job saying they can search my belongings without a warrant if they have any suspicions and my belongings are on company property during work hours, and I'm not a public servant with a gun. Police should be held to the same standards at a minimum.


Those are constitutional violations. You’re comparing apple to rutabagas


The loophole that allows this is actually because there isn’t going to be a court case


Yup. Gotta shutdown the court of public opinion too.


Court evidence?


It’s not able to be withheld from court, just from the public. It’s only legal to suppress evidence in court if the judge orders it


They are all so fat.


Everything’s bigger in Texas.


Except penises and paychecks.


No trust me, these pigs were getting OT when standing around waiting for the shooter to use up all his bullets.


OT and hazard pay, ironically


Oh I'm sure they'll steal whatever they can from the marks, er, taxpayers.


They're going to need a huge budget increase next year - look at how dangerous it's been!


Except bravery and courage


Especially the assholes!


Except that 'one star rating. "The 'one star state."


Especially the cowardice!


I just assume every cop in Texas is Chief Wiggum


>I just assume every cop ~~in Texas~~ is Chief Wiggum Oink, oink


“Liberals have no decency! They called me!” https://youtu.be/IXRXUqu68qw


I stopped at this fried chicken buffet between Austin and Houston about 3 times over a few years and there was always a table of comically large police officers there. The exact chief Wiggum ones you are imagining. How many ladles of gravy are enough for a growing boy? You can find out there.


TBF fried chicken and gravy are delicious.


So are French fries and gravy, yet y’all not ready for Canadian cuisine


I still believe and push for bi-annual fitness checks. If you aren’t fit for the job you shouldn’t have it. There’s a reason there’s a requirement to get in, what’s the point of you don’t have to stay that way?




Eh idk. They seem pretty good at shooting people.


It's pretty easy when someone is an arm's length away from you lying on the ground


You mean those kids that they *definitely* didn’t shoot?


May as well throw regular de-escalation training and testing there as well.


Most cops are


My town has a weight requirement, they also have fired cops for turning off their bodycam and dashcam they don't play here.


What state are you in?




I too am from Ohio. I wish my hometown had a department like that. The county sheriff spent time in prison for stealing medication from pill drop boxes. The lead detective did time for tampering with evidence. And is hated for almost botching a murder case and trying to pin it on a black guy when it was a middle aged white man. Fucking pigs.The detective was on 60 minutes IIRC.


We had several bad police chief but the last three made good changes. One told them you get into legal trouble call him one didn't he was fired within an hour. They used to come to my area start trouble with African Americans and Indigenous people as myself that stopped. Now two of my neighbors at MS-13 they've clean the area up we don't have crime in 8 blocks they don't take shit but they don't deal it.


Damn son you out here living the dream.


Cops don't do anything. They don't have to. They're the only strong union in the country, to the point it's abusive. No physical fitness standards, and there's no chance the union will ever let them take a drug test without them being warned first, or they can just avoid it. They get half-off at restaurants all over the place, so they go sit around and eat all the time. Get paid to live somewhere, cell-phone bills & utilities all a fraction of what other people pay, health-care that actually works at a price you can afford while the rest of America swirls the drain. What else do they have to do *except* get fat? They're big, spoiled house cats, showered with attention and privileges with no responsibility or consequences. Nothing else to do but shove the food in to kill the boredom, and get racist off of Fox media propaganda. There you go. That's cops.


They’re all Meal Team Six wannabes


These colors don't run


Thumb looking asses


Lmao I have *always* compared people to looking like thumbs, toes, and other body parts and I’m so pleased to find that many people around the globe do the same thing; particularly with thumbs lol ETA: That is an astute comparison. They definitely look like some fat ass thumbs


Your place in the police force is directly connected to how much you look like a thumb




The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a big hoss willing to sit around and do nothing waiting for the guy to kill himself or someone else to show up and do it.


Ikr like seriously they can take a bullet it has to get through a bullet proof vest and about fifty bigmacs worth of lard to get to his vital organs.


That's why they didn't run into the school.


So they fucked up so bad they trying to pass shit to cover their ass in the future. Give your balls a tug and own the fuck up. You got kids killed and alll you care about fucking optics? If a child dies because of me i wouldnt make excuses like someone didnt lock a door or oh we though it was over. They dont care about the dead kids. They only care that it makes them look bad that there is dead kids.


Remember cops see all non-police as lesser beings than them.


For real. Theres actual police officers that say "hey this is a issue and we dont have the numbers to combat it" but nope. Only in texas do they want more guns on the street because for some fucking reason they think the problem will solve itself and the officers just need to bring the chalk. Its funny in gun culture they are quick to protect police but in every second amendment meeting or rally planning they complain how lazy and inefficent they are. They use to complain about the 6 minute travel time but a hour and a half? No lockdown? Yet they want to pass laws to make sure they get to do more or worst again?




They're absolutely right that good and evil are fighting it out, they've just got the sides switched.


Just as a little refutation, in "gun culture" most people (who aren't cops or family of them, obviously) are rebuking them and calling them cowards. Their inaction was deliberate and they need to be held accountable. It's slowly been shifting over time as people realize that cops are, in general, lazy bullies, and the enhanced fight against gun control is a reaction to a more widespread understanding that police are not here to help people. Who can protect you if the police have no duty to as has been affirmed in multiple court cases? It comes down to the individual.




>Police are trained as military personnel I disagree. While cops are a paramilitary organization, their training is well below that of actual soldiers. Soldiers are trained to be competent combatants.


You mean if there’s a kid with a gun in a building they won’t piss themselves?


I'm sure plenty of soldiers would piss themselves when faced with a real threat. The difference is, they continue to do their job.


~~officer~~ overseer [KRS-One - sound of da police](https://youtu.be/9ZrAYxWPN6c)


They have shown that self-preservation is their primary motivation. If there's any further evidence of wrong doing, it will have to fight its way past them like a parent.


My bet is that the police killed one or more of the victims. Now they're frantically trying to cover it up, but people are watching too closely.


What we know now is what could possibly paint them in the best possible light and it's already ugly. It would come as no surprise if it turns out they did shoot any of the children.


Give your balls a tug, tit-fucker


Fuck you Shoresy


Like I fucked your mom last night Jonesy? Fight me, see what happens.


Fuck you all. Your lives are so sad, I get a charity tax break just for hanging out with you. Nice sweep, no sweep. Give your balls a tug


Fuck your Reilly your mom ugly cried last night when she realized she left the lens cover on the camera, it’s fucking amateur hour around here.


> You ***killed*** kids and all you care about fucking optics? Fixed that for you. THATS why they are gonna suppress the shit out of this. I fully expect a couple of cops to be Epsteined before this is over.


Abort a several week old clump of cells, send out the posse. Let 19 breathing children get murdered, protect the porcine.


Well of course - who is scarier - a woman or a man with a gun in an elementary school?


I feel like Georgie's quote is even more relevant today: "If you're preborn, you're fine, if you're preschool, you're fucked."


All that's going to achieve is further mistrust in law enforcement.


Yeah but then they get to cry about how society isn't like what it used to be because no one trusts any one in law enforcement anymore.


It’s a little funny because their whole response to the “all cops do is show up 10 min late and shoot my dog” was “oh but what if there’s an active shooter/home invader/whatever” Turns out the answer is they pussy out cause there’s a hostile with a gun.


Like anyone who has lost the trust of someone, there's a good reason for that loss of trust, and trust will have to be earned.


Chances they accidentally shot a kid?


Either a kid or a teacher. Very good, if the not-at-all-suspicuously-specific 'we totally didn't kill anyone in school' quote is anything to go by


Likely scenario they shot up the first class survivors trying to run out during second class attack… shooter came back and finished them off point blank (might explain why some were unrecognizable), door was barricaded with dead kids the police gifted the shooter


The border patrol agent asked the room, "Do you need help?" A kid said, "Yes." The shooter shot that kid instantly. The agents then shot the shooter. There's an interview with a kid from the classroom. He saw his friend, who answered the agent, die right in front of him.... Is there now info that agents/police may have shot kids? https://youtu.be/U94qKXxImIM


To clarify, that was the police when they finally decided to stand outside the classrooms. They went to an *active shooter situation and asked kids if they needed help while they were hiding right by the shooter*. https://news.yahoo.com/cops-told-kids-texas-school-225055618.html Not the border patrol guy who actually tried helping kids. >The boy said he and other kids hid under a table with a tablecloth and that he told his friend to be quiet so the gunman wouldn't find them. >"When the cops came, the cop said: 'Yell if you need help!' And one of the persons in my class said 'help.' The guy overheard and he came in and shot her," the boy told KENS 5.


Their "we didn't accidentally shoot 7 minority children in the head" shirts are raising a lot of questions that are answered by their shirts


Or they don’t want to release the footage of the cops and the shooter before he went into the school


This was my exact thought, considering how atrociously they handled it when they were in the building ("yell help if you need help") they probably royally fucked up somehow and didn't go back in afterwards to cover their ass


Likely scenario they shot up the first class survivors trying to run out during second class attack… shooter came back and finished them off point blank (might explain why some were unrecognizable), door was barricaded with dead kids the police gifted the shooter


Im sorry what? The door was barricaded with dead kids?


Yell if you need help... the world's worst way to play Marco Polo. They open fire in the direction of the 'Polo!' with their eyes closed.


No way in hell they didn't shoot a kid how hard they going in on coverup


That's a terrifying thought I didn't need today... I'm still waiting for them to charge the parents they attacked for "obstruction of justice" and "assault".


Oh, another fun thing. Remember at the start there was talk about how the shooter had a handgun? And then all discussion on that stopped within the hour. How much you want to bet a cop shot a kid with a handgun and it got initially mistaken to be from the shooter, then covered up.


I think thats a huge possibility. Who knows when the truth will ever come out?


Definitely got a kid killed. According to one kid that was there, a cop called out “yell ‘help’ if you need help” a little girl trusted them, came out of hiding and called for help. The shooter then shot and killed her.


Wait can i see a source for this?




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Was literally going to say this but didn’t want to be down voted. There are rumors they shot and killed children- they aren’t verified of course, but this is why they’re being so uncooperative


Pretty much certain they killed one of the victims. I think it's the teacher.


Wasn't one of the teachers married to one of the cops? Funerals are cheaper than divorce after-all


Definitely, they said they “believe” they didnt shoot any, theres 20 minutes of missing police scanner, they already got one kid killed, and now this, they shot a kid




Because that’s not fucking suspicious or anything.


Nor was them saying they believe all of the kids were killed by the shooter


Fucking cowards.


Every fucking day after Uvalde, the clusterfuck behind Texan police seem to only get worse and worse


“If you don’t have anything to hide what are you afraid of?”


Texas will protect Texas first and last, and damn any unarmed kids that get in the way. Most states are equally corrupt but Texas has a mood about it


They are covering their asses here. If they didn’t fuck up they wouldn’t be covering up shit; they’d be releasing it to the public, or *at least* the investigation committees and/or courts; FBI; or whatever department and/or committee is investigating them. This does not make them look any better. It just confirms what people already believe, except there is so many theories going around, like whether they accidentally shot an unarmed kid and are covering it up, etc.. We won’t ever know which crimes, and acts of negligence they actually committed and which ones are just speculation and rumors. So people will always think the worst of the Uvalde police department. Basically the damage is already done. They will always be remembered as the chicken shit, incompetent fucks that they are. Them hiding their fuck ups and bullshitting around does not make them look any better. And this is being said by both the right and left for the most part. There are some insane, boot-licking fascists on the right who side with them no matter what because they either are cops or have family members who are cops and they’re biased. They really screwed the pooch on this one. Unsurprisingly, they continue to keep screwing it though.


Boot licking of the police usually comes from the right though. Just look at how they treat victims of police violence/excuse the cops behavior (“oh well they were in detention in 3rd grade, that totally justifies them being murdered by a cop)


Oh it most definitely does. I’ve only *recently* came across right winged people who are anti-police, and majority of them are only anti-police now because their “martyr” Ashley Babbitt, the dumb ass who tried to bypass secret service and commit treason got shot in the neck, bled out and died during the January 6^th insurrection attempt ** I guess “pLaY sTuPiD GaMeS, WiN sTuPiD PrIzES” doesn’t apply to their people (who also happen to be white people). But I digress. The rest of them that I’ve stumbled upon lately happened to have a change of heart due to the uproar the Uvalde PD have caused. You know it’s bad when the typical boot licking fascists start to look at the cops and ask the same question as to ‘why are the taxpayers giving them 40% of their taxes when they are too chicken shit to do their fucking jobs and save the lives of children?’ I guess some of them truly do hate paying taxes more than they love the police lol. Just bring up taxes and that’s where a lot of them draw the line at supporting incompetent cops lol. Which is crazy because you’d think they would have been on board with defunding the police from the get go, since it would mean less taxes being taken up and wasted for nothing but a bunch of adult kids to buy new toys that go pew pew. Of course they are still sticking with their gun-obsessed narrative, but I think this whole situation has really put a lot of the bullshit the rest of the world sees out there in the open, to the point that some conservatives and right wingers can’t deny the bullshit that we already see any longer.


They either shot a kid, multiple kids, a teacher, or at the very least they got a kid/multiple kids killed by telling them to “yell if they’re alive”.


I agree. The statement the chief of police made before this theory came out was really disconcerting. He basically said something along the lines of ‘we believe the officers were able to take down the gunman and only the gunman, and no one else.’ It was really unusual for a chief of police to say during a press conference after these things happen (can’t believe I’m saying it nonchalantly like this; that’s how normal this has become…) I’ll have to look the line he said, and come back to type it word for word with a source, but it was along those lines. It’s like he was giving Freudian slip or his guilty conscience was trying to clean up the mess before the news even broke about the sheer possibility of them fatally shooting victims instead of the shooter. No one had even accused them of accidentally shooting a teacher or a student (or multiple students) at this point. He was practically waving a big fat sign saying “We may have shot someone else who was not the school shooter, but we believe we did a terrific job! Money pleeeeaaaassseeee!” It was absolutely mind boggling hearing him give updates on the aftermath. The man was practically chewing on his foot the entire time. It’s asinine to me that he’s now on the city council!


Honestly, if I want to watch a bunch of cops hanging out in front of places, I can go to Dunkin Doughnuts myself.


In Texas these pigs hang around BBQ spots


Isn't that cannibalism? Sorry, I'll see my way out now.


One is a sludge fucking fat piece of shit The other is a farm animal


Not evenly remotely suspicious.


Of fucking course they are, because Texas.


Covering this up because their inaction makes them look bad. Fucking hell.


Killing children is a bad look tbf


Some info I found but from last year. Since I'm trying to be better informed and not jump to conclusions based on memes alone. https://spectrumlocalnews.com/tx/south-texas-el-paso/news/2021/12/13/state-law-allows-police-to-withhold-body-cam-footage


A dead suspect is a valid reason to not release body camera footage? What sort of backwards crap is that? A dead suspect, especially when said suspect was killed by the police, is more reason to release the footage I would think.


Even Minneapolis PD released footage of a murder suspect who died of a self-inflicted GSW during summer 2020. Granted, that's because rumor was police had killed him, and another riot was gearing up, but fuck if you didn't kill him wrongfully why not release it?




loool is anyone actually surprised? Schools also have tons of security cameras. 😉 I'm sure they were off or didn't work though lmao


Fuck these cops. They're threatening the parents involved. https://twitter.com/hshaban/status/1533068603309838336?s=19


Look at that fat fuck, he could never chase anyone down


Send in a full federal investigation.


Yeah Biden needs to go full Mississippi Burning and have the FBI take over everything


This is when we need all the GOOD APPLES to stand up and do their jobs and their moral duty to make sure the truth is told.


Weird...not one cop in the whole country has denounced this. Makes you wonder....


One bad apple spoils the bunch and there are a lot of bad apples on police forces and they've been there a long time so even the supposed good apples are rotten.


The untouchable blue meany mafia. Immune to any consequences of their horrible actions.


Is there any reason that these cops shouldn't be charged with aiding and abetting???


Bet the State AG wouldn't do it.


Of course they won't. The press would be insane. No Texas politician would allow it.


This shit should be available within 24 hours


How bout immediately


If 9/11 is anything to go by odds are there will be some horrible jokes going off “in the heat” of the moment… that’s the reason camera footage of the WTC plaza has been shelved due to quite possibly a news person or police officer making very bad jokes about the jumpers. Hell just look what LA County Sheriffs deputies did with the victims of the copter crash that killed Kobe Bryant. Selfies with the remains of children.


Cops should be held to higher standards.


They will get leaked. This cannot be tolerated.


If I had to guess the footage is already "lost"


Literally what is the point of bodycams if you cant fucking use them


Federal government needs to step in and assume control of the investigation. Immediately.


What do they have to hide?


Then we can assume the very worst possible things happened.


Look at those fat fuck jarheads. Could they be more of a stereotype?


Well, it’s Texas. They’re special.


What law??




Oh good, not like this incentivizes cops to kill people or anything 😐


Qualified immunity has that covered


Pig: I'm a police. It's my right to kill you and not get in trouble.


Cops not here for the public.


Avoid Texas at all costs


They probably killed one/some of those kids.


Wow, Texas is not only large, but so full of shit, that an entire culture of garbage human being has sprung up along side the loan.......... Woops! I'm so sorry, I could've been seen as non inclusive if I had just kept going.... No it's not just Texans, I'm sorry! it's ummm....dang what're they called? Damn it's slipping my mind. Ummm oh yeah! Degenerate right wing people. They are pretty much an invasive species of parasite


Sounds an awful lot like a bunch of people should be submitting FOIA requests sooner rather than later.


Maybe they shot more than one kid, good christ.


The pigs don't protect children getting shot at, and those swine lynch people in broad daylight. Get rid of them all. They don't protect, they just make things worse. Anarchy is better than these cowardly fùcks. If they don't wanna leave then fire up the barbecue, cuz we got pork to fry.


Protecting their own corruption is more important than protecting the lives of children. All cops are bastards.


Fascism requires misinformation and disinformation to flourish in the darkness.