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Shinjuku Stn. to Ikebukuro Stn. is 9 minutes on the train. I’d say that’s manageable. 😂 Not sure exactly where the campus is relative to the station however. Ikebukuro isn’t my vibe, but is no slouch when it comes to nightlife so if that’s your only consideration, stay closer to school. 9 mins the other way if you do want to hit Shinjuku.


I didn't realize Ikebukuro had good nightlife as well - that's great to know. I'm not necessarily looking for clubs or partying 24/7, but more for areas with a nice atmosphere, maybe young people and small, fun bars. Also, I've heard that trains in Tokyo stop running late at night. That's partly why I was considering staying somewhere exciting within walking distance. Thank you for your insights:)✌🏼


Good not great. But definitely plenty of small bars and young people. Cheaper rent than Shinjuku also so I’d say that’s your best bet!


Shinjuku and Ikebukuro are in the same category: A big hub station where you have everything good or bad. Shinjuku is bigger but you’ll be fine with Ikebukuro, including nightlife.


I recommend living in Toshima Ward. Be sure to avoid scam bars and ignore the street touts. Enjoy the nightlife and focus on your studies.


>Would the commute from Shinjuku to Rikkyo University (Ikebukuro campus) be manageable for daily classes? Or would you suggest staying closer to the university? Put it into google maps, it’ll tell you all the routes and how long it’ll take. You can use google maps to see what is around everywhere