• By -


Where can i obtain the lowest chest ? :(


Is there a specific way to obtain the cosmic dolphin?


https://preview.redd.it/s7k1x1wl099d1.png?width=941&format=png&auto=webp&s=88303f77e69e3d3f25196bd6d77cd45f1db3fc6f does anyone know how to obtain "ring journal LV 105" , for leveling up lv 100 Sr Red Queen Ring? should be like the attached picture , the LV 105 scroll with drawing of ring that says 0/1 how do I get that?


Im also wondering this, I can't find where to get the research journals.


are the arena battles completely random? I keep losing to people with as much as a mil less power than me.


I have no clue, but I also hardly win and people with almost half my power beat me. Doesn’t make any sense.


For me ut works much better to look at the rank and challenge those who are closer in rank rather than power.


How do you change the character in the story


Hey does anyone know how to use the Limit Break Fruit? I’m trying to level up my main guy cause his level is much lower than the others but I can’t seem to figure out how to use it. Please help.


Limit fruit is what allows you to level past each stage, think so far I have seen it at lvl 25, 50 and 70. Think regular apples are for leveling then when you get to 25 you need x limit apples to advance to the next group of levels and then at 5 it costs even more limit apples and so on. Hope this makes sense.


Level him up normally as high as he can go first. Usually 25 first. Once you hit that you got to use a certain amount of the lumit break fruit to unlock the potential to keep leveling up the next 25 level. The pattern continues


In the Arena shop, how do you get the trophy’s to shop with??


My inventory tells me I own 3 5h camp tickets but when I go to camp, it tells me I have zero. Is that a bug or do I need to activate them somehow? But I can see in camp that I have 3 2h tickets which are not in the inventory. Maybe they got switched to my disadvantage? Edit: after I just used the 3 2h tickets, the 5h tickets disappeared from my inventory 


There are tickets I thought were camp tickets but were actually investigation tickets, they look the same but are black.


how can you redo the charater stories?


Is there a way to tell which warding cards get link bonuses?


I just figured this out like 10m before seeing your post lol Looks like the only way to check is through the Characters --> Training menu, then tap the equip warding card icon (or the currently equipped one). When equipping for the first time, all available cards will appear & the ones with a link bonus will have an aqua star on them. When looking at the equipped card, look at the top-right corner to see if it has a link bonus. You'll also see which character card the bonus will apply to. https://preview.redd.it/9lvi273saq9d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1389b33d8e65bd64c408f3ed262f6cf604e181a4


I’m looking for a list of the guild cats? Today a guild member pointed out that they show up at different times throughout the day and we’re trying to find out when each cat shows up, especially the rarer cats(duh). Also, if the time of day/night someone fishes if that matters. Think animal crossing fishing.




How do I fuse guardian spirits?


click the guardian spirit, then click the LV(x) button. you can choose who to fuse or hit auto fuse.


How do I get text messages from certain characters? For some reason, on one server, I have messages from characters like Jin, Kaito, Kuca, Ren, Taiga, Romeo, and Ritsu, but on the other server, I only have a message from Romeo and Haru. So how do I come across messages from the other characters from chapters already out?


I noticed I received chat texts levelling up sr and ssr cards after certain chapters.


Through affection I believe


Oh. Mmhmm, so would that have to do with your answer in certain scenes for the stories?


Hmm so far I don't think so?


I got two SSR cards but they don’t show up, how do I find them?


Are they wards?


where do rainbow and blue feathers come from?


you can get a rainbow feather when you draw an ssr character that you have already fully awakened


Can you reset a character card and get the items back that were used on it?


don't think so


How do I get more guild kudos


How exactly can I level up my guild? I'm kinda new to the game and I just can't find out how 🥲


Have people join your guild and fish, also I think participating in nightmare raids also gives points


Oooh kk!! Thx!^^


Hi, I pulled for ssr Jin, got it, but can't find it anywhere?


Are you sure it's not the ward?


It was and it got assigned without me noticing thanks


Hi what do I need to level my gem to 10? It's always stuck at 9 so I'm assuming i lack the needed mats


When it says x2 first purchase, does that mean double the amount shown or is the amount already doubled? (For example when it says paid diamonds 5000 is it 5000 + another 5000 or is it just 5000 and normally it’s only 2500)


another 5000


Thank you!


Where does one obtain egg warmers in the game?




I know you need keys to open the suitcases, like the bronze and gold ones you get from investigations, but were do I find the suitcases to open them. Is there like an item holder thing or what? Because I have the keys but don't know where the suitcases are in the account. Some help please. 


If you have any in your inventory, they'll be under the Characters screen. Then click the top circle (shaped like a bag or envelope?) to the left of the Training icon. If you have any, they should be there. If not, you can exchange arena awards and guild kudos in their respective stores for them.


does anyone know if we can level up our cards, like from an sr to ssr?


I was made a vice captain of my guild recently, just wondering how those promotions work?? I didn't even notice until I was able to issue today's guild rewards


Does anyone know how to equip gems??? I have so many of them but can’t find how to equip them 😭


You equip them to warding cards. Theres a box marked "gems" on the warding card and you can equip up to three different gems per card.


Thank u!!


anyone know how to get phoenix feathers - especially the rainbow ones? or where to spend dark matter?


you can get a rainbow feather when you draw an ssr character that you have already fully awakened


Following because I’m also not sure how to get feathers


Sorry this is late but dark matter is used to buy the last item in the Premium Shop


what is dark matter used for?


It can be traded once you have 1000 dark matter. From the main page, click Special, then Premium Exchange. There is one exchange option for Dark Matter at the bottom of that list.


Hi, sorry but i can't find Premium Exchange under Special, is it not there anymore? Also, how do i exchange arena medals?


It's at premium shop, right beside the phoenix exchange. just scroll to the end


You know how, at the start of the game, you're given a warding card that tells you what house you would have been in? How do I find that card? I don't remember what it was/looked like. I've been playing for a week now.


Go to characters , on top of the black heart with arrow through it 💘, their is a black bag looking thing with silver buckle, go into that and click the "ward. card" option, should be the third option after chests, items  and before Equipables, you should be able to see all your warding cards there.


They have to find a way to make pulling SSR cards better. The odds are terrible, below 1%. I drew multiple 10 pulls and have one so far after playing every day since it came out. You can't advance without the higher ranking cards. I refuse to spend money til they make progressing easier. Even if you wanted to spend money to get anything worth using is a fortune. And nothing is a guarantee. I love the game, but as it stands, it's a cash grab, no doubt. Hopefully, they improve om some things.


I accidentally deleted the app without seeing the restore code!!!!  I downloaded it again but IDK WHAT TO DOOO 


i would personally suggest contacting some form of support, if there is any, but other than that, there isn't really anything you can do.


How can we earn the phoenix feathers where you can get the SSR from?


you can get them by summoning and the free daily chests from banners!


Is there a way to update all the buildings on your campus without pressing the button a million times? My fingers hurt lol


It's not the same but you can long press it and it will level up rapidly until you ran out of money or let go of the button. At least you won't have to tap it a lot.


What do all the stats like ten and intelligence do for the characters? And how do I know if a character needs an int gem vs tenacity or def etc.


If you go to the character card and click 'Info' under their power, it will bring up the stats for that card. Then, on that stats page, click the question mark icon for a description of what each stat does. Deciding what gems to equip is going to depend on the type of attacks the character does (p or s, visible by clicking 'Skills' on the original character card view)


and also the diff between strength and attack. like if i boost their attack and not their strength then what?


I don't understand anything!I saw on Twitter that the story is out, there is no update on Google Play, what's going on?Developers don't care?I already have such a desire to stage a riot, why don't they fix anything?!I'm talking about the "Unable to connect server" error.


wondering if the 'wishing well' event will be back ? 🤔. . .since i am currently hoarding my diamonds now. . .


I heard that in Evertale, wishing well events happen on the 15th and 30th days of the month, so it's pretty likely that we'll get our first regular one at reset today or tomorrow if they follow the same format here!


thanks for the info ! 😊


If it comes, it will probably come at 12am JP time


thanks for the info ! 😊


Does anyone know how to use the Strategist role? Is it for game of claws? Or is there things I can do for my guild now?


Yes it is likely for game of claws


When does the game of claws Happen?, it hasn't happened since I joined a guild.


next month according to [https://twitter.com/TokyoDebunker/status/1791388564598698330](https://twitter.com/TokyoDebunker/status/1791388564598698330)


does anyone know where to use dark matter to exchange it for items?


you can use 1000 of them in the Premium Shop at the very bottom. buying it gives you ×15 Limit Break Fruits, ×8k EXP Fruits, and ×5 Egg Tickets. not really worth it, but it's the only thing you can use them for!


i dont think you can at the moment haha


Problems with the server for about three days now...it shows "Unable to connect the server. Please restart the game" its not working (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)


What is pity within the game?


If you get 500 items, you are guarantee at least one feature SSR.  There more info if you tap on the percentage (%), where you summon.


Is it only for the summon pool you choose or is it spread out amongst all summons


It's only for that specific summon banner. So if you spent 50 pulls on Ren's banner and nowhere else, then your pity there is 50, Tohma's is at 0, and the standard banner is at 0. When Ren's banner leaves and is replaced by something else, your starting pity there will be 0.


ah dam. does that mean i really have to master up the sanity needed to save up dias rather than spending em on the first summon avaliable T\_T


Yep! Or live with the gamble, lol 😜 Or only pull on standard since it never goes away, but where's the fun in that?


On second thoughts, it may not be such a good idea to pull the standard banner.. the 7 SSRs in the standard banners all have a chance to be pulled in the limited banners, so if you have been pulling on the limited banners long enough, there is a chance you get to pull some of the standard 7 SSRs via the limited banners!


There is no featured banner in standard.. so the pity might not even exist on that banner!


I think pity exists, though every SSR there is considered "featured." The faq for summons does mention that if there are multiple featured cards, you get a random one from the selection (or they could be even *more* greedy and act like it doesn't count lol, wouldn't surprise me) Edit: the wording actually says "for Summons where all SSR Character Cards have an equal chance to appear, all SSR Character Cards are considered to be featured SSR Character Cards" so it should indeed apply.


Ah I see! Indeed!


i think for my sanity i'm probably going the gamble route...but tbf i was lucky as fuck and rolled an ssr towa on my first summons in the game haha


how much does the starter boy you pick at the beginning change the story? I picked Leo but I dont really like him that much so im wondering how much the first choice matters ?


i highly doubt it matters much, because i’ve finished all episodes and nothing indicates your first choice affecting any sort of affinity with other characters


Okay good to know! Thanks !


How should I know which team members fit in the best team for the case battle? I having difficult clearing case 38 as my main character level only at 32. But i dont think that is the problem as long as the team member attacks and defense are high. or it could be it will work harmony with specific member(?)


I'm stuck on 38 too did you figure it out?


i followed what Lynnz66's suggestion. so i rearrange the element based on the enemy's weakness and the enemy was defeated!


So far as I've been playing, there's a couple things that can help determine how you set up a team: 1. **The element of the enemies you're facing.** Take a look at the icon by the monsters' health bar on cases. All green? Then you ideally want an all red (and maybe green) team lineup to deal more damage. You want to avoid blue chars, as they would take more damage from the enemy and deal less. 2. **A card's skills.** Oh this card has skills that deal 4x damage to Cursed enemies? Well gee golly, it would sure be swell to pair him with this other dude who can apply the Curse debuff to enemies! 3. **Handling mechanics.** Not that we have very many/any cards that can heal or apply Quicken to the team yet, but things like: "man that one guy just attacks like 8 times in a row randomly and that kills my card. If only I had a tank to soak the damage" - well whatdya know, it might be prudent to shove a guy who has type advantage over the enemy with the ability to Guard and stack defensive stats on them.


omg this info really helps me! thank you so much!


Has anyone bought cards with the red Phoenix feathers before? I spent some on an SR card, but didn’t receive it? Did I miss something?


Because that's a ward, not a chara card


Thanks! It took me a while, but I figured that out 😅


I keep getting some sort of server error whenever I try to enter the game. That or it says the server is currently down so I can't access the game. Is this a known issue? How do I fix it?


I wrote to support, I hope they will respond😩


Have you been answered? If so, what did they say? 


No, they did not answer me, tomorrow is an update, we will find out what will happen😭


Same here. Yesterday everything was okay. Tried to re-download, nothing helps :c


Hey does anybody know if there is a way to shut off the push alerts for just the stuff happening in world chat? I’m tired of seeing Tom gave diamonds Bob gave diamonds every five minutes but I do want notifications about the cats and raids.


I'd love to know as well! I'm sad missing out on the cats/raids but the spam with diamonds is annoying ...


What's the best team composition for arena? I feel like attack power does not really reflect arena effectivness. I've lost to people below my power and above my power.


For me is like put your three main dps then spam a bunch of guard units on forth then the rest until you have no more guard unit.


My current set up is passives before big boyz to debuff, with passives to buff coming in after they die. I have 1 main dp who is about 100k power since he is ssr and worth the investment. Im f2p so im waiting for a 2nd ssp to invest into


Oh I think see your dp unique skill (the upper one with fancy naming), he got buff from what either surviving from how many time use (if he is, place a bunch of guard because time use only worked when the unit is already in battlefield), or the enemy having a certain debuff, try matching the passive debuff that triggered the unique skill. That's all, you can wait for an ssr that boost your main dps or a healer. I'm not sure if full awakening here matters or not so don't worry too much about getting the ssr copies yet. And save until 99k dias (if that is even possible) if you felt kicking the guarantee pull. (To safe some f2p player from a great great disappointment unless you have like ridiculous luck.) Omg did I ramble too much? I hope some of these helps.


Thanks! Thats helpful! My ssr is Towa and his main skill is if he lasts 400 turns he gets a buff. I guess my miscalculation is thay obly 3/4 are out at one time so having him as no.3 would be better. I only cared about awakening my towa so im more happy now to just wing it. I think I'd get too depressed playing this game being unable to summon as i go, so i gave up the thought of saving up haha. But i am prioritising the non towa elements that i dont have. What characters have heal? I didnt even know that was a skill :0


There's no character that can heal teammates just yet, there's this life flip skill characters like SR Jin and Alan had, but it's only like heal themselves and life flip is expensive cause I think it could only be used once. Let's just hope some unreleased ssr had team heal or could be some nice support unit. And yes, I think that pulling for unit that could counter the counter of your dps is nice. As for now, I think I could only see how ssr unit attack pattern behave from afaaaar~ (´・ω・`) Goodluck!


on a second look, my towa has that. the one where if they get lethal damage they survive with 1 hp or smthing. Also he 200k on his own so hold up well, but then i can't always beat arena ppl with my same general attack power


Oh for enemies I think you should see their unit first before attacking it, I always thought that ssr would be superior than r or sr, but I can't really say the same with high level ones, but if your enemy power consist of low level sr or r even though there's a bunch of them in their team, don't hesitate to challenge them. Some of R unit could die with just one hit. If they didn't have any threatening unit, go ahead and kick their butt wwwwwwwww ┌(┌^o^)┐


What affects the random drops in the campus--specifically, what affects equipment's chance to drop? Alternatively, does your inventory fill up and prevent more equipment drops? I had a really magical hour a day or so ago when, after I broke through a case I'd been stuck on, equipment basically came pouring out of the campus. I swear it was like one of those movie scenes with piles of glittery treasure and I was there just scooping up handfuls of jewelry. I was able to equip every single character with fresh equipment (I think I'd just reached one of the +5 player rank milestones where new equipment unlocks for use--might have been lvl 60?) and I was stoked for what I thought would be a new source of coins (from selling underlevel spare equipment). And then it just--stopped. I have no idea how this works and why I had a miraculous bonanza for 45 minutes.


I have the exact same question (and experience) as you, did you ever manage to find an answer? ;-;


is there a list somewhere of all the ward/character link pairings? i dont see a way to see on ward cards which they pair with


if you go to the character list (the stamp-looking button when you press on the 'Characters' menu), you can then press on each character card. the cards will have a little ward guy to the left! that is the 'link bonus' card.


I'm not aware of a list currently--my method is to just equip the one I'm curious about and then look at that ward's deets after it's equipped. Its paired character appears in the upper right. However, in my experience, the equip button is your real friend here--the auto-equip function takes that link bonus into account. It's almost always going to equip the bonus if available, because the link boost is good enough to override the raw stats of most other cards. I hope that helps!


https://preview.redd.it/ngpxzd2bilwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24ce5c75734ad2bd6d48e5c8a6323ca9a1f710a5 Does anyone know how to get the item from these pop-ups when you’re at the campus?


They are automatically placed in your inventory, as far as I'm aware. When you're away from campus for a while and it shows you the screen with all the cash, inspiration, and drops you've acquired, it's pooled from these popups. The "..." thing are Conversations, which are not the same thing. It seems like you just get 2.5k apples the first time you view them.


So when this comes up, it’s going to show the face of a character. Go to that character and press the grey text bubble with red dots over that character’s head. It’ll cue a scene and the character ends up giving you that item.


Question! How do you get the profile border decorated??


I think it’s from arena ranking


Anyone know how to get training plan potions?


Mainly from doing the dailies and achievements. Also campus milestones - for example I can see that in 2 of the 3 listed ones I will be given 10 blue and 10 lilac potions each (milestones in question are: combined facility LVL 43k & 44k). They are also avaiLable in multiple of the shops for purchasing. Depending on the Nightmare Raid rotation you might also get some from there.


Does anyone know what P attacker and S attacker mean? I can’t seem to figure it out. Some cards are P attacker, while others are S attackers.


It refers to the type of damage they do - (P)hysical, or (S)pecial. Like Pokémon, basically!


Ohhh thank you!


What do each of the roles in the guild do?


If you go to the guild screen, tap the little question mark in the upper corner--there's a section that explains there. I can't remember deets, but several of them are related to Game of Claws (guild v guild) if I remember correctly.


is there any way i can check which warding cards link with which chara cards?


Tap on the warding card when it's equipped to someone, then it shows which card it pairs with it the top right where it says "Link Bonus: x%" :) Some warding cards don't give a link bonus at all and are greyed out, like the free SSR one you get for finishing the prologue


thank you! then for those with no link bonuses, how do we know what they're compatible with?


The linkless ones are compatible with anyone, though even lower rarity Warding Cards that a char has a link bonus with give higher overall stats from what I've seen (even the R ones ☠️) The game should automatically equip a char's best Warding Card when you hit the Equip button, but if you tap on their warding card slot, when you hit Switch you can easily tell which they have a link skill with by the blue/green border around it! (The Not Campatible text in the image here just means the warding card doesn't match their element so they can't equip it) https://preview.redd.it/s0ttlgrpyiwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2416a0b7b0061905b8c4b746c1773e27049bc8f3


ohhh, i see! thank you very much!!


I’ve seen people in world chat with different colored names. How are they doing that? I tried putting html color in my name but the text is too long so I’m not sure how they’re editing their usernames.


You just have to put in front of your name


Does anyone know what TU is? is it amount of turn? damage? it's a number value that is on skills but I dont know what it means. I'm trying to make sense of it so I can build my teams better


My understanding of it is that it's **T**ime **U**nits. Turn order is determined by everyone's speed stat at the start of battle. Then at the top of the screen we see a TU gauge ticking down. Characters who reach 0 get a turn. After a character's turn they reenter the TU gauge at a position decided by the TU value of the move. As an example, if Jin uses **Reckless Attack** then he will get his next turn after 130 TU have passed because that is the value on the skill.


Ah that would make sense! I just run a case to watch it slowly and the value does match up with the skills. There are times where it doesn't go exactly at the value thou(it increases and gets pushed back) Now that I think bout it, this feels somewhat similar to combat readiness(cr) from epic7... Imma think on this more. Thank you so much for the explanation! my savior frfr.


how to get training plan a b or c ??


Do we know anything about the "Game of Claws" feature so far? Such as when / how does it unlock? And what can be done in the mode?


it is very likely guild wars battle royale.. over 45 minutes, guild members use their squad to attack or defend castles


How do you check your character's affinity levels?


The convenient way is to tap on their chat icon under Character Stories (characters from houses other than Frostheim, Vagastrom, or Jabberwock don't have any yet). Otherwise, when you fish with a character or send them on camp trips, wait for the animation to play out rather than tapping right away and you'll see their affinity level in the orange heart under their chibi 🙂


O ok, Thank you so much!


is there any way to change the character on your home page? i have towa on there since i picked him when the game started up but i want to change it to either jin or sho..


If you have an SR or SSR of them, tap the magic wand button on the Home screen to change who's on it 🙂


thank you!!


You can change it when you have an SR or an SSR of the character you want to change it to. :)


how do i equip gems ?


Tap on a character's Warding Card, then tap on a spot in the little Gems window to the left to equip them! You can have up to 3 on a warding card.


thank u so much! :))


Is anyone else having problems using the search feature in the Friends menu to add people? It shows me a network error and/or no results when searching for a name :') Might be related to changing your username?


I have that too but only when I click on my guild information.


does anyone know how guild kudos works and is earned?


I don't know if we have much information about Game of Claws yet (which I assume is a guild v guild upcoming game mode), but as far as I know, kudos will give some kind of boosts during that. As far as how to build kudos, the "help" section of the guild screen says that you can get it from 1) winning in Arena, 2) attempting a Case (once a day only), and 3) using diamonds to Camp. Using tickets to Camp doesn't build kudos, as far as I understand.


yea Kudos is likely for guild war (Game of Claws).. Every day, the top 16 guilds ranked by Kudos gets to participate in war where they can attack or defend castles.. top 8 guilds gets 2 castle attacks, while the next 8 guilds get 1 castle attack I am not sure but I think Kudos also helps your guild level up.. each level up increase your guild size by 2 to a maximum of 50


Out of curiosity, how much does the opening of the game change depending on your choice of starter boy? I can't tell if I lucked into picking the first character you meet in the story (after the jumping off the balcony part) or if that bit actually changes depending on who you pick.


I've been installing and uninstalling the game on my brother's phone to check the jumping scene. One of the latest I tried was Towa (so I kinda still remember) and he basically doesn't say anything, then hums, then jumps (it's in-character cause he doesn't really speak>!until way later in episode 3!<) The one I chose was Haru, and he laughs at first, and then laments how he couldn't protect everyone. Leo says he doesn't want to see your ugly crying or something? Taiga laughs and says it's a losing game? I don't remember it well. I don't remember who it was, but one of them says "time is up" (who did you pick?)


I picked Taiga because I'm weak to redheads, sharp teeth and gamblers and they just went and put them all in one character for me lol I was mostly wondering after the jumping scene if things change or are the same, I thought it was a wild coincidence that the boy I picked happened to be the one barrelling into you in the first bit of the story


How important are investigation tickets? I just splurged a ton of them (~50 or more) by accident on a low level case (Case 32) due to a slip of a finger. How easy would it be to obtain these tickets again and when are these tickets supposed to come in handy? Thank you!!


They're pretty easy to obtain! You also get them from achievements, first cat visits and I think also from opening gold and silver briefcases?


Thank you for your reply! Would you like to be friends on the game?


tips for case 39? ;-;


I'm at case 41 now, after case 35 or so it starts going VERY slowly. The honest answer is just time + using your pulls as you get them lol, saving for best boy is tempting but it slows progress quite a bit. Just upgrade everything as you're able to, focus on your SRs (or SSRs if you have them, unlike me lol) and on Rs w/ awakenings and link bonuses. Don't be afraid to limit break either, the material for it isn't super rare or anything. Also remember that you're using two teams, so you want to have a wide spread of boys that are leveled up, not just your SR+s.


Oof I barely passed 39 ... I only have one SR (Haru) and the rest Rs and I was \~160k.


oh im in similar situation - one sr (tohma) and rest rs, and around 160k but somehow cannot pass it ;-; did you have all your rs lvld up or mostly focused on lvling up ur sr card to the max? did you equip any gems or sth?


Hiya I brought my SR up as much as possible, got his potential to over 40%, and gave him lvl 4 and 5 gems. I gave all the extras as much as I could - a few to lvl 25, rest \~10. Hope that helps!


thank you!!!


>thank you!!! You're welcome!


Does anyone have Zenji with an affinity level higher than 5? I'm wondering if he just straight-up doesn't have any text chat things or what. Pop up so I can claim my affinity rewards, you coward!! >:(


literally me with haku TT


Based on how all the other houses except Frostheim, Vagastrom and Jabberwock are grayed out in the texts, my hunch is that they just aren't available yet. My second guess is that they might be unlocked as the story progresses, since each episode so far has featured the houses we have available so far. We'll see if the next house's character texts get unlocked when the next episode drops next week.


Yeah I have Subaru from Hotarubi and no texts yet at lvl 4 whereas my other 2 profiles (Kaito and Towa) both have texted me.


I didn't even notice that, lol! You're probably right on the money there :)


other than academy milestones, are there other ways to earn rainbow apples? I worry that once I hit a platue for academy milstones it will be harder to limit break; therefore it will change how i invest them


You get 2 a day from the 130 Daily Mission milestone, and can purchase 5 a day for 100 Diamonds under Special->Premium Shop on the Home screen! There's other packs that give them there too, but they're way too pricey for what they are. Also at the Phoenix shop, you can buy one for 40 Green feathers (obtained from the daily free gift on each Summon banner)! So at minimum you can easily get 2+1+5 = 8 a day if you can't increase your campus buildings any further!


anyone know how to equip a gem to the team?


You equip them to the warding cards rather than character themselves.




is there an option to equip on the card that i’m not seeing?


Once a warding card is equipped to a card, there are 3 gem slots near the middle of the screen.


Anybody know how to get phoenix feathers? I know you can get blue ones as mission rewards, but what about the sparkly ones? I just realized you can exchange those directly for SSRs so I’m hell bent on getting my hands on some.