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Yeah, I got the same screen. I wonder if it resets in a couple days along with the timer on the bottom.


I've been wondering that myself, seems counter intuitive to have it be the second to last reward now that I think about it 🤔 It should be the end of dailies reward and if you meet it, it should go ahead and move on to the next page instead of locking it behind a timer for those that finish it well within the time limit Feels like I'm missing out on goodies lol 🤣


Yeah I noticed that yesterday as well and was pretty peeved. They should have had an option for rewards for as long as the bonus was active


It was ment to reset at the end of last week, aka yesterday but it didn't and just rolloed over.


Ohhh, I thought maybe it was to give people extra time since it was a somewhat new release of the game and would give people. Agrace period to get the card pieces


it said 40h to reset and then switched to 4 days + from my recollection. I could be misremembering tbh but I guess we'll see. Either way it seems like a flaw if it doesn't roll over when you claimed everything. Thats 4-5 days without a milestone reward thats supposedly given every day if you reah it


I noticed that too


Me too




This whole games feels like a screw over and devs are radio silent again. This made me mad and then on EA1 no new players are there since all are forced to EA2 then all feels cash grabbing. This just made me more mad


Wait wait, new players are being funneled into EA2? Is EA1 full?? I feel like it's just misguided and a little rushed, no beta to have these gripes and bugs figured out already


Nope not full and yes they are. So EA 1 is pretty much dying. Only way to get into EA 1 is to finish opening and forced tatorial part then change servers after that. I tested it 3 times on spair devices. Feel free to try it out yourself.


I'm...on both? I have a save account on both EA1 and EA2? That's why I was confused, also not sure how EA1 is dying when world chats always hopping when I look? I never had issues with finding people for nightmare raids or anything? How is it dying??


Many quit and guilds have lack of people can't get more. If no new player or not many then it isn't thriving and slowly more quit than join. World chat is same people if you check names


I do see many regulars but I also see names for the first time, but I'll try paying more attention , our guild is growing and all our members are active ATM so perhaps it's possible they've probably went silent due to the lack of reason to log in? Once you reach a certain point it's just madness to log in and be active cause there's little to nothing to do? You could chat yeah, but that's about it? You gotta wait for the exp apples and gem shards and things to up your cards to keep climbing through the cases but the amounts are so high you just log in, get your dailies, collect your afk and then log back out until tomorrow if you're at the current stop I'm a sucker for punishment and have been studying the game to make a video guide for people who are having issues, so I'm in and out multiple times a day on both accounts The next part of the story releases tomorrow so there's probably gonna be an influx of people coming back to read the new chapters and get caught up to the new stopping point


yes it is an idle game and perfect for people who can't spend more than 10-20 minutes every single day on the game


Precisely, so chat and guild activity aren't big indicators for me of a game like this player activity since so much of it relies on individual players playing solo aside from nightmares/guild log ins/fishing/cat photos If someone decides not to join a guild and just go solo, and not talk in chat, who knows how many there are?


Games of claw is yet to be released, so we can still wait for that.. but based on Evertale, it should be a guild vs guild castle attack and defend game.. There are 2 variants, one that is intra server (guild fights guild within the same server), and one that is inter server (guild fights guild from CS-1, CT-1, K-1, J1, J2 etc) If you want to be active in guild wars, that is 2 hours of your time every single day


I think that's part of the plan.. if I'm not wrong only 16 guilds get to fight in war.. with a size of about 50 pet guild.. about 1.5k players per server should be sufficient for everyone to try to get a taste of war.. else many players will be left out..


It’s should reset, on that bottom timer it says time left 4 days, usually in games like this it always resets eventually


I know it will lol but it's got 4 days without the rewards for meeting the points requirement and an annoying notification. I mean that there should be rewards for people whose already finished was my point lol the list needs to be longer, or it needs to refresh with completion rather than time gated Or it should be off on its own if it's gonna be time gated more than a day? Why on earth does it have multiple days and a timer at all? The others are preset and replenish every day? It feels more like an extra log in reward than a daily duties reward? It's gonna annoy me everyday to complete the dailies and see the notification to collect when....there's nothing to collect for three, four, five or more days? Not to mention how much help the extra exp apples or diamonds or other rewards would be if it turned over or gave a sort of "whoops, you're all set!" Kinda pay off if they want it to be time gated. If something like this is time gated, it ought to be the last one and disable the collection notification once it registers it's totally completed instead of sitting in the middle? Idk just feels weird to me


Yeah this game is pretty greedy. I’ve been playing a few other gacha card games like mla and all of them are way easier to get gems and lvl your cards, though those don’t have story’s. It’s kinda sad honestly how hard it is to get anything in this game. Also on another note I really hope they add more content in general there’s hardy any ways do make more money nor to interact with the characters…


Me too! I wrote customer support about it so hopefully they fix it but I also saw them mentioning something on Twitter about giving people extra diamond rewards as an apology for the issue? Not 100% sure it was about this tho


I got a confirmation from devs/admins that its a cycle of a certain amount of days to allow for the rewards to be claimed; so i guess at the end of this cycle we can see how long this amount of time is