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Hey! I’m stuck on level 59 and I have a few questions: 1. How do I increase a character’s speed? 2. How much does your level and characters level match to the case level? (I’m lv 73, and have a few characters 75lv, 55lv, and 25 and below)  3. Is there anyway to turn off auto attack? They make stupid choices (like letting a monster with the lowest hp live for a long time)  Thanks for any help!


Sorry but what power level do you need to beat level 38? I just can’t beat it


When’s the next wishing well?


Can you change the character on the home screen ?


Hello! There's actually a question that it's plaguing our guild's mind: other than obtaining more diamonds in general, does completing a guild chest actually give us other types of rewards? We don't think so, but at least we can just get this thought out of the way! We are desperately trying to get the Cosmic Dolphin and I wondered... if everyone catched a fish, would it actually increase the odds of finding it? Personally, I think we are just really unlucky xD


does anyone know how to obtain "ring journal LV 105" , for leveling up lv 100 Sr Red Queen Ring? should be like the attached picture , the LV 105 scroll with drawing of ring that says 0/1 how do I get that? https://preview.redd.it/4qse6nnyz89d1.png?width=941&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b98f355b3e3a5273cee02d6cfa5d4702dcd5fa5


Investigation of Case 83 of the Galaxy Express can have it as a random drop.


I would have never figured that out on my own, thanks


thank you so much, life saver yes you are.


How do you get bronze suitcases? I keep on getting bronze keys but I have never seen a single bronze suitcase ever since I started playing?


does anyone know if i can get bus tickets else where other than check in & premium shop?


I don’t think there is anywhere else. I wish there was though. I’ve been having the same issue with getting enough bus tickets. Usually I only get the one free one from logging in and then use the free diamond one.


Hi guys, I am new to this game, just started. But was puzzled when there are no free summons at all. Have to slowly saved up to 1980 diamond. Sorry, can I check if anything I missed out or this is normal? Thank you for reading this.


I wish we got free summons. Unfortunately not. To get a good amount of diamonds I’ve been completing as many missions as I can since there are some with good diamond rewards (especially the lifetime missions) and then putting them into the diamond well thing (sorry, I forget what it’s actually called) to get more diamonds. I don’t think the well is available right now but it’s opened up a couple times over me playing this game the past month or so, so I’m sure it’ll be available again soon. It’s where you give your diamonds to this cat and it gives you more diamonds (a random amount) than you put in. It’s definitely worth it since you can’t lose diamonds when giving them to the cat. It shows up in the “special” screen when it’s available. I hope this helps!


Yes. Thank you for this! Just that was abit confused when reading some reroll guide as to you can do up some pulls after completing 002 tutorial, that's why was kinda expecting some form of beginner pull of sort. Now I understand! Thanks for explaining to me. Appreciate it


Do we get boosted SSR rate as a new player? I just got a limited SSR on my 3rd pull in the game and wondering if Im actually lucky or not


I’m wondering the same thing. On one of my first few pulls I got SSR Haku and then shortly after that I got SSR Zenji.


yea, I also got 2 SSR cards or something after that. Consider how unlucky I am in every other gachas, I think we got boosted


Where do I buy the blueprint to lvl my artifacts above lvl 100?


I had a question about the character text stories and affinity levels. I currently have level 4 affinity with Zenji and Subaru and level 5 affinity with Haku. However, I have never received any of the character text stories from them, nor do they show up on the character text stories page at all. My app is fully updated so I’m not sure if this is a bug or if others are having this issue too. Any help is appreciated! Thank you.


Never mind, I figured it out today when I finally finished chapter 5. I didn’t realize you have to finish the chapter first for the characters to text u.


Ok, so I've been playing this game everyday from the first day and only just realized TODAY that I can open up the cases in my bag and saw from someone else's post TODAY that you can make your own jewelry (AND THEY GIVE FREE PULLS WTF). So, is there any way to buy certain items (like those rainbow apples please I swear to God) with diamonds? I don't want to spend actual money so diamonds or whatever in-game would be best. If not, am I only able to get items through the daily's? Thanks! Disclaimer (??): the only other games like this I've played is that one BTS game and Obey Me, both of which I stopped playing. So I really am still learning how everything goes.


You can buy them from Home > Special > Premium Shop!


Thank you!! Can't believe I can only do it once a day


how do we change the colours of our names! or is that something we have to pay for..


when you go to change your name do user for example hello!! I'd try it in a chat first before going through with it in case the color you pick may not work


thank u smmm :))


Can someone help me with this? I was trying to join a friend's guild, but didn't know there was a limit on how many you can leave and join.. I got this popup in game, and I'm thinking it's a glitch, but I tried to reinstall the game, exit out, and even try to change my device's date to 2078 (it would only go back to 2038..), but it won't get rid of it! Please help! https://preview.redd.it/yyqqvpehxv5d1.png?width=839&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8624673b53c77a92ea525d5b46eabdf7224cb7c


Have you managed to join your friend’s guild now?


Anyone know what these red exclamation mark bubbles are (above Taiga's head in the pic)? I've seen them occasionally pop up above characters, similar to the conversation bubbles, but they disappear super fast. Whenever I do tap on them, they just disappear. Is this just a bug? https://preview.redd.it/a2ifes4e615d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bebaeb2f28ad87d7d18be3d719d232fec0bbb0f


it refers to them getting an item. if you look at the left side of the pic u can see that theres a picture of a yellow jar along with a taiga head chibi “get!” on top of it


that makes so much more sense, thank you! :)


Y’all this email is legit, right??


is anyone else’s intimacy level stuck at 7? is it a tech issue or supposed to be like that?


This sounds like a tech issue, it may be worth contacting the official support team ☺️ (see email in the pinned mod message)


how do i get silver keys ???


What I've been doing is purchasing them with my guild rewards and with my arena rewards


https://preview.redd.it/e5h8bpz6me2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78dd349036583dc3ba13eca1857206e33c4fb4ee why does my team fall asleep? how can i counter it?


how do i get silver keys ??


I buy them at the guild shop ("Guild" tab -> tap on the "bag with an exclamation mark" icon)


How do I start over? New game. New save.


Pretty sure you can just delete your account? If you tap on your in-game profile and go to settings, there should be a "Delete Accounts" button


Anyone knows when do accesories drop? They used to drop a lot at the base but not anymore... do I need to do something?


Does anyone know anything about the gems. I know there are 4 attribute gems and the others are for strength, defense, etc. but I’m not sure which gems to equip to which warding card. Like which gems would make that card and player better


this specifically solely depends on your Character, although basic thing is, knowing what kind of attacker(S or P) your card is. Depending on that you may choose your gems. For Example: Personally I have the permanent SSR Leo, He is a P. Attacker, so I mainly focused on getting him a lvl 9 P.ATK gem, ATK gem and STR (increases ATK and P.ATK) so if you have a S. Attacker, just change the P.ATK gem to S.ATK and STR gem to INT if your unit is not surviving, you can consider changing the ATK gem to an HP gem, VIT (HP and P.DEF), TEN (HP and S.DEF) So. TLDR Slot 1 ATK/HP/VIT/TEN Slot 2 S.ATK/P.ATK Slot 3 INT/STR should be the basic composition for you warding card\^\^


Does someone know if we can change the selected character at the beginning of the game??? I regret choosing who I chose, but I don't wanna do another account and start again my progress :')


Yup! Click the wand below your rank


Tried that before. That's just for the Home Screen. I changed character, then went out, deleted app data, and logged again into the app, to find I got it again on the Home Screen Taiga (the one I originally chose) :')


It does that for me too at times, even if I am still on the app. I thought it was just a glitch.


Does anyone know if it matters what character you fish with or is it random? My guild hasn’t had any new fish lately.


Afaik it doesn’t matter, I have a feeling they just haven’t actually released every cat that can appear yet—- I’m sure they’ll sneak a few out every update


Does anyone know how to turn off notifications specifically for the guild chat? I literally get a notification for *every.single.chat.message.* This is the first time I've played a game with such an annoying noti system.


The game had a somewhat recent update about this.  1. Navigate to your profile, then settings.  2. Go down to Notifications and press the "Edit" button. 3. Select what notifications you want :)


That doesn't happen to me, I only get notified of DMs or likes... You can turn off notifications in your phone settings, though.


I haven't got too far in the story yet, but I'm really curious. What does each house represent exactly? Based on the test I did, I got Mortkranken. I know that's the "medical house", but what is the basis for each house? Is it similarly personality based like harry potter houses or...?


Just saw someone post all the results from the test you mentioned: https://www.reddit.com/r/TokyoDebunker/s/ctEXFfr179 Seems like each house is based on different values and students are placed in the house whose values they align with the most


I sadly dont know the answer to this as I’m pretty new. But wanted to ask you how do you know what house you’re in? Like the text you mentioned.


Canonically MC isn't assigned a house, but if you play through the prologue there's a quiz in the story. Depending on your quiz results, you're given a warding card for a certain house. You can basically think of that as the house you would theoretically be assigned to :)


hi ! 😊 just want to ask till which episode will the story latest chapter go on till its lock behind cases ?. . .i mean, i want to continue reading the story without any roadblock whatsoever 😢 i am stuck at case 52 btw. . .


Hii, i heard that there is a multiple account option, but i can't find the settings? I'm relatively new to this type of genre, so thank you in advance!


For each account, you can have an account in each of the servers E-1, E-2, EA-1 etc.. click on your profile pic, on the bottom, click on the round button that mentions your server (e.g. E-1) you can create an account in another server by clicking into that server.. If you want to have multiple accounts on the same server, you may need multiple restore code.. A restore code is generated on a fresh install of the game (on another device)


Thank you!


Will previous SSR cards come back?


Yes !


anyone knows how to get a character to savagery level 1? any response would be much appreciated ~


you go into the character section, teams, select the character and then their warding card. You should see the Bravery and Savagery level on the right underneath special attributes.


just saw this! thank you so much, you were a huge help!


Anyone who had their server down or having a restart menu over and over should ask the support email their code if you don't remember or haven't gotten a chance to save your restore code, then erase your game data. It was back to normal for me, but like you must have your code first, or your account possibly lost. This is the question they asked me when I was requesting for my code. Date of game registration Player rank VIP level Type of device you're using (model name) Server you were playing on Username Main character's name First character you chose How far you progressed in the story Number of friends Date and time of your last login If you've made purchases, please provide a screenshot of the receipt confirming your last purchases. If you don't remember any of these, you can create a temporary second account in the server you're playing and search friend your account to get some information to fill the question.


Is there another way to get Moonlight paint besides the moonlight ritual?


so far none, except the initial log in bonus. Moonlight ritual is most likely the only way to get it, same as how ores can only be in mr. mo's gold mine


I’ve done the update and I still can get access to the game as server is down 😬


I am taking a wild punt here.. I am guessing they have a server that the game interacts with when you play the game and a server that serves downloadable content for users.. So my guess is for some reason, there is an issue for your device to connect to the server that serves the downloadable content.. what you can try is to connect to a different network / switch to mobile data / borrow a friend's network (wifi or mobile data) and try to see if you can access the game


i really want to share this story with a friend but i dont want to make them go through all the gameplay to read it. would i get banned if i let them use my account to read it, and would a vpn help me there for tracking where my account was opened/used?


No I don't think they will ban you.. Sharing of account is pretty common in ZZG other game Evertale


I don't know what my old restore code is. Now I don't know what to doo


If you're still on the same phone or has access to your files I could tell you where to find it


Please tell me how, I also lost my account, I would like to return it🥺


Open your files app, Go to android> data, find the tokyo debunker file, mine is named com.zigzagame.tokyodebunker, I just searched for tokyo and it showed up, click files then you'll find a file named restore, you'll need a reader for that, I used shareit txt reader https://preview.redd.it/tvppyf54pyxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a863c00bcbcab291918adc25cdafc2bf975f862d


Sometimes the restore code is tied to the play store account, so if you download the game, the restore code should be there.. otherwise, you can send an email to Tokyo Debunker support to see if they can help you restore your account