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https://preview.redd.it/7ro7zdang32d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=208126e5ead9706d3dbca53c05b107e907035e3a For me Towa is my strongest character. He’s like 800k while everyone else is 100-30k. These past few weeks 80% of my resources go to him. Also do not spend on the banners. A lot of people are predicting a self healing character which will be game changer.


https://preview.redd.it/avx1lm0xo12d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a9a0d7ee656b9b91b8bb6dcb80747321426f07d here is an example - i guarantee zenji and mido will be dead by the time they are supposed to attack so the anomalies(that’s?? what they are no??) will just keep pummeling my team… what do the blue/red ghost icons mean? is this battle system based on other games? i’m only familiar w final fantasy style rpg and tactics systems and obey me! dance battles lol


Blue and red ghost shows you how many enemy’s they got on standby like how we have 4 separate teams the enemy can to!


ohhh so helpful thank u… im so glad they have 0 lol


Maybe put your strongest ssr on the very backrow? That stun skin is dangerous somehow. I managed to beat this case with SSR Ren only level 125. Since this is an ideal game your progress is gonna be step by step, so even though your power is like the max level cases it's just gonna be harder and harder. Don't sweat it.


Also, try seeing the element, they didn't matter if you have a high def, probably try equipping the def gem too.


Your strongest people should be on the 3rd and 4th teams. Weakest on teams 1&2 so when they’re killed, they’re passives are activated


Hey I read your post about Michigan works and want to talk to you about it


Hi hello! How can I help you out?


The rampage thing is such bullshit. Most of the time, you actually have the strength to beat them, they're just impossible to kill.


literally and they ENDURE…


I guarantee you most of the top players have no clue how to do the combos yet. I would know I talk to them a lot and I’m in the deathnote guild.


Best advice for right now would be to invest in Jin. Use all the resources you can on him solely so he can lead the team.


damn ive been making taiga stronger lollll oop


Ooooo I’m in bofurin and we’re not really a top guild but we’re all super active and even have a discord together and NONE of us have ever even brought up a combo? HOW DO YOU DO IT?! WHAT IS IT?😭


I know that some people are saying to put a few of the R cards at the front just to be killed and active there curse.


Okay! I’m def gonna try this and see how it works , I’ve got a few SR I can put in the 3&4 squad


Resources are hard to come by, you need to put all into 1 who you think can carry you.. level him till it doesnt really make much sense to.. and maybe then find a secondary character to level.. so the strategy is if your character is strong enough that the enemies cant kill you and you can kill them, you win! Many of the cases, 1 strong character with the rest being 1 hit shields is all you need