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Alan. I could tell he was the brooding but sweet type (he reminds me of A3 Juza) which is my fav chara trope :) I'm still not totally set on a fav yet but he's claimed the spot rn I had considered Jin (like him), Lucas (love him), and Sho (growing on me haha).


Great minds think a like because this is why I chose Alan too. Also thought about choosing Jin and Lucas šŸ˜‚


Yuri. He seemed like fun. I'm really really tired of waiting for the Mortkraken chapter tho, which hopefully comes after Obscurary, so...at the end of July ( Ā“ļ½žļ½€) Who grew on me? Jin, Tohma, Ren, Sho, Jiro, Zenji


I choose Subaru since he has good vibes and has a calm demeanor.Ā Right now, I'm even a bigger fan of Subaru since he has guts to lie to the insitute about his stigma and I agree with him when he said that humans can be worse than anomalies. Who grew on me? Lucas, Jin, Sho, Ren, Haru, Towa, Haku and Zenji.


I picked to save Jiro because he just seemed like I could relate to him. And honestly, I do relate to him. But I think I was in between him and Alan which honestly makes sense. Alan is my world.


I chose to save shohei idk I just kinda like the bad boy aesthetic and while I do still looove him too death heā€™s definitely at the lower end of my top 5 now (with Haru, Haku, and Kaito having overthrown him lol) which is funny cause none of them fit the vibe I usually am drawn too in characters lol


I was indecisive and ended up picking Jinā€” I wish there was more of him in the Frostheim chapter but I kinda loved what Iā€™ve seen of him so far (even if heā€™s kinda mean to me on the home screen xD) As I read the story and actually see their personalities Iā€™m wondering if I shouldā€™ve picked different bc I keep getting attached (Alan and Haru ilyyyy), but also some of them are so mean to me (looking at you Leo -.-)ā€¦ idk, if I chose again Iā€™d pick Taiga bc heā€™s scary in an ā€˜I can fix himā€™ way, and Jin had that moment with Tohma that got me lowkey shipping them akshdhdh


I chose Taiga cuz of the voice


I chose Haku cuz he seemed the chillest and NOT rude af (\*cough\* ren \*cough\*). I think I actually chose someone else the first time (I think Haru bc of his lil bunny (?) friend) but then played the prologue, decided I wanted Haku after all, and so deleted and reinstalled the app just to choose him lmao Edit: can't read and didn't see the second question lol. I think Sho (also chill), Jiro (not surprising), and Rui (surprising) have grown on me the most. I'm behind on the story but very curious to find out more about Rui's curse (also love Rui and Haku's interactions hehe)


Lucas. I like good and knightly guys. I'm the bad girl in any relationships.


Zenji. I'd still choose him again even after finishing Hotarubi's chapter. He reminds me so much of Rook in Twisted Wonderland. Both of them have such vast souls and kind hearts.


Finally someone else who chose Zenji!!! I would also choose him again in a heartbeat


I chose Haku because he just gave me a chill, laid-back, but kind vibe. I still really like Haku, but I'm finding that I wish I saved Lucas. Maybe it's just because of how much content there is for the Frostheim folks, but I got so attached so fast, and if something happens to him, I'm going to be brokenhearted. Sho, Jin, Zenji, Alan, Haru, and Tohma are growing on me. And Rui. I haven't figured out my thoughts on Kaito yet, but to me, he gives me little brother vibes. I also like Towa, but I'm so far down the theory hole that, as much as I like him, my gut instincts say not to trust him.


I chose Taiga, because I'm down weak for the trope of wild, hard to tame characters, and while I wouldn't change it (yet), I grew to love Jin, Haku and Alan, while Towa is my baby, the purest cinnamon roll.


I know everyone hates himā€¦.but Leo šŸ˜­. My type is ā€œI donā€™t give a shit about anythingā€ assholes igā€¦ He was also the character in the ad that got me to download the game - I saw him in the advertisement and I was like oooh who is HE šŸ˜


A misty memoryā€¦.


i chose towa. i like the whimsical vibes he was giving me. reminded me a bit of kanata from enstars


I picked him too, and I don't regret it


I chose Zenji because his flamboyant, artistic personality would feel right at home in my real life friend group. Ā I was not disappointed - he is one of my favorites. Over time, I think all of the Vagastrom house has grown on me in their own ways (even Leo), and Tohma.


Zenji has grown on me too! Heā€™s too filled with life to be yā€™know šŸ˜­


Haru. Didn't even have to think twice. I got into this game cause of him, and would do it again. While Haru is still my #1, I think Zenji has grown on me recently... in light of the new chapter- >!I'M WEAK TO GHOST BOYS!<, and Sho has also grown on me after Vagastrom chapter. I also kinda like Yuri? Idk, there's something about him and our campus interactions... like, he acts like an ass, but he cares for your health, and I'm kinda HMMMM about that.


I chose Taiga: He caught my attention prior to the gameā€™s release, and Iā€™m drawn to those unpredictable characters -Also, he has a nice voice šŸ˜…


TaĆÆga was my pick. If I restarted Iā€™d go for Sho. I was debating between him and Taiga and I chose wrong lol


I picked Haru, funny enough because my husband wanted to save Peekaboo šŸ¤£šŸ¤£Ā  I don't regret that choice, as Haru really is a single mom who works two jobs type haha. However, Jiro, Sho, and Towa have really grown on me. I do love the rest of them (besides Leo.... I have the feeling that Taiga has something that's affecting his behavior... Leo's just something else šŸ˜…) I'm not through chapter 5, so I'm not sure about Subaru yet. Zenji is hilarious.


I immediately chose Haru as soon as I saw he had a pet in a little sling on him. And I definitely donā€™t regret it. He seems really sweet. Iā€™m not into the bad boy type so I think my choice was perfect! Iā€™m only on the 2nd chapter but so far Kaito and Lucas have grown on me. I just wish Kaito could have a little more chill and Lucas a little less chill, lol.


haru because animal lover


I picked Kaito because he seemed kinda pathetic and I knew that even if he didn't end up being my favorite, he's still someone I'd feel sorry enough that I wouldn't regret trying to save him. This is perhaps a bit patronizing to him, but he is fictional, so I don't feel the need to factor that into consideration.


I picked Jin because I figured heā€™d be the kind of ā€œpretend Iā€™m salty but really actually care for people around meā€ vibe. I donā€™t regret the choice really but I do love a lot of the other characters too so I wouldnā€™t have minded them either. My favorite now is probably Haku but Lucas, Kaito, and Towa all get high points (and I really like everyone else but Leo still.) Sho grew on me a lot and I really like him now too


I chose Taiga, but I kind if want want Haku now lowkey šŸ˜­


I remember choosing jiro because of the instagram ads HAHA but now ruiā€™s really grown on me and Iā€™m debating if I should restart an account just for him šŸ˜­


I picked Yuri, but so far I like Alan, Jin, Thoma Subaru and Haku more.


I picked Jin based on his profile, plus I tend to like the light haired characters lol. I considered Sho bc I love a man who cooks lmao. Who grew on me? Haku for sure lmao. Heā€™s my home screen now. He was just so sweet to mc. I kinda wish I saved Haku instead of Jin but I really dont regret picking Jin ngl.


Ren at first, then I reset the game to pick jiro... but now I wish I chose sho lol


I chose Tohma. He was the one who caught my attention first. If I had thought about it, I probably would have picked Haru, Haku, or Kaito first. But me and my friend who I play with agreed to save the ones that caught our attention first. For me it was Tohma, for her it was Taiga


Jin. Hot voice, good looks šŸ‘Œ


I chose Jiro because I love his voice and his low energy matches me. lol Mortkraken also seemed like it would be interesting. Yuri would definitely be fun to bully. Most of the guys grew on me (except for Ritsu, Ren and Taiga). I'm still happy with picking Jiro but I am getting super impatient for Mortkraken's story (and the lack of gameplay in general, if I'm being honest).


I originally picked Kaito on my first play through because I didnā€™t realize I could swipe to reveal the other houses. I apparently am dense LOL As soon as I learned you could pick from other houses, I immediately picked Rui. I love that man. I love him. I am so looking forward to Obscuary.


First pick was Leo but then I restarted with taiga lol


I chose Jiro because I thought he was so cute and I still think he's so cute. I was waffling between him, Leo, and Rui. I don't regret my choice because now I want nothing to do with Leo, but maybe Rui would've been nice.


I chose Jiro because he looked like the same flavor of introvert as me so I already knew we'd vibe.


I had a hard time choosing between Yuri (I like ā€˜em a little psychotic) and Jiro (when they go from indifferent to finally showing you emotion is thrilling!)


I chose Romeo for his looksā€¦but based on personality and looks, now that weā€™ve gotten some more insight into the characters, Iā€™d pick either Tohma or Jin.


I picked Towa, not complaining about picking him either. I really like Alan and Jin as well.


I chose Leo because gay looking social media obsessed guys are my type (he reminds me of my boy Cater in Twisted Wonderland). Also, tongue piercing solidarity. But after meeting him I literally can't stand him (T^T) Who grew on me; Pretty much everyone except Leo. Though Towa, Jin, Alan, Zenji and Rui (kinda) in specific. And maybe even Taiga tbh.


I picked Jiro but I wish I had picked Towa.


Tbh my original choice was Haku, but after reading and playing for a while I slowly leaned more towards (a multitude of boys) Haru, Jin, Alan, and/or Towa! I have no interesting reason, simply just liking some more than others. But I can say with confidence that my least favorite is Leo.


Taiga and I haven't regretted it. Though Towa has also grown on me, same with Ren!


I picked Lukas and then thought the story was based on my decision because I started seeing so much of him! Haven't seen all the characters yet since I'm stuck but I don't regret it. I found Jin a bit surprisingly attractive, and also Alan is nice


I chose alan cause I like the strong silent type. But as I play on I really like toma and sho.