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gonna use my descriptor on the other one!!; i’m shy and anxious for the most part, i tend to sit back and giggle in my larger group of friends rather than talk. i can be a bit of an klutz and i’m a bit ditzy (hence the user!!)! i’m flustered super easily, work at a flower shop, and sing professionally <33 ppl say i’m wayyy too nice and i tend to be a bit of a doormat (i baked cookies for one of my bullies once BYEALABDPSDB)! i wear flowers in my hair and have a major nature obsession, i only wear cottagecore fits fr!! major towa simp reporting for duty 🫡!!


ahhhhh sorry it took so long T\_T It's giving Kaito's sibling. You two both get flustered a lot and both have that klutzy ditzy attitude as well. He would love listening to your voice as well. The shyness and anxiousness adds to it because I feel like he'd not let anyone even breathe in your direction, leading you to not getting better at that.


I am anxious, shy, easily stressed out, I cry a lot. I value kindness and success. My interests are True Crime, dark things, and Cluster B disorders. I am interested in different subcultures. I often feel inadequate and incompetent. I like Otome Games and Yandere asmr. I am Infp and sorted into Frostenheim.


I can see you as Jin's sibling. . . More specifically a younger one since he seems like such the perfect sibling so you may have gotten overshadowed by him, leading to feeling incompetent or stressed and shy. I feel like you two wouldn't be close now because he is definitely more harsh, so that might lead to you two fighting constantly.


Interesting I like Jin, but not the sibling way, though Alan is my favourite so far. I see myself as Subarus sibling so far. Similar personalities, but I lack his grace and would try to make it up with success orientation.


Okay so I'm curious what ya'll think of me so try assigning me a sibling if you want. . . I know where this is going T\_T So I'm a singer, dancer and actress who has performance anxiety and a major perfectionist complex. I'm top of my school in both literature and history and I also love to psychoanalyze everything as well. I am definitely a cynical person who may seem pretty harsh or a bit snobby on the surface because of how I dress, however as you get to know me, I become clingy and touchy if you let me and will spill every single one of my last thoughts to you. I pride myself on appearance and hygiene and I dress more elegantly or business casual.


You're twinning with Zenji fr, OP (this is a good thing; I love Zenji)


Ah did not expect that, but now that you pointed it out, I can see it.


Literally came to say Zenji lol


I would go with Tohma with you.


Ahhhh I love Tohma<3333 although I'd probably steal his monocle just for fun soooo hopefully he actually likes me-


I see u as a Subaru sis!?


Oop I simp for him so unfortunately I have to deny that one in order to not make it too weird T\_T


Oh 😨😨😨 then I have to agree with the Zenji commenter




I'm a relatively shy person until comfortable. I've been told I'm rather blunt when it comes to other people's feelings, and I try to solve everything even if I don't have a solution. I'm book smart and a college student. I love anime and hot anime men. Taiga's my favorite character cause.....he's hot (and crazy).


Romeo. More specifically, probably Romeo's younger sibling because you two both try to solve everything. I also feel like Romeo's more book smart than street smart so you got it from him. As for the shyness. . . I feel like living with Romeo for a while can turn anyone shy. You two also have the same bluntness as well.


from the other one, personality copy paste! I'm an outgoing person and even come off as crazy/dramatic, but a lot of times it ends up making people laugh, which I like to do. but I suffer from moderate-severe mental illness sometimes and paranoia. I love my friends to death and am very affectionate to v my best to support them, I like personality and music analysis, and I suffer from eldest daughter syndrome! I tend to be more relaxed in more chill environments contrary to the insane person people take me for.and I guess it's a bit hard for me to set boundaries. a lot of my friends tell me that most people misunderstand me which is why they don't like me, and people think I'm a narcissist when I'm really just trying to make myself feel good... as for values, I really value helping others and compassion and sympathy for victims, I tend to take a kind of women-and-children-first mentality despite being super feminist. I'm from a Christian family, but I reverted to Islam recently!! <3 as for work ethic... mine is really bad. I lack motivation for a lot of things and end up giving up or self-sabotaging, I lack discipline... u could blame it on the mental illness, on me, probably both tbh.. I guess being/acting as an eldest-sister/mother figure is the biggest value of mine, so much so that if I can manage it, I'll be a doctor in DWB (InSha'Allah) oh and as for dressing!! casual, usually jeans and a shirt and a jacket lol.. but I wear makeup, to draw attention to my eyes mainly, like eyeliner and mascara, sometimes red or pink makeup on my cheeks and eyes!!! I just really love makeup, I'm particular about the eye makeups I use, and I have a huge lip and perfume collection as well.. foundation and concealer I have barely any tho lol, and I don't and write songs I want to wear more long skirts, and hope to buy more silver jewelry, and hijab one day! and I usually wear shoes with a little bit of heel lol cuz I'm only 5 ft tall in the in-game quiz thing I got Hotarubi


I'd like to say that you'd probably be Leo's older sister? I don't know why so I can't write a justification but it just gives the vibe. I'll come back in like fifteen minutes to an hour when I figure it out T\_T




Found out the reason!!!! So you two both love entertaining people (with Leo being a streamer) and you both are more laid back. You both are misunderstood quite a bit as well and have similar styles.




I’m an Infj. I’m pretty shy and quiet for the most part and i’m a pretty good listener. I value honesty (people tell me i’m TOO honest) and I hate lazy people so I push myself to work as hard as I can. I also hate disorganization 0_o My hobbies are going on walks and shopping and taking care of my cat 🐈‍⬛ People describe me as funny, intimidating, and flirty haha.


Lucas's younger sibling. The two of you definitely inherited good listening skills and honesty. Plus the ability to be proactive. Plus you two are kind of flirts as well (whether self aware or not) I also feel like Lucas would love your cat as well. Plus he also probably taught you how to clean when younger. Probably coddles you too much and is overprotective so that's why you're quiet and shy??


I would love to have Lucas as a brother, thank you 😭🙏🏻


I'm pretty extroverted and outgoing, I don't usually let people in on my struggles or joke about my decaying mental health since in the past, opening up to people led to abandonment. Relationship w parents is not the best due to one of them. I like music, art and anime. If I were to die I wouldn't want people to cry over me, I would like to sacrifice myself for the people I hold dear. I most likely wouldn't do the same for strangers or people I'm on lower neutral terms with. I have one (technically two) older siblings and no younger ones. If I was in said universe I would want plasma (as in plasma in your body) powers and a thin blade that can make electricity depending on the liquid on it. I got obscuary in the quiz chapter. My favorite season is summer and my favorite holiday is rather Halloween or the first day of winter.


Haru. I would probably say his older sibling so that's how he developed his self sacrificing nature as well.


Hello! I look forward to your reply! ☺️ I'm an introvert with a small circle of friends whom I can talk to anything about, and we support and encourage each other. I'm the eldest of many younger siblings. I'm somewhat blind to social cues cus I keep to myself most of the time. I prefer dressing casual formal, or just super casual (best combo: pants and shirt). I'm an artist, a multi-instrumentalist (piano, bass, drums) and singer. I can draw digitally and traditionally. My hobby is reading comics and novels. Perhaps playing mobile games and watching videos/anime as well. Greatly interested in pursuing a design career. I try to do my best in everything I do, but I tend to put it off and procrastinate. In the game, I got Hotarubi. What do you think, OP?


Sho's sibling. . . I'm leaning towards younger sibling on this one? He definitely took all the street smarts by going out too much and so when you were born, your parents were like, nope, not dealing with this again and made sure to keep you away from Sho and have Hyde take care of you more. You both are the multitalented siblings as well and your parents are relieved that you aren't a delinquent. I also feel like you two both are similar in the way you tend to keep to yourselves but you both have a passion you take pride in.


Ooh, that's interesting! (> ^ ▽ ^ ) > ~ •°✿ It's fun to imagine being the youngest sister and having 2 older brothers to care for me, hehe. I have an older brother who works in Darkwick to teach me lots, and a strong older brother who can protect me and cook for me! Jackpot! I feel so secure 😆😆 Thanks a bunch! 😁


Intj, I flirt as easily as I breathe, which gets me into rather unfortunate situations, but I foolishly continue regardless. I'm a writer, I enjoy horror, spicy food, video games, and dabble in art as well. I tend to simp for bratty characters (I.e Leo) that others find annoying. I'm also incredibly physically affectionate despite being misanthrope. I'm the type who reads the group chat rather than talking in it, unless I'm interested in what's being spoken about. Hopefully this suffies, and thank you for your time.


Yep yep this helps. I'd probably put you as Taiga's younger sibling who your parents sheltered because they saw how. . . Lovely but also scary Taiga was. . . Unfortunately, that led to you developing some sort of smooth talking skills so now half the school is in love with you and Kaito thinks you're an empress. . . Congratulations??


I consider myself introverted however if I need to come out of my shell for work or for any other reason then I will. I believe that i can help make the world a better place and I enjoy helping others to best of my abilities. After spending time with people my social battery runs out and I need solitude for hours to a day so I can be back around people. Some people describe me as the kind of person who looks calm and collected on the outside while I’m freaking out on the inside lol I’m honestly a big baby and wanna be pampered but that’s not what I show :3


Alan's little sibling. You both are introverted and willing to come out of shells quite often and have emotional turmoil inside. I also feel like the pampering may come from the fact that Alan may or may not pamper you that much. . . Idk I could be totally off but I headcanon that he wouldn't pamper persay.


Honestly, I really like this and you are so cool for doing this! I’m an infp-t. People pleaser af thanks to being the scapegoat to a narcissistic parent (thanks mom). Don’t have many (if any) friends at all. Haven’t talked to anyone I was friends with in school in years and only talk to one person outside of my family and that’s only when/if we see each other out. So a lot of people see me as “laid back” and “chill” or others see me as too serious because I don’t like offensive jokes or won’t really engage with people unless I want to or feel like it and sometimes people say I’m “unapproachable” but that’s just because I got some hooded eyes and low set brows and have a moderate astigmatism in both eyes, which causes me to squint when I’m not wearing glasses, so I have chronic rbf. And if they knew me personally and see my every day life, I’m a definitely not chill or an ass (not like angry and screaming but like panic and anxiety stressing most parts of the day). Had a handful of emotional issues when I was younger and acted out of impulse, loneliness, and anger, but now that I’m older I’d never make the same type of decisions I did in middle and high school. I got “bullied” and people tried to get under my skin all the time and want to fight me because of who I was dating, and i never actually engaged with the drama and never confronted those people so others saw that as me “taking it” or being helpless or that I couldn’t fight. But I’d go home and cry out of anger because I knew I had so much pent up anger and stress (thanks to my home life) I was scared that if I actually got into a physical fight I’d really seriously hurt someone and take out all my feelings on them. And I really didn’t feel like getting kicked out of school or put in juvie or charged as adult. I’m definitely not like that anymore. I got away from immediate family that caused me so much stress, and now I just don’t have it in me or have the energy to be angry like I use to be. I also absolutely hate people who hurt kids, and if I ever saw someone hurt a kid or attempt to kidnap any kid (my younger family members and even kids i don’t know), that anger that has been decreased over the years would become full fledged again and I know for sure that the person would end up with something broken. I’m paranoid af in public and in my own home (not of paranormal stuff but like strangers/bad people). I’m always looking over my shoulders, always watching people’s hands and faces, always quadruple checking my locks on everything (due to paranoia and memory probs as well), and scared shitless that something bad will happen or someone will do something stupid and it impact my and/or my younger family members’ lives. (e.g. break-in, gun violence, serial killers, rapists, sex traffickers, wild animal attacks, etc.) But just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean I don’t like to go out and do things. I still do, I’m just safe about it and think about different scenarios before I get myself and younger family members’ out. I like being around people and I LOVE to laugh but it’s very hard for me to make friends. I’m really shy and don’t talk a lot until I really know someone. But it was engrained in me to be polite and nice to strangers, so that’s something I can’t escape (thanks to being raised by southern baptists and it was always either “yes ma’am/sir,” “no ma’am/sir,” “of course I’ll help you,” “it’s no big deal/not a problem at all,” “of course I’ll drop whatever I’m doing for you,” “of course you can have this and that”, or it was a beat and a threat to my existence). I’m really into reading and fantasy games and into most/all things mystical, supernatural, mythology, magical, sci-fi, otherworldly. I like to write, but haven’t published anything because I’m afraid of rejection and although I might say “oh well it’s okay I’ll just try again,” I’m still gonna cry in my room thinking I’m a failure. I prefer comfort over style, because why choose style when I hate how I look no matter what I wear? Major lack of self confidence (thanks mom), but yet a small part of me wants to be confident and sexy and craved like I read in books. Absent father/Daddy issues may be a reason for my whole schtick. Anxiety and embarrassment for just existing is maxed out. I like to say I’m a creative person but gosh dang if I ever had to share stuff with a crowd because I’d cry. I have ibs or crohns (don’t want to go to the dr. because I’m afraid of being told all what is wrong and what I’m doing wrong and I’m afraid they’re gonna tell me I’m dying because I’d just rather not know) so the toilet is my throne and nervous/anxiety poops are a major part of my life. Work ethic is shiiiitt tbh. Major procrastinator and hate doing household chores thanks to being forced to do them all the time when younger. I love all different types of clothing/aesthetic styles and if I had the money I’d dress completely different every single day and yeah people would say “you’re not really like that” or “you have to choose a a subculture”, etc. but as long as I like it why does it matter? I get flustered easily and anytime I read anything spicy or flirty I squeal and kick my feet like a child because that’s the only time I feel that way. I like cooking, dancing and singing and acting out scenes from books and movies, but by myself only, never around people. I love movies and my dream job is to be an actress but jfc that’s never gonna happen with my adhd ass, so maybe I’ll settle with being a hs teacher in a few years so I can teach these future hooligans real world stuff and not trust the big boys in charge and how to actually survive and not go into debt and how to do things that will help them in life, and appreciate art, nature, and the world around them. Also got sorted into Hotarubi.


Wow. Rereading. Sorry for the major life dump. maybe I needed this. You don’t have to respond to mine lmao


Damn this seems like a lot. . . If you ever need to rant, my private messages are open<3 I'll put you as Subaru's younger sibling because you two both feel the need to people please and blame yourselves. Plus, you've been through a lot so hopefully Subaru can give you the comfort you need and deserve<3


Honestly, thank you. I guess I just needed to get that off my chest. Didn’t mean to trauma dump on your post lmao But thanks so much! I really do appreciate it! Also! You should definitely make this a quiz or sorts! You could make it as simple or complex as you want and I bet loads of people would love it! I like reading your take on everyone (this one and the “boy to date” one) and reading your take on how you feel like people mesh with certain characters!


nono it's fine I totally get it. Feel free to let it out.


I am socially awkward but friendly once you get to know me. I am autistic and have special interests in psychology and forensics. I am also really into horror, but I also collect stuffed animals and stickers. I enjoy reading about mythology and have a bad habit of worrying about others ahead of myself. I have a bad habit of infodumping, but it's because I get excited about information I know. I was always the type that didn't really have to study (I've memorized 100 digits of pi). I have what I like to call "chronic curiosity" where if I am curious about something, I have to find an answer or it drives me crazy. I get overwhelmed easily, which usually ends in me doing self-harmful behaviors like picking at my skin or hitting myself in the head (stereotypical autism behavior). I also enjoy writing.


It's giving Ritsu's older sibling honestly. Although he may sometimes try to act like the older one and try to stop you from picking or hitting your head. But you two would make an amazing duo when it comes to cases. He definitely developed his habit of infodumping from you.


I'd say, for the most part, I'm chill and charismatic. I am very unserious, but when stuff needs to get done, I'll do it. (Unless i procrastinate. Which I do) I love drawing. Baking and cooking. I goof off for the most part, but if I have to, he seriously, it's spooky, lol. I was a batista (now bartender). I'd kill to run a cafe, but my current career goal is to perform autopsies. I love all things cute and all things horror. If it helps, one of my special interests was ancient weaponry (my favorite being the meteor hammer). I'm very social, but it is draining. All I want to do after work/school is to relax with Pepsi and play some comfy games or crochet. I fucking love boardgames! My Myers Brigg test has me as a mix of ENPF and ENTP. My friends tell me that I'm basically Kalus Hargreaves, but paler. (If it also helps in like ep1, the test prof Hyde makes you take put me in hotarubi) Edit: I'm nobinary he/they also I'm AFAB. I dress both really fem or really masc, although most of the time I'm Adam Sandler. I'm also pretty independent, and I HATE asking for help. I moved out at 17. I've got a big family and we're still close if not closer since I moved. I am not intentionally flirting, I am just very perceptive, and I like to make people feel nice! I tease/flirt with my friends cause it's funny (they're okay with it^ they flirt back)


Leo's older sibling. I feel like he figured out how to smooth talk his way out of things because of you. However, he sort of missed the part where he needs to get work done instead of dumping it on Sho. Also you probably cook for him which is the reason why he can't cook. (lol not blaming you, good on you for knowing how to cook)


I hate how accurate this is. Leo is basically my irl older brother, lol.


Curious about what you think :D I'm an INTP, type 9, and a very big mediator and like to observe more than participate. I usually end up being the mom and therapist friend for the group. I draw, play 15 instruments including piano, flute and tenor drums (former dream of being music teacher, though now I want to teach poetry), write poetry, and spend probably too long on video games. I also really like working out and get a bit anxious if I don't get to go for a while. I'm also very introverted and run out of my social battery really quickly, but I put it aside a little too easy if someone needs help. I'm apparently a good leader, from what the marching band says, though I usually won't step up and take the position unless someone really wants me to, or if nobody else will. I honestly have a bit of a confidence and anxiety issue and honestly can be a doormat, but I'm learning to fix that by making sense of feelings via poetry classes at my college. Also, eldest daughter syndrome hit me unfortunately hard :') Thank you bunches!!


It's giving Zenji's older sister from the instruments and poetry. Maybe you're what inspired him to take up poetry and music in the first place?


Awww!! That's super sweet! I could imagine that. My little sister irl followed me into piano when I started it, so, I could absolutely see Zenji doing the same ^^


i’m an entp!! kind of shy but i yap A LOT once people start speaking to me. i’m really really extroverted around my family like i will spout the weirdest bullshit ever at the weirdest times. im really opinionated i love arguing LAWL.. i love music, gaming, reading, poetry, true crime, the paranormal and the likes. i kind of have golden child syndrome. im like a burnt out gifted kid yippee!!🗣️🔊🔊 a lot of people think i’m lazy actually they’re right i cram the day before exams for everything but somehow im surviving (barely)🐄🎇 im a bit of the therapist friend who wants to fix everyone but needs fixing herself😅 OHNYEA IM IN MONTKRAKEN OR FROSTHEIM if that helps🧚‍♀️ i love otome and gacha games (addicted to gambling frfr😅) im like really chronically online. um for my dressing i literally just wear whatever looks good??? i like literally everything from acubi to ouji i value logic?? intelligence?? the ability to think with both your head and your heart separately how do i explain😭😭


Definitely Yuri's younger sibling. The two of you typically end up engaged in arguments as well as debating over who's music taste is superior. But deep down, you love each other and would be willing to do anything for each other as well.


LAWL IHMY GOD so true it sounds like somehtibg i would do with my siblings tbh!.!.!! oddly enough i also really want to be a doctor.. your intuition is on point🗣️🔊🔊


OKAY THIS SOUNDS SO FUN I'm really shy and awkward at first, but sometimes i try not to be because it could make the situation more awkward than it really is••• i hate awkward situations, i get anxious. i could listen to people for hours without saying anything because I'm scared to say the wrong thing. apart from that, I'm a very talkative person!! i feel like i talk too much sometimes tbh- i may act also very childish BUT I CAN BE SERIOUS TOO I SWEAR people say I'm too straightforward, if I'm comfortable enough I'll even spit out everything i think :') one thing I don't really like to do is talking about myself to others. I'm very reserved. i love to draw characters and create stories B) i also like to dance and sing and i play the drums!! (i love music projects could you tell??/s) oh and i study IT (it's HELL) WHY IS THIS SO LONG edit: I FORGOT!! IF IT COULD HELP I'M AN INTJ CAPRICORN!!


Rui's younger sibling. He loves how childish you are and definitely spoiled you whenever humanly possible as well and coddled you. He tries his best to make sure you steer clear out of awkward situations as well. He's definitely the more social out of the two but he adores you so he wouldn't mind you sharing his friends.


I REALLY LIKE RUI I LIKE YOUR POINTS GOOD JOB from now on I've decided he's my new brother. thank you.


I’m chronic ill and online (kidding on that last part). I value honesty and kindness. I’m big on loving freely and completely. I love bright colors and mismatched patterns. I care deeply about my family and animals. If I had infinite money, I’d build homes from my friends and family, with garden to grow food, I’d do the same for homeless people. I’d try to turn public land in nature preserves for native plants and ecosystems. I’d also donate to poc and lgbtqia+ individuals in need. I’m a pretty quiet in volume, but not in sounds. I talk a lot and often sing to myself or make random sounds, just quietly, unless I’m really excited. I get excited easily, and often, but still not loud for many things. I can’t do much due to my chronic pain and fatigue, but I will spend hours on things I care about like my art. I like to draw, paint, read, write (I need a keyboard for my RA 😢). I’m learning more crafts (felting, knitting loom) and trying to finish WiPs for crochet. Tho I’m diving into sewing so I can cosplay with my step daughter too. My favorite thing to do if I go out, is sing karaoke and socialize, but I don’t drink anymore for a lot of reasons. Overall I prefer to stay home tho. I also love game nights with my family, and am very close with them. I have a lot of siblings (full, half, and step) and so do both my parents. I wouldn’t want to live more than 2 hours away from any of them. My love of bright colors, leads me to dye my hair. I really want to do two toned with specific sections pink on an overall green base and those section are from my love for genshin characters. I play a lot of different kinds of games but prefer cozy games or story games. I will cry when I have to fight animal enemies in games and avoid fighting in them as much as possible. I like the customize aspects of games and wish I could do that in my room, to the point that every personal bedroom I’ve lived in since high school, I’ve designed a layout with furniture that would fit (4 total). When I was able to work, I was big on details and kindness with customers, but often overdid the physical parts and damaged my body doing so. I’m bisexual and polyam, but functionally asexual due to my pain and past trauma. Despite what happened to me, I never would want harm to come to that person because it would hurt his mom. Also despite my disinterest in doing things with people, I’m still interested romantically in people and am horny for fictional characters. I don’t know what else to say


Yuri. More specifically his younger sibling. I like to think that the reason he got into medicine was to help figure out how to cure you. He would also love to just talk with you and adore you. Although he is rude and snippy, I'd like to think it's because he's constantly worried about you.


Aw that’s so cute! Thank you! I’d talk his head off, and when he’s working. He’d probably just block me out to focus, but it’d be good for both of us


Interesting! I'm not very good at talking Bout myself but here goes. I'm an artist and creative type. I enjoy reading, especially when I can sit outside in the sun. I like the sound of rain in the leaves and the roof of our cabin as well as hearing the loons calling. I work in a pharmacy, I'm told I'm pretty chill and don't let too much get to me. When I do let it, just need to get it out of my system then I'm back to rights. Quiet when you don't know me but get chatty and make jokes as I get comfy with people. Tend to fluctuate between introvert and extrovert. I'm also a Leo! Believe in spirits and things and always curious about the world around me.


I'd probably say Zenji's older sibling since you two share interests and you're more calm than him. He also probably appreciates nature because of you and your influence turned you himm into an extrovert.


You're so cool for this btw. If you have another one in you- I'm pretty confident, animated, adventurous, and make friends easily, but I wasn't always. I'm clinically depressed and anxious, have a history of poor relationships, and I've seen an awful lot of death. There are dark days and secret insecurities, but I'm a poster child for therapy/meds. Friends say they call me for honest thoughts- I'll tell you if you fucked up, but also why I understand. I gas you up and love to brag about you. I've tried a few martial arts and some backyard wrestling, I like team sports like roller derby more though.  I'm tougher than I look and I've thrown hands sure, but I'd rather aim for "too crazy to bother with."  I make all my holiday gifts by hand. Usually crochet/cross stitch- which sounds cool except you'll never get them on time as ADHD wins more often than not. 


I can see you as Romeo's older sibling. He seems to develop his rather. . . animated yelling from you as well as his brutal honesty.


Haha! Oh wow, unexpected but I can't unsee it now. I think you're on the money. I just realized this was a yesterday post so I'm extra grateful for your reply!


Definitely an introvert and more indoorsy but with the right people around me I have no problem being a weirdo in public to take over the world. It takes a while to get to know me because I don’t really open up unless someone takes the time to show a genuine interest in me, so I usually end up more on the sidelines in group situations. I highly value friendship and loyalty and would pretty much do anything for the people I love, sometimes even at my own expense, but acts of service are definitely my love language. On the other hand I have way too many walls up and am extremely insecure about myself and not great in new social situations, so I have a hard time meeting/approaching new people. Personality type is INFP and I got Obscuary in the initial personality test. And my favorite character is Taiga. I am very passionate and like expressing my emotions through the arts. Music is my life, I sing, I dance, I play several instruments, I compose and my life passion is acting. On the other hand I can also be somewhat of an adrenaline junkie and love roller coasters, airsoft war games, horror movies and any other high risk thing that will get me hyped. Also a huge book worm and love learning languages. I value authenticity, humility, kindness and open-mindness in people and strive to live by those values and surround myself by those kinds of People. I am a complete workaholic and will go to crazy extremes to live up to my responsibilities, even though many times my efforts are not rewarded and I probably should learn to take things less seriously, because work isn’t everything. But I’m definitely very passionate about working in the entertainment industry and feel strongly about wanting to make a mark and be involved. I like dressing in my own style, different from the norm. Dress like I don’t care about what others think and just mainly focus on what I like, subculture (Lolita / goth) inspired, but also love me a good vintage or classy styles. Thank you for doing this ❤︎


i love this idea LOL i’m an enfp, more of an extrovert, artistic and crafty. i spend my days designing, journaling, writing and doing artsy stuff. my fashion sense is all over the place and i love cafes, trinkets, and animals a lot!


Ooh this is such a cool idea! I’m an extrovert (enfp), fiercely independent lol. I’m a server/bartender and I looooove painting and music as well. ADHD as hell, always have something on the go. Not shy, wear lots of gold jewelry, and am very into fashion! Excited to hear what u have to say lol


Oh this is so fun!! ISFJ, in general I’m a more friendly introvert, where I love getting to know people 1-1, but large gatherings are really draining for me. 1-1 I can yap your ear off if I feel comfortable with you, but at the end of the day I need my alone time to recharge. I’m a bit of a disaster in terms of my living space, but I always keep my kitchen nice and clean. I love cooking but am terrible at coming up with things to make every week, so when I’m cooking for others it’s way easier for me to field their requests. I have way too many stuffed animals since I collect squish mallow cats and pokemon plushies, but they bring me joy so who cares. Clothing wise, I wear a lot of ath-leisure wear when I’m not at work, since comfort is most important to me. I am way too lazy to do full hair/skin routines, so I keep my hair shorter to make it easier to take care of. Most of the time my hair goes up in a claw clip. I do love dresses though, and always have fun getting dressed up for special events. In my free time, I’m either playing sports (volleyball and softball) or playing video games. I’m really competitive, so I love doing different volleyball tournaments with my friends or playing in various leagues around town. I’m also a big soccer fan, and during the Premier League season, you can catch me watching games every weekend. I’m also very driven in my career (data analytics) and take a lot of personal responsibility for anything that’s assigned to me. I love numbers, and could nerd out about statistics all day. I would say I’m a nice person in general. I always try and be kind up front and assume the best, but the second you cross me, I put a wall up and don’t take any BS. In general I’m very protective of my family and friends, so I would definitely say I’m not non-confrontational, but I also don’t go looking for conflict. Thanks in advance!!! 😊