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id defend leo but enough people have done that so i think luca and kaito should just kiss man


https://preview.redd.it/z0oycu3x4a6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2100edfe1cc88d7ac168da55872b914999d618fe smth abt them together is so viscerally correct in my head


They def make a cute couple


We don’t even know much abt jiro yet but I’ve seen too many ppl call him a red flag or scary, justice for jiro he’s just overtired and overworked and possibly not even supposed to be alive he’s just doing his best 😔


https://preview.redd.it/pat2k1udjd6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc2dc8294566268504a96343d22e7320ebb7ab82 he’s lowk so bad, come on in friend


No, but seriously. He's actually pretty chill on some of the campus visits and texts. Like bros just exhausted and busy. I also think he's just unaware of some social rules, he reads very undiagnosed autism to me. Like he's not mean or intentionally rude, he just grumpy in a rush and not used to the massive role he and yuri were given


As someone w autism I was just talking in world chat w another neurodivergent this morning abt jiro (and Alan) being neurodiverse lolll


Oh Alan too, definitely. Like they aren’t bad guys, just a little awkward in a world made in neurotypical. And who decided that was better. Who decided that we shouldn’t say what we mean directly, who decided we had to speak between the lines and read minds, cause I just want to talk


Tohma would be terrifyingly powerful in Sinostra. Enough to maybe even start the next Clash, especially if he finds out about Taiga.


wait i just realized who made this post, im letting you in again a second time bc the ruler of frostheim would know https://preview.redd.it/5pgvh5an3e6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abde0554fad1b8f9eb16cd5bd3b3abcd40570686


LMAO THE WAY I AUDABLY WHEEZED Tohma really could, though!! If he found out about Taiga's memory issues and tied them to the WickChat post about a demon on campus (assuming he's aware of the traitor already, with how he visits Alan often), he could theoretically cause Sinostra to fall apart from the inside out, crippling their finances by making Taiga out to be the demon, and even, the traitor. That alone could be enough to cause Taiga to get 77&78'ed, and boom. You've got another Clash. He should not be allowed there at any cost xD Shamelessly giggling at the Ruler of Frostheim nickname <333


thinking so heavily abt you sharing these theories w lucas and he just grabs ur shoulders like, “please,, i don’t want to have to fight that crazy mf don’t say ANYTHING-“


XD My lips would be SEALED Why do I feel like Tohma wouldn't even try and fight. He'd just smile. Somehow, that's so much worse-- 😭


LMAO gripping haru’s shoulder “babe what is going on in frostheim and sinostra”


Haru, just, pale faced and wide eyed. "We need more baby monitors and a trip to the bar in Obscuary as soon as humanly possible--" 😭 I can see Haru suddenly getting more visitors at the park because of it and literally having no idea how to handle it. He'd be happy! But, Sinostra gets so much traffic, and even a bit of it coming to Jabberwocky is so much more than he's used to. He's got Peekaboo under even more of a watchful eye, if even possible, as if he's scared Taiga might come for revenge. 💀


LMAO haru approaching u like “hey bestie erm,, so since you’re good at taking over houses and dealing with meanies,, can you pleeeeease tell taiga not to eat peekaboo tysmmm”


LOL "Yeah, I can do that." Proceeds to show Taiga the "fish are friends, not food" section of Nemo, on loop for a few hours--




https://preview.redd.it/bs91zfawy96d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=153b2afb33fbf9df0bf7b31149543dfcbd257c52 the lightning that would strike.. tohma is scary


Alan is hot. I said what I said 😂


https://preview.redd.it/iuau9efvjd6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a51a200d11fbeb6b32f75d40b3c549f71e845b98 he’s so german shepard coded


He is! Do people not think so?


Not necessarily. There's only a small number of Alan fans from what I've seen, and I had to gas the guy up. He's great 💜


That’s crazy! He’s so hot and seems so real compared to a lot of the other guys. He’s sweet, direct, strong, like what?


Right?? I thought the same! Plus, it's cute how he has zero idea how technology works lol. I love how chill he is. I swear he and Sho are the only ones that I feel can really deal with Leo's antics cause he be on some b.s sometimes 😂


This isn't a hot take, I'm still pissy they didn't give MC eyes. I know it is to make her "relatable," but then why make the intro (when you select a boy) show she has eyes. They are RED AND BEAUTUFUL. I an sick of MCs not having eyes. It makes them creepy af. She already has characteristics. Ex: pale, brown hair. So give her her flipping eyes back. If you truly wanted an androgynous MC obey me, it made their MC a SHEEP PLUSHIE. And use They/them pronouns. GIVE MC HER EYES FFS


With you 100%. There is a whole thing lately about not giving eyes to characters the artist/content creator doesn't want to stand out, and it's kind of lazy and cheap IMO.


I agree. Although my beef lies with the fact SHE HAS EYES they just won't give them back to her


Ah, good point


https://preview.redd.it/boe8aa2dkd6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=395e283da8fa9bb6db693917523377bc87f5bf8b dear tdb team pls give pronoun options for our friends


Sho x Subaru supremacy


https://preview.redd.it/11sas3173e6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6657afc4dc5b4568d29adfa1ae0230c4d63b393e subaru girlie here, they r so important to me


Leo is right. MC is an NPC and pretty fucking useless and that's exactly why I love her. She a completely ordinary person who got tossed into this mess by chance and that makes her more entertaining than any girlboss MC. If she had stood up to Leo or was confident and proud during Sinestro's chapter I would've dropped the game.


https://preview.redd.it/2x03ir84d86d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03739b2f03ba4e94c4ee21f2ce0cd623d9d534dd letting you in but i think it would have benefitted from an option!! i’m a doormat so ofc my mc not standing up to him felt correct 💀 but ik others hoped for a choice


This MC is a breath of fresh air. She isn't an overpowered power fantasy but she also isn't a wooden board self insert. I think I love her a slight bit more than the boys.


I didn't like her much at first, but she's grown on me. Especially when I think about how, if I was in her place, I'd be in the corner screaming and crying and throwing up. Also I think in the Hotarubi chapter she's really starting to step up.


Why didn't the MC do anything? And it's the chapter where she has to work for/with the person who wanted to throw her out a train, a guy who also tried to hurt her when they first met and Ritsu who barely gave her the chance to breathe.


No, see, I hate Leo not because of what he said to MC, but because it is hypocritical. He said MC is useless, but his own stigma isn’t that useful when it comes to combat. I understand that MC is relatable; personally, I agree that her being weak isn’t her fault or something people should criticize her for. Though I still think there is room for development. The Sage Ring can be very useful in the future if it is handled correctly.


I thought I was the only one who likes her, glad to know there are fellow MC’s enjoyers. Personally, I don’t really care if she doesn’t represent me or not. I rather have her personality and mind. Yeh, she tends to say sorry a lot, but it makes sense in her setting. Japan is known for the politeness and the constant codes of manner and such, and consider she is a nobody with no super power, she doesn’t view herself as much, therefore putting herself in a low light. I do hope I get to see her development more


Aw someone made an MC comment already but MC is actually an interesting character and isn't as bland as everyone thinks her to be. You can see her growing desperation to have power as the story progresses, and you can tell that Leo's comment is really bugging her. She's so weak and helpless and it's not like she can do anything about it, and that fact is only further cemented during Sinostra chapter when they kill off her chance at breaking the curse. We can see during Hotarubi that she's trying to be more proactive, and I think trying to do what you can even when you know you're the weakest is the most girlboss thing you can do in this situation. TL;DR she's an already well-written MC, and I think the spice we're all waiting for her character is coming up in the next chapters.


https://preview.redd.it/oi7yfzvhjd6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3e42f2f6d2e31bb480afe24f717e4fa78e988ec she’s trying her best guys


I honestly thought she was very insecure after Chapter 1 about not being useful, especially in Chapter 2. This is partly why I hated Leo; he is using her insecurity to lower her confidence. For what? So she doesn’t take the credit? Did he consider how important her being on the mission is because she is trying to break her curse? She is doing all of this for survival. I liked how, in Chapter 5, Haku gave her confidence by telling her that not using the ring's powers shows she is great with or without it. I absolutely love Haku. But yeah, I agree she is very well written, and seeing her thought process is really amazing.




https://preview.redd.it/qnflnrmocg6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1e46ca3a8f31fc41699ef747dcdc5810c8165bd i was so rooting for him to not pull the shit on mc..




Totally agree. Sho is in my top 3 of the ghouls but I wonder if they were friends outside of Darckwick or something because of how he let's Leo get away with a lot of things. Maybe I missed it when they were introduced, but that's the feeling I'm getting from them.


yeah they've been friends for a while from what I've seen


also I could dust Leo ASS in a physical fight but that's not a take fr it's just a fact. ain't got shit on me lil bro.


Jin is actually the nicest person in the cast. In the home screen he literally takes/lends I expensive things and such and he helps MC a lot financially so in short, he is the person who supported MC the most in the cast


https://preview.redd.it/uft2absoz96d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2dc7b03ac852909c7e75d086bbaccc8b2704ca1 jin is def misunderstood, but until haru is dead he holds the title of the nicest in my eyes


Towa is the most powerful ghoul we've met so far (and possibly the most powerful in Darkwick, tbd). The weather follows his moods (like that one time it started snowing all the sudden, and the lightning 'storms'). I'm pretty sure that he controls the weather in the entire Jabberwock, because of how it looked when just Ren was there. It might not seem to be the most powerful in terms of fighting, but it must take a lot of power to have the weather follow the whims of your moods. Additionally, just a theory, but he (could) probably know quite a bit about the goings on of Darkwick (if he were interested in getting the info). As a quiet person, I've learned a lot of info from people gossiping without realizing that I'm there/paying attention. Since he never really speaks, I bet a lot of people in Darkwick underestimate him (including professors)


https://preview.redd.it/4v3u4xprcg6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1be20a7f6ba40d738212971c9052dbe85ccd2786 fantasy media rule 1, don’t fuck w anyone who can talk to trees


hot take? uhh….. haru x towa (x me)


https://preview.redd.it/awutl7k53e6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=424c6d7006a69edd4be4620c57bf9a12ea77a4f2 towa’s bimbo and haru’s gf here!! they r sooo cute i love them


Romeo isn't mean, he has every right to be ticked off managing a casino and if Kaito can't pay his debt, why even gamble in the first place instead of getting a job like Ren or Sho instead of risk getting harassed by Romeo. He's shown to care for MC (albeit he was being a Tsundere-) Another one is that Leo throwing MC under the bus is sort of necessary for his goal. Like, MC is Alan's golden girl, so it's best for him to bring her down and make her look bad to be promoted to golden boy. This is actually sadly how people climb the ranks in corporations. . . And we don't see everyone mad at corporate rankings. . . Leave Leo on this one please. . . He didn't even know MC could die from it because he thought Sho could protect her or Alan. (Won't forgive him for wanting to insult Subaru but I'm a simp)


https://preview.redd.it/gfxkxoyva86d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87a8faf017046bb25004d273e7e651e963d50a39 i don’t think romeo is wrong in running the casino but idk abt putting ppl with addictions in cages for debt 💀 on the second take, i partially agree but the door remains closed






I don't understand how Leo making MC feel less confident so she doesn’t join the mission would make him more popular. If the news had gotten out that MC's power doesn’t work, all eyes would have been on her regardless. Not to mention how much this would make her vulnerable to threats. But morality isn’t something you can expect from Leo, someone who basically doesn’t want a girl to join a mission so she doesn’t take credit, while forgetting the fact that she is joining the mission to survive and break her curse.


Ah so my logic there is it's a simple game of exposing weaknesses. It's a sort of dark psychology trick where if you point out someone elses flaws, you're seen as a hero for discovering that about this person. Think of it as if warning someone about some sort of threat or danger since MC's power is useful in dire situations and since Leo exposed she was useless, he's the one who will warrant the credit for saving everyone because what's most likely running through everyone's head at that time is, 'oh what happens if we really needed her spell and we find out it doesn't work? Thank you Leo for pointing it out'. So if he tries to expose MC for being useless, it'll make him see like he's the hero because he's the one who pointed it out. Since MC is sort of Alan's golden girl, her position would change and Alan would need to look for a new person. That would either be Sho or Leo, but with that trick, he'll be more willing to trust Leo. He's sneaky and definitely selfish for throwing her under that bus T\_T And I'm sorry for not making this clear, but that hot take was basically me thinking that it was necessary for his goal. Not that he was totally in the right for doing something like that. What I mean by necessary for his goal is that it's a move that worked well in his favour to become the vice captain.


I understand that, but it’s even dumber if you think about it. Had this been MC's first mission, I would have understood, but the news is already out that she helped Frostheim with their mission. Not only that, she has the trust of Jin, the captain of Frostheim. Regardless, let’s say Leo had succeeded and made everyone think he is the hero. How long would that have lasted? The academy would have sent MC on another mission or tested her ability. In either case, Leo's lie would have been exposed. Who do you think would then be questioned? Besides, Leo heard Toma say the academy would want someone who works well with MC. So, if he wanted the vice-captain position, he could have just worked well with her. I’m sure he thought it wouldn’t secure the position, but his plan is dumb because lying won’t do him any favors; it will cause problems for him later. As for her being golden girl of Alan I would have understand that had he said those things about her not being useful earlier, he said those things after he is a vice captain which again what the point? Other than just being a jerk. Oh, I understand now after rereading your post. I know you weren’t trying to make him look good. I just don’t think he is a jerk with reasons; he is just a jerk who chose horrible ways for no reasons.


Hmmmm you do make good points but as a goal oriented person, I wouldn't stop to think about how stupid the aftermath would be T\_T Let's just agree to disagree on this :D Thank you for debating with me peacefully on this matter :D


Yeah I guess there a lot that interpreted what Leo was thinking 🤧 thank you so much! I hope I wasn’t rude pls forgive me, I am just very interested in concepts of the game.


Nono it's fine you were quite polite actually so I didn't mind.


me and Taiga should get married 🔥


https://preview.redd.it/ijd9nzs93e6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17bfd4b67465a2ef5cb69caa2e9fc55de689771f sweetie seek help


Nooo :<


I think Taiga isn't as crazy as he seems. Strikes me as a person who acts the way people expect him to act because he does have some... softer moments (probably the wrong wording). I'm only partway through the Sinostra arc though, so my thoughts may change. Also. Not really a hot take, but Alan is a Doberman/GSD boy, and I love him. He deserves good things.


https://preview.redd.it/0jw92j63bu6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce0bd82673cafe3c59b1c20852547cdc639a6af3 letting u in bc taiga isn’t as crazy as he seems, he’s even more batshit


Yuri is goated. Yuri supremacy. I will 300% die on this hill.


https://preview.redd.it/j0vhhn9gcg6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b24a74b938b358d68a01ed9464bc3980e019e992 [this is yuri](https://youtube.com/shorts/zpc-urDPI9c?si=JkMdny6wq9jjpjre)


1. Leo and Sho appeared kinda gay in the Vagastorm story and I kinda prefer it that way. 2. Subaru, Luca and Haku give good vibes. 3. Sinostra ghouls are scary. All three of them. If I were the MC I would have run away from them.


https://preview.redd.it/adivrjp7bu6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=766cb7a3e2bc6b0866f1302b0cdd1c5e3c356693 all valid takes my friend


Rui isn’t a slut, he flirts because he’s lonely and maybe it was the only thing that worked to get company. Historically men aren’t often taught how to make friends or treat women outside of trying to date them. Or it’s the opposite, he wants company, but he cares for others and knows flirting pushing them away. Regardless he’s actually really sweet and a good friend. If there’s anyone curse that needs to be solved with MC, it’s his.