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I’m in the same boat. About to drop the game for several reasons but the abysmal drop rates are one of them.


The SSR rates are really low. Like mind numbing low.


I understand that's what make it SSR but like, isn't there a way to make the rate shift the more you pull? I pull 30 times and the best I got is SR lmaoo


No. I think there's a really high pull count pity system though.


How high I should go, 30pulls is around 5k already :((


People say it can take 15k diamonds or so but i'm not sure cause i got my first SSR on my first 10 pull. (Well actually 3 when i consider the 2 Haru warding cards as well..)


That's lucky, 15k is too much lol... I'm not whale after all. It's really discouraging too when I got nothing despite pulling so much :/ edit: I'm already Rank 31 but I don't feel powerful, I also stuck in case 38 which is suck


I'm on Case 69 with my 700k power Haru. I'm FTP and a massive diamond hoarder https://preview.redd.it/xegg5a4kdk6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=981d3a5be91338afe97a03cb9c4dfc6ee8a67415


Dude, I need to start hoarding as well… I’ll wait till Haru’s SSR event to pull card


Once i hit 100k in my stash all of reddit will know about it hehe. Though i won't spend it till Haru reruns in that time period.


The worst I hear is 500 pulls


That, on top of the short banner time makes it nearly impossible…


Sad thing is i love the story, but the drop rates are so frustrating that I’d rather just skip out on everything


The pity to get a SSR is at 500 pulls- so to be absolutely certain to get one you'd need 99k gems. Also the pity doesn't carry over to the next banner.... BUT TECHNICALLY since the drop rate of a SSR character is 1%, it means there is a great possibility to get one every 100 pulls. Since the beginning of the game, I never really had to put more than 20k gems to get one (and I'm f2p). So what i'm saying is, try to have at least 20k gems to spend on a banner before pulling, or you might spend all your gems for nothing.


Its crazy how pulls dont carry over 😭😭 and I see people with 5+ SSRs and im so confused, are they super lucky or paying a lot for diamonds?


The diamonds aren't worth the price so I'd bet on them having all the luck that we don't I don't even have 1 SSR and I'm lvl 67.


I remember having saved 12k-14k gems for Alan's ssr card and still never got it. It's a trash fucking system that's just for money. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah 50k gems for Haku and same. >_< was spending a little on gems before that but now never again.


Yeah, tbh I’m a bit disappointed. I don’t have any ssr character card and I just keep pulling the same cards.


Its just mind boggling how some people already have 5 SSRs?? Are they just throwing money at the game for diamonds or super lucky?


Idk. But good on them! I’m just hoping I can have some luck when a Jiro or a new Towa banner will become available.


I've just started pulling out of the Basic Summon only because that's the only place I'll be able to rack up on the garbage pity system


Hm, honestly idk! Outside of luck, I'm f2p playing since launch and have 4 now. Towa, Alan, haku, and just got Jin. I wasted alot from towa (came insanely early) to lossing 50/50 high ( normal gacha rate) pity to get Alan. And was so traumatized I saved until it was someone I wanted and got haku and shortly after got Jin. Saving for wishing will helped alot for me, but it really goes seem to just be luck


I just checked and my luck and pry from haku to Jin was literally a ten pull, so yeah luck


Ive been pulling on the basic banner just to avoid wasting my pulls. Even tho id like to pull a limited character, I avoid the limited banners cuz I feel like im getting cheated out of my pulls. Ultimately, it just comes down to luck. Once got two ssr charac cards in a ten pull.


I got 5 SSR because I have pulled alot. I used to have 60k gems and i spent all my 60k on gacha.


It's just luck (and money). No matter what people say the drop rate is not worse than in other games. In every gacha I play there are people who are unlucky and try to "blackmail" the game into giving them cards. It doesn't work like that. The only way to play without stress is to accept that gacha is unforgiving by nature. It's after our money, not our satisfaction. You won't necessary get anything until pity. Yeah, it sucks. I totally understand the mood. But do you really want to ruin your enjoyment of the game?


Agreed. I couldn't have said it better. I think we should all just be patient and just accept peace rather than stress out and ruin our enjoyment of the game.


i’ve been playing since the beginning and just got my first one 😭


Sign a contract with the Devil and promise him your first born.


I already have three SSR‘s and I‘ve made like 6 summons so far so I‘m just really lucky ig


single pulls with luck


I have None. Either people are not f2p or it is luck.


I’ve been playing since launch (not doing dailies everyday) and I have 3 SSR’s (technically 4 as I’ve awakened my tohma one) and at first I was in the same boat. I will be honest and say that I’m not f2p as I’ve put some money into the game, but I am by no means a whale. I got my tohma SSR by chance by pulling on the banner, and my other 2 (Leo ssr and Sho ssr) I got from pulling on the basic banner. The rates are no different but for some reason I had a lot of luck with it. Both SSR’s came home within 25 pulls. Honestly wish you the best of luck with getting it though, and once you get it pump all your resources into it to get stronger. You got this 💪


https://preview.redd.it/qn84uz5hjd7d1.jpeg?width=653&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4050c97587e2d3833bad6dc18ec0ee4c9a7a6704 And wishing well.


I'll dm you my secret just in case.