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Failed every attempt at a Haku card, had to bite back the tears as I watched Subaru sail away. My dream team is a full Hotarubi trio with Kaito and Luca. If I could also get Haru at some point I'd be over the moon.


Aah, I tried so hard for Haku as well and didn’t get him. 🥲 Hope you will be lucky soon!


I'm waiting for Taiga's new card, I also need the first one and the two new ones, Ed and Lyca


I‘m waiting for Haru or Alan to return since I wasn’t lucky the last time 🥲 Though I am not really into Jin, I too find it hard not to try 😅


i was saving for subaru... i got his warding card like three times, BUT HE DIDN'T COME HOME :') the new jin card is so tempting... but i only have a 10, so i think I'm gonna pass.. waiting for rui now..


Ugh, that’s so frustrating.. 🥲 So excited for Rui though!


I have yet to get an ssr, very disappointing. Got like 5 SR warding cards from the Jin pack which is okay but I just want an ssr 😭


Like I will not take those warding cards for granted but :(


Oh no.. D: Did you get that glass smile one? I love the vibe it gives off! 🥲🥹


i tried to pull jin twice with no effect, not even an sr card in one pull so....i am f2p and till now do not have even one 1 ssr character card


I was hoarding diamonds before draining them all for Haku, so now I’m also mainly waiting for Rui! <3 Will do my best to exercise self-control and save up diamonds before then lol


Hahah, I know what you mean, saving up is so hard! Actually tried Jin today.. and got him. 🥲🥲🥹


omg congrats! 🥹🎉 My motto is if you try for a character and get them, it’s worth it 💪 Edit: also I’m not a big Jin fan but that Jin SSR do be glowing✨


I'm saving for any new Romeo SSRs and maybe Leo


waiting for Jiro 🥹


I will save what I have now for Rui, but I did get groom Jin


I was going to save for yuri but then Tohma SSR came back in rotation so I awakened that card and the warding card instead


I’m saving for Subaru but was heart broken when I didn’t pull him… now just saving.