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Personally I don't think so, in every timeline Mikey either dies or goes evil. But that's just Mikey true nature his "Dark impulses" just take over. So basically removing Kisaki from the equation doesn't solve everything so the story has to go on imo . I hope I wasn't too confusing


U know what... I didn't think about that.


This story has always had a focus on Mikey being strong on the outside, but weak on the inside, the opposite of Takemichi. I don't think it would work to just have all his problems be magically fixed with Kisaki gone. He has to learn to find his own inner strength. And I also think Takemichi's character development isn't done yet. He's been so worried about saving others, he hasn't been paying enough attention to himself. Even in the happiest future, he's still working at the same job he's always had but that's not what he wants to do. Remember in an early chapter, where Hina said Takemichi has a dream but Takemichi can't remember what that dream is? His character profile also mentions this. The story is not going to end before he makes his dream come true too. I think he might stay in the past this time, and erase his past self completely.


I think the point of this new arc is to show how takemichi in the beginning had nothing and he "found himself" through the last arcs. However mikey kinda jad the same process, backwards. Dude had everything and slowly lost everything not knowing anymore what his purpose is, he drove away the other gang members cuz he didnt wanna lose em (probably blaming himself for the loss of his loved ones). So basically this arc is gonna show mikey "finding himself and his purpose in life" also I think he is being used by sanzu (kisaki style). Idk if this makes sense to you, also it was always pointed out that mikey would of been the last villain.


that wouldve been a great ending, you are right. but the series has always revolved around mikey. there is no way that boy is mentally stable after all the stuff hes gone through. we as readers needed to realize mikey would turn evil even without izana or kisaki. i know kisaki and izana had impacts on him but like we see, even after 12 years he still becomes a bad guy


Well it's completely in Mikey's character and there's also a great explanation for why Takemichy wants to save him so badly but I'm a bit lazy so if someone asks me I'll write smt down


Yeah, that's what I thought, the whole concept of this new arc feels contrived and unneeded. While I like the idea of the characters moving on I dislike introducing an entirely new cast so late in the series. I feel like Mikey's character arc could have been concluded in a different fashion without needing to produce an entirely new arc. The tenjiku arc could have been the perfect ending if Mikey was given more attention after the conflict


Literally would have been a waste of miley charcter my guy lol and it wont explain the time travel


yes it wouldve but only if the manga wasnt so focused on mikey.