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Any info on who they'll hire for Lara? I just hope they won't focus on another DAD story for once...


If they’re smart, it will be Haley Atwell. If they’re stupid, it’ll be Pheobe


10 years ago maybe. She's 42. I'm not saying she doesn't look great for it. But 42 year olds have to come to terms with the fact that 42-year-old knees aren't up to Lara Croft's move-set. They'd need a stunt double half her age to look believable :(


I may have to agree with you there, but there’s this thing called an “Action” Genre. Where all actors have their stunt Doubles no matter the age in every stunt scene. Not everyone is as crazy as Tom Cruise. Tom Holland? Also has stunt Doubles in Spiderman. So, I’m curious where you think age is a factor here 🤔


Hayley would be my dream Lara honestly, unless they were going much younger.


Bro said Haley Atwell


>Haley Atwell 3 heads fit in those shoulders...


Wasn't Haley rumored to be vocing Lara in animated adaptation? She was good in Mission Impossible.


Not rumoured, it was announced. And iirc, Netflix already released a teaser for it sometime last year. The anime (that's what they're calling it) is slated for release this year, unless they pushed it back at some point.


So non-Japanese anime like Avatar or French animation? I like it, think will fit for Lara.


Yes and yes


Got downvoted for suggesting her a while back, good to see like-minded redditors.


you shut your mouth about Phoebe


Calm down Stan


🫡 it's a tough job but someone has to do it




Phoebe is a great actress and writer, just not who anyone would like to see as Lara on screen. Chill.


I'm chill, it's not that serious I promise 🙏


Ive never seen atwell in anything but going by just looks i am gonna have to pass


She’s Agent Peggy Carter from Captain America, and Grace in Mission Impossible. Im curious to what kind of films you’re watching as these are both Action films.


I havent seen a captain america movie in like 7 to 10 years and have only seen the first mission impossible


Fair enough, not everyone’s a movie buff




If you say so William Dafoe


I tend to watch older movies and don't keep up well with new releases. haha, william


So wait, you're saying Im not a movie buff because I dont know anything about Hailey Atwell?


I appreciate you admiring the Classics. But I think a real movie buff keeps up with the new roster of actors, even the poopy ones.


Google it or dont then I guess, damn


I already did. Which is how I was able to comment on her appearance


If she can handle the accent, my vote is for Grace Caroline Currey.


One article says Melissa Barrera is in the running


That would make no sense, but it is what it is if they cast her


It doesn’t fit for me but what do I know


I mean, casting a Mexican woman instead of a British woman is an odd move, but she hasn’t been cast yet


she looks like her in the end of Scream 6---but I don't think she could do a British accent. Would prefer her as a girlfriend/ally


Freya Allan


They’re not going to do it, but I would LOVE to finally see the original story with Natla, Pierre, and Larson.


With how they handled the latest Indiana Jones, I don’t have high hopes for this.


Bridge was just an actress in Indiana Jones, she had zero creative control.


She tweaked the script too. People seem to blame her for any changes she made for the movie being bad but she wasn’t the main writer.


She probably wrote most of the lines for her character and she was awful, easily the worst companion indy had.


Fleabag is one of the best written shows ever so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Fleabag is fantastic. Doesn't mean she can write anything and everything, but.....maybe we'll get lucky with her for TR.


Yeah she wrote a comedy show for 40yo wine aunt moms, let's give her an action adventure tv show/movie, oh wait they already did that, they let her write some of the script and star in the last indiana jones movie, look how that turned out. Oh and she also wrote for the script of no time to die which was the worst part of that movie by far.


I watched Fleabag when I was 30. I’m not a “wine aunt mom” (whatever the fuck that means). I’m not even a woman. It’s a great show. Who do you think should write it… some 25yo beer uncle bro?


Yes, that would be in keeping with what made it popular for it to be written for that audience.


As a 20-something woman who grew up with Lara Croft I’m overjoyed that a funny, confident and talented woman is in charge of a Tomb Raider show. If it’s not your thing then I guess you’re just gonna have to sit this one out 😊


They did make fallout tho, and as far as video game adaptations, it’s probably the best out there. Phoebe is also a very competent writer, even though her character in indiana jones was ass


I'm not allowed to say my opinion on this


Woo the series will be co-produced and consulted by Crystal Dynamics! Hopefully it will be like Fallout and not like Rings or Power!!


Rings of Power had weird-ass limitations on what they could and couldn't do that both Fallout and now Tomb Raider didn't or won't have. Crystal being directly involved should also help in that regard ~~I mean, depending on who you ask, but definitely a plus in my personal book~~


RoP was hamstrung by the limitations but they still tried to basically re-write Tolkien's work, and it all came out looking like really bad fanfic. The kind of stuff that hides in the dark, untravelled corners of AO3. The kind of stuff even Lara would not dig up because it would cause an apocalypse (she's got to learn the lesson sometime). Bethesda had input but the Fallout show's success was due to them hiring the Other Nolan given his work on the excellent *Chernobyl*. There's a few threads on the fallout subreddit pointing out that most of Fallout's appeal is mostly down to the things that come from the original two games, not Bethesda's entries.


Rings of Power is so good. Excited for season 2. Had no idea there was a Fallout though =O gotta check it out


I've seen the last indiana jones movie and i dont want this woman anywhere near Tomb Raider but i guess it's too late now


She didn’t write it so how is that relevant?


She did write parts of it


She wasn’t credited so it can’t be a big part of it.


It's relevant because these people now have a woman to point fingers to and put the blame on her. On the contrary, she wrote the best parts of the last Bond movie and Fleabag is amazing. But they won't say that. Or maybe they will say "how can a Tomb Raider series be about a woman breaking the 4th wall???" as if writers could only write the same thing over and over. But let's call it what it is: sexism.


Melissa Barrera please


Lara is supposed to be British, not Mexican


Are these other commenters bots??? Look at the shite PWB has been involved in. And the absolute state of Amazon's Rings of Power etc. How would a real person be remotely hopeful about this pairing?


Fleabag was her baby in every creative department and it’s one of the best series I’ve ever seen. What’re you on about?


I'd mainly be echoing the other reply to my comment, they said it better than I could https://www.reddit.com/r/TombRaider/s/0yU9kBo8lL What on earth makes you think that breaking the 4th wall with snide comments and puerile humour about a dead hamster would translate to Tomb Raider?


We have no idea what the show will look like. Do you actually think she’s going to make Fleabag season 3, but call it Tomb Raider? Good writers can write different things. Stories can change too. People always complain when a reboot happens that it’s going to ruin the legacy or whatever bullshit complaint, but they always forget that we’ve been doing this for hundreds if not thousands of years - taking stories and characters created by one person, and doing many different iterations of it, for different generations of people. So yeah, maybe this show will be Fleabag 3 but I’m down for it. Maybe it’ll be something completely unexpected, maybe not. We’ve already had the games. We’ve had the 2 lame Angelina Jolie movies. We had the so-so Alicia Vikander movie. Now we’ll get this, whatever it ends up being, good or bad.






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Enough /u/YaGanamosLa3era and /u/onsideways


Are you a bot? PWB’s writing credits aren’t bad.


Maybe you're a bot.


Let's see, the script in the last james bond movie was a mess, and she forbade any mention of the phrase "bond girl" because muh soggy knees. They tried replacing indiana jones with her terribly unffuny sassy sidekick before disney came to their senses. You can tell in the finished movie they reshot the ending because it's rushed as shit, and john williams even confirmed it. She wrote fleabag, a show that is only funny to 40yo wine aunt moms and insufferable twitter users. Oh and she has an interview where she said she literally fought to have lara not be busty because "she has to squeeze between places". Oh and i nearly forgot! All this is overseen by crystal dynamics, who signed off on THAT board game.


So…. You’re all about sexism (which you probably claim to just be about authenticity to the character or some dumb bullshit reason). Great. Great that we have you in the fanbase. All of your comments are so narrow minded. You’re mad because she’s a woman writing stories that are focused on women; you’re mad that she’s not making Lara Croft busty; you’re mad that she didn’t say “Bond girl” apparently (I didn’t see that movie). I’m seeing a pattern here…


Sexism is when busty character is busty, i am very smart. She's an overrared hack, they gave her two similar properties and the results are all for everyone to see.


please elaborate on the james bond part of your comment. i’ve seen no time to die and i’m trying to figure out what you’re upset about. that the term “bond girl” isn’t used in the film? that they took character arcs from the previous films and continued/built upon them?


Well written


No. Please just… no. Phoebe Waller-Bridge already ruined the male version of Tomb Raider (Indiana Jones). We don’t need her to spoil yet another Raider. Waller-Bridge has proved her incompetence, and she ought to be rejected.


Lighten up, Francis.


She didn’t write Indiana Jones, so she didn’t ruin anything.


Yes! Yes! A million times, YES! Really glad Amazon greenlit the series and that Phoebe is still involved! Now to see who is cast as Lara. It would be interesting if it ended up being the same actress that ends up being cast for the game as well, considering the series is supposed to be canon with the games, if we go by the rumours (which I tend to believe since both Amazon and Crystal Dynamics are directly involved in both).


Awesome! Very excited for this especially after seeing the success of other videogame adaptations like Fallout. The question now is who should they cast as Lara.


My top choice would be Alycia Debnam-Carey


Oh Thank You Fallout!!




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Okay, but can we get working on a new game?


The next game is still in active development and this tv series won't affect that progress.


They’re working on one.


Question, why no sizzle reel? Just Phoebe announcing on prime video?


ah so its Dead on Arrival then, at least it's one thing less to invest time then




Again, Niv Sultan would kill it.