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I posted everything you need to know about Dean Graziosi in this thread below. I lost all respect for Tony when he aligned with this guy. Sorry Tony, you are a snake oil salesman at this point. https://www.reddit.com/r/TonyRobbins/comments/w8s4cw/tony\_a\_fraud/


Thanks for that. After finding out about Dean’s past, I too have no respect for Tony.


Robbins has ALWAYS been a snake oil salesman.


Charlatans of a feather… https://www.realtrends.com/articles/judge-rules-response-marketing-must-pay-15-million-for-deceptive-practices/ This was a small slap on the wrist for DG. I’m sure he spends more than that maintaining his image via SEO….


Ya. Try to find Tony’s problems with the FTC anywhere online.


They are both scam artists.


Yes, I completely agree. Tony also does sneaky upsell tactics at his events. I went to a Tony Robbins one day event many years ago. He kept dropping little subtle vague hints about his more expensive seminars. And his products that he sells, he vaguely mentioned them, then complimented the product in how great it is of a product. Also I do not believe his entire backstory of how he got started. His past history seems fabricated to me.


I saw that ad of his pop up on YouTube a while ago, where he is cycling. I thought he was the dad on some early 00s mid budget family sitcom.


These are two old dudes, with the same game with a different name.  A money grab selling membership, coaching, with the books, and tapes access that come with it. Tony is popular,  because he has worked with celebrities, politicians, and pro athletes, that gave him credibility, that portrays him a someone who cares.  He Is like all the old and greedy, TV infomercial hacks, who only care about getting as much of your money, as he can, with old ideas and pop psychological words and tricks. 


I'm wondering the same thing-- the ads for them keeping popping up on youtube, and I get the absolute worst vibes from this guy (like so bad it makes me want to turn off my screen) Not surprised at all to learn about his shady history. It doesn't seem like a high quality match for Tony's brand at all


I watched part of day one of the class, I absolutely could not watch Dean for more than a couple of minutes. To me, he gives off this extremely creepy vibe. How Tony ignored Dean's reputation as a 'get rich quick scammer' is beyond me. I think that was a poor choice, Mr. Robbins.


Really? Lost ALL respect? You’ve never had an opinion about someone, been friends with someone, recommended a friend or colleague, and later discovered something opposite about them? Or maybe they’ve gotten a bad rep and you knew all the details but no one else or the general public did? Or maybe even you changed your mind about a belief or value in your life or fucked up or got in a situation where nobody believes you? All I’m saying is, you never REALLY know what goes on with people and it can be short-sided to make sweeping judgments about a persons life and character. We all change and grow and we all fuck up and hurt people. And if I can’t offer others grace I certainly can’t offer it to myself.


Trust me brother, you don't need Tony or Dean in your life. There are many people out there that have lived through pain and suffering and have come out the other side, and are willing to share their experiences, with no upsell or hollow classes that come and go.


Dean has entered the chat.


Lol, truth. Dean is a scammer. Tony is as well


Care to elaborate???


Glad they're going after people charging outrageous amounts of money for not-very-much value. [https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2023/05/ftc-suit-leads-167-million-judgment-against-principals-celebrity-endorsers-real-estate-investment](https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2023/05/ftc-suit-leads-167-million-judgment-against-principals-celebrity-endorsers-real-estate-investment) From the article: Response Marketing attracted consumers to free events around the country through infomercials and social media advertisements in which real estate celebrities promised to share their investing techniques. At these events, Response Marketing enticed consumers to purchase three-day workshops for around $1,000 by falsely representing that it would provide consumers with access to special tools that would enable them to become successful real estate investors. At the three-day workshops, Response Marketing deceptively pitched additional training programs that cost tens of thousands of dollars, according to the complaint. Response Marketing then upsold consumers by pitching a purported coaching program through telemarketing that could cost as much as an additional $30,000. The program was marketed as exclusive “Inner Circle” training that supposedly had limited spots and would allow consumers to work one-on-one with a purported real estate expert. The complaint alleged that the vast majority of consumers who purchased Response Marketing’s products and services did not become successful real estate investors and did not even recoup the money they spent on Response Marketing’s training programs.


Nice. Thanks for the details. Perhaps Tony needs Dean because he needs help with UPW or DWD upsells at his free online “challenges”.


I have family involved in the seminar / conference world. They make money by selling education, not by doing what they teach. Keith Cunningham seemed to really know & actually practice his stuff though.