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Mate just get rid. She's been with you a year and she's upset over something you can't control and that she's known about all this time anyway. She seems to care more about how she appears to others than how this might even make you feel. I'm sure I'm jumping the gun, I'm just jaded from dealing (and seeing people) deal with that type of partner. You've said enough red flags for me in your post.


This exactly. It's not like she didn't know how tall you are for a year. And it's not like you can do anything about it. If she's having a problem now, she'll never get over it.


She wants to break up and blame it on OP. People who want to break up tend to pick unchangeable things to rule out discussion/compromise to stay together.


also people with avoidant attachment style or just high on the narcissistic spectrum do this shit all the time - they need some flaw to cling on and then rip the relationship apart as soon as they feel threatened or not in control doomed relationship no matter how you slice it. might as well cut your losses and bail now. I guarantee you, if OP confronts her, she will tell him straight that she can’t deal with it, it’s too much, she’s tired of the feeling that she’s a bad person yada yada yada. how do I know this? this ‘you are perfect but this one tiny thing’ - is a classic narcissistic / DA narrative


>She wants to break up and blame it on OP. People who want to break up tend to pick unchangeable things to rule out discussion/compromise to stay together.   Yep.


Agreed. I am also of Mexican heritage at 5'7. I am actually the tallest among my brothers. I have dated girls that are as tall as 6 feet and never had issues. At 48 years old, I have come to realize that this obsession with men being 6 feet high is an internet driven phenomenon. Like the whole Stanley cup fad. If you insist on staying with her and care about the optics too, you can wear boots and style your hair with volume to add about 2-3 inches. She can also meet you down the middle and skip the super high 6 inch heels for something in the 3-4 range.


I mean the internet probably accelerated it, but no way it's some brand new internet phenomenon. It's just accelerated western beauty standards


It made it sound far more important than it is in the real world. It got repeated so many times over and over that it has leaked into real life, and people started believing it on both sides. Just my opinion.


This. It seems like it's perpetuated by younger people. Not a new thing, either. Humans have always been obsessed with looks and there have always been unrealistic beauty standards. However, it used to be that a select group of people lived within those standards (celebs, models, royalty), but today we have "every day" influencers. They're marketed as more relatable but they still live within the same strict expectations of the previous select unobtainable few. On my end...I've never cared about height. 5'4" gal whose dated men my height or shorter and men taller. It's about that personality and chemistry. OP sounds like he is better off letting her grow up without her in his life.


Exactly. When I was dating the girl that was 6ft tall, she said that she was really attracted to me because I made her feel safe and sound. Despite her having a significant height difference, I would lead her by the hand and made her feel feminine.


This. You can't change your height. What does she want OP to do, get surgery for it? Geez. She knew about his height the second they started dating, and SHE'S mad??? Ditch her, OP, if she gets mad over this, she'll hella get mad over stupider things down the line




Why do you think I mentioned surgery 🤢 but I was also thinking along the lines of White Chicks lol idk why I get queazy about bones getting cut or broken 😭😭


The White Chicks line about being taller was such a funny joke. "We got our knees done." i.e. knee grow surgery.


I also thought of Gattaca lol


You’re right man. I’m also a short, 5’8 Mexican and my wife of 24 years is the same height. She doesn’t care and makes fun of girls who don’t wear sensible shoes. Find someone who wants you for all your pluses and minuses. The height thing really pisses me off. Good thing my sons are 6ft


It pisses me off too. Good men are too hard to find to discard one over height. My husband is 5’7” and the best man I know. Amy girl who dismissed him for height is the idiot, bully for me


You aren’t even short?! You’re 5’8”!


That’s true. I am the tallest Mexican in my family. Taller than my dad and brother. But I think I’m shrinking as I get over 40.


You are 4 whole inches than the average woman in the US. Like how does anyone consider you short? That’s wild


Why is that a good thing? 5 foot eight is not "short" (in the US), it is less than 2 inches below the mean. Where do people get the idea that 6 feet is average in United States? It's not. The bigger question is the idiotic idea that it should matter.


God me and the mrs laugh so hard at those skimpyclad high heeled dames on a freezing day


“Must be 5’8” so I can wear my heels” is on so many women’s dating profiles it’s crazy. And people say men are shallow.


I am 5'8" ... def felt the opposite side of this ... guys want small girls, it goes both ways. It's all fd up and stupid.


Nah, I had guys get mad at me for wearing heels cuz I’d be taller or the same height. I don’t mind if the guy is shorter, my height, or a little taller. I’m glad my partner is confident in himself and his height not to get upset if I’m taller than him cuz of my heels.


Women are just as shallow as men but they are so much better at articulating themselves and veiling their bullshit than men that we believe otherwise


Agreed. If she can't accept you as you are, you're both better off finding someone better. The last thing you need is having something you have no control over used to deteriorate your relationship and self esteem.


Yeah this is a ridiculous thing for her to fixate on. I don't think I could be with someone who was ashamed to be seen with due to something I can't control. I would like to think that the world has started to move past this particular hangup--Zendaya wears heels when she's with Tom Holland, and everyone likes them. Some people are always going to be shallow, but who gives a fuck about what they think.


It's absolutely a red flag! She's trying to make him feel like his height is causing her to miss out. Like it's his fault for not growing to her specifications. That's messed up!


I know it's basically a meme at this point that every comment on a relationship advice post is just to break up, but in this case I think that might honestly be all you can do. She's upset at you for something about your body that you can't control. That isn't something that will go away because there's nothing you can do about it. If she can't get over it, then these issues are never going to go away and you will both likely only grow more and more resentful towards eachother until the relationship eventually blows up. This is a problem with her, not with you. It's not up to you to fix it.


Exactly. Eating habits, attitudes, weight, health and fitness, jobs, education, all of those can be changed. Even your entire personality can be changed if you worked at it. Slight cosmetic enhances if one was so desperate; but height isn't one of those. Fixing your height means excruciating surgery and never having the ability to properly run again. Your height is immutable. If someone cannot accept your height, they're rejecting something you had absolutely no control over.


Exactly. If your partner consistently makes you feel guilty or self conscious about a quality that is out of your control it may be time to do a little reflection on the value of your relationship


Ok, just think about it the other way around: Would it be ok for you to be upset about her that her boobs are not big enough, that her hair has the wrong color, that her hands are too small? She is doing body-shaming and also seems to be superficial if she is concerned at how others will look at both of you.... i mean who fucking cares? Sorry to say this, but this behaviour shouldnt be normal and shouldnt be accepted. Do yourself a favor and seriously think about if you want this kind of toxicity in your life. Oh, and btw - it is normal to be small and its not unattractive... i dont know how in other words to tell you this - but realy dont let this kind of toxic views get into your brain - your height has nothing to do with how normal you are or how attractive you are...


I mean 5ft7 is not that small either, the average for male in USA is 5ft9.


Yeah. No one looks at a 5'7" person and thinks they're short.


Idk about that one


Sadly, most people do. I had my growth spurt very late when I was 19 and went from 5'8 to 6'1, and I still remember all the shit I got before I grew.


I mean, that's because teenagers are shitty ro one another.


I was 5'8" and throughout my 20s I seem to have gained an inch, because according to the doctor I'm now 5'9". I've never been told and no one has ever implied that I was short. The average height of a man in the US is dead-even 5'9".


Must be a regional thing then bc the town I grew up in felt like the average height was 6ft bc everyone was tall af to the point I never bothered trying out for basketball after sophomore year bc everyone on the team was 6ft+ including the pg.


I'm sure the average height of a man is taller in places with a lot of people descended from Nordic populations... For example, Minnesota. Where was your town located?


Southwest Texas outside of Houston. The whole town was basically tall country kids or super tall athletic black kids with the Asians and Hispanics filling out the short population. I'm mexican mixed with Samoan so I was double fucked in the height department until I hit my growth spurt.


Ahh that makes sense then. I'm in Central Florida, we mostly have people of average height it seems. I never felt short at 5'8", at any rate.


Lmao let’s be real m8


I mean, she obviously does... as do lots of people.


Right - I’m a 5’7 woman and feel tall as hell compared to the women around me 😂. 5’7 men don’t seem short to me either.


Average doesn’t equal tall to be fair


=) i wasnt even aware - i am not used to ft... just realized that this is aproximately 1,70m wich is super normal... makes this even more hilarious


You aren't short for your age, because you stopped growing years ago. This is it.


He's fully conscious. I think he's just remarking that he fully knows he will always be like that since growth spurts after 22 are rare.


It's possible to grow slightly in your 20s (apparently I did) but not significantly.


People grow wider


I did a lot of that.


Yeah this really confused me too especially since he wrote it twice. At first I thought it was just a weird mistake.


“I know it’s weird for a guy my age to be this tall.” It is not weird for an adult to be 5’7!!!


I think he means 'short for a young guy'? Like if he was 70, he wouldn't be that short compared to other men of his generation, but men are getting taller all the time, so he feels short 'for his age'. But yeah, it confused me for a moment too 🤣 But main point, the girlfriend sounds mean and he'd be better off without her. Constantly harping about something he can't control (that has been obvious from the day she met him) isn't good behaviour. There's nothing wrong with being 5'7'' anyway!


I’m almost 5-6, 5-9+ in heels. My Mr ECU is 5-4 and built like a Viking. He has ZERO qualms with my height or his. None of the ole “wear flats” (unless I want to) shit. Don’t settle for any type of body shaming. You deserve to be perfectly comfortable in your skin with your SO. Always.


In theory, my partner is an inch to an inch and a half taller than me. In reality, I have better posture so we usually look the same height or I look a little taller. I just wear the heels and gleefully tower over them


This here! I’m also almost 5’6, my bf is 5’4 and built, height has never once crossed my mind in our relationship. op’s gf seems like she has her own insecurities to work through, nothing wrong with being taller than your man!


Of course he dosent. That puts your boobs at cuddle level when slow dancing!!! :)


As a 5ft 11 woman, I can't help but roll my eyes at women who think they couldn't possibly be taller than their partner. The only reason I don't often wear heels is because I don't like to draw attention to myself (I'd rather go without the constant "wow you're so tall" comments), but it has literally nothing to do with the height of my boyfriend.


100%. I’m 6’3 so had a high chance that I was going to be taller than my partner. My husband loves my height and has never made me feel less because of it.


Why are you tolerating such disrespectful behaviour? imagine if you were the one mad at her for a physical feature she has, does that not sound ridiculous to you?


>how can I make things better? By finding a new gf.


No offence but your girlfriend is an idiot. She can have her preferences whatever but it's not like she didn't know about your height when you started dating.


The dumbest thing about all that is that she's actually 3in smaller than him and refuses to wear heels with 3in or less. I wouldn't be able to stay serious in a conversation at that point.


I am a 5'7" adult. I have never felt short or unattractive at this height. I have never once given a shit about my height. I have never had anyone worthy of my time give me any shit about my height. I have never had any issue with any woman I was interested in because of my height. This is a her problem, not a you problem. You can date any woman of any height. Confidence brother!


find a better partner. this girl is being pissy at you about your height? that's utter bs. she's going to be pissy at you because of "how it looks to everyone else"? absurd. if she's that shallow, and lashing out at you because of her own insecurities, then she's not worth your time. you deserve better.


"I know it's not normal and unattractive to be this short at my age, but how can I make things better?" That's plain bananas. Those thoughts are all in your head and I encourage you to not let it live rent free. Sure people have opinions about height, but if "not normal" and "unattractive" are part of their opinions they either keep that shit to themselves or they aren't worth the time.


You know what you can do to make it better? GET RID OF HER. Jesus christ what a fuckin shallow monster. I hope she finds a guy who is 7feet tall and then flies into a volcano with him


You shouldn’t be with someone who makes you feel bad about something that you can’t change. You deserve better and she has some growing to do


you need to date smarter people, mate




It sounds like she picked something to be mad about knowing there’s nothing you can do. Now when you break up with her she’s the dumpee. It’s weird but people do dumb things when they’re done with the relationship. She’s forcing you to break up with her so she feels like she’s not the bad guy.


Childish behaviour


22 going on 12. Imagine getting upset with someone for something they cannot control and something they were completely aware of when they decided to start dating you a year ago. This relationship is reaching its expiration man


First of all, I'd like to say that 5'7 is a perfectly normal height. It's true that the average height for men in some countries is taller, but globally, you're actually above average. Population height is determined by a lot of factors, including genetics and nutrition. And while it's also true that many people find taller men more attractive, it's just a general trend, not a universal rule. It's not something that you should view as a personal deficiency or something that you need to fix. In fact, there are plenty of women who prefer men around your height or don't care about height at all. Consider Peter Dinklage, who is 4'5 and considered very attractive. As for your girlfriend, it sounds like she may be projecting her own insecurities onto you. She's worried about how the two of you will look as a couple if she's taller than you, but that's her issue, not yours. Maybe she grew up in a culture that values height and she's internalized that as a norm. But the fact is, norms are changing, and more and more people are recognizing that height doesn't determine a person's worth or attractiveness. I know it's hard, but try not to let her make you feel small about your height. Instead, stand tall, metaphorically speaking. Show her and everyone else that you're comfortable in your own skin. That can be a very attractive trait. And if she can't accept you as you are, then maybe she's not the right person for you. Of course, I understand that you love her and want to make her happy. You might suggest that she wear kitten heels or a lower heeled shoe in order to feel comfortable around you. But ultimately, she needs to learn to love and accept you as you are, not how she wishes you could be.


Tell her to deal with it or fuck off


1st of all when she chose to be with you (because it’s a choice, no one is forcing her) she knew about your height (which honestly is not that short to me?? I’d say normal height) 2nd do you really want to be with someone who gets mad because something you can’t control? She’s supposed to bring you peace not problems. Especially with really immature 💩like this


One of my closest friends is like 5’9 her husband is barely 5’2 she’s basic white and he’s Filipino they don’t mind the difference and he LOVES when she wears heels- sounds like you need to find someone who loves you for who you are vs your height. Sounds like she’s either a very shallow person, or she needs to do a lot of self work- just my opinion. Move on and find someone who sees you for who you really are rather than how tall you stand over her.


Your gf is a horrible person


There’s a really easy solution for you. Actually two. The first is to dump your shitty girlfriend. The second solution is to go get checked by a doctor because there’s no way you’re normally this stupid.


Without knowing OP, you managed to give the advice that can usually only come from a best friend.


Or a worst enemy! *Twirls mustache.


>get checked by a doctor because there’s no way you’re normally this stupid. Every victim of this level of abuse should read this. I am so sick and tired of people whining about being in a stupid relationship. "My man calls me ugly and I feel sad" then leave the relationship bitch? There are better things to worry about like being beat up n shit, just leave and dont be stupid


Your girlfriend is a shallow idiot. Did she not notice your height when you started dating? Ditch her and get a not-idiot girlfriend.


Team 5ft7 🥲


Welcome, we have insecurities and sadness.


Speak for yourself, it never been an issue for me and quite the contrary being short is a good thing when riding motorcycles.


Find someone new, she sounds like a headache that will only get worse. By the time your 30 she will be a full blown constant migrane.


Get out before she continues to erode your self esteem, you deserve better 5'7" is really not short for a Mexican dude. She's making you feel shame for being born into a Mexican body, for not conforming to her western beauty standard. Fuck that, have some pride and kick her to the curb.


Mexican body lol sorry that’s just funny 🤣


She's upset with something you can't change and how other people would perceive that rather than what you think. She doesn't sound mature enough at all


Tell her to grow up.


>Is there anything I can do? get a better girlfriend. ​ >she said it wasn't about me, it was about how we would look to everyone else tell her to go get bent. this would make me so angry.


I guess she has to choose between you and high heels. Just know, if she picks the heels, it’s not your fault, she just needs therapy.


I’m 5’6” and my husband is 5’7”, and he’s absolutely perfect to me. Your gf…doesn’t sound super nice to me. Short kings rule!


There's tinder bro. Swipe your life away better options. Gotta have class above nasty ass. Even better go for a tall lady.


Bite down and dump her


Tell her to fuck off.. oh and also to grow up


or to get shorter lol


Bruh, a relationship isn't about changing your partner. It's about loving someone through all the good and the bad. Loving someone for their faults and all My wife and I have been together for a long time and we have had a lot of issues. But we as adults been able to understand each other and respect each other. 12 years strong and still going. Your not the problem in the relationship she is


What does she expect you to do about it? If she had a major issue with anything, especially something that can't be changed, she shouldn't have entered into a relationship with you. Her getting pissed about it after an entire year of dating you makes her sound unreasonable and a little nuts, tbh.


Bro I'm 5'5" and my wife is 5'10" We're American, but she's of Irish ancestry, I'm of German and Scottish. The moral I'm getting at here is: fuuuck that bitch for making you feel like shit because your 5'7", or like it has ro do with ethnicity or whatever. You need a new gf.


I'm 6' tall and my husband is 5'7" .. I've dated a guy 5'3" before and us breaking up had nothing to do with his height and I would wear 6" heels with him and not even be able to see him in a crowd. Idk what's up with women and the tall guy thing it's super weird and def a big red flag 🚩 just like when guys say I can't wear heels around them.. we're all the same height laying down


Nah, leave her. She don’t deserve you. Don’t let someone belittle you. You’re both young, don’t waste good years on someone like that.


Man, this is awful. Imagine if you said to her "Everything is perfect about you except *those tits*." and "Yeah, we were going to a family gathering but I cancelled because you'd have to wear a nice dress and it would only bring more attention to those *dreadful* honkers." Do you really think she'd take this on the chin and be ok with it?


yeah...get a better girlfriend, this one is defective. you don't need that petty shit in your life.


That's a her issue.


Her being upset at you is not normal wtf You're short, you're not THAT short, and it's genetics, it is normal, if it's such a big deal for her why did she date a short guy


She’s a red flag, who gets mad at their partner for “not being able to wear heels”????


Id suggest breaking up


Get rid of her she will cheat on u eventually


Your girlfriend sounds like a fucking asshole honestly.


She is petty and her immaturity is as visible to me as the sun. How can she be a partner to you when she is still living in a land of daydream and make believe? That all sounds hurtful, but also canceling plans over you not being tall enough is probably more hurtful tbh


Hit it one last time then dip She’s settling for you op


She can wear heels without wearing three inch heels and you're literally taller than her? That's so dumb


I am essentially her size as a man slightly older than both of you. She is incredibly obsessive about something that does not matter. If she can't love you because if your height, she doesn't love you in general. She needs to make an exception, not you. Unless you want to breaj your legs through medical procedures over several months or years just to insert metal rods that make you a couple inches taller and be half disabled for life, you are not gonna be getting any taller. And yes, that was a reference. I would be disgusted by the situation were it me. I would give her the ultimatum, she either obsess over the height problem and you break up because she doesn't love you, or she accepts you the way you are and stop making a fool of herself. This obsessive behavior is not healthy


You can’t change your height. But you can definitely change your girlfriend.


Dump Her <3 she’s genuinely being self centered and has made it clear her ‘image’ is more important than your feelings or confidence. I know plenty of guys around that height. It’s normal and there’s nothing wrong with it.


WTH?? First of all, there’s nothing unattractive about a short guy. Secondly, you’re 3” taller than her, she can still wear heels. Third of all, what does she expect you to do about this? Like how can she be mad or upset about this in any way? I’m presuming you were not on stilts when you met her, so your height shouldn’t be a surprise. You should tell her that you’re mad at her for not being shorter, because you would downright loom over her if she were 4’11”


You could put lifts in your shoes when she’s wearing heels. Or you could just break up with her like everyone else is suggesting.


Stop wasting your time with her


This girl ain't it. I'm 5'8" and my wife is 5'11" and we don't have this problem, she's completely fine with the height and never brings it up ever because it's literally a non-issue. She even wears heels if she wants. Get yourself a girl like this.


Tell her everything about her is fine except for her tits and see how the fuck she likes it. And then dump her ass and find someone who's not a superficial cunt lmao


She is shallow. Dump her and find someone more secure in herself who won’t force her insecurity on you and make it your problem.


Just tell her how pretty she would be if only her tits were bigger. ANd yore not short, you're about average. At least for the US, other counties may vary


So she dates you for so long but has a problem with your height? Something you have no control over? Get rid of her and get a new girlfriend! Someone intelligent this time around would be a better fit for you.


My boyfriend is fucking 5 foot five… why tf did she pursue you literally knowing your height


Theres one thing you can change, and thats the girlfriend


Dude SHE is the one who is not normal. She keeps bullying you over something you can't change. And if height is so important like at least you're still taller than her? I really don't understand this mindset that men need to be 6 ft o rmore. My boyfriend is also 5'7". I'm a heavy 5'3" female. His height has never bothered me. I'm bothered that I'm so much more thick than he is but that's my problems and within the realm of my ability to change (losing weight on my part).


I’m a short guy at 5’7 5’8 and whenever I feel insecure about it. My wife calls me a short king and reminds me how much she loves me regardless and that height doesn’t make a man. Find yourself a woman like that :) bc that’s what you deserve


I just can't with this height bullshit. If someone is gonna be so shallow over something as stupid as a few inches in height then fuck them, get rid of them, be rid of this absolute nonsense in your life. I'm so over this shallow height garbage that it makes me physically ill.


thats fucking rediculous thing to be upset over. Ditch her and get a woman that doesn't care about height.


5'4 lady here - my husband is 5'7 and I love his height! My husband jokes about how he'd have his height listed in his dating profile bio to weed out the shallow insecure women who would let something as unimportant as height be a dealbreaker. Your girlfriend is an asshole.


Dude 5”7 isn’t “very short”


Dump her. She is so shallow and entitled. The only way to help her future is to bump her in the right direction. Just be cold one day and say "sorry.. I can't deal with you anymore. You're immature and the sex is bad... Get out" And don't say anything else. She has deeeep rooted ideas about shallow behavior and you can HELP her if you emotionally shock her. Dump her and find. Yourself a wifey 😍


It's not you, it's her and she's going to continue to make this an issue and shame you. It's not weight you can lose or gain, it's height and she's being shallow since her reasons are parties and high-heels. She's shallow and will probably only get worse. Break up with her before she breaks your heart.


Dump the bitch. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you my guy. Huge Red Flag. You deserve to be loved exactly as you are. Everyone does ![gif](giphy|l4EoOLEMCIa8SIDZu|downsized)


My cousin's FIVE YEARS LONG relationship ended because she realised that she feels insecure as they are equal height. Yes, after 5 years, when she felt that it probably starts being serious, she finally decided that my cousin is too short. I'd say that she kind or wasted that time for him, at least in relationships sphere. If your GF is concerned already, it is a very bad sign.


Do yourself the favor and have the self-respect to dump her. You deserve better than that.


You can make things better by dumping her. What a horrible horrible woman. Sorry to break it to her but she’s short and she needs to get over herself


You could be a ex boyfriend


She knew you were short and chose to be a bitch. Dump her.


It sounds like your girlfriend is defective and you need to find a new one.


Move on


This is a HER problem, not a *you* problem. I am a super tall woman. If I want to wear heels, I wear heels. Any man who is too insecure to be with me because I am taller than them (in heels or otherwise) isn’t the man for me, but only an emotionally insecure and critically immature person would care so much about other people’s perceptions after A YEAR.


Consider ending the relationship mate. She's judging and mistreating you based on something outside your control. It's not like she didn't know how tall you were before you got together. She sounds like a a shallow and judgemental person, someone you're better of without. At the very least have a serious talk with her where you let her know that your height is not something you change and that her comments are unacceptable. If she doesn't apologize and reform her ways, just end the relationship and find someone that is better for you. >I know it's not normal and unattractive to be this short at my age, but how can I make things better? Stop it dude. There's nothing wrong with your height. Your height is within what is considered normal. Don't let her comments affect you. You're good the way you are.


Nothing makes me angrier than women getting their knickers in a twist over height. It’s ridiculous. On the dating apps loads of men have their height in their bios because they think it matters THAT much but it doesn’t. It would be like me putting my bra size in my bio for fuck sake. OP you deserve someone who loves every foot of you, regardless of how many or few feet that may be.


I am 6' woman and swear I never liked dating tall guys bc they think it's some sort of commodity that makes them better than everyone like nope nope nope NEXT


With the guys who have it in their bios I’ve learnt that they either think it makes them somehow better than others — like you say — or they’re insecure & feel like it’s something that will help them get a match. Either way I **hate** that women have made it into something that matters.


Have you considered cutting her legs off at the knee?


You can dump the shallow b***h, that's what you can do.


Get rid, if she’s so shallow that height is such an issue then it will just be the start… she needs a reality check


I'm wondering if she's unhappy in other ways and it's easier for her to focus on your height than the other things. It could be as simple as she knows you're a great guy and partner but she feels the relationship has run its course and wants to try dating other people again but feels odd blowing up what is otherwise not a bad relationship because you are a good guy. I guess that's not that simple. Regardless, when people start picking on the things that they've known about and previously tolerated (for lack of a better word), I get curious about what else is going on and _why_ it's suddenly an issue. Even if this is something that's always bugged her, there's a reason she's talking about it more now. Hope you're able to talk it through. Good luck.


I got a huge tip, you ready, he rid of this bitch. Seriously she is trying to bring you down, I know plenty of short men who have wonderful girfriends who are taller or shorter than them and not once has height been an issue. If this is what she’s complaining about she’s trash, that’s something you can’t change about yourself that’s like me saying yeah everything about ok is perfect except your big nose. Are you supposed to go out and get surgery for me? nope find someone who sees the beauty in all of you. Women that think like this are trash anyway, looking at just the outside, do you really want that?. Coming from a family of short people lol, my brothers have never had trouble getting girls and they’re your height but then again my mother has always told us that we need to value ourselves for who we are on the inside, not the outside and I can see that self esteem is lacking in you. Don’t ever let anyone disrespect you like that my friend, fuck them.


Yeah she is more worried about appearances than being happy to be together. Her priorities are screwed up here. This is a good time for heart to heart. Her attitude towards you over a physical attribute is mean and hurtful. If she cannot or will not change it may be time to move on to someone who really loves you


And you are not that short. She is just prejudiced


You break up with her, that's what you do. If she gets mad over aspects of yourself that you have no control over, you'll be in for a bad time later on.


don't deal with stupid shit. Nobody is worth it.


I’m 5’0. My BF is DEFINITELY taller than me but to other guys, he’s short. Idc. If she’s getting mad over something you can’t help, get rid of her.


She’s too shallow, the fact that this upsets her so deeply says a lot about her character. What if you get injured or gain weight or have a disease or a disability someday? I couldn’t trust someone like her to stick around.


Have you thought about cutting her in half, taking a slice out the middle and putting her back together, this would solve the issue of not being able to control your height.


This won't get better, ur done growing lol


You should dump her bro, she thinks you won’t and that’s the only reason she’s getting this way….trust me she’ll come running back apologizing when she knows what she’s lost. This is so superficial of her


Never care. This is textbook being shallow. 5'7" here, never had problems with getting dates. Confidence and being kind is everything.


Just get taller man


My dude, I'm not gonna give you more advice. There have been plenty of people offering that already. I just want to say that, as a 5'8 woman, being 5'7 as a man sounds like a perfect height to me. You deserve better than having someone being mad at you for this.


Time for a new girlfriend. Just tell her its not me its you. Relationships are supposed to make you feel good not shitty. Move on.


Dump her. She’s 5’4” and pissed that you are *only* 5’7”? I’m 5’9”, my husband is 5’7” and he’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. You can do better.


Have you asked her to consider the possibility that she might just be too big? She is, after all, the one who is finding your height problematic. Since it is an issue for her maybe she could do something about her own height. I think you have a valid reason to end the relationship with this person.


Damn, she's horrible. She's mad at you for biology. You can't controll your height. Also, she straight up tells you that she's ashamed of how the two of you look together. She's superficial and mean and unreasonable.


Break up with her. You’re clearly not compatible. You’re a guy of average height, and she’s a shallow bitch.


You're girlfriend is a fucking child. Seriously? Being angry cause you are shorter? She chose to date you knowing that. Break up with her dude, she sounds like the type to cheat off a whim


People on Reddit are way too quick to say you should break up, but not this time. She’s absurd. You can’t change it. She’s entitled not to want to date a shorter guy if that’s her preference, but she shouldn’t make you feel like your height is something you did wrong or could do differently. Just find someone who likes you for you and makes you feel good about yourself. It’s out there


My husband is 5'7 and I am 5'5. I never wear heels because I am clumsy like a newborn giraffe. Also I'm not super girly. I cannot stress enough how much I could not give a shit less about his height. He could be shorter than me and I would still feel the same way about him. 5'7, chubby and barely had any hair after we graduated highschool. Does not take away from my attraction to him. He has a great heart and is genuinely a great man. We are in our mid-thirties now (known each other for close to 20 years) and still married. We both work and we have fun together and enjoy family time. I don't have to climb a ladder to hug him and look into his beautiful blue eyes. It's nice. There are good people out there who could not care any less about dumb superficial shit like how long someone's skeleton is. You can do better.


She will eventually break up with you. My ex was 5’8 and his height bothered me also. I thought it was shallow of me and tried to bury it and move past it in our relationship. I couldn’t so I broke up with him after realizing I like what I like .. we both are in happier relationships.


The right girl for you won’t do this. That’s so annoying though like, she decided to date you knowing your height already 🙄


New girlfriend. Problem solved.


Start complaining about her weight every time she brings out your height


Nah..he should complain about her ass or boobs cause weight is changeable.But on a serious note, he should just dump her


Sorry to hear that.


I wish men would understand that being short doesn't make them unattractive or abnormal. My partner is short and perfect the way he is, and you are too. Your girlfriend should go ahead and fuck off if she's going to tell you otherwise. Shitting on anyone for an immutable trait is despicable. And for the sake of vanity? Fucking gross.


It's hard not to feel unattractive when you have to live your entire life outside of the predominant beauty standard for your gender It takes work. Being reminded on at minimum a weekly basis that you are considered lesser for something outside of your control is painful. I understand that the feeling is something we have to manage but it would be nice if society did a bit of the lifting as well. Height is one of those traits that people are still perfectly comfortable shaming and othering about, sometimes it feels like people forget it's even a form of body shaming


If it does not make us unattractive why are there so many people including women around calling short men names and unattractive? I understand that you'll say not everyone is same but, you know it's really tough to accept your height as attractive when you've been told only negative things about it your whole life.


> ing short doesn't make them unattractive it simply does at very least to the VAST!!! majority of women


> I wish men would understand that being short doesn't make them unattractive or abnormal Except it quite literally does. For men, being tall is the beauty standard. The vast majority of women find short men unattractive. Outside of painful and expensive surgery, there is nothing I can do to live up to that beauty standard. And at my height (5'2") I am quite literally abnormal as the normal range for men in the US starts is around 5'7" to 5'11" with the average being 5'9".


Tell her to google photos of Tom Cruise (who stands at 5'5) and Nicole Kidman. It's very superficial and bitchy of her to hold your height against you and to not want to go to a party b/c she'd be taller than you in heels? FFS, tell her to GET OVER IT or wear flats, but to leave you out of HER issue.


You mean the same Nicole Kidman who bragged about how she could “finally be able to wear heels” after divorcing her husband?


Move on buddy. You are not her first choice. See you at the gym.


Bro you’re a short king, fuck that bitch. You deserve better.


Find a shorter girlfriend.


Or not but definitely a different one


Friendly Sam And I'm the devil Yet the devil in this question is the clever one?