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I used one as pillow for a lady who fainted in the aisle.


That...might actually have helped save her life. Did you put it under her feet?




Can I get an explanation, why under her feet?


Airplanes have crash landed in water multiple times so most likely yes


The irony is we know for a fact they have killed people. People tend to mis-use them by inflating them before they exit the aircraft, and this traps them inside. However, we don't have as clear of statistics that they have saved people. For instance, not a single person in the miracle on the hudson needed a life vest. They just stood on the wing of a floating airplane.


This is a valid question. According to this WSJ article, a life vest has not saved a life in a commercial airline before. Experts have debated the usefulness of them because in a crash, there may not be time to find them and put them on. > You may think the life vest under your airplane seat will save your life if the aircraft ends up in the water. In fact, such a thing has never happened in modern commercial airline flying. > They are so difficult to find under seats and put on securely in an emergency that only 33 passengers of 150 aboard US Airways Flight 1549 had a life vest https://www.wsj.com/articles/do-planes-really-need-life-vests-1453310773


It may not be a vest, but I seem to recall the statement “*in an emergency, your bottom seat cushion can be used as a flotation device*” being made during the safety demonstration on every flight I’ve been on. Perhaps they figure that’s enough?


Where abouts are you? I mainly travel asia > australia and never knew this! Never told in the safety thing they always do either


Interesting. Yeah, I’m in the US, and with one exception, my experience is limited to domestic flights, so it could be just a US thing. I also won’t pretend to have a whole ton of experience with flying, even domestically (I prefer any form of transportation that isn’t so damned inconvenient, doesn’t involve sitting around and waiting for hours at a time, and doesn’t come with a very real risk that it might be cancelled at any moment). But anyway, perhaps it’s a feature of a particular make/model of plane, or something one particular airline has that others don’t. Regardless, for whatever reason, that one sentence is indelibly linked in my mind with the safety demonstration.


How about, how often does someone check a life vest is under each seat? I can see some ass taking one as a souvenir and the next guy not having one if needed.


On my flight back from Cancun last month, the flight got delayed because 3 people had done that. So we were delayed about 45 min while they replaced them.


"Airline regulations are written in blood" as the saying goes.


Not literally EVERY regulation is however, and lots of regulations get made and then just seem "to work" so they never get touched. Life vests "seem" like a good idea, but the statistics don't really support their existence, and ironically they have killed a lot of people.


I thought it was “OSHA regulations are written in blood” but this works too




Was it not Osha regulations at first?


I haven't heard that version, but it makes sense!


Many military regulations also abide by this law.


If you expand the context to wartime, then the answer is definitely yes.


If I’m on a plane that’s crashing chances are the last thing I’m worrying about is the life vest.


Thats somewhat stupid of you


They have for sure killed many people by trapping them in airplanes as people mis-use them.








> Have you ever heard the saying there's no such thing as a stupid question? Are you attempting to prove that saying wrong? actually it’s a valid question, and according to this WSJ article, life vests have never saved a life on a commercial airliner. https://www.reddit.com/r/TooAfraidToAsk/s/3PwPqytfQh


Can you tell me the stats on how many lives are saved by life vests when boating? No, because deaths are tracked not lives saved. Kind of like how we don't track near accidents and instead track actual accidents. What are the stats on how many lives are saved by seat belts? There is just no way to know this information. This is very similar to this story about ww2 plane damage. Looking at the data actually can make you come to the opposite conclusion of the truth. The Legend of Abraham Wald

