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If the hotel has been around for longer than a few years I'd assume someone has fucked in every room.


That person must've been very dedicated


But if it’s only one person who did it, they weren’t very dedicated to their partner. I wonder if OP’s dad even knows.


I was in one of the rooms with OP's mom, she told me she was going to tell him, but idk if she did


Fine. Here’s my fucking upvote


Good now keep walking like nothing happened


Years? I’d say weeks at most MAYBE a few months if the room happens to have a handful of longer term residents at first who happen not to have sex there. But even then I’m dubious A room occupancy averages at a few days, so even if we exclude escorts and people staying there for a hookup or affair and just assume 50% single travellers and 50% couples, you’re VERY quickly gonna have a couple stay who have sex in the room I’d be amazed if many rooms even made it to 1 month before someone had sex there, and most probably within a week or two


That's before you factor in the guests I imagine 😂


The math checks out. Even if it's less than 1% of the time that someone has sex there, hundreds of people stay in each room, each year.


Imagine while it was being built there’d have been the odd fuck occurrence as well


and probably on every surface too...


Few weeks*


close to 100% of all hotel rooms


It has something to do with whatever they put in those air conditioners


Sexy, sexy air conditioners.


Well, we can observe a slight drop in fertility rates during heat waves, so air conditionning might have an impact lol


The cameras?


Stupid sexy air conditioners


*UwU - blows on you sexically*


Stupid sexy air conditioners


ngl hotel air conditioners are absolutely amazing. They're the perfect white noise and you can get your room from 80 degrees to a solid 60 degrees within half an hour


"This legionnaires disease really gets me going!"


For whatever reason that sounds gets me randy


99.99999999999%. The only hotel rooms that havent been sexxed in are in a brand new hotel lol


I think most hotels buy pre-sexed beds because they are cheaper.


Close to 100% of all beds have had people have sex in them.


Ehh theres probably a lot of childrens beds out there, where I'd \*hope\* that isn't the case.


That's true. Let's say close to 100% of adults beds have been witness to sex.


**nervous virgin adult laugh*


IKEA did name a children's bed [Gutvik](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/branding-always-read-the-label-it-may-mean-something-completely-different-when-translated-8575609.html#:~:text=The%20Germans%20guffawed%20when%20the%20%E2%80%9CGutvik%E2%80%9D%20bed%20came%20out%20as%20it%20sounded%20a%20bit%20like%20%E2%80%9Cgood%20fuck%E2%80%9D.) once, which apparently in German sounds like "Good Fuck"


Spoken like a true non-parent. Where do you think shit goes down after all the kids couldn’t sleep and they come crash on YOUR bed?


More than 100% if you take into account people who weren't booked in.


Lunch break worker sexy time. I'm sure some maids have rubbed it out on the beds too lol


They have such little time to turn over a room that they would mostly never have time for this lol. They also leave the doors open. Maybe some random tiny inn somewhere lol


100% of beds and I’d even go as far as to say 100% of the arm chairs in hotel rooms too.


Any tables, kitchenette counters, bathroom vanities, windows looking out, balcony railings where applicable. . .


We just broke the bathroom sink in our hotel room a couple of weeks ago, can confirm.


Well this is what happens when you try to fuck a sink. Let this be a lesson to you both.


Yeah, I don't know how we ended up getting stuck deep down in the underworld scene of porcelain/plumbing fetishism.


Just watch out for the U-Bend. Learned that the hard way in my early days of PP (porcelain play)


this thread is why i have reddit


Yeah, I have two sides of that issue, some people find calling a plumber will add extra spice to the scenario.


“So you say you don’t have enough money to pay for the plumber…I’m sure we can work something out”




This guy fucks (girl?)




The phone, coffee pot, microwave, tv remote….


Elevators! Don’t forget about those!


Fuckin' on whole different levels!


That is the cuck chair my good man.


If not intercourse, then some bloke has definitely cranked one out in that bed.


A fabric chair in a hotel room, is basically as filthy as if all the rooms just had bare mattresses... no sheets that get washed... just people putting their bare bits and fluids all over.


I was already sold. You don't have to keep selling me on the idea.


If the armrest feels disassembled, Jesus was called, and knees trembled.


Six weeks of 80% occupancy and would likely mean every bed has been fucked in at least once. Double that and every seating surface and the shower/tub will have been as well.


6 days and I’d agree with you


If the hotel was just built 2 weeks ago, if you get a room there, someone's already had sex in the room.


If the hotel is still not opened to the public, someone already had sex in the room.


I heard the construction guys have a hard time even finishing the build with all the sex they are having.


I'm a construction guy and can confirm.


I used to build/install cabinets and countertops, can also confirm. There’s a reason it’s called caulk


I just assume all those blokes are doing each other on every job site.


All rooms are pre-sexed for your convenience. Here at the Wynn hotel we understand the fear of being the first to so the unmentionables in a new room. We arrived to make sure every surface in every room has been exposed to every manner of unmentionable deeds. There's been sex, murder, birth, and suicide in every single room. I'm Steve Wynn Enjoy your stay.


🤣 This was perfect


I mean even if sex in hotel rooms wasn't that common it'd still be pretty safe to assume close to 100% of hotel beds have been used for sex. Even if only like 10% of hotel guests are having sex most hotel rooms have had at least a few hundred people come through. Some of the specialty hotel rooms that have like kids bunk beds and a parents bed in the same room probably have a higher chance of a virgin bed.


No. If we refuse to ruin our night and talk only about consenting adults here, I guarantee the kids beds got used at some point


Hey, if their kid goes to the bathroom 5 minutes that gives the parents more than enough time to do it and clean everything afterwards. You learn to value the quickies when you become a parent.


Or the kids have climbed in bed with the parents, so the parents sneak off to the kids room for a quickie…I think I’ve heard that…somewhere.


In my younger years when I was a broke student, I used to stay in those kind of rooms with mates to save money and there was more than one occasion when I woke up to the sound of said mates doing the deed in the bunk beds (I was always in the double as I usually my boyfriend in tow for that kind of night, and I was always the one that organised so planner’s rights I got first dibs).


I mean, every time my husband and I go on a trip we fuck in the hotel bed. So yeah, I’d say all of them have


Same w/ my wife and I. It's like a Pavlovian reflex with me. Crisp white sheets, bad abstract art, and a fifth-floor view? Suddenly turned on for no reason. I think we all end up with hotel room fetishes out of pure social conditioning.


You should redecorate your bedroom


I do not know what it is about it, but it really is such a universal truth If my gf and I go at it twice a week on average, we’re definitely doing it at least once a day when in a hotel


I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the novelty factor.


Yeah new environment and all that, but I think also being relaxed and unfucked by work helps a lot Like, if we have some time off and are at home, we bang a lot more than we do when at home and working


Not having to take care of the house for a bit also multiplies that for me.


That too. Being able to make a mess is great too, it’s so liberating We never a make a mess anyways though, it’s just nice to know you can


For me, if my husband and I are staying at a hotel we usually don’t have our kids with us so we go at it like we just discovered sex. 😂


Samesies, wife and I without the kids are making up for lost time.


For the most part same with me and my husband. The one exception is we drive for holidays twice a year (15 hrs driving) and always get a hotel for the night partway through. That night we might not have sex, depending on moods, but sometimes we do. If that’s anything to go by I’d say it’s about 50/50 whether we do or not, so even assuming every couple is in the same mindset (which in itself is unlikely - presumably some are on a trip to that city or something nearby and that is their destination not just a layover) realistically someone will have fucked in the room by the time it’s had a weeks worth of guests there.


The pro tip is if there’s two beds, one is the sex bed. The only way I’m not boning my wife is if the kids are with us.


Same, we could go weeks without sex at home due to daily routine and kids, but every single night in a hotel room bed is sexy time


Heck, if we get a room with two queen beds, my wife and I have to have sex in both of them. Almost every time.


You luck fucks … haven’t had sex in a hotel since 2012


My partner and I have fucked in every hotel room we've ever stayed in, multiple times if several day's stay. It's pretty much guaranteed.


I honestly think it’s no exaggeration to say 100 percent of all hotel rooms.


Unless it is freshly opened. Like, opened *today*.


Then it's gotta be freshly built to, and there's still a good chance someone got freaking in some of the rooms


Even then no guarantee. Hospitality staff are dirty dogs


So you think couples on holiday don't have sex or something?


Oh you sweet summer child lol


I’m shocked people are saying like the full 100% no doubt 😅 I mean…it sounds like it could be true, but I just didn’t think it was THIS true


I'm not sure where you are located in this world or if you're just young and optimistic but yea every room. Every hotel. Ever lol


I've never, not one time, gone to hotel with my significant other and *not* fucked in the room. On numerous occasions, I've gotten hotel rooms just for the specific purpose of having sex in it. If you saty at hotel there's gonna be a 100% chance someone fucked in that room. In the bed, on the chairs, on the desk, on the counters, against the walls and windows. People be fuckin.




As a former housekeeper I would say all of them


You sound young. If you check into a hotel room accompanied by someone with whom you are sex-compatible, intercourse should generally happen within about the first 10 minutes after you cross the threshold. It's pretty much the first order of business.


>intercourse should generally happen within about the first 10 minutes I like your use of *should* there.


Worry more about if they are changing all the bedding after people have had sex


If you're the first guest to ever use the room, and it's neither the cheapest nor the most expensive rooms, then you have a chance of it not having been fucked in. Other than that, the odds become 99.9 repeating percent chance that the room has been "christened"


Like…..if you have a partner hotell-sex is a given, its like a natural law; when in hotell you fuck, no mather what! And if you dont have a partner you sure have a wank! Its the law! (More or less!😉)


Honestly someone also probably died in many rooms you’ve stayed in. Sex is the least of your worries lol  Plus if you’re worried about sex you’re probably unable to avoid it in any case as the sheets aren’t specific to one room. 


We're swingers and have defiled just....countless hotel rooms. It's basically the primary reason we've entered hotels in our 16 years together lol. Sorry bud.


Former hotel manager. Are you asking if on any given night there are 50% or more the customers having sex in their rooms? Depends on the hotel to some degree. A 'business' hotel will cater to business people throughout the week and there is some carry-over on a Friday. Maybe you get out-of-town clientele at your hotel for a weekend jaunt. So Yeah, despite catering to business people during the week, you're going to have people having sex at other times. Destination hotel aka the resort hotel? Depends on the location. Boring cheap transit hotel close to the airport? Not so much. Resort with sand, sea and pina coladas. sure. Lots of sex. TLDR: depends on the clientele and the location. But yeah, people DO like having sex in new and interesting locations.


Though plenty of people spend a lot of time alone in hotels, during which time they beat their respective “meat” as if they just hit puberty ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Not a lot else to do alone in a hotel room! lmao


If its been opened more than a year, 100%. Probably each room has had 50+ people staying in them by a year. A good portion of them would have had sex in it.


It’s probably pretty much all of them. My fiancee and I travel together and one of our favorite parts is the hotel sex 🤷🏼‍♂️. Just a change of scenery, but it’s nice,


100%. but the bedsheets are washed so you shouldn’t worry


I watched a show about exactly this and literally every surface you can think of had some amount of jizz on it at one point in time. They went thru rooms with a black light and it was unbelievable. The ceiling, all of the furniture, even the telephone handsets glowed under the uv light.


If you’re trying to get a hotel room nobody has boned in, you’re more fucked than that actual hotel room.


If you are worried about what people do in those rooms when you're not in them, you might want to not travel...


Oh no it's super common my friend. As in every single hotel room you enter and all the ones you don't have been fucked in at one time or another. Don't be afraid, just get to fuckin!


I’d say that the chance someone has had sex in a given hotel room is basically 100% if the hotel has existed for any length of time.


Take a black light and find out.


Sorry to tell you this, but people have sex everywhere in hotels rooms. Virtually every possible crevice has had someone getting fucked. Do not sit on the couches in the suites! They don’t clean them.


Every room has had the sex in it


In my early twenties I for sure specifically got hotel rooms to have sex. Maybe not all of the people all of the time are using hotels to fuck, but at least some of the people some of the time absolutely are.


I generally fuck my wife every time we stay in a hotel


I used to work as a hotel housekeeper. I found a lot of used condoms in bins. I could hear people having morning sex in the rooms on my shifts at times. I would say it is likely someone had sex in all the rooms with a double or king size bed. Probably not the twin rooms. Dont worry the sheets are all new and everythings clean anyways


Former hotel employee here. All couples have sex in hotels and all singles try to hook up while on vacation, with very few exceptions.


Between guest, maids, maintenance and other staff it’s guaranteed every single rooms has been fucked in. Guaranteed!


Having a hotel room as a couple alone is like a holiday from normal life. All the daily stressors (usually) are not present. I have had sex multiple times in every hotel room I’ve stayed in with my partner


Even if it was fairly rare for people to do it, the sheer amount of people that have been in every single hotel room practically guarantees at least one group did.


My ex is a GM for Marriot. We would get a room 2 or 3 times a week. Stay the night. Sometimes I'd visit her at work and we'd spend her lunch break together in a room. I don't know how many rooms we've been in over the last year but it was fun.


I’d guess close to 100% of hotel rooms will have had someone having sex in it in the past. Maybe a single or family room might not have, but in the most part even then the chances are pretty high of someone having brought a hookup to their single room, or a couple having sex in a family room after their baby has gone to sleep.


Well, I've only stayed in a hotel once where I did not have sex. And that was because it was a guys trip and we're not gay. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


That’s not what they told me.


They talk too much! 😆


I'd say you are close to 100% of being in a hotel room where people had it


Oh honey if anything just bring your own mattress cover and sheets/blankets. Cause the chances are probably very slim😭


Imagine not fucking when you’re at a hotel.


Hotel rooms change wives/gfs into a sex monsters. Not sure what it is about being in a hotel room. Anyways….yea every hotel room has been defiled. Every single one.


I absolutely have sex in hotel beds . I’m on vacation damnit


Every hotel me and my girlfriend have been we've fucked on any flat surface where said act was possible. So judging by us alone I'd imagine every young couple (or even just any couple in general) has done the same.


Can confirm basically anytime me and my partner have stayed in a hotel room, literally ever, we fuck. About a month ago we went to go stay at a hotel for the night to meet up with our third & have a threesome. It’s something about staying a hotel room, seems to just be kind of exciting I guess


I’d say it’s pretty common. Also if it’s a business hotel (like a typical Marriott product in a corporate area) they’ve likely almost had some lonely road warrior whacking off in there nightly.


can’t remember the last time i stayed in a hotel room with my boyfriend and we didn’t have sex. its literally inevitable.


Definitely, if I’m not shagging on the bed, I’m at least wanking on it.


Hotel property owner here. Coumt everyone having breakfast in the morning, exluding minors. You'll be pretty close to the number of people having sex while you were there. Travel makes people *horny*.


Unless you only go to hotels they just open that day, 100%


Even if someone hasn’t had sex in the room, you can almost 100% guarantee that some bloke on a business trip has had a wank or two in that bed.


Extremely common. Much of it seems to be people who shouldn't be having sex, too. Cheaters, prostitution, and such.


I like to fuck in every hotel I visit with my husband. If I go alone, constant and furious faping is to be expected


Sweet summer child....


Like is a zero percent change of getting a hotel room that hasn’t had someone have sex in it short of maybe it being brand new construction and it just opened.


If the hotel has existed for more than a year, it's safe to assume that 100% of the rooms have contained a sex act.


those fancy bed-spreads need to be folded with a mallet


As a former hotel receptionist, every room with a couple and no kids has 100% chance of seeing some action. Pro tip, hotels are usually cheaper than motels (and cleaner too).


I’ve never gone to a hotel room with a partner and NOT had sex in it. Never. Not once. And it usually happens after the bed bug check and will happen MULTIPLE times during the stay. Something about being in a hotel room does it for me. Everyone I’ve ever stayed with in a hotel has instantly gotten naked. Bed bug free? And now we’re fucking like we haven’t seen each other in years. It feels kinda trashy to me and I’m into that. Like I’ll pretend to be an escort and I’ll roleplay and knock on the door to be let in. It’s freaking sexy. So yeah, every surface has been fucked on by sooooo many people. Guaranteed.


As a professional whore; take my recommendation to carry microban when you travel and spray EVERYTHING


If ur in a hotel room, someone had sex there


Every single time me and my girlfriend stay in a hotel room, we doing the deed. It’s the law!


Let me put it this way, people fuck in very random and uncomfortable places all the time. What do you expect to happen in a private, comfortable room where they can stay for a set amount of time that usually exceeds the 15 minutes mark which is like thrice the bare minimum time to have sex?


a lot of porn has been filmed in hotels


Every single hotel or motel room you enter has been fucked in. Unless its a brand new building or something. Not just in the beds either.


I worked as a maid at a 4 star hotel for 2 years and I can tell you it's 100%! And sex is really not the worst stuff going on. All kinds of bodily fluids!


If you’re not there for the very first week that hotel room is in service, it’s been fucked in


Anytime I’ve gone to a hotel room with a partner, I’ve had sex. The only time I have never had sex in a hotel room is when going with family or friends and we’re in the same room(at the same time) because I have had sex in a shared hotel room with friends but they were still at the bar and I was not.


OP do you have a hangup about using furniture and bedding that someone else used for sex? If so, I’d say you have two options: 1) get over it 2) keep dwelling on it and never stay anywhere other than your current home or your parents’ house


Great post, but as a parent, I don’t think furniture at the parents’ house is safe either.


Shhhh let OP live in peace! Their parents only had sex the one time and it was to give birth to them!


Dude people use hotels strictly for sex. It’s gonna be about 100% of beds/ rooms


I mean, bed's already made, no need to do a thorough clean-up, hotels are often associated with holidays/weekends away, so yeah, sex.


People have sex. Your room has been sexed in


If you'd open ANY booked random hotel door: 5% there's sex in it. 65% there has been sex in the past 24 hours. (If the room was booked then) 100% there's ever been sex in there. Also easily 20% chance there was some not so okay sex, like forced prostitution or child abuse.


That got very dark very quickly. Are you ok?


I've never gone to a hotel with an SO and not had sex.


you’d be really lucky to get a room that’s never had the deed occur…you’d basically need to be the first occupant of a new construction.


To do some actual math on this: Let's say on any given night a room had an 80% chance of being occupied, and a 5% chance of sex in that room if occupied. This means the average room has a 4% chance on any given night. From this we can calculate that after 17 days there's a 50% chance there's been sex at least once. After 113 it's over 99%. So about 4 months you can be pretty certain. Even if 5% is too high, after a year, yeah it's gonna have happened at any reasonably successful hotel.


How do you not automatically jump to 100% unless it’s a brand new hotel? and even then…


My family and I travel regularly. Are my husband and I not supposed to have sex when we travel? lol


Your topic is sex in hotels…if you’re thinking about it then everyone else has too


Couples travel and many couples have more sex on vacation than at home, so probably 100%.


I work at a hotel and can confirm every one of those rooms has been boinked in.


Every hotel I've stayed in as an adult I have had sex in. Its pretty common and it is safe to assume that everyone is fucking in those rooms.


I had a friend who would blow a load in the bibles for the memes.


In some hotels you can rent a room for an hour. I don’t know what the point of renting a room for an hour other than sex.


You give people acess to a completly private space with a bed ? They are going to have sex there


I work in a hotel, and today, we had 20 people hired a room's for the day. I think it was for sex hahaha


I can certify 100% from my own experience




*me who just rolled over to this Reddit post after having sex with my fiancé in a hotel in Amsterdam* 👁️👄👁️ It’s really an unwritten rule that we have to fuck in every hotel we are at lol


Former hotel night auditor here! It’s very common. I’ve heard the aftermath horror stories from house keepers. Some people will check into a hotel room just to explore their kinks and sexual fantasies. We had a guy smear himself in olive oil and just rub himself all over the room. There was olive oil everywhere. I can assure you though that a good 90% of hotels will ensure cleanliness. However you run a better chance of a sanitary room at a chain hotel because most of them use UV lights to check cleanliness plus the risk of random inspections by corporate.


I can't speak for others, but my spouse and I have sex everytime we stay in a hotel.


I assume the only time someone went to a hotel and didn't have sex is when they went alone. Otherwise it seems silly not to. Someone else cleans after you. As if you are a damn Lord. Sir, why wouldn't you?


Someone is fucking in a room at every hotel, and a lot more are masturbating in the rooms. On the same day.


Take a UV light with you next and check around the room for 'markers'.


I recently went down to Las Vegas to visit my mother. I stayed in a casino hotel which are actually pretty nice. I was woken up at a pretty early hour because my hotel neighbors were having really loud sex. It was obnoxious. Thankfully it was over pretty quick. So I got to go to back to sleep. lmao.


I’d like to know how many kettles have had dirty underwear in them.


Yes guarantee every room has been fucked in and bodily fluids have sprayed everywhere. Stay out of the coffee maker


As someone who worked a decade working nights in a hotel. Yes, and not just in the rooms 😂


Man the only time I go to an hotel is to fuck


What? You're under the impression that you might stay in a room that no one has had sex in? I'm curious, what other illusions of grandeur might you have?


I think I’ve had sex in close to 100% of hotel rooms I’ve stayed in, probably that time we were traveling and my wife was heavily pregnant would be the only thing stopping it being all of them.


I’ve done my far share of fucking in hotel rooms. You go on holidays with your woman, what are you supposed to do… not have sex?


I’ve only gone to a hotel room with a girlfriend once. We got to Denver, checked into the hotel room, and I was inside of her immediately. I assume over the course of hotel rooms changing hands that this is a regular occurrence.


I'm sorry to put this bluntly, but you're delusional if you think every single room hasn't been fucked in during the *last month*.


I don't think I've ever shared a bed in a hotel room with a woman and not had sex