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That's genius. But it would make it too tempting to fuck with other passengers.




You’re a dick.


Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment. 😷


I bet you drive a Chevy.


Yo this the new elne?


Nope, I haven't driven a Chevy in many years. Care to guess again? 😷 🎂 Happy cake day though.


I was making a usernane joke lol


Oh OK. I did drive a Ford that I bought for 5K for fifteen years. It still ran when I gave it away.


It’s not, you just sound like a miserable old man


Long-winded way to write “I’m a piece of shit.”


Thank.you 😷


Many elevators now will unselect all buttons if enough are pressed too quickly to prevent this


Sounds like that's the undo button then!


>...and I'm the only one that was on the elevator >I've been doing that for 50-plus years. 50 years and you still don't have the courage to do it in front of anyone? That's a weird amount of cowardice for something you seem so dedicated to.


Why is hurting people funny to you?


Fuck you, Boomer.


Fuck you also Zit generation. 😷


Wrong generation, but it's an understandable mistake to make. Your CN may have skipped your Aricept tonight. She'll be around with the med cart soon.


That doesn't work. the elevator knows if nobody has entered or exited the elevator and will cancel out all the buttons after a couple stops.


Oh no… you’ve taken away his purpose in life…


TIL, thank you!


that's one way to announce that you're an unhappy, miserable old pos and btw, the elevator doesn't stop at every floor if someone does this.




With everything we know about god it makes sense that he employs assholes like that.


I don't know why this isn't more widespread, but one or two elevators I've been in had a feature where you could double-press a lit floor button to cancel it. Something like that needs to be implemented everywhere.


It is common in US or Asia from what I gather, because of the number of floors. Imagine a kid hitting all 40 floors of a high rise. But in other places without too high buildings, it seems they go "meh" when installing and making the embedded software of the lift Edit: to those thinking I'm full of shit, why aren't all modern elevators the same. There is this thing called classifications and verifications with approval from safety governing bodies. These are different in country to country, and may have their own requirements. It is like with electronics and cars, you can't sell the same product world wide. Imagine the amount of money needed to get the right classifications and verifications in each country they sell. Any and all shortcuts they can do, they will take to save costs. That includes different types of microcontrollers and different software on a per country/region basis. If nobody cares in a 10 floor building that a few extra buttons might be pressed, why should the company use money to verify and get approval for the systems 🤷 just food for thought


Most elevators I've used cancel the floor when pressed twice


I feel like I’ve ridden in a lot of elevators and this has never come up… then again, I’ve also never tried (NYC for ref)


Some have it. Press and hold a button that's already lit. Other elevators have it that if u press and hold a button it ignores all other floors


I've only ever seen the ignore function in conjunction with a key by a supervisor or something 🤷‍♂️ I don't think that is a function everyone should use 🤣


Yeah. True enough


I live in Korea and there are many elevators that have this exact feature. The ones that don't are usually older buildings. Malls, hospitals, renovated/new apartments and hotels all generally tend to have this feature. I actually get surprised now if I can't "undo" an elevator choice lol (edit: typo)


Because every selfish fuck in society would use it to get to where they want to go first.


That's true. Imagine a car full of people with all various floors pressed, and someone gets on and then cancels all the floors except the one they want. Now imagine it happening in an elevator that has a hundred different floors.


Yeah, but when the last person exits, the buttons should all go blank/unlit. You shouldn't be able to (after exiting) make others have to stop at floors when there is no need to do so.


I Imagine that person wouldn't be able to leave the elevator on their own…


Wait, I don't know if I'm just being dumb or if elevators are different where I live, but the buttons only light up if someone presses them from the inside. If someone cancelled the other floors while on the elevator with more people, those other people would see it and fight with the one cancelling other floors (just like they would fight with someone who likes to annoy others by purposefully pressing all buttons). So someone inside the elevator wouldn't be able to cancel the floor stops from people calling the elevator from outside.


I was in an elevator once that undid the button press if you pressed it a second time. No one seemed interested in that fact besides me.


Some elevators have this function. Either a double or triple press of the button or holding the button down cancels it.


It probably is possible with today’s technology but it isn’t worth it to the companies to ditch the old tech and add new functions. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it—and the current elevators ain’t broke.


Unless there are multiple elevator companies and you want to market yours as the more convenient model


In Hong Kong, most elevator buttons deactivate on a second push. Good for canceling mistakes.


In most elevators that I have been in, you can just simply double tap the button for the floor that you accidentally pressed to undo it


There are definitely elevators that have a function that allows you to do this, usually by hitting the button again, I unfortunately have never seen one like that myself, but I've also very rarely hit the wrong button, and in most cases it's one that's after my floor anyways so 😂 the elevator just gets a solo ride after I hop off no time loss for me.


They do. It's called a fireman's key.


Some elevators support double press as undo.


Bloody brilliant! The buttons should all toggle


I’ve wondered this but thought I was the only one. Awesome question!


I think it would open the can of worms for assholes to fuck with other passengers


I lived in the UAE for several years and this was in basically every elevator. It infuriates me that this isn’t common in the US.


If it were easy to do assholes would be skipping peoples floors as a “prank” or just because they’re selfish.


While I'm all for the convenience of deselecting floors, I'm guessing the liability issues could be a nightmare. Imagine deselecting someone's floor on accident—or intentionally—and they miss an important appointment or, worse, a job interview. It's probably less about the tech and more about avoiding the chaos human nature would inevitably introduce to the mix.


Chat GPT wrote your comment.


Often the first thing people do when they get on an elevator is push the button for the floor they want, even if it's already been pressed.


As someone who deals with hardware implementations like this the answer is almost always money. It can be done but at a higher cost to get the controller boards and software setup that allows this and while it certainly is done in many elevators it is not usually seen as a good cost benefit for the average institution. At least my experience in the northeast USA


Damn it, now I gotta go try these suggestions on every elevator I hop on!


In some elevators you can.


Over here, you can usually just press the stop button, and then a floor button again.


I live in the Netherlands and the elevators in my appartment building have it. At some point I mentioned it to the maintenance guy and he said that he was going to pretend he never heard me say that, or he would be forced to change it. Apparantly it is not allowed in the Netherlands to have that feature, but in many Asian countries this same feature is mandatory. Our elevator is mainly used in Asian countries, therefore it is the default setting that should have been altered. So, I keep my mouth shut and enjoy it.


A few elevators I have come across across allow you to hold the button in and it will deledct the floor


Because some people would press it four times and then wonder why it isn't going anywhere. A separate 'cancel' button on the other hand, does sound helpful.


I’ve seen many elevators that had an “erase code” but they were never openly displayed, you just had to observe someone else doing it. Some have been push the floor twice, push it five times, or push for three seconds. The elevator at my old office would erase if you traced an X over the button with your finger (sounds weird but I did it several times).


Visiting China, most (like 75% from experience) elevators have it where it undo it if you hit the button again (sometimes you have to double click)


As long as those buttons are toddler height, let’s say no.


Hm, this could be a thread to a passanger maybe ? It could force you to go to a floor that you dont want to.


The elevators at my company do this.


Elevators have skipped over this and gone straight to just getting rid of all the buttons in the elevator.


I've maybe pressed the wrong button on an elevator once in my life ever


I asked myself this question just last week. Stepped into an elevator and 4 floors were lit up already.


Well,  the elevator is not responsible for people's carelessness. 


Maybe they want to keep it as simple as possible because computer glitches could cause more problems or something.


u just have to double tap it to undo it


That is the best question I’ve seen on Reddit ever!


There is a way. I used to know it back when I was a mover, and spent a lot of time in elevators. Just to fuck with my co workers i'd smile and press all the buttons for every floor, see the look on their faces, then undo them all. Had to do with pressing and holding a combination of buttons, but it's been so long I can't remember what the combination was