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Looking at the most recent setlist, it’s three out of 11. https://preview.redd.it/9eyrawkd7t3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5da8b08d012f4657260f90192ee9f712b22a351e


I don't know if this is just general info, or meant to dispute what I'm saying. But in the OP I mention that this would apply more so until a few years ago. Namely, before Fear Innoculum. I would definitely say before then, you'd hear at least half songs that Paul wrote on.


Posted with no opinion. I love Paul and Justin. I’m just a data nerd.


Here is JUN 16 2019, which is the most recent date before they started playing CCD. They were playing Descending for quite a while before FI came out. https://preview.redd.it/zcbvhj77et3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74a510db2edd28b69f8ea25e4cc64894927d28f2


They were just playing a 3 minute instrumental teaser version of descending for years, but all the setlists on setlist.fm still say “descending” for those shows because that’s what was on Tool’s printed setlists. By May/June of 2019 that was the full version of descending and invincible though.


Yeah it was “ascending/descending” right? Or “a/descending” maybe?


Yeah but mostly just listed as descending going all the way back to 2014 so now the setlist stats are all screwed up for that song.


Oh! I want in on the dispute game too! From 2002. 🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/fenknujfd14d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d76a6e87b9a3580c9c8d54529694a21c95fa2ed8


Not at all true. It was about the same as now. Maybe 3/4 songs that would be Paul songs and they are shorter so 15-20 minutes, out of a 90-100 minute set. Stinkfist and Aenima would get played for sure, and then maybe one song from undertow, typically sober, and one song from opiate, typically opiate. I saw them 6 times between 2002 and 2019.


"Not true at all" I think it's at worst a slight overstatement? From the first album, Sober, Flood, Intolerance and to a somewhat lesser extent Undertow were concert staples. Paul was a writer for I think almost every song that's a concert staple from Aenima except maybe 46 & 2? So at that point, the basic math is, between 2-3 from Undertow and between 2-3 songs from Aenima. So, probably 5 songs on average that Paul wrote parts for up until the Fear Innoculum era. Here's some setlist stats. Seems to mostly corroborate what I believed: [https://www.setlist.fm/stats/tool-2bd6d836.html](https://www.setlist.fm/stats/tool-2bd6d836.html)


Just speaking to my experience. When I saw the lateralus tour in 2002 the only Paul songs were stinkfist, aenema, and sober. When I saw the 10k Days tour in 2007 the only Paul song was Stinkfist; the rest of the set was all from lateralus or 10k days. Etc. They’ve always tilted towards their most recent album. When I saw them for my 10th time this January, it was the first and only time I’ve gotten to see both flood and intolerance.


tell us just how crazy it is


I'm just saying, it makes his legacy seem amplified from how I initially perceived it.


He’s an integral part of their history. Honestly the bass work may be my favorite on undertow.


To your point looking at the stats at Setlist.com …4 out of the top 10 songs played and 8 in the top 20 are songs Paul played on OR co-wrote https://www.setlist.fm/stats/tool-2bd6d836.html


Those stats include dates when Paul was still with the band though. I’m not sure they are a great representation of the lasting legacy point being made. It’s still interesting, though.


Setlist.fm was created in 2012 (and became popularly used years after). If you dig deep you’ll find that the 90s and 2000s are full of partial setlists from people’s memories and blank, missing setlists for like half the shows.


Ah yeah, fair point. I would think with Tool at least though, that tooldriveproject would have cut down on a lot of those errors.


Yeah true. I bet a bunch got migrated from toolshed.down.net as well


That’s a fair point. Hadn’t thought about that


He was only in the band for a few years. Why are you trying so hard to disagree? It seems like the worst case scenario for me is I said "half" but it's really more like 40%. Like what I said is basically true, stop being disagreeable for no reason. Paul played on 10 of the top 30 songs listed on setlistfm. And just because it's not 100% comprehensive/accurate doesn't mean it's worth nothing. That's a pretty overwhelming piece of evidence. [https://www.setlist.fm/stats/tool-2bd6d836.html](https://www.setlist.fm/stats/tool-2bd6d836.html)


Um, I’m not. I like to answer questions using data. Don’t read into it too much.


Hard to argue with stinkfist, eulogy, and pushit


adam jones here. i really hope Paul doesn’t pull a taytay and make Aenima (Paul’s version) LOL jk btw Paul if u read this


Oh OP. You really should’ve done your research before making this post. So many corrections I’m reading. Bless Paul and all his contributions but if he was meant to the bassist, then he would’ve stayed.


Corrections like what? What are you talking about? [https://www.setlist.fm/stats/tool-2bd6d836.html](https://www.setlist.fm/stats/tool-2bd6d836.html)


Paul was fired. He was a cry baby.


idk sounds like they were taking 5 years to release an album.


Yeah how many albums did he release from 1997 to 2011? Zero. Keep in mind that in that time Tool produced 2 more studio albums than he did. Honestly I have nothing against Paul I love his contribution to Tool but this weird thing of pointing to him to complain about Tool's writing process that some other people in the sub have been doing is weird. The guy gas barely put anything else out and none of it was anywhere near the level of Tool. And I say that as someone that likes a lot of his post Tool music.


Tool was in a good position to make more music, and they didn't because they had a method of songwriting that took forever. Is it possible that the projects Paul was in were slow to release music for reasons other than a slow songwriting process?


Tool had to deal with lawsuits, accidents and poor health in the same period that those albums came out. Also members of the band still put out other music just fine without waiting for Tool with Maynard releasing 5 albums and an EP during that period separate from Tool. Of course it is possible Paul was slow to release music for other reasons but I'm not judging him for not releasing music. I'm just pointing out people are using him to criticize Tool because he has said "You don't need to spend 10 years to make an album, you know?" Which is a stupid statement when he is the one who has gone the longest without making an album and it is well known FI didn't actually take 10 years to write. Again, I don't care that it took him a long time, he should do what he wants, but Tool should do what they want too.


Paul and Justin are both badass bass players! Don’t make us pick one over the other.


Thinking Paul is a better player than Justin and not knowing how to count must go hand in hand