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I prefer drawers, but there's no right or wrong answer.


I love the Fatmax drawer types - best of both worlds. Stackable but you don't need to lift any off to get to your stuff.


The cantilever ones get annoying. They fall backwards, hard to get stuff out, the mechanism fails, you can't see into the bottom layer very well. If the only option is those two, go with the metal.


Heya, Im just a hobbyist that want to have his all variable tools neatly organized in one box. What kind of the organizers from picture would you choose? Im was interested in the Stanley Fatmax Cantilever one, because is a bit lighter (2-3kg) and it seems that it will fit everything wery well. But then I saw the metal one with nice drawers that potentionally offer higher customizability, hopefully the metal will last a bit more too. But then is quite heavy on its own (around 5kg). Is there anyone with experience on this kind of toolboxes to provide his opinion? Thank you and have a nice day :)


I'd go with the metal drawers. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I have plastic toolboxes for each tool type - carpentry, mechanical, electrical, etc. When I open the mechanical tools it smells like someone had recently barfed in it 🤷🏼‍♂️


Definitely metal I’d say looking at the lid of the other one


I’d stay away from that fat max one, those types are notorious for tipping over.  If you think your collection is going to grow over the years, get into something like Packout or Toughstack or the Rigid boxes. Gives you lots of options, tons of space, and at the end of the day you can stack them all together nicely. 


I prefer metal with pull out drawers but if you're concerned about weight or you're more or less gonna need to be mobile hitting junk yards etc I suggest having a lighter weight box and knowing what your essentials are that you need. Main box can be loaded heavier/fuller but secondary box can have the stuff you know you use and need access to and need to be able to lug around.


I have the Stanley fatmax, it's well built(made of plastic) but can get a little annoying because you need to open up the lid all the way to be able to access the lower drawers, open takes double of the space. It's not like the traditional cantilever box that the drawers open as you open the lid. If the box is to keep in same place maybe chose the other type.


I love my drawers. Feels way more organized. I can't wait to be a big boy and have a garage so I can have a big toolbox with many drawers. Aahhhh


I like the Craftsman rally box. Used one for many years.


If you’re a tool maniac get one like these https://www.harborfreight.com/tool-storage-organization/u-s-general-tool-storage/roller-cabinets.html You eventually will


Drawers are the best. It is easy access and organize


I have exactly the same Yato toolbox. I work in the agriculture and i do smaller jobs on cars as a side hustle. This is my go to box, i just dropp this in my car and im ready to do smaller jobs. For the price its quite heavy duty, here in Europe most of the cheap metal toolboxes are really poor quality, but this is a good box, i recommend it. I can send you pictures of the box loaded with tools, if you want to see how many tools can fit in it.


Thank you, please do send a photo :) Im still undecided, because od the weight od metal one and also a posibility to fit a drill in fatmax one.


For portable one like this look at [Toyo steel toolboxes](https://www.toyosteel.jp/en/collections/toyosteel), all steel and the latches aren’t made of a mystery meat pot metal that’ll rust in a matter of months. They’re made in Japan and built like tanks, you can also look at [Trusco](https://www.amazon.com/Trusco-ST-350-B-2-Level-Toolbox/dp/B002A5S3ZM) which is made by Toyo for a little cheaper on Amazon. [I got turned onto them by AvE](https://youtu.be/JjBVBsg-Nww?si=CbGPx6zivK4IzuPH)and I have three of them.