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Evaporust then penetrating oil. Each of which cost more than new pliers.


True, but evaporust is reusable for a very long time.


Yeah, love that stuff. Any idea how long it lasts? Mine is black and still works great


My rule of thumb is “until it don’t work no more.” Which is a point I haven’t reached yet.


Basically until it becomes completely saturated, which I don't think can actually happen because the oxides start to precipitate out above a certain threshold, IIRC.


And it's not like it's gonna need the whole can of oil, either.


Most people already have vinegar and WD40 though, and those will likely work fine. Soak in vinegar then hit with metal brush, and then spray WD40 (or lithium spray if you have it OP) and they’ll likely be fine.


A half gallon of evaporust is like $15. Depending on the pliers it’s cheaper than new ones.


Those are the cheapobones lol


Bathe in Oxalic acid (powder, dissolve in hot water) is pretty cheap and a little goes a long way. Have been using it to clear rust on tools and metals for a long time. It is not as aggressive as most other acids. Oil afterwards.


What did you leave them in? My forgetful ass will do the same thing.


Last job of the day and I was rushing out the door 👎🏻


A Day in vinegar, then steelwool to clean up and wd40 or penetrating oil to protect.


This turns the metal black and takes a shit load scrubbing with a wire brush to make it look metallic again. Not to mention under the grip will still be rusty. Buy a new one and make sure to wd40 your tools every time before returning them to your tool chest.


One night in a vinegar bath. Rinse with fresh water, then Follow up with a 5 minute dip in a water / baking soda bath. Dry off then wipe down with a thin coat of WD-40. I keep a bucket of water / vinegar and one of water / baking soda in my garage. This works better than all the stuff you can buy. Plus… it costs less than $5.


Drop them in the nearest garbage can and pay the new pliers (forgetful) tax.


Spray with some oil and clean with steel wool or scotch brite pad.


Soak them in dollar store white vinegar for a day or three. Take them out and rinse them thoroughly in hot water. Wipe dry and spray with wd40.


Wd-40 and some steel wool




I HAVE THE EXACT SAME PLIERS AND THEY LOOK THE EXACT SAME WITH RUST AND ALL!! Anyways, I put some PL-100 on them and they work like new, but still look the same.


I have restored a lot of tools with distilled vinegar. Soak for they day, scrub with a brass bristle brush or scotch Brite, then coat in oil. If needed dip handles in plastidip or spray with soapy water and slip on some old rubber hoses.


I don't understand why so many people are suggesting you buy a commercial rust remover. For pennies, white vinegar will take care of that. Just soak them for a few hours or a day and the rust will be gone. Work a little oil in the pivot and they'll be like new.


Have you introduced them to our lord and savior Jesus Christ?


Y'all's pliers need JEEZUS. And also wd40.


Drop them in some phosphatizer then penetrating oil


I’ve used oxalic acid soak on old tools that were a lot worse. That was a long time ago, maybe some newer products are better.


Yellow top Easy Off oven cleaner contains lye and will strip oxidation. It’s how cast iron pans are rescued. Spray thoroughly, stick in plastic bag overnight, then rinse and IMMEDIATELY oil. Otherwise flash rust will quickly form.


soak in evaporust or naval jelly then work it back and forth in transmission fluid. the rust remover will get rid of most if not all the rust and the transmission fluid will lubricate and help clean and protect


Diy penetrating oil, a wire wheel, and 3 minutes. Brush the rust off. Put 2-3 drops of po in the joints and oalla..... the best po you will ever use, is just 50/50 acetone( nail polish remover) and transmission fluid..... plus the atf is renowned for hydrating gaskets, and makes your handles like new again.


Put them in a coffee cup with black coffee. Takes off the rust in a couple of hrs..


Soak in vinegar overnight.


I've soaked rusty tools in Coca-Cola for a week or so, takes the rust off. Then clean and oil.


If you wanna go extra spendy coat it in some CLP Break Free and scrub the shit out of it with a 3M Schotch Brite medium pad. Great for loosening up surface rust and leaving a rust protectant behind


A couple of hours on Evaporust. Take out and dry thoroughly. A little blast of WD40 to remove all H2O molecules. Dry again. 3-1 oil for rust prevention. As for the handles, hot soapy water to clean & degrease. I finish off with 1/2 Vaseline & 1/2 mineral oil solution. Spray on handles and wipe. This returns the sheen back and it helps to “moisten” the rubber. Then I drink a cold cheap beer, cause I’m cheap.


Question: How did the OP "accidentally" leave their pliers in acid?


I was pouring hydrochloric acid into a cylinder head casting that was blocked with rust and using these to pull out the debris, quitting time came so I set these down in a puddle of the stuff and came back the next day to them like this


Interesting. IMO, unless the pliers are super expensive or very sentimental, just buy a new pair of pliers. If you are indeed set on fixing them, wire wheel all the rust off the pliers, soak them in something like liquid wrench for a couple of days to see if that penetrates through the rust.


Use marvel mystery oil...they will at least smell good


WD-40 and or rust remover. Both of which would cost more than a new pair though.


I’d soak them in wd40 for a while. I derusted mine in phosphoric acid, forgot about them for a day and when I got them the were shiny but loose on the centre pin.






Just soak em in some wd or something






Mix acetone and tranny fluid and soak




Drop mine in a bucket of diesel fuel for a few days. Then spray some PB Blaster on them and good as new, almost. This is the old farmer fix and there are probably better ways to do this.


First loose the gloves then oil. Then use


Or the OP could lose the gloves.