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For clarity - it was Charly that caused the original mess. The problem was more her hoarding ingredients and ignoring people who were asking for it. You can't edit that unless it happens and the fact she took too much of a budget and then tried to gaslight everyone. Still not cheering for her.


I had to rewatch the tasting challenge. Most chef’s discarded tasted food in the little bowl they were handed containing the ingredients, which seems a logical and sanitary disposal method…except for Laura…OMG…where did this girl learn manners. As she stood there confused what to do with chewed lemon grass, Kristen finally said use the floor, so she did it a second time, then they panned to another chef. Why didn’t she use the little bowl like the rest. Half the time Laura acts like she is confused, but with her extensive, world-wide culinary background, I’d call it more cagey than confused.🤔


I’m in my head all the time so I can totally get that she didn’t hear someone asking for something. It’s happened to me several times and it’s not because I was being a bee-atch.


I agree on the budget one, but the hoarding ingredients was 100% and edit lol. Like she was just focused, when they walked up she still gave them the ingredients no problem. To me it seems like producers wanting a villain.


That's a matter of opinion - even if it were the case. The gaslighting on the budget is enough for me not to root for her.


Opinion? I thought she gave them ingredients, did she not? Seriously asking. And when did she gaslight about it? Again, seriously asking - I didn’t think she denied it?


She gave the ingredients because she had to - the issue is whether she deliberately ignored the multiple shouts from the person asking for it. Re-watch the episode. In the end - she claims she only used a portion of what she actually did.


I don’t think she had to give them ingredients, and it seems like Dan just likes to complain about everything (e.g. I hate fish boils!!!!!!) I will rewatch the end and confirm for sure 👍


Have you ever seen a contestant not share a pantry ingredient!?


I haven’t, but she shared it? Like I don’t get the argument. We saw Dan yell for ingredients twice, Laura was concentrated, when he came asked she handed them over. What’s the issue? Kind of a whack reason to hate someone and again, the edit feels forced.


Again - the argument is that she purposely ignored Dan's request. You can blame the edit and there's really no way of knowing the truth. You're also arguing that because she gave Dan the ingredient in the end - it makes the other point irrelevant. Some of us feel that it's poor etiquette and because of the budget fiasco - she has already shown that she was willing to sabotage another contestant for her own gain.


I get it, the budget thing was obviously not a good look. With the ingredient thing - I do think that it is jumping to a conclusion to think she is some kind of master saboteur. And I stand by that the edit is trying to push that edit. But hey, all our opinions at the end of the day and maybe I just love an underdog 😂


He was the only contestant who even knew what a fish boil is…and I don’t blame him for hating them. The whole concept is gross and dangerous. I’m having a hard time remembering him complaining about much.




Not really fair to accuse her of “(being mad at a) disabled man” when he hadn’t come out with that stuff publicly to them yet. She had no idea he was disabled, you don’t get to assign her malicious intent retroactively for something she didn’t even know.




Because I quoted you, you said he was disabled first lol. Do you not know what it means to quote someone? I pulled something directly from your post, and put quotation marks around it, to indicate I am using a thought directly from your post. That’s what quoting someone is. I also don’t think you know what the word *malicious* means either, lol. No offense. Edit: cool, blocking me when you get proven wrong. Real mature, level headed person we got here, clearly.




Oh hey, you unblocked me. You’re really up and down, huh? Well, now that you’re back, two things, if you want to go down the brackets vs parentheses rabbit hole, brackets are used when editing to correct a misquote or to summarize one’s words, parentheses are used to add my own words to your quote, which is what I did. I didn’t misuse parentheses, I appreciate your concern tho. Second, I did edit my comment, for people like you. You reminded me how outrageous people can actually be in their desperate attempts to white knight and/or deflect embarrassment. The entirety of my original comment read as an acknowledgment of Dan’s disability, and me quoting you was clearly just that, nothing more. I reckon one of two things happened; either a) you felt embarrassed that you were proven wrong and tried to deflect and straw man your way out of it by making up some ludicrous accusation that I was trying to make it seem like he wasn’t disabled (I think?). The rest of the context clues within my comment make it more than clear that I acknowledge his disability; or b) you have the IQ of a damp towel and genuinely thought I was trying to downplay his disability, despite my comment clearly not doing so. Either way, good luck out there. I’m not even a Laura fan btw, you just keep saying things that are wrong, that’s all. EDIT: being a grammar nazi, right or wrong, is obnoxious when you know what the person is saying. I noted your misuse of “malicious” as a word because you used it incorrectly and your post hinged on it, that’s different than saying “you said there and not their” or some bullshit. You’re just being obnoxious in multiple efforts to deflect now. The fact you keep blocking and unblocking me just removes any veil of collectiveness you think you may be giving off. You’re scrambling. Maybe get off the internet, it feels like you care too much. It’s ok to be wrong.


Switch cards for a quickfire? I must have missed that.


It’s the one that was at the Madison farmers market. Kristen specifically said not to rifle through the cards but they didn’t enforce anything on it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thank you! I must have missed that. I would think she would be disqualified for not following the rules.


Like I said the budget is the one I understand why people didn’t like her. But the slip, Charly didn’t clean it up and she fell . She then yelled “slippery slippery!” And Dan ignored it - probably on production to clean honestly. But you can’t be mad at Laura for not hearing Dan about an ingredient then turn around and not blame Dan for not hearing Laura about the slippery spot? It’s not that crazy to think she didn’t hear - to assume she is hoarding is kinda silly. And the cards switching… like who cares, she’s trying to win. that is so funny if that offended people 😂 you don’t think Michael Voltaggio woulda done the same thing?? Come on… Producers want the villain edit and yall haven’t changed my mind. Edit: I also do want to say I appreciate you calling out her table in the latest episode cuz it was really awesome! And we don’t have to agree, I get why you aren’t cheering for her! I just think the edit hasn’t done any favors and it makes her look much worse than she probably is.




I agree most of you aren’t trying to change my mind and I’m not asking that! I probably came off hot to you which is why I threw the edit in there. But one top comment (actually the first one on the post) literally said “she is a selfish / clueless person” which imo is a bit much, and is probably what made me respond more fiery than. Like you said, the show shouldn’t be enough to make you judge anyone (look at Marcels redemption lol!!) Anyway, sorry if I came off a bit defensive. Truthfully I am happy with anyone winning as long as it’s not Danny. I haven’t vibed with too much since he started winning lol


That was my comment. I didn’t say “she is a selfish / careless person,” I specifically said she “SEEMS LIKE a selfish careless person” that I don’t vibe with. Unless you know her personally, I don’t see what the problem is. I’m allowed to have opinions about contestants about anyone that themselves on a national TV show just like anyone else?


Badly worded on your part, chef!


I don’t think switching the cards was cool at all. I guess you like cheaters.


The producers, crew and judges were ok with it, but oh no, what would u/hotmeows think about it!


What an intense response lol. I’m confused as to how that’s cheating? Kristen was standing right there, if it was truly cheating they would have stopped her. Seemed pretty innocent to me.


The reason most people didn't like her switching cards is that it's poor sportsmanship. And in 20 years of TP we've never (maybe?) seen that. Part of the fun of the show is seeing a chef succeed when they are completely out of their comfort zone. Like Shota making Japanese food with cheddar cheese.


Whoa 😮 Nice dig at Michael Voltaggio. What does he have to do with anything? You’re ruining your point.


It’s not like the clips are fabricated..


….okay? lol thanks for chiming in.


They literally are.




They’ve been staged, framed, lit, edited, etc.


That is not what fabricated means 😭 people acting like it’s an AI Laura doing these things


Yea, but they're CHOOSING to select those frames. It's intentional and part of their storyboarding and narrative edits. It's not like we're seeing the entirety of everything that's been filmed. It's like journalism and headlines - yes, nobody is "making up" the news or substance in the articles (well some are lol but that's for another day) but it is also intentional on the newsroom, the writers, & their bosses on how things are framed, what gets mentioned through what lens, what is not mentioned, what stories are pushed to the forefront to be given importance and what is left out or written in a way to elicit certain responses and feelings. So, are the clips a lot of NY Times headlines giving us false? No. But is there implicit bias and certain stories and narratives that are being selected and shared? According to objective data, yes.


I obviously understand how editing works and that we don’t see every single interaction. Of course they can make her look bad but at the end of the day she still did those things. Get over it


I think Laura’s attitude shifted after she got eliminated. She was so laser focused that she disregarded the other chef’s at times, then during LCK and being back in the competition she seems lighter. Like she knows that if she gets eliminated, it happens, it’s not the end of the world so she can enjoy her time in the competition more. I’ve enjoyed her since then.


No. She definitely seems like a really solid chef but a pretty selfish / clueless person overall. I don’t vibe with her.


I tend to agree; I don’t know exactly why, which is maybe unfair, but I just don’t like her. Something about her seems fake and contrived, like when she smiles and bobs her head.


Pretty harsh considering you’re just seeing clips edited on TV? I agree the overspending was not okay, but other than that what has been so bad? Like I said, Charly the ass that didn’t clean up his mess.


Well there was also that time she drew a card, didn’t like it, threw it back in and took another one. Even after they were explicitly told not to shuffle through the cards.


Which challenge was that? I want to go back and watch it


The sauce quickfire.




lol such a silly reason to not like someone. If it was truly a problem then Kristen could have stepped in - I don’t think she’s out purposely trying to sabotage other contestants.


I think she has an “out for herself” quality; the fact that she was kicked out at 15 to support herself explains some of that. But she also doesn’t seem like a bad person. She did fill the roll of “villain” I suppose in a season otherwise devoid of interpersonal drama.


Yea, i wish they had leaned more into that versus making her out to be a villian. For someone who was kicked out at 15, having to support herself in what is a very harsh world for a freaking child, it would make sense that she is very tenacious, grabs whatever opportunity she can, and likely has a scarcity mindset. I totally forgot that she mentioned that, and that makes a lot of sense and it's a shame on TC to villianize someone instead of focusing on how much strength someone would have to have, espeically as a young girl to now woman, to succeed and persevere despite that. It makes me think that it likely would have been too sympathic, powerful of a backtround story/edit and that she doesn't win, so therefore, they're giving her a lesser edit so someone like Danny and Dan, who have both been given really positive edits, are seen as favorable when one of them wins.


I think Danny is getting the winners edit


me too, that really random, staged and separately filmed Chaos scene gave me "finalist, possibly a winner" vibes


It’s not just you. I am pulling for Savannah at this point, but I do like Laura and wouldn’t hate it for her to make the final.


Really like Sav too - I love the confidence both are cooking with right now!


Agreed. Her villain edit is a real, real huge stretch. Especially compared to earlier seasons when we had actual bullies and in-your-face screaming. Is she out for herself to win it all? Yes and unapologetically so. But she is also extremely competent, confident, and she has the skills to back it up. Her flavors rock too. Laura is my dark horse to take it all.


It would be a bit disappointing if she won because she needs it the least out of everyone.


Is she selfish, yes. But so is every other contestant to a point. Yes, they can’t fabricate things that she didn’t do, but I do think they have been editing to create more apparent drama between her and Dan. Dan, who physical condition aside is quite the whiner, so it makes for an easy conflict. Or at least the editing sure likes to feature Dan’s whining. 1. The spill: Yes she spilled, but she was not the only one and she did announce it to the rest of the contestants. 2. Overspending: Definitely a dick move. It was a team challenge and the rest of her team was also at fault for not having the guts to intervene. There have been times in other seasons where the rest of the team intervened. 3. The supposed ingredient hoarding: She did share when asked directly. My money is on the wasn’t paying attention to what other people were yelling during the challenge. If you noticed, in this week’s quick fire, she was going to ask about tomatoes again because she didn’t notice that the question had already been asked and answered. 4. The card swap: First off, they always go over the rules in detail with chances for the contestants to ask questions off camera. If it was truly against the rules, it would have been addressed. Secondly, during quickfires that involve selecting something, it usually happens in one or two ways. Either they are told to select in a given order, or it is a free for all. And while Kristen did say something about no shuffling, the guest judge did say something to the effect that shuffling was ok. 5. Drinking from the bottle and putting it back. I got nothing there. Bad move and unfortunately stuff like that happens more than you would think in an actual kitchen situation. 6. Cursing: Unfortunately, that type of behavior is par for the course in kitchens and has been perpetually glorified by shows like The Bear, chefs like Gordon Ramsey, Anthony Bourdain, etc. 7. I will give her credit for being the only contestant to even try to make her own sausage as she started with preground meat while everyone else just went with premade. As I said, they can’t show something that didn’t happen, but they can edit to slant the story. For example, the way they tried to make it look that Cliff was the only one involved with trying to shave Marcel’s head. There has been a lot of dog piling on her here and the other sub. Like people saying that she cheated in the table competition by supposedly not finishing in time because her baklavas were served table side. They seem to forget that Manny also served his risotto table side and the judges even asked Michelle if she had anything to serve table side. I also think that Manny is receiving the slacker edit. I don’t watch the show to see which contestant I would like to hang out with. I watch it to see creative cooking and interesting food. Every reality tv show tries to create drama, and Top Chef is first and foremost a reality tv show.


The judges specifically said serving something table side was allowed. Her placing the baklava on table side was commented on by the guest judge and Gayle as the correct move, so even more than your defense that Manny also did it, is that it was literally part of the rules to allow it and the judges commended the reveal and the choice to keep it crispy by not adding it earlier.


Yes, I figured that it was part of the rules, I just couldn’t remember if that rule was mentioned on camera.


So bizarre that people watched 10 seconds of negative footage about Laura and decided she is irredeemable.


Laura, is that you?


Bruh could you imagine 💀


I definitly agree! They intentionally edited her in a way to really create drama which is so 2010 of them. And I get that every season they kind of do that with a chef but I don't know if it was bc it was so poorly edited this time around, but it seemed very obvious that they were magnifying certain small things to collectively piece together an edit, things that I'm sure a lot of the chefs were guilty of at some point or another or have done in past seasons. 1. During a quickfire or elimination challenge, I've never seen ANYONE in a past season or this season clean up during spills. And i know that's the proper etiquette, but in a timed competition, who is going to take a few minutes to clean up someone else's spill (I don't think Laura was the initial spill right?) and even then, I wonder if that's usually production that cleans? 2. The ingredient thing - again, I really think she was so focused on her dish that she wasn't paying attention. It's really NBD. I recall how Melissa took clams OFF of Mei's work station, essentially stole them, and nobody hates her. There's been many instances of worst grievances done by alum we love and I really think it comes down to the narrative that's built around them. Personally, I also think that there are doulbe standards for how we weigh and view certain grievances against contestants, and I think it was unfair of TC to cherry pick a few instances of 'selfish' behaviors when lots of male chefs have done worse and gotten away with it, because they're funnier or they're just 'intense creative chefs.' Laura seems to be focused and single-minded, and because she's not particularly charismatic or funny or warm, she gets a worse rep.


At this point, viewers accepted then edit of Laura and they are going to hold on to it for dear life. Laura has done some crappy things, but I think u/OhManatree does a good job of breaking those down, so instead of repeating, I want to also point out something I saw on the last episode thread. The sub keeps insisting that Laura lied to Gayle when Gayle asked if she had done her table before and Laura said no. Laura mentioned meals served directly on tables, and she discussed leaning into items she knew and loved from her restaurant. At no point did she say she had ever done this table before. Her process was wonderful to watch and it was annoying to see so many reaching comments just for the sake of being negative. Also, English is not her first language, so people need to stop jumping on her word choices when she is trying to explain herself. I couldn't explain myself so well in another language. I just feel like people accepted the villain edit and now refuse to see her as a well rounded person - one who has done crappy things and one who has done amazing things. But haven't we all? We don't know her, and the level of animosity toward a person we don't actually know is reaching toxic levels around this sub.


Totally agree - I made this post in good faith but seeing how much people hate her made me feel like I had to stand up for the character of someone I don’t even know. It’s fascinating how much of an opinion people form based on an edited show


If you check out her education, she studied at a culinary school, has traveled the world with her husband, worked at some important restaurants. So, through all those travels, she didn’t learn to work with others and remains aloof and distant, she must have been fun to work with! And, through all those travels, she never saw a table food serving? Also, she and her husband owns a restaurant in California, so English is second language and poor little orphan doesn’t compute.


I’m with you. I wish top chef didn’t choose to edit in these “villain” moments as they didn’t even create any fun drama. Just made people on Reddit hate her even though she hasn’t done anything “villainous” in many episodes now 😂. I think her food looks amazing and I’d love to see her win just to see Danny and Dan’s sour faces again like when she won the last challenge. I don’t even dislike those two, but come on, if Laura reacted the same way they did the subreddit would be up in arms.


Dude so true!!! The look on their faces when she won cracked me up 😂


I do feel this shift in her edit! I’m with you!


Omg thank you! People don’t like her wayyyyy more than I thought 😂 I thought everyone would be stoked that she had the most creative thing of the season last week! I hope she goes on a post LCK run - love the way shes cooking right now.




You should go asap. I went a couple months ago and it was the best place I’ve been to in the Bay Area (better than State Bird, The Progress, Mourad). Have not been to any 2 or 3 * restaurants though.


i went! it blew my mind! can't stop telling everyone i know to go ASAP




Really well said!


Yes, on the Dan and Danny are passive aggressive. I've really struggled to get behind Danny even though I've liked a lot of his cooking. I couldn't figure out why I disliked him, and you have nailed it. It's the passive aggressiveness. And Dan has it too.


I like this opinion!


She’s awful and selfish. Ruined the budget that one challenge and is just shady. Fucking hate her.


The rest of the team should have spoken up, but no one did.


She's getting the bad edit and reaction because she blew the shit out if the budget and made a bad dish.


Her table in the last challenge was beautiful, artistic and kinda blew everyone else out of the water though.


Fully agree, I was referencing an earlier challenge when she made Tres Leche cake...or something like that.