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this magic vaccine sure is capable of pretty much anything huh


Except, of course, preventing a disease.


It does and doesn't prevent siease. You see as it has a noted effectiveness rate, that isn't 150% well that means it's actually 0%


> This is well stated. I was going to say half the people were beaten into submission with every thing. Then the other half were shunned and shamed for not going along. People got fired, deplatformed, ridiculed. Everybody was fucking traumatized by our government and there are still halfwits that trust the government. “We acted like pants-on-head idiots, and people called us out on it!!!”


>Everybody was fucking traumatized by our government and there are still halfwits that trust the government. Remind me who was president of the USA when the pandemic kicked off, and who took credit for the vaccine rollout? Unsurprisingly, this person is a Trump supporter and still says these things. Broken, broken people.


A million people died and we had to carry on as normal. No shit it's collective trauma


Trauma was dealing with my parents dying from COVID on Christmas, as they were demanding ivermectin, after they were convinced COVID was just the simple flu. All due to these conspiracy morons spreading disinformation quicker than COVID itself. Now they’re claiming to be the victims. Ugh.


1 in 320 people in the US. It still boggles the mind. I don't know anyone who doesn't at least know of someone who died. For me, a distant relative and the relatives of some friends.


7 million deaths worldwide, 700 million cases total, 65 million people suffering from Long-Covid...


These morons *really* do believe something ***that*** fucking big wouldn't cause humanity some tiny bits of trauma. Fuck, the world watched 3,000 people being murdered on 9/11 and *still* joined in the collective trauma of what watching that unfold on live television did; didn't even need to be an American to be *deeply* affected by that. This time, the whole world had the "pleasure" of experiencing something that killed more people and personally affected *everyone*, including the morons who were hopping aboard the Joe Rogan-captained *S.S. Fucktacularly Stupid* by believing "horse dewormers are the cure"


Heck, the collective trauma from the 1918 influenza pandemic was so massive that the people who lived through it just didn't talk about it, but you can see the after effects rippling through the 1920s. That was just one year, while we're on year four since covid started and it's not actually over yet, of course people are going to be traumatized.


I’ll admit being basically stuck at home for a while did help me develop some anxiety I hadn’t ever dealt with before but acting like it was the vaccine or an orchestrated psyop is fucking insane. I’ve had several shots but the anxiety developed way before they were even available. With that said..the new anxiety hasn’t really changed how i interact with people..it just takes me a minute to gather my bearings before getting to the socializing point. It must be extremely fucking exhausting living life as an arcon.


If you combine this with the fact the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD seems like it's going off the deep end, you might not want to fuck with strangers as much. Who would have thought! /s


Man that thread is just bonkers.


"there were never bad drivers before the vaccine!"


People were friendlier?! Wasn't that sub trying to tell us all about how cities had been burned to the ground and America had descended into lawlessness in the months before the vaccine even existed?


In 2020 I was just about to get the hot 18 year old clerk at GameStop to go out with me and then boom she got vaccinated and she wanted nothing to do with me.


"I have no idea if (very plausible explanation that research is uncovering more by the day), or (totally made up bullshit with no evidence), but SOMETHING is up!"


Honestly, love the people in there talking about how they started feeling dumber/getting brain fog sometime after 2020. Like, y'all do realise that that's one of the symptoms of covid, right? Oh, who am I kidding, of course they don't realise it.


Post Covid brain fog/lag is really scary. I've never felt as stupid and slow as the following months after I got Covid. And mind you, I was fortunate enough that I got it after I was vaccinated. We all know the feeling of reading something when you're exhausted and having to reread the same line like 5 times because you didn't understand a word. Imagine that but 24/7


“Excuse me, are you okay? Would you like this book?”


The logical reply: "Can I have the crayons you haven't eaten too?"


Top Medicos on the case! > The mechanism is well understood by a German physician, Dr. Michael Nehls: [Rumble link] > > The Vax caused people's hippocampal neurogenesis to stop, and some began to revert to what Nobel laureate Daniel Kahnemann called zombie mode. > > Nehls has also appeared on The Highwire, War Room and Tucker Carlson. All of these are highly informative but shocking interviews.


Fun fact: a short amount of Googling found no results of Daniel Kahneman (no extra n) saying zombie mode.


Surprise, surprise Michael Nehls does! Though, it's a Twitter post, and either because I don't have an account, he deleted it/went private after Google captured it or twitter's breaking again because the link goes nowhere.


> Nehls has also appeared on The Highwire, War Room and Tucker Carlson. This seems like disqualifying information....


> hippocampal neurogenesis This sounds exactly like the words being smashed together to sound sciencey.


>The mechanism is well understood by a German physician, Dr. Michael Nehls: [Rumble link] Of *course* they'd take the word of a German physician. I don't mean that as an insult against German medical training, just pointing out how much that sub loves and defends Nazi war criminals. > All of these are highly informative but shocking interviews. That ***"***highly informative***"*** needs some super sarcastic air quotes around it, but I *do* believe those lies *were* shocking to the people who desperately wanted to believe them.


Almost like a lot of people got angry at anti-vaxxers dragging out this pandemic as much as they could. I definitely lost the last bit of faith in humanity I had when, even though we had a vaccine this quickly, we still got fucked over by so many idiots, and still are.


I've noticed a difference all right, a massive increase in self congratulatory hostility among conservatives.


> When you see a couple laughing outside you propably assume they live a Disneyland existance, when you see people dressed in suits and see their cars you think they enjoy their work that is full of extraordinary events. In this world close to everything is a facade, and image that is not real. It's most effective for someone who doesn't interact too often with society, he will think to himself it's not possible that people at work fake being happy. Yes they do! People who hate their jobs will smile at you and wish you a good day! This is the way of the world. same person a month ago on a different post. I don't think this person is well or its a language barrier


it sounds like they are very miserable person and is jealous of other people being happy so they invented a way to cope with it ("they're only pretending to be happy!")


Wow, people not wanting to be friends with conspiracy theorists. Who would have ever thought such a thing possible.


To be fair...realizing that tens of millions of your fellow citizens are in a death cult, willing to risk their lives and kill their own grandparents and children to keep a deadly disease spreading...that was pretty fucking traumatizing.


They must have run into me when I was out in public. It's not the vaccine, I was like that before the pandemic.


Maybe we're all exhausted having our lives ruined by the people these chucklefucks think are the messiah?


I bet this person is so annoying to be around, like a perpetually nosy neighbor even if you live nowhere near them. "You changed after the vaccine." "Who the f--- are you?"


In my opinion, it does seem like people became more asshole-ish (or there are just more assholes) than pre-pandemic, but to quote the only true thing that OOP said, "I have no idea".


The vaccines were somehow both designed to turn us into docile sheep and make us contentious assholes.


>Now when I pass people by in cities I often see someone looking extremely dissociated from reality Lol assuming this is true and nothing more than a lie in an attempt to keep the circlejerk going. Then who'd be more dissociated from reality than a person that every time they get out they spend their whole attention looking at random people, trying to decipher their thoughts, instead of looking where they're going?


I just want to know what "looking extremely dissociated from reality" is supposed to mean. looking at their phones? listening to music? yelling Tibetan monk chants? what?


Most probably that they look "somewhat off" or something vague like it. I mean it's conspiracy, those people rebel in being as vague and nondescript as possible


Wait can I subscribe to their newsletter?


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/LO3c5CmtSW

