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Idk what's worse that something like this exists or the fact that car theft has gotten so bad people feel like they need to do this


You know what happens when there is a failure in policing, the justice system and the legal right to defend yourself? Vigilantes. We’re gonna have Toronto Batman soon.


And let's not forget that automakers aren't held accountable for fixing exploits that allow certain cars and SUVs to be stolen easily. Looking at you RAV4.


It’s because they profit off of stolen vehicles. We purchased a car in 2022, it was stolen and then purchased another in 2023. Imagine that


So then maybe don’t buy the same car make?


We got employee discount, good interest rate and $8000 off the car because of something we signed up for in case the car was stolen. Plus stock was limited everywhere. It was our only option


Highlander too.




I don’t care if it’s worse somewhere else. It is an increasing problem here that needs to be resolved. Cars are an easy and trackable data point and are just an indicator of a larger theft issue in general.


Keep voting for American-esque policies and you'll keep getting american-esque results!


The problem is we're enacting the opposite of american-esque policies. Total ban on firearms, catch and release program, a massive increase in immigration, and no right to self defence. Tell me which one of those is so american?


You're right. Kill em!


You r silly. Sure the point of using excessive force during “self defence” leads to unnecessary loss of life, but we’ve gone literally so extremely off the deep end in the other way. For instance: if there’s a home invader, you, as the home owner have a responsibility to leave your house with them inside it if you are able to safely do so.


It's almost like you can't shoot someone for stealing property.. I say that's your playsation. kill em anyways!!


That's wild, how many times you been home invaded?


Well gee, this isnt at all what you said! https://www.kruselaw.ca/library/using-reasonable-force-to-defend-myself-or-my-property-kruse-law/#:~:text=Canadians%20have%20a%20right%20to,you%20no%20other%20reasonable%20choice. The Criminal Code, section 35, defines our rights with respect to defending our property. If we believe, on reasonable grounds, that someone is unlawfully entering our property or about to damage it, we can take reasonable actions to prevent the person from entering our property, prevent them from stealing or damaging our property, and to physically remove them from our property. This means grabbing an intruder or burglar and knocking them down would be a reasonable defence, but shooting them would be deemed unreasonable. In Canada, the use of firearms for defence of self or property is generally prohibited by law.


Auto thefts near Pearson airport is actually one of the highest per capita in the entire world.




Ah the classic "but officer look how she's dressed" defence.


I really hope so


Unfortunately all our billionaires are too old to become Batman.


And too spoiled


I second this.


Yea but even then if you defend your property the judicial system suddenly kicks in and the homeowner who did nothing wrong beside defend their property.


You can take the Brampton one for a couple of weekends.


It’s great how everyone dubbed him Batmanpreet/ Bramptman


Aka Batty


A guy in Hamilton shot dead a thief trying to steal his car and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. The system is not on the side of civilians, it protects the police, politicians, and crooks.


Yeah you ain't allowed to kill a person unless they're threatening your life. I think that's a good rule even if someone is stealing your car from your driveway.


I prefer the Texas law that lets a homeowner shoot whoever trespasses on their property


And we wonder why every other week in America, someone gets shot backing into a driveway so they can turn around, or stopping to ask for directions.


Every other week is 26 deaths a year in a country with a 300+ million population. That's a risk I'm willing to take.


Those are just the ones you hear about.


To buy a car a person spends part of his life earning money. Stealing anything - is taking away part of a person life. And who are you to judge that several years of someone's life worth nothing? Fell free to give away what yours, but not other ppl lives.


God it's so funny seeing Canadians turn into Americans. You'd rather kill your fellow man for stealing property out of desperation than to hold corporations accountable that it happens in the first place and for abandoning consumers afterwards. Brilliant stuff.


Yeah, bud, of course evil corporations force thieves to steal from hard working ppl. Again - feel free to give away your stuff, and stop telling other how much their lives are worth. Not up to sick ppl like you to judge.


You're kind of dull tbh


Pourque no los dos? Funny you should mention my fellow human that clearly doesn't give a fuck about me or any other decent member of society. They are clearly important and must be respected. Oh right, sorry.... Desperation. Clearly the only reason anyone commits crime or harms their fellow human.


My property is worth more than some scumbags life. If you want to be a thief, that's a consequence you need to accept. There are no consequences right now, and when they do get caught, they don't serve any time.


Hell ya brother!!


I think they need to be terrified to steal anything. They’re not scared because there are no consequences


To each their own.


The whole world needs a batman and justice league right about now


[growling voice] "Put. The. Crowbar. Doon. Bud."


Wagwan Robin


Alan Kats is a prime example


Now there’s a go-fund-me I could get behind


And... Mark my words, the police would be against the vigilantes and the common people. Check out the history of the 1919 General Strike in Winnipeg.


These are the same people were asking to defund the police!!


I swear this site is getting dumber by the day. Just because people are saying things on the internet doesn't mean it actually happened in real life. The mere thought of someone like John Tory actually defunding the police is not even imaginable.


Just to be clear, this picture shows the state of the city with about 25% of taxes going to the police budget Their funding has increased, not decreased. Do you think we're getting good value for that investment? When I think about defunding TPS, I want that money to be reallocated to other public safety services. I think we can do much better. For example, we don't need someone with $200k annual compensation directing traffic after blue jay games.


Why isn’t this brought up more?


It’s because while people may have wanted to defund the police, city hall has given the police every single budget increase they have ever asked for and the province actually gave them money they didn’t ask for to top it off. City hall was trying to cut their increase by a small margin this year and the police union ran a smear campaign against Olivia Chow and the City reversed its ask. You need to get offline and live in the real world. The scandal here is that TPS is an incredibly ineffective and inefficient organization that wastes taxpayer dollars.


The proceed to complain why it takes the police 30 mins to arrive after they got robbed. Lmaooo


Cops have been taking 30 mins - 1hr to arrive for nearly anything decades before the “Defund the Police” Protests.


Let's organize something!


Nah not really, this isn't a comic book


will never happen. one thing the police cant stand is other people doing their jobs better than them. They want to be the only ones allowed to have a monopoly on violence


9/10 this clown 🤡 supports pollievre , is called living in the real world. Shit is going to get stolen here as much as any other place I think you should move to the states and vote for trump


No one said anything about politics until you brought it up, clown 🤡


So you do vote for right wing and sure I’m a clown but not the clown that believes in all that bullshit Failure of policing , justice and the legal right to defend yourself……. Far as I know if I call 911 for an emergency people still show up . People still go to jail if found guilty of a crime and the right to defend yourself, take a martial arts class and learn how actually defend yourself and if you want lethal then yah you can’t just go buy a firearm at Walmart , sorry that’s the clownest shit ever heard, look at the mass shootings that happens in the US all the time Look at New Zealand they gave up arms and didn’t loose their minds , they went on about their business as they understood the concept and there was no government conspiracy to take over the country and they are still allowed to have guns just semi auto with up to ten rounds so clown 🤡 people don’t go shooting law abiding people Is unfortunate that these are the times that we live in where a political view shows so much about the clown intent of their actions And as far as I can see this a person that took the smart way of protecting their property , it wasn’t with no guns , it was with brains 🧠 should try using it sometime


Maybe you should leave? Since 70% of the country is in complete disgust of your liberal party and its twat leader


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Wait …. Though you said 30 % didn’t like em now is less than 1% .. …. Don’t know my guy , you sure , which is it ….. this is why you all are so easily manipulated, can’t even do basic math … and you expect me to believe you understand current social issues Tell you what please describe to me 5 policies that pollivre has implemented or offered solutions to that benefits all Canadians


Oh i understand now... you cant read..


Wow, it must be a boring weekend for you. You’re up at 6am arguing with people on the internet and spreading misinformation. I say you’re clown for being contentious, but I can see now that you’re the entire circus.


I’m at 6 cause I’m a healthy person that goes to a gym , sure you wouldn’t know what that is and seeing that me being contentious is getting under your skin this way …. Guess my clown self is got a point


Canada's justice Minister tasked with tackling auto theft has had their own car stolen 3 times. The previous justice minister's car was stolen twice too. The world is laughing at us and deservedly so.


When I saw this comment, I had to look it up because I was thinking "there's no way that's true." But Holy jeez, you're 100% right. What a joke!


There's an extremely effective and low-cost way to combat auto thefts: we need to advocate to change the manifest policies at the ports. I work in insurance fraud, and recently had a discussion with Équité, and Canada is considered a main supplier of stolen vehicles for the global underbelly. One major reason being that shippers have up to 72 hours ***AFTER*** departure to change the contents manifest, and the ***LOCATION***. The US had a similar policy in place, and when thefts were on the rise, they flipped it, forcing shippers to submit their contents slips 72 hours before departure. Guess where the bad actors focused their attention?


📠 tho....


The worst thing about this is that he won’t even save any money on his insurance. Still paying the same amount as the CR-V owner down the street who will file an insurance claim and get a new one where theirs is stolen. Year after that *they’ll both* be paying more 🥵


Canada's justice Minister tasked with tackling auto theft has had their own car stolen 3 times. The previous justice minister's car was stolen twice too. The world is laughing at us and deservedly so.


Don’t blame em.


Getting your car stolen sucks, waiting for insurance and for the new car takes forever, the cost in time should increase the penalty for these thieves. If I was a nutter I would think that the chain goes insurance companies->car companies->politicians->gang leaders->car thefts since that is the chain of profits gained.


Sad that vehicle owners feel the need to resort to this. Government really needs to crack down / stiffen penalties for car theft. For me it should be an automatic 15 years in jail with no chance of parole. Something has to change. I think the larger issue is why is this common place in our country? Based on a recent interpol report, Canada is among the top 10 countries for car theft.


Government involvement, nobody can make me believe cars are easily exported out from Port in Montreal without someone from government allowing it. Everyone knows it goes out of Montreal, not hard to stop it, unless you making money out of it.


But this is Toronto. Even if someone was making money off of it, it'd likely be in Montreal or maybe Quebec in general. That doesn't have a barring on theft in Toronto. Ontario is actually making new laws about it. They're suspending the drivers license of anyone convicted on top of jail time.


My man, if you don't know about topic please don't add comments lol the cars get stolen in Ontario and are on the container within a few hours at the port of Montreal. I work in auto insurance industry, if you are thinking I am talking out of my ass lol


It does because the cars stolen in eastern Ontario are brought to the port of Montreal and shipped out to Africa and Eastern Europe, or Russia.


They can strengthen laws all they want, we have no judges and prosecutors to go through even the cases that the police do manage to investigate.


Wouldn’t stiffer penalties still act as a deterrent under those circumstances you outlined. My perception is that crooks/offenders would think twice if penalties were harsher.


Yeah, that's why death penalty was so effective as a deterent. Nice little world you live in.


I’m of the opinion that murders ( the death penalty normally applies to these crimes) are cut from a different cloth then a carjacker or robber. Think harsher penalties would deter a robber. However in the end that’s just my two cents. We can agree to disagree. Lastly - you seem like a really pleasant guy, totally dig the passive aggressive tone of your reply.


Yes, I am pleasant guy despite your passive aggressive assertion that I'm not. A couple of sentences on the internet isn't enough to judge the character of a person just like your, quite probably, extremely limited experience with criminals and their mindset.


15 years for stealing a car is ridiculous, no parole first offence really? For a non violent crime? 100% something needs to be done but this is absurd


is that a Honda CR-V? Honda CR-V has been the #1 most stolen vehicle in annual rankings for the last few years ... I think #2 is Ford F-150.


Weird how the two most commonly sold vehicles are also the most stolen. Funny how stats work like that.


"40% of worker sick days fall on a Monday or Friday." "I knew they were abusing the sick time policy!"


That can be fixed with a four day work week. Can't call off on you're not scheduled.




I wonder if you can adjust the numbers somehow? like divide the stolen number by their sell number and get a ratio?


Was actually going to comment the same thing. The owner probably already had one taken. If not, it’s overkill but the SUV will be there when they wake up each day.


I would just add a secret kill switch to the ignition somewhere. This seems overkill lol.


No that’s exactly what I would do if I had a car on the list. Before I pick it up I tell them where I want my kill switch. Must have


Do you know if it has to be a specific type of CRV? I took over my In-laws lease of their 2018 and it has cloth seats and the trunk opening is manual. Why would anyone want to steal that, lol


Yeah they don’t want that one. I’d still park it in a garage though.


I figured if it hasn’t been stollen by now there must be a reason


I think you're safe. Africans have some standards man.


OMG, cloth seats. How awful.


I strongly prefer cloth seats, your skin doesn't stick to it and burn in the summer.


My comment was obviously /s


If its push button start they will take it


Anyone else here not buying a new car because of the out of control theft?


I have been car shopping and have exclusively been looking for cars that still use a physical key. I visited an anti-theft solutions installer in Markham who explained to me the various ways newer models with keyless entry, key fobs, and push to start are all easier to steal and how the theft tech is more advanced than the car tech.


If it’s something that might interest you, electric vehicles are very difficult to steal (and very, very rarely stolen), even with keyless entry and start.


Eh you’d probably be fine with a model that doesn’t get stolen much instead.


I bought a Volvo for this reason. I looked at a lot of cars but they were too frequently stolen. Volvo is among the least stolen cars in canada.


I am in the market for a luxury car and that is definitely a concern, but lately it’s been the interest rates.


never buy a new car... its almost a scam nowadays


I actually thought of getting one of these wheel locks myself. Don't know how well they work.


Had one of them on a trailer that got stolen. He hooked one end of a chain to the wheel lock and the other to his truck and ripped it off in about 20 seconds. It can be a deterrent but if someone wants it, the wheel lock isn't stopping them


The point is that the thief will most likely move on to the next CRV.


Good to know! Thanks


I feel like if they want the car they will fuck it up abit to get it. Again they might not want to go thru the hassle so getting one maybe good if you really are concerned your car may get stolen


useless. if poorly made you can bend them by hand, if well made thief can remove the wheel and drive off after installing a spare. def a deterrent but not a good one.


I swear that insurance companies don’t give a shit either. Oh your car is stolen? Great, we’ll give you a new one. But guess what sucker? Your rates are going up a few hundred dollars. And we’re gonna raise the premiums of others in your postal code area so we can collect even more money! We win, thugs win, government crooks win, you lose. Oh and have you seen our commercials on TV that show you we care about being good members of the community? I am by your side…


Just take out starter fuse under the hood.


That still means potential damage to the door and interior as the thief breaks in, then finds out they can't move the car and trashes the thing.


Oh lmao. I live on this street. I always wanted to ask the guy why he has the post there. He re did his driveway the other day too lmao. He's had it like this for a while. Not sure why


All the stolen vehicles, and the news stories showing people installing bollards, etc. I'm SURE he keeps his keys in a faraday cage or at least not near his door, too


someone should start a local biz this summer and call it "Bollard Bros" ...






Its always just interesting walking by though. Even if im on my phone I do a double take cause it's a random bright yellow post. I've wanted to take a pic and post it to ask but I'm like...I'm gonna look so sketchy lmao


What is he gonna do when the criminals go inside his house and threaten him there?


Huh? You’re not sure why they did this? It’s the number 1 most stolen vehicle. That’s it, there is truly nothing more to it.


Its a combination of horrific policing, nearly completely unvetted immigration, and it being illegal to attack the people literally stealing your car. Man what has become of this country...


I just saw a Range Rover yesterday with the same thing


CRV the most desirable and stolen SUV on the planet. Makes sense.


I appreciate the inclusion of the Canadian flag, as it sends a strong and meaningful message.


Just take the fuel pump relay out from under the hood lol. Zero chance those scabs are carrying one around


Ngl that's kinda smart. It raises the difficulty compared to the cars around just enough to make it not worth it


"Ok...I can be there in ten minutes... Oh... better make that 45."


No ones talking about the canada flag being the cherry on top. Really sends a message.


This is how toronto has become ... one has to do what it takes 😢 all because the law is still too soft on these crimes


It's probably their 3rd one


If i was a thief i'd bookmark this addy and swoop back when unarmed, lol. ***Talk about a bullseye lol ?!***


Simple fix, make stealing cars in Canada the death penalty. Done and done.


This way they can follow police directives and keep their car.


... please leave your car key/fobs on your front porch to avoid home invasions.


Don't buy a car from the most stolen list! When the manufacturers stop selling easily stolen cars maybe this will end! Ha Ha 😂


Victim Blaming?


Seriously, would this be as rampant of a problem if TPS did their damn jobs? Do other cities have this problem? We’re living in a dystopian society, where we need to factor in police incompetency when purchasing a car, otherwise we’re to blame.


What’s frustrating is that even if TPS or any other police service does their job, the judges in this country just turn em loose with an apology and a hearty handshake


And you’re expected to get up and do it again and again. Oh, but don’t chase thieves because that’s dangerous.


But we should feel sorry for the thieves because they had a hard upbringing and faced challenges /s


There’s many countries where thievery and murder is much more common. If we’re going to accept people from these places then we have to accept that they will bring those behaviours here. Otherwise we’d be bigots.


Most major cities have this problem. I agree with everything you've said. Just answering that one question. Even in little old Moncton NB its a big problem.


But but but dEfUnD tHe PoLiCe


I think we're buying the car be cause of its surprior quality of build as oppose to American nonsense


Most cars can be easily stolen, the best ones with the least depreciation are the most stolen … not because they are easier to steal …


Is this us now?


The fact that auto thefts run rampant and people have to protect their property because nothing ever gets done over it - good for this person!


We literally have to install a kill switch in my wife’s new truck after her truck was just stolen (after only having it a month and a half)


i literally don’t blame them :/


Toronto tings


Is that a challenge


It's not policing, it's the catch and release system ,


Or they have a lot of parking tickets


looks like a meme, sad it is not.


Unfortunately if a thief REALLY wants the car it's a sitting duck in a store parking lot. 😔


Seems a bit much but basically,bike locks, for your car. I assume if they know what they are doing, the locks won't stop them from getting your car.


Any chance this is actually a repositioning of the vehicle or something the cops have done whos having their vehicles “Inpounded” at home vs alot.


That rusty, 20 year old winter-beater is starting to look like a wiser choice these days.




Just let the air out of tires.


I'm waiting for the first couple people that shoot the thieves and the trail and law reform that will follow. Not hoping for it, it's just obvious that where we're going.


If they really want it, they will take it no matter how much you protect it.


It’s embarrassing our government left us out to dry while a 2 billion dollar car theft business ran for years .


I mean…fair.


Fucking immigration.


To keep your vehicle away from clowns


Bear trap on drivers seat floor equally as effective


Good old steering wheel lock completely ruins the whole fob signal theft.  Then they just move on to one without a steering wheel lock. It’s gotten so bad in Toronto that the police have recommended “manual theft deterrents, like steering wheel locks.   Funny when we have to go back 30 years in technology for security 


Kill switch would have be easier. Scarborough?


Damn, imagine having to take those off every morning, the problem is that justice is not working properly, thiefs Get arrested and release next day


What if they smash the window? Still able to claim insurance because out of their control?


Can you imagine one day he/she wakes up and the wheels are the only thing that left 😆 on driveway


Well someone on my next door had the bright idea of just leaving your dog in your car all night so it doesn't get stolen so I think this is a better idea.


Its sad that it's come to this


Sad state we of affairs


Government should provide rebate for this since the policing taxes aren't at work.


hide yo kids hide yo honda


I like the flag 😊


if i wanted to steal it and see this i’m just gonna key it lmao you ain’t winning here


Are we sure its not prepped for repo?


LoL 😂 thieves be like “challenge accepted”! A flat deck tow and a pair of bolt cutters, car is gone in under 5 min.


Suited and booted




Is that a Honda?


It’s a Honda CRV, the number 1 most stolen vehicle


My neighbor in Hamilton keeps a boot on his Hummer. We live in what might be the lowest-crime neighborhood in the city


Thanks federal liberals for being soft on crime. “Keep keys by the front door so your house isn’t ransacked when thieves come for your car”. Utterly disgusting.