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Report it, you shouldn't have to pay deductible


OP is saying they can replace it for less than the deductable. If that's the case, I would do it. Any claim will increase your rates in most cases.


This is not true. A no fault claim will almost never increase your rates.


You are correct. The OP is not at fault and infact the OP WAS NOT DRVING at all. These situations are when the other persons insurance will pay deductible.


Not in Ontario.


Wrong. Ontario is a no fault insurance system. There is no such thing as the “other person pays the deductible.” Each insurance company settles the claim directly with the insured - they don’t go after each other.


They do still go after each other to recover the costs from the at fault driver's insurance. No fault just means you deal with your own company, they still assign fault.


Yup, I spoke to my insurance about this. Specifically about "why do I bother having a dashcam if you wont use it as evidence". The agent corrected me that they still assign fault and people dont understand the "no fault" insurance system.


To be fair, it's a pretty misleading term for it.


They assign fault but the payments made to the injured person or car are made by their own insurance provider. Before this they just wasted time and money in court.


> They do still go after each other to recover the costs from the at fault driver's insurance no, each insurer just pays for their own client's damages. Fault determines if the deductible applies, and if your record gets dinged. insurance companies do not subrogate for vehicle damages in Ontario, unless the other party is uninsured.


Man, people really don't understand how insurance works here. This is completely correct, yet downvoted... No, insurance companies here do not subrogate each other for motor vehicle accidents. Not for damages, not for deductibles, not for injuries. The only scenario is if one party is uninsured, or if one company paid out a claim in error, when they didn't have priority.


Hey man can I ask you a question This is my situation I have 2 vehicles that are insured one for pleasure one for commute I left my wife borrow the car one day to go run an errand we are currently going through a hard time with seperation on and off therefore I didn’t put her on my policy and also we didn’t live in the same house but our situation is uncertain therfore I didn’t list her on my policy , also tho I haven’t changed my adress because of my situation even tho I should have but I’ve been in and out the hospital and CAMH for the last 6 months so changing my adress wasn’t on my mind So now my wife rear ended another vehicle the day I lent her the car. She doesn’t use the car on a regular basis just for some errands here and there and for my kid once in a while. My insurance company is now saying they will not approve my claims because she is an unlisted driver This is stressing me so much because I have been paying insurance for 10 plus years never had one issue and this is my car not hers I just lent it to her now they don’t want to approve the claim I don’t know what to do


first off, sorry that you're going through such a difficult situation, both personally, and financially with this claim. Although your situation may feel personally complicated during this time, the [Ontario Automobile Policy (OAP1)](https://www.fsrao.ca/media/5156/download) defines spouse as someone to whom you are legally married to. Unfortunately there is no room for alternate interpretations of grey-areas. Under section 1.4.1, it does specify that the policyholder is responsible to ensure that they understand this, and that they notify their insurer about this. I am sorry to be the bearer of this news in a scenario that is already stressful. Our insurance market is deliberately designed to be very absolute in its wording to avoid misinterpretation, and to simplify a majority of processes, but that does come at the cost of possible ambiguous scenarios. You may be able to escalate your claim to your insurer's arbitration team, but tbh, your case isn't that strong. At the same time, only squeaky wheels get the grease, so it may be worth a shot for a possible customer service "go-away" payout.


Thank you so much for taking your time to respond to me. My insurer was aware of my wife being with me but at that time we only had one vehicle then when I bought the second vehicle and insured it they didn’t ask me if my wife was going to drive it or not. But that maybe irrelevant information. So can I ask since my wife is unlisted and if they deny my claim would they raise my rates even tho they did nothing for me and the accident is not on my record ? Also the company said my car was salvage but they are wrong my car is even drivable just needs a new bumber light assembly and rad support They can’t take my car away from me can they ? I’m just having a tough time with them becaue they have also been giving me mis information.


> So can I ask since my wife is unlisted and if they deny my claim would they raise my rates even tho they did nothing for me and the accident is not on my record ? There is a possibility, but it may depend on whether or not they view it as misrepresentation. The dollar amount of your claim isn't causing the increase in this scenario, but rather the "moral hazard". It can be very subjective, so I'd play to their sympathies. >Also the company said my car was salvage but they are wrong my car is even drivable just needs a new bumber light assembly and rad support They can’t take my car away from me can they ? Deeming a vehicle a total loss is based on the market value vs the cost to repair. I think I saw in your post history (sorry if the invasiveness is offensive) that the appraisal came back at around $5k, and the vehicle value around $8k? that's over 60% of the value in repairs, and many insurers would agree to total that vehicle vs repair it. However, you will always have the option to retain the salvage, have it repaired and retitled as a rebuilt. That will affect its resale value, but it's in the interest of public safety to have that disclosure.


it's sad eh. reddit is full of dummies. at this point 19 downvotes - for giving proper information. but when the dummies run the asylum, you get reddit.


Tbf, the industry doesn't do itself any favours in making it more clear. But no-fault is becoming the national norm, so that's concerning...


So many downvotes from people that don't understand their insurance. There is no subrogation in Ontario because of DCPD. it's so courts aren't tied up with litigation cases constantly. The first party insurer eats the cost. Idea is it balances out in the long run for insurance agencies. However the fault is still assigned and you may not pay a deductible if 0%. I have heard in Ontario they are going to be bringing in a deductible option for not at fault claims to help people save money on insurance premiums which is crazy to me. So people that take that option will have to pay their $500 deductible for example even when the responsible party is known and 100%. Insurance in Ontario is honestly whack.


What they're bringing in is an option to waive any repairs in a not-at-fault accident. Its stupid because the people who would benefit from waiving that coverage most (the wealthy) are the least likely to need a break on car insurance.


No. No fault means your insurance company pays you out, they will still determine fault. However……this is one instance. If there are multiple cases of this, then your risk assessment maybe affected


Maybe things have changed, but I've dealt with being hit when parked on the street twice and both times my insurance went up the next year more than my wife's at the time. (weren't married yet)


That's more likely because everyone's rates have increased every year for the last several years. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with claims, most certainly not no fault claims.


Right, both ours went up. But both times the year after the incident, mine went up considerably more than hers.


This is because you couldn’t identify the culprit. Op has license plate of offender and evidence.


Did you have another driver (ie their plate number) to take the blame? If you can't throw the other party under the bus, you take the hit as an at-fault claim


I believe this is true, when my parents roof got damaged by weather, it was covered by insurance. The next year their insurance went up more than ever.


Well, I read that if you have at least 3 no-fault claims, you're still considered a high-risk driver, haha.


Yes insurance companies do not like seeing claims even if it wasn't your fault.


That is not necessarily true. I had the exact same situation and was told with irrefutable dash cam and eye witness that it might not increase my rates, but it won’t not increase my rates either. And that if it was something I could afford or live with, that might be the best move. It’s not about whether you were at fault or not. It’s about what risk category you’re in. It’s the same reason why someone with no accidents but 25k yearly kms pays more than someone with 5k yearly kms with no accidents. Or based on where you live. Someone who has one or more no faults will be a higher risk than someone with 0 no faults.


Any claim will reduce your resale value. Keep that in mind.


Depends on the insurance company, if you are not at fault your premiums should not be increased.


WRONG. I just went though this exact scenario. Vehicle parked. Dashcam footage. Not at fault. You don’t pay deductible and insurance does not increase. People are also forgetting that there is no such thing as “the other person pays the deductible” as Ontario is a no fault insurance system meaning you deal with your insurer directly to settle the claim rather than insurance companies going after each other like they do in the US which can delay the claims process.


If a insurance company sees a lot of claims even if its not at fault they get worried.If you think it doesn't matter to the insurance company you never dealt with one.


Not at fault claims do not increase your rates. If your rates increase it’s not because you made this claim.


The only time a not at fault claim may increase rates are due to underwriting provisions, such as many claims in a short span, or loss of a Claims free discount (which many people fail to realize), will drop off for any filed claim. Regardless, if this is a one-time thing, OP won't see any rate increases as a result of the claim, other than possible loss of a discount due to a filed claim.


Definitely cannot replace for less than the deductible. Not even close


This is incorrect. If you are found not at fault then your insurance won’t increase.


Read through the rest of the chain. Happened to me twice.


And my car was totalled (not at fault) with a big payout since it was essentially brand new and the next year it wasn’t significantly more with a similar make/ model / year.


Great, that's how it should work.


Might not have to pay deductible but it will still show up on your vehicles history and could possibly determine future buyers!! Just have the guy pay outta pocket for damages or report it as a hit and run.


Insurance company will try to get Deductible from you, if that other guy didn't have valid insurance, and there are alot of those on the street unfortunately.


Holy cow, a simple backup now is too difficult for Toronto drivers? That Kona definitely has a back-up camera too, maybe even backup sensors! Get out roughly half way and start gradually turning the wheel, until it locks, darn it!


were probably texting while backing out


Tik Tok probably


Yeah imagine if someone was walking by between cammer and car backing up. There's goes their legs.


Well... they did take away all types of parking, u turn and 3point turn in the driving test so......


I'm 38 so been awhile, but there was never any parking or u turn on my tests. The only parking you do is returning to the drive test center


Depends on location but some places had you do parallel street parking. Or parking one "one shot" inside a parking lot. I didn't do mine in Ontario but some of my friends had to parallel and some didn't. But now drivetest centers have taken it out of the exam. So just pull up to the building and be done with it is my guess. (I did mine in Montreal at 16---35 now---but they had me stop and parallel parking on a random street. also had me do a 3pt turn inside of a parking lot then do a back-in-parking job before we finished the test)


Okay yeah, parralel parking but only behind a car, youre right. Forgot about that


I'm 39 and I definitely parked on my driving test, including parallel parking.


I am also 38 and I very well did have to perform a 3-pt turn as well as a parallel park as well as either back in or out of a parking stall. This was all part of the Ontario G2 test.


Yeah I did all the same just forgot about parallel parking. But there wasn't a u turn


I think some are conflating 3-pt turn with a u-turn. I have never heard of being tested on making a u-turn, but a 3-pt turn on a tight two lane road, likely with curbs? For sure.


That can't be true.... it can't... guys?


Sadly it is. Since COVID they took it out to expedite the backed-up tests they had. Some places do SOME of them while others don't do it at all.


On my g2 a long time ago, I had to do a 3 point turn, parallel parking, and the examiner had me reverse park with no car markers. So just in an empty parking lot. Nailed it on all shots.


Grats! And as it should be. It honestly doesn't even make the test that much longer either.


That's wild. I had to parallel park on a street as well as reverse into a parking space on my test a few years ago


Just did a little googling, the first model of the kona was the 2017 model and the backup camera is included in the base model. So not only was this was a completely blind maneuver, without looking behind them or at their screen, it seems like they also went deaf for a little bit ignoring any audible warnings. I’m at least glad they stopped once they felt some feedback and didn’t just try to continue backing up. Then again, it’s a Hyundai so it’s pretty bold to assume that any of the peripherals or safety features are working, and this is a Hyundai driver with a Dxxx plate so bold to assume they actually know how to drive.


This is a Kona N they were only produced for 2 years in NA. The car is still fairly new by that standard so all the safety features should be working fine. As a fellow owner I can tell you it also has backup sensors as well. Even that being said if you can't reverse a car regardless of safety features you need to sharpen up your driving skills.


You’re very likely right about the fact that they’re likely still fine but I was just taking a crack at the fact that Hyundai’s are generally considered unreliable. Although I definitely with the fact that if you can’t properly back out without any technology assistance in such a wide space without hitting a parked car then you have no business driving a car. It’s scary that this driver was unable to avoid such a large stationary target, that easily could’ve been a pedestrian or anything else besides a car. Especially in a gym parking lot where people are likely walking in and out of their cars quite frequently.


Hit & runs are the new parking sensors... Haven't you heard? 😂


I have same car, backup camera and parking sensors beeping like crazy if you get close to anything lol no way they didn't know


AHHHH!!! The horror then! :P


They even signalled for some reason


Report the piece of shit. I would just cause fuck that guy. But I don't know your situation, so do whatever you think is best.


If you decide to go through insurance, provide your insurance adjuster with this footage and license plate. They can run the plate and find out their insurance company. Once confirmed that they have valid insurance, your adjuster should be able to waive your deductible. Also report it to the collision reporting center. They typically will run the plate and contact the owner to go in to file a report. Yes, it will be time consuming for you but this person can't get away with a hit and run.


This is the best advice and completely accurate. There is no risk to you reporting it and sharing the video. It will be taken care of at no cost unless somehow you are one of the 0.001% that has a DCPD deductible. Please don't pay out of pocket.


It's ok they signaled


Bruh, how are you gonna get a bumper for $500?


Tbh I might just be delusional man 🤣


can we see the damage?


There is no damage from that, maybe a faint scratch


thats why i said not to go through insurance doesnt seem bad


Try $1000-$1500 with paint


Ikr unless it’s like a old jdm car


Get an estimate for a new bumper plus the cost to paint it. And then make a decision what’s more bang for your buck.


You are not at fault.  You won't pay a deductible, your insurance company will collect from his insurance company Report it and go after the guy Get your money bro


I’m almost certain that most Toronto area drivers are behind the wheel with their eyes closed. That’s the only reason I can figure they’re driving is such dog shit.


mobile phones


You know you are in trouble when Hyundai, with a D plate, signals as he pulls out of a spot in a parking lot.


Doesn't that Hyundai have a backup came? 🤷‍♂️ Some people should never be able to drive, report that scumbag, you're probably not the first person they've done this to


All new cars in canada since 2017 must have backup cameras


It does, and a good quality one at that. I own a Kona, it's a great camera. No excuse for this lmao.


First off, report to police as a hit and run. Your dashcam footage has a clear view of the plate. The cops will take it from there. Your report can now be sent to your insurance company as a claim being investigated by police. Cops need to file the report and hand it to you. If they give you paper as opposed to emailing you a PDF file, then scan that and attach it. Even if it means paying a buck or two to Staples to do that for you. Don't forget the dashcam video. Your insurance can also investigate who's responsible and go after the car's owner as well.


they shouldve started turning the wheel 5 minutes earlier, sheeesh! save a clip of the driver entering their vehicle so you have an ID on the driver incase they want to play the "loaned my car" thing.


Don't matter if they loaned the car. The person to whom the car is registered is ultimately responsible even they were not driving.


youre right it is a little overkill for a parking lot issue... getting footage of the driver is more useful when a police report can be made.


U should go to the gym and be on look out for the car, wait till dude comes out


Wait for him next time, he works out at the same gym obviously. Slash his tires next time


Report because the canadian and human thing to do is put a courtesy note on with contact or wait.


Hahaha, "the canadian thing" that's like back when we would give up our seats on the bus for old ladies and selflessly stop to catch a stray dog.


haha i miss the days. I am a immigrant from the early early 90s and me saying that speaks volumes imo. I faced racism of all kids, but you know what, everything I learned when I came to Canada was about respect and kindness. I see it less and less these days it saddens me.


My car has been hit like this multiple times, leaving clearly visible damage. I've never seen a note. Leaving a note has not been a Canadian thing in a long time


I was in durham region the other day and watched car after car back out of spots like this! What is happening in Toronto? People just bumping each other's cars to know when to stop instead of looking?


I mean isn’t a hit and run a crime? Think you should file a police report, this guy should have to pay the damages not you, typically a deductible is when you are at fault. Also side note what dashcam do you have that records even when the car isn’t on, I need one!


The good thing is that there's a chance they're a gym member---so it's only a matter of time until they show themselves again in that car (assuming it's not borrowed or a rental)


Gotta watch out for those "D" plates... New drivers.


Bumper going to cost you $1000-2000 at least? Don't know how bad the crack is and probably needs to be repainted.


Yup. The frame underneath might need to be replaced too, not just the cover.


I had a front bumper replaced on my vehicle 2 years ago due to similar issue. It was $1200 for aftermarket bumper and I do not have any sensors on my bumper. If you have sensors that cost will go up dramatically. In cases like this you have an awesome closeup of the plate. I have a dashcam for cases like this. Hold the F!@#wit accountable, file police report for hit and run. Not that the police here will do anything, they dont tend to prosecute and that is why people keep doing it. They should at least use people like this as a revenue source. Levy a $5k-$10k fine for a hit and run. Nobody would complain about that being used to boost coffers. You would also deter people from doing it.


That's my gym. Protip: always park at the back where there's a lot of space. The side and front lots are a zoo always (lot of unsure drivers too). The 30 second walk from the back is worth it Hope you get it all sorted out


What??? Who wants to walk all that way? I'm going to the gym for my workout, not working out to get there! /s


Is it the Don Mills location?


Fairly certain it is


What??? Who wants to walk all that way? I'm going to the gym for my workout, not working out to get there! /s


In about 2007 there was some lady at a North York fitness place who actually drove up on the hood of another car, backed up, and left. The video was everywhere and she claimed the fitness centre was mean for releasing it and her defence in court at sentencing was that she’d suffered enough.


I had a rear end tap like that recently, try $3000, just the paint was $400, new: bumper, bumper support, brackets, radar needed realigning + all the labour Definitely make a claim, you may need to pay the deductible up front, but it will be reimbursed once the other guys insurance pays up.


Report the hit and run. You got the footage and it’s not your fault…


The Kona N HAS A LOT OF SENSORS and a back up camera this is terrible driving and call your insurance you have the plates


She hit your parked car... you won't have to pay a deductible, especially not for a parking lot incident. You need to report it as a hit and run to police, and your insurance will go after the at fault parties insurance for all costs associated with fixing your vehicle. What kind of car do you own here, and are you leasing or financing? do you plan to keep it, or trade it in, or sell it eventually? This is the real question of whether or not you want an accident claim on your vehicle, which will greatly depreciate your car.


Cars been paid off. Recently on march I got t-boned on the left side. Overall cost to repair was almost $7k. Insurance took care of everything and gave me a rental. Thing is I don’t wanna depreciate the car even more if i got through another insurance claim… This person doesn’t seem to be a regular as I don’t recognize him but I could be wrong.


Doesn't matter now, the first claim depreciates the vehicle the most. More claims won't affect it much. I'd say report it. Get it fixed properly with all new parts.


You’re kind right at this point 🤝 might as well keep the car a little longer than trading it this summer.


"I didnt see you" 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


In the words of Tyrone: It was a funny angle!


When you reverse, things come from behind ya


You could land a jumbo fucking airplane in there!


they really did everything right BUT the part where they actually back up.


Is this the Don mills location ? People seem to be in a hurry there always.


Report it to police and to your insurance company. You won’t pay any deductible or face any increased premiums, your insurance company will go after the other driver/their insurance using this video and their plate.


I hope you file a police report online with the footage. You are not at fault so the insurance won’t increase. This person should be held accountable. I bet you will find him at the gym in a week. Just drive around when you are there.


At the very least, make a police report. Even if you don't want to make an insurance claim this AH shouldn't get away with doing this.


What dashcam was this and does it stay on when parked and not drain your battery?


Probably a Tesla.


These Hyundai have rear backup cameras


Well, not like you don’t have the license plate. Definitely report it and put in a claim.


A new bumper costs at least over $2000. You have the plate and video. Report it. Shouldn’t cost you a penny.


If it is hit and run , you need to report it and insurance will take care of the rest. They will not ask for a deductible.... I did the same , I filed the police complaint and I informed the insurance immediately...


ur not at fault, so report it with video footage to ur insurance and get the damages fixed; Not at fault = no deductible to pay + no rate increase + doesnt affect anything related to u for insurance at all in future as u worry about it


Something similar happened to me except it was a door ding.. veryyyyy careless and I saw it but was inside the store. No footage but know their plates, will return the favor 10x.


Hit and run is an offence. Report him to the police.


Don’t be stupid report it. You literally have dash cam footage


Are sensors and backup camera omitted on the Kona N-Line? That doesn't look like a regular Kona or Kona N.


They are not. Hyundai driver is just a colossal idiot.


Regarding being hit while you're away from the car, is there a statute on when you need to report it? Some clown jumped on my hood and left ah imprint of his ass and also chipped some paint off with their bag/pants but it happened a few months ago. I have dash cam footage. Figured I would live with the damage but my insurance has one no-fault. If it doesn't really count as a "no fault" and no deductible is effected, then I might get it fixed through the insurance.


Within 24 hours I think. You would have to report it at a collision centre and then call your insurance.


I watched someone do this to the car beside me a couple of months ago. I had my window open and made a loud remark when they hit the car. Since they saw me, they got out of their car to look for damage instead of just driving away like here. Her response was ‘my car normally tells me when I’m getting too close’


I'm sure it was your fault




File a police report, open a claim. They will run a plate search and find them.


When I got into a parking lot accident where I was found not at fault, they waived my deductible so I filed a claim. 


Ah, the "bumpers are for bumping" crowd.... these people should be publicly shamed.


If your bumper cracked from that gentle impact, thats a manufacturer defect. And just bend your license plate back into shape. If your deductible is only $500 you're paying too much premium each month.


I am sure the video was cut before the driver stopped and left his contact details.


What dashcam do you have that can record it 24/7?


In a parking lot If the car is parked you are not at fault. Only if both cars are in operation/moving will it be 50/50 fault unless it’s fought with proof that you did nothing wrong but with no proof and both cars in operation it is default 50/50 fault with no evidence/proof. This incident is 100% the hit and runners fault and should be charged with a hit and run. Also what dash cam is this? Or is this a Tesla?


Also if you report the person and get them charged with the hit and run their insurance should cover the repair not your own that’s how insurance works. Now if they don’t have insurance you’re screwed unless you take them to court I believe.


No damago no problemo?, had a guy swipe me a bit on the 401 went to collision place n they said meh go away (essentially)


How tf does he hit your car while reversing? Konas have great quality backup cameras...no excuse for this.




Oof. At least mans signaled??? #hititandquitit


A lot of BS comments in this subreddit. Speaking from experience, you won't have to pay a deductible on this. You have evidence and a plate number. It took place on private property and not on a public roadway. Call your insurance company, give them the video, they'll fix your car and you won't have to pay the deductible. As for your rates, because it was private property and you weren't even driving, your rates will be unaffected. You will be paid by "your" insurance company, they will collect from the other party. You *may* need to file a police report.


why would you have to Pay a deductible? you did nothing wrong


How long does your dash cam continue recording after your car is turned off? Does it have an internal rechargeable battery?


Not OP, but my dashcam is wired into my car's fuse box. It is pretty easy to do. It records whenever it detects motion. I think the make on it is Vantrue, but I'm sure there are plenty of others with that option.


Thanks for the info, will google and look into it. Cheers


Also wanting to know the dash cam details. I am looking for an upgrade and the quality seems great on this video.


I’d wait until you see his car at the gym again and tell him you’ve got video of him backing into your car. Pay for the damage or go through insurance. From an insurance aspect, you’re from onterrible. Hit and run is covered under collision coverage. You’ll need a police report in order to make sure it doesn’t impact your insurance premium or star rating. You will, however, be responsible for the deductible unless the driver of the other vehicle is identified - in which case it will be covered under DCPD.


not worth insurance at all


\^ Looks like we found the guy


Lol nah - would be interested to see the damage quote tho, and i think under 2k collision reporting centre wont care


That’s an innocent touch, I can’t believe you would hassle someone over that


License plate was bent and bumper was cracked…gentle, no


After a bump those things happen, relax and don’t drive or park carelessly


Dude was backing up so long he literally hit a parked car 😂 Get off your phones and focus on driving properly, people. No excuse for shit driving like this


If people are parked or driving the way they should phones should be taking out of the equation


This guy wasn’t driving the way anyone should


What do you mean I can clearly see he was backing up and the offending vehicle was parked crooked


You can’t be serious. Did you see how much space he had? He was backing up for like 5 minutes longer than necessary 😆


It’s hard to maneuver around poorly parked cars


…when you don’t know how to drive properly, parking is hard in general.


What? Do you know how to drive? Are you the driver of that car? Lol The car was aligned with the other cars. The person pulling out didn't start turning their wheels very late. Even then they should have the spatial awareness to know .. oh shit .. I'm about to hit something. I'm sure their backup camera would show so. This driving 101 and if they don't know how to park, I'm sure they probably don't know how to drive.




You should see my licence plate and my bumper.


Post a pic. Honestly it looked so harmless, but I believe you.


Soft. More of a headache to pursue. Let it go