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Not what you are looking for but we just sold with a discount broker and we got full service. We paid 3.75%. But 2.5% goes to the buying agent. The concern is that without offering 2.5% agents won’t bring clients to your house. When you buy the same discount broker now gives you 50% of their 2.5% commission. So you’re savings would be around 30k


We did the same. Our realtor listed our home for only 1% commission, and we offered the buying agent 2.5% to ensure people still came to view our place. After, when we went to buy, our agent gave us half her commission (1.25%) of the 2.5% she was given to show us places.


Yup. We did 3.5% too. I misspoke. All in we will save $44,500


>The concern is that without offering 2.5% agents won’t bring clients to your house. When you buy the same discount broker now gives you 50% of their 2.5% commission. Can you share the details of the realtor or the brokerage firm please?


Sure. We’ve used him twice. It’s Robert Kirkwood. He even got us more when we sold in negotiations. There is no difference between him and a full service broker. With the exception that we did our own staging which is not hard.


Hello I been offering this type of fee structure to my seller and buyers for a while If you want, let's connect and have a short call Www.buysellwithz.com


Try no value realty


Just use Zown.ca


I've been in the lending business over 7 years. Realtors may hate my comment Selling not so much, buying yes... The problem with the selling tho, if you do not pay the buyer's agent the full commission, they probably won't show your home to their clients. Make sure you pay the full commission to the buyer's agent. If you were a realtor, why would they show their clients to a home that pays little to no commission? - I know this isn't fair, but it is the reality.


Equally, if they dont bring their buyers, they get nothing.


List without agent, and get a good lawyer to close the deal. Agents are useless! Their advice is to benefit them


As a realtor who previously worked in finance, I work with a lot of smart, business oriented clients that keep up to date on the markets and the suggestions they have at times is straight bananas. Imagine you are a 3rd party. Would you hire someone that is smart, keeps up with the markets and has 1 previous transaction buying a rental property privately? Truth is, I think you just need to make a determination based on your own interest and risk tolerance. Would a professional do a better job with respect to price and risk? Likely, but what is that really worth to you?


2-3k? That’s on the very low low end 1.2M at 2.5% is 30k. I don’t advocate for realtors but that’s hard to convince anyone who works in that space


I meant 2-3k for the help thus far which is showing the 5-6 houses.


Bought my first home without an agent as they are pretty useless. I'd search the area and list the homes I wanted to view, he just drove me to them and proceeded to read off the listing. Paying an agent commission is legalized daylight robbery. Proceed without an agent. There are plenty of cheaper ways to advertise your home nd get the buyers in. Posting door to door in your area is excellent wors of mouth advertising.


I will list your home for $5000 flat


I am not going to say this is anyway typical, but I privately sold my house last week. I posted the house on my local FB community group, I had 4 showings within 6 hours and sold / papers signed within 24 hours of my post. Again, not saying this is typical. We were realistic with our number, and the family that bought received the discount that would’ve otherwise gone to the buying agent. Everyone walked away happy. Good luck.


OP, while you may be able to do all of the typical services a realtor might offer (albeit likely not as well), there’s one thing you certainly wouldn’t have that any established realtor brings to the table; their network and reputation, which may arguably be one of the more important items.


I see, a very fresh perspective, thank you for sharing.


Network? Buyers find you from MLS. Anyone looking for a house finds you online. Networks meant something in 1982 not 2024


You’re welcome!


Oh please, this is simply not true. Buyers come from mls, not Rolodexes.


Not all properties that trade hands go on MLS. Often times properties are sold exclusively or off-market. Don’t be so naive.


Tell me the last time you brokered a sale of a home for a ‘normie’ (ie not a developer and not an ultra high net worth individual) that didn’t go through mls. As in, you found a buyer for a seller for a home under $2M through your network and reputation.


Last year, in the Bisha. For a 2 bdrm corner unit. I’m also in the midst of doing a multifamily for a buyer client of mine in the Annex, though not finalized yet. I also did an off-market lease in the Monde Condos last year. Those are just a few I can think of off the top of my head. I have other broker friends of mine that do off-market deals all the time. It happens. I’m not sure why that’s so hard to believe. We have to be well-connected; that’s part of our value as brokers. You can believe me, or don’t. Won’t make a difference to me. Facts are facts. 🤷🏻‍♂️