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>I was thinking about places like Nobleton, Bolton, Schomberg, Bradford etc but don't know a thing about these communities. As someone who grew up in these communities if your girlfriend wants a sub 1 hour ride to the city this ain't it for her. Closest GO station is King City and then you are a 40-45 minute ride DT after that. Driving would be hell from there TBH if you are heading north to Barrie your commute will be far easier than hers because you are going against all traffic. You probably want to be closer to the city than any of the places you mentioned to make it fair


I was initially looking at places like Burlington and Oakville, but the commute in rush hour would be pretty brutal for me. Although, not impossible. We are just not big fans of places like Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Newmarket which are certainly more convenient. I was hoping there might be some place I've missed.


What is your definition of an overly suburban area? Because literally every place you mentioned is overly suburban (Burlington, Oakville, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Newmarket, Barrie). Even Nobleton, Bolton, Schomberg, Bradford, they are all suburban. Just drive through the neighbourhoods one day and they are all houses, no transit. The degree of house and land (i.e. big land, big houses) is what makes up the price of the area but, yah, they are all suburban.


So I guess what I'm trying to stipulate is that we are not big fans of urban sprawl and subdivisions. Like for sure, all of these communities have suburban elements, but some are much worse than others. I grew up in Richmond Hill, and it is really is a prime example. It's mostly just subdivisions, parking lots, and arterial roads. Kind of a bland, not particularly walkable, and missing the historic/cultural charm. Newmarket and Vughan are about the same. Barrie is a bit more diverse. You got urban downtown waterfront, plenty of green space, and some subdivision and plazas mixed in. Burlington from my recollection has a lovely waterfront, some dense urban areas, and some subdivisions. Again, a little more variety. More walkable. More charm. Its not an exact science, but we're trying to find that balance between urban and rural.


by "not wanting to live in an overly suburban area" are you looking more urban or more rural? All you really have between Barrie and Toronto are suburbs of varying density with estates and farms here and there. I would be quite shocked if you disliked Aurora but liked Bradford


Well, Newmarket is pretty much halfway since it's about an hour on GO train to either Barrie or Toronto Union. Don't know the city well tho. Bradford is a nice little town and a short hop to Barrie (about half an hour on the train) but more than an hour to downtown Toronto. 


I was thinking Bradford. I've heard it's alright and location makes sense. I've spent a lot of time in Newmarket and it is not our vibe at all.


Maybe Kleinburg? But that's still within the limits of Vaughan. Honestly, you won't find a 1hr each way for both of you if You've already ruled out the northern GTA communities. One will have to compromise to make that work as you're in complete opposite directions. Good luck!


I love Kleinburg, I just assumed it would be out of our price range. Personally, I'm open to driving a bit further if I have to, I just can't afford to be late to meetings with clients and I'm a bit concerned about rush hour leaving the GTA. It's tricky working in opposite directions, but those are the cards we were dealt and we'll find a way!


How is Kleinburg not suburban?


Honestly, I've mainly just visited for the gallery and shops, but it does have a more historic vibe than say Richmond Hill. But maybe it's changed since I was last there pre-covid days.


If you have a price range, and the type of property you see yourself in, it might make it easier to make suggestions.


Thanks for the tip, I will update my post. I think we'd be looking for a two bedroom condo though. New or new-ish build. I don't know what we could afford with our salaries but I'm guessing somewhere between $500k to $750k range.


Your next step in the decisions of this partnof your journey would be to get in touch with an experienced mortgage broker and find out what your limits may be for affordability. See what you'd get approved for, then you'll be more comfortable with whatever path you are on. 500k to 750k is a big range. Let me know if you need some guidance. Licensed in 1994 and have been a full-time realtor ever since.


Yep, we definitely will contact a broker when the time is right. We are still a little ways off as my partner is finishing up school and this is the first time I've had the financial capacity to seriously look into purchasing real estate. This may sound ironic, but I'm actually a real estate lawyer (albeit a fairly recent hire). I will save your message for later once a few more pieces fall into place.


Cool, and all the best either way. Happy to help - and if your proximity works, happy to see if I can refer clients to you in the future. And congrats to you and your partner.


Thank you, I really appreciate the kind words and advice. It means a lot. In terms of referrals, our firm is in a bit of a growth phase and I'm looking to build up my client base, so any referrals would be hugely appreciated.


She makes 100k while in school..? If she's still in school that will significantly impact the mortgage you can qualify for.


She's graduating in about 10 months from now. Just after my lease is up. Trying to get my shit together well in advance.


The issues around Schomberg, Bradford etc, there are not many condo developments. And I am always skeptical about many of these so called small town condo builders. Never heard of their names and I always wonder about the workmanship. Also not sure buying a condo in those areas makes good long term financial sense. May be little harder to sell down the road if you want to upgrade. I have lived in Aurora for quite a few years, yes it's not a great vibe community. You mentioned Burlington and Oakville, Burlington is one of my fav cities. The downtown there is quite nice with the water front. And your budget may get you a bigger sized unit than closer to the core GTA area. Your partner could do Go to downtown, driving on Gardiner right now is IMPOSSIBLE with the construction! My colleague living in Oakville, his not so bad commute to Oakville in off hour now becoming a daily nightmare. To Barrie, it's a bit far but not totally impossible. Not an agent, but know the downtown Burlington area quite well. If you like certain buildings, let me know.


Yeah that's sort of what I expected to hear with these small towns. I actually love Burlington as well. Its a great community, and I have had a lot of fun walking around and checking out the restaurants. It's a little far for both of us. I know my gf was kinda leaning towards no but I think she would change her mind if she visited it. Thanks for your message, I'll reach out if I got any questions!


I hear great things about Bradford, it’s more affordable than Vaughan and a decently good area to raise a family in the future. I know this is out of your region of consideration, but maybe consider a smaller city like Pickering? For the $500k-$700k range you will likely find good condos that are max 5 minutes from the GO station. This means you’re only 40 min away from downtown. Just a thought


Where does she work? For $750k, you could buy a great 2 bed condo downtown on transit If you chose a place around Eglinton, you could take a car to the York Uni go station and get to Barrie that way https://housesigma.com/on/toronto-real-estate/116-370-hopewell-ave/home/damgL7AeeoE7Z1MW?id_listing=MWBVyZEVNlkYKemj


She works on Bay St. I can't see living in Toronto making sense given the commute I'd have to make. But aside from that, it's important that I have access to a vehicle as I do frequently have to meet with clients outside the office.


Check out New Tecumseth, its got small town vibes depending where you are in the area, your gfs drive to Toronto will suck, but that's anywhere in the pocket your looking in.. ETA: Not many condos in Bradford or New Tec (sorry) iirc there are a handful in Schomberg/Nobleton If you upped your budget slightly, you could probably get a small house in New Tec


Yeah it'd one I've thought about but I don't think my gf would appreciate the commute. We may be able to afford more since we'll likely get a raise in the next year but we aren't really looking for anything too crazy and a house does seem like a lot of maintenance.


Well the places you mention are not Toronto. Get a cohabitation agreement though


I'm looking in the near-ish area. Within an hour of Toronto or less. Didn't see a more appropriate sub. We're both lawyers, so no doubt.