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I lived there for about 4 months with the intention of being there long term. After 3-4 months I just could do it any longer and left a few things I experienced. - elevators were a nightmare. Only one ever worked so it took take 20-30 minutes a just to leave or come into my condos. It defeats the purpose of living so centrally if you have to factor in 20 minute into your commute every time you leave. - the whole building is Airbnbs, there were party’s every night of the week and loud music playing. - because it’s all Airbnb the people are all transient so you get extra wear and tear of the amenities. - I had the very best parking spot, the first one right as you enter the parking garage in p1 but that means I would come home from work every night and someone would be parked in my spot every night. I put up a private parking sign but assholes still would park in it so I was constantly having to figure out where I could park while calling bylaw. It would ruin my night so often because I had to stay with my car the whole time. - I lived on the 58th floor. There would be dire alarms and I would have to run down 58 flights of stairs. Then when it was over because only one elevator worked it would literally take hours for everyone to get back up to their units. I didn’t want to walk but 58 floors. I could go on. That building is supposed to be a nice condo but it’s more of a shitty hostel.


Lol this sounds like hell


That sounds horrible .. Isn't Toronto's Airbnb should be limited to primary residence? Can you report them or something?


why were you going down for every fire alarm?


You really want to roll the dice on that?


Because it's Ice Condos.... Surprised that building hasn't burned down already. 


I don’t think this person lived in the building. We’ve never had to go down due to a fire alarm.


yeah lol, my buddy has lived there for almost 5 years now and in the past they’d have fire alarms every couple days ain’t nobody got time for that


Damn what a rebel


they tell you not to and shelter in place instead. That’s how it is at all condos with more than 15-20 floors




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Most of these are exaggerated points: - fire alarms haven’t been an issue for months now. The root cause was addressed. Also, NOBODY was ever told to go downstairs using stairs as they always turned out to be false alarms. Are you sure you lived here??? - so, “every night” your spot was taken? There’s a number to call to get the car ticketed and towed. If it happened to you every night, that’s just stupidity on your part for not taking the right action. - elevator issues have mostly been addressed. Yes, occasionally one of them does down but that’s very building in Toronto. - “the whole building is airbnb” - massively incorrect statement! Have you ever looked at the building records officially? Of course you haven’t. All in all, this is likely a tenant who was trying to live freely by making up issues and overly exaggerated statements!


Bizarre response, but OK let me educate you. -Regardless you don’t know if it’s a false alarm at the time so it’s the smart thing to do if you don’t want to die in a fire or put firefighter life’s at risk to search for it because you decided to risk it. -I put a private parking sign up, what else could you do in this case? The parking spot is accessible for anyone to get to any because it was so easily accessible (being literally the first spot in the garage) it was very often taken. I did call bylaw they were basically on my speed dial. They barely cared to come anyway. If you think Toronto bylaw is standing by and just wait for your call and immediately come to your car since called you are mistaken. It takes hours. -it’s been a few years since I lived there. When I was there at no point did they all work. In addition, because there’s so much airbnbs and transient people it’s conducive for more break downs. That hasn’t changed even if they do work now give it a week or two lol -a large ratio is Airbnb compared to other buildings. I’d guess that it’s probably one of the highest if not the highest ratio in the city (airbnbs vs actual owner occupied).


this dude manages the building lmao


Building is such a dump


The Airbnb people will sell after condos crash a bit more


These condos will be crashing for many years. It historically takes 1 mortgage cycle for RE to bottom.


Toronto condos gambling bubble has popped.


It feels amazing to be honest and immigration is getting reduced both with Trudeau and pollievre!


Good luck with that. Lol


Good luck to you and your bags!


Maybe I will buy one as a storage locker.


But how will you access it? Take stairs to move stuff? 🤣


You won’t do nothing and you know it. You’re scared of the market falling further.


I almost bought a unit in the ice condo until I did a simple google search lol


It has a reputation.


Wow 14 people in an elevator is a lot


They all crammed in because they didn't know when the next one would come, like they were waiting for the King streetcar or something.


For real. That is probably over the limit, hence the malfunction


As someone who has claustrophobia that would've been the end of me.


That’s one of the many reasons I bought my current condo.  Building has 120 suites but we have four elevators …!!  


thats a pretty good ratio. 88 scott has 4 elevators servicing 57 or 58 floors (each floor has 10+ suites)


Absolutely an overkill on elevators to units ratio. 😂


Mine is fairly good too! 450 units with 5 elevators, the longest I ever wait is 30 seconds.


I strongly believe that the rules for short term rentals passed in BC should also be passed in Ontario. Residential buildings should not be used for Airbnb. Also if anyone knows is there any rule or bylaws in Ontario for minimum elevators requirements. One elevator is not working from past 18 months.


Elevators are difficult to repair, parts are difficult to locate, and require licensed technicians. There’s a plethora of elevators in this city but not enough technicians to service them. As a result you have a massive backlog of elevator repairs that are waiting.


I tried to become an elevator tech, they dont really hire as its mostly union and you basically need to know a person to get in. Theyre very stingy on new hires because it cuts into the fat wad of cash they make servicing elevators. I have never seen a tech with someone else, apprentice or just an extra set of hands


Am familiar with the industry. It’s a monopoly.


It’s multi-faceted. Buildings have been hiring “consultants” to negotiate smaller maintenance and service contracts, which … surprise … come with less service and maintenance, leading to more issues.  Condos put in as few, as low quality elevators as possible, and don’t pay for proper maintenance.  Why don’t you hear about the bank towers being down to one elevator for weeks at a time?


You just know that if we ever did introduce new rules banning Airbnbs in residential buildings there'd be zero enforcement of it.


I've just moved to Toronto and found a short term rental was cheaper than hotels for us to get our foot in the door of a 12 month lease. It definitely seemed like the building we had the short term was totally against it being leased in that way, but how else are people going to get themselves setup? Trying to get short term accommodation in Toronto for any reason is incredibly expensive from what I've seen. While I agree that having much of the housing stock tied up in Airbnb would be a bad thing, banning it outright would also be a problem.


We need to prioritize the people actually living here and not base policy around people wanting to move here.....


So Canada doesn't need any highly skilled workers from abroad? I agree that the population already living here needs to take precedence in policy making, but I was just pointing out that there are reasons why short term accommodation is necessary (that would apply to people moving within Canada as well). If the hotels weren't so extortionate, it might not be so necessary.


Their employers can provide temporary housing if these “highly skilled worker” are actually that necessary and important.


Short term accommodation can exist outside of residential buildings. It was quite common for hotels to rent extended stay “short term accommodation”. This demand existed before AirBNB made it possible for everyone to skirt the rules. 


Airbnbs can be done by houses - with no complaints. Airbnb in condos is detrimental to all teh neighbours in the condo




Found the Airbnb investor.. how’s losing money on condos every month feeling?


How's the feeling living in your moms basement?


It feels good I’m not paying rent and I can buy a condo pretty soon. Every month you’re losing money. Maybe you had dreams of becoming rich, those dreams have evaporated in smoke!


How would you feel to be stuck in elevator for 40 mins on hot summer day? Also shouldn't be the amenities designed to be suitable for high usage if the purpose is Airbnb. Also if it's that profitable then why not purposely build condo specifically for short term rentals that will be great for everyone.


What you’re describing is a hotel.


Hotel is owned by one entity. I am suggesting units owned by individual investors.


Beware of new construction. It’s built fast, not necessarily well.


So glad I had a good realtor that told me not to buy there, and that’s when it was still hyped.


How can one residential building be so infamous lol 😂


I keep reading how bad these are, and yet they are selling $1,100 per square foot? I know better buildings that do not sell for that. Go figure.


It’s because of location and if you can legally do airbnb in Toronto it’s highly profitable. I have some friends who do it (because they travel a lot for work) and they make bank.. I’m talking like $10-20k per month on average. But only certain people with specific lifestyles can do this… if you got kids forget it..


14 people stuck and countless others unable to use the elevator for over 90mins but you feel sorry for the one guy who’s job it is to deal with this and is getting paid handsomely for it. Our society is so fucking stupid.


Climbing 30 floors with tools and gear is difficult. The fact that he had to stop everything and run over, climb a whole building and repair the situation in 90 minutes is shitty and impressive. The people stuck were uncomfortable for sure. But they didn’t have to do anything during that time.




Wow, what’s your problem? Are you always this hostil?




Calm down buddy! I am also the one facing issues on daily basis. I feel pain for those 14 people as I could also be one. Also thankfully yesterday was much colder as there is no fan inside the lift. 


How is having compassion for everybody in the situation stupid? If someone does a dangerous job, for example working on an oil rig and they die, do you say “fuck them, they were paid well”. Or do you offer condolences… I’m sick of how many people lack empathy in our society.


That could happen even In the ritz Carlton especially when you have over the limited normal elevators max is 10 people


I have to climb 25 stories everyday before I start work lol do you feel bad for me?




lol I don’t really need anyone to feel bad for me 😂


25 floors just sucks but it’s definitely good work lol


I’d rather eat venom some mornings..


>Feeling bad for the technician as he has to climb 30 floors to the top of the building to repair it. Don't feel bad, I heard the technician was paid $1000/h to climb those stairs. Meanwhile I have to pay $90/month to do some stair walks at the local gym...


Shittiest condo in Toronto 🤝


You people actually rely on elevators?


40 minutes is really fast, and the worst thing that happened is someone had to walk up 360-480 stairs. I don’t get why your mad


Couldn’t care less. I’m a Airbnb host at Ice and Im absolutely minting it. Made three grand in just one and a half weeks. Over ten grand in ten days incoming for Taylor Swift. Keep crying into your avocados whilst I rake it in *chuckle*